Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1917, p. 15

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| bars of machines and pull carriages Nearly one third of Germany's back at the end of each line. * more than 800 music schools are in! The Peruvian government will Dreadful Pains All The Time Until He Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES", es Verona, Cut., Nov. 11th,, 1915, "I suffered for a number of years with Rheumatism and seveve Pairs in | Side and Back, from strains and heavy lifting, When I had given up hope of ever being well again, a friend recommended ""Fruit-a-tives " to me and after using the first box I felt 50 mrich better that I continued to take them, and now I am enjoying the best of heath, thanks | to your remedy 7. W. M. LAMPSON. If you~ who are reading this -- have any 'Kidney or Bladder Trouble, or | suffer with Rheumatism or Pain In The Back or Stomaeh Trouble--give "I ruit- a-tives" a fair trial. This wonderful fruit medicine will do you a world of good, as it cures when everything else fails 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, frial size, At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ns -- <OCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. Vrnlua with lenve and arrive aug Oty Depot. foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST Lve. Cit Arr. CI No 1y Mail 2 > 12.57 oh 13 E 3.35am 7.12 p.m 212pm . m. 85.40 p.m Lve. Cit Arr. Cit No. 18 Mall 1.40 a > 2.17 Sa No. 18 Express 268am 33% am No 6 Mail ., 1220 p.m. 12.52 pm No. 14 Intern Ltd 1.08pm 1.38 p.m Nu. 28 Local m 22 p. 3 6.48 p Nos 1, 6 7, 13, 14, 16,05, 19 run dally fier temins daliy except Sunday, 'rect route te Toronto, Paterboro tilton Buffalo, London, Detroit hicagn Bay Chy, Saginaw, Montreal tiwa, Quebee, Portland, St. John , Boston and New York Pullmgn Accommodation, "Tie «nd all other Information, apply J. P. HANLEY, AGENT Cor Johnson and Oatarfo Yee. 5 Ont, . OUEAN STEAM. SHIP LINES, fen Tiny and Night Kingston, SUNNY Telephone CANABIAN SERVICE, LONDON to HALIFAX HALIFAX to LONDON tVia 'ymouth) (Unlling Fulmouth to land passengers) For particulars of =allings'and rates, apply js Lucas ARents or to The Kovery Ei d Cu, Limlied, Jeneral Agents, 50 King Street Kast, Toronto DONTWEAR A TRUSS! » After Thirty Years' Experience I Have Produced An Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture, 1 Send It on Trial, If you have tried most everything ® come to me, Where others fail is where 1 have my greatest success Hend Attached coupon today and I will send! The above in C. KE. Brooks, inventor of the Applinnce, who cured himself and who is now giving others the bene. fit of his experience. If ruptured write him today at Marshall, 'Mich, you free my {llustrated book on Rup- ture. and its cure, showing my AppH- ance and giving vou prices and names 5 ie} » wireless st s that inform vessels | ons = Weer "OTF borenoe | | > on tinle in typewriting an in- ventor has patented pedal operated. attachme to operate the space wage war upon malaria by treating protecting residents of mal- destroying germ ecarry- Jerlin, A new coffee strainer 'can be fast- ened inside any pot by wires insertel patients, arial regions in the spout ing insects and . draining swamp Great Britain and Ireland togeth- lands er consume about 30,000,000 rabbits For educational motion picture shows and cocking demonstrations ¢ not available the for food ann For motori wiio smoke a new where electricity electric torel equipped with a ¢ gar' Louisiana State unl y has equip- lighter on one gide ped an automobile v 1 4 generator. To give warning of the presence of dangerous gases in mines a Ger-| man scientist has inventad a whistle A' foct power can opener for res- om the principle of the safety lamp taurants cuts the entire top from a that is blown when the gases enter can as a pedal is prossed it. + Germany's 4,200 plants make elec-| A tric power available for about three two wheels on the 12ft gide and one fourths of its population. on the right, so arranged that he If the oceans should rise one claims no two of-them wll strike ob- | twenty-sixth of their depth thay structions on -a road at the same would flood ons half of the land. | time. A lock controlled by electro-mag- A method of Swedish Invention for nets that can be operated from is- utilizing peat for fuel pulverizaz it tant points is a French invention 'and blows the powder into a furnace | A tubular electric flashlight with an air blast, combustion taking place while it is in suspension, Government experts estimate that A new electric power station in the of the 26,000,000 horsepower which Siamese city of Bangkok will use the it is possible to develop hldro-elec- refuse from rice milling for fuel. trically in the United States, 19,008,- More than 10,000 persons are 2m- ployed in Amsterdam's diamond ~ut- ting and polishing industry. A Texag inventor's automobile has that | can be mounted on any revelor has been [patented by a Philadelphian. A curved framework of wire loops 000 horsepower lies west of the has been invented to enable a player Rockies. : | to hold a hand of cards conveniently. | By using two slightly separated lenses and passing a current of air between them a French scient st has | succeeded in freeing the high-power | light of motion-picture projectors | | Couplings for fire hose that are from heat, i tightly locked by a quarter turn have' A cane from wnicn awn.monia or been Invented by a Massachusetts any other desired liquid can be eject- ! man, 5 ed by pressing a bulb in the handle | Geologists have estimated that one has been 'designed to enable a man deposit of soda in British East Africa to protect himself against highway- contains mere than 200,000,000 tons. men or animals. A fly swatter that resembles a pis- French hospital attendants have tol and is operated by a trigger has succeeded in impregnating rubber been patented by its Michigan inven- gloves with the salts of certain met- tor. als and making them impervious to i An Englishman is the inventor of X-rays for the protection of persons a hydraulic brakas for automobiles using the rays, that acts upon all four wheels of a Of two recently patented shoes for car at once. supporting the arches of the feet bf By turning the shade of a new their wearers, one has a bracket ex- electric fixture four degrees of illum- tending forward from the heal and ination can be obtained or the light the other a projection from the extinguished, | shank to the ground. European scientists are tryng to A German inventor's electric pump determine and establish an inter-! for many uses is mounted on a push- national standard of strength and cart, takes current from any conven- purity for radium. ient source and throws the water it An inventor has brought out a tent | lifts from streams and wells to a con- with a frame so shaped that it can siderable height, . be used as a garage with very little} ---- waste of room, | An Englishman has invented a ma- chine which splits the most knotty | and crooked remnants of wood into evenly sized kindling, Thirty Centuries Ago, A machin@®tas been invented by a | The Egyptian gentleman who New York man to scrub ceilings and | sought a runaway slave 3000 years catch the water that falls so that it| ago and advertised on a bit of papy- will not wet floors. | rus for his recovery turned out the A mowing machine to be attachad | first piece of advertising copy. to the stern of a launch to clear | Whoever he was, he was a genius waterways of vegetable matter is the | in more than a small way. His copy invention of a Frenchman. still lives, prégerved in the British The world's consumption of tea museum gs an exhibit of considerable Some German peat, when, dried contains 45 per cont, of carbcn and | has nearly half the heating value of | coal. FIRST ADVERTISING It Was Done in ypt, on Papyrus, has tripled in tha lagt 30 years aaa the production in the 1915-16 season broke all former records. About 1,500,000 horsepower is h- lieved to be available from the about ona fourth now is utilized. sliding penholder equipped with a points sleeve for ejecting worn-out without soiling the fingers. Experiments with a new bacterizal neat fertilizer in England have re- stored, apparently, better than normal condition, An, additional step for automobiles Fdriver's seat by a lever, A Swedish patent has beeh issued is as useful to civil engineers aad] surveyors -as military men, In a Detroit inventor's waiterless cafe, meals will be served by indi- vidual dumb-waiter"s directly from a basement kitchen to each table. | The government of Ecuador is es-| tablishing a weather service in con- nection with its agricultural school | that eventually will have 31 stations. | Apparatus that enables one sur-| geon to perform the operation of | blood transfusion without assist-| ance has been invented by a New York doctor. " An Englishman hag perfected a belt-driven automobile, changes of! speed being effected by moving the, belt from one set of pulleys to an- | other. { The United States army owns a patent for wireless equipment for aeroplanes that weighs but seven pounds and will transmit messages sevan miles, i Government wireless stations have | been planned for Indo-China that wiil | be powerful enough to communicate with points mere than 3,000 mils away. An eight-hour clock is the inven. tion of a Californian, letters on the dial that change indicating the three parts into which he would divide a day. A London institution for the blind has been provided with a mglticycle that can be ridden by twelve men, only one of whom needs to have his sight to steer it, 'The climate of tropical countries affects internal combustion enginesd i of many paople who have tried it and were cured It gives instant relief so that they produce only from 80 to streams of Germany, of which only A woman is the inventor of a now | dying plants to!' thay swings under the running board | wien not needed is operated from the | for a short-distance range finder that! | cial standing and the age of the resi- when all others fail. Remember, I use| 85 per cent. of the power they yield archaeological importance and as an. example of what our advertising ex- | perts of today would do if they. like the Egyptian, did not have the bene- fit of up to date information. The Egyptian knew nothing about | the topography of advertising nor the effect of different colors. He didn't i know, for instance, that red is the | most effective eye catching color and | that green is second and black third Of these and a thousand other things that influence the character of present day advertisements he was | totally in ignorance, But he gets full. credit for making the first at- tempt at a written advertisement. The Greeks, with a fine regard for tart, usually made music a part of the advertising program. They gave us the idea of employing bands to at- tract attention, undoubtedly one of the most successful methods of draw- ; ing a crowd at any place and time, At first a town crier, accompani>d by a musician playing a lyre or a harp, mingled among the Greek pgo- ples and used only the best and choicest Greek in his extravagant praises of the product he was ex- ploiting. Liter, however, private advertisements in writing began to be introduced, particularly on the whitened wallg of the homes, giving some infcrmation regarding the so- dents, .their finanial rating and the family lineage. The Romans advertised in many ways. They named their streets, ad- vertised shows, exhibitions and sales on the terra cotta walls of public baths, acquainted the public with sales of estates and absconded, deb- tors and began the pr'ictice of not- ifying the Romans of articles lost and found and houses for sale or rent. The Romans are commonly eredi'- ed with the origin of the sign board. Today we have the bulletin board, which cerresponds to the Reman tabella found in the ruins of Pompeil and Herculaneum, wheres public an- nouncements were made, Advertising met the same fate as the Romans did when the Huns came sweeping down from the north, Un- til the middle ages very little of it is seen. But with the appearance again of the town crier, supplied with the customary long winded declara- tions and a choice supply of adjec- tives advertising began to make it- self felt in the comduet of business No salves, no harness, no lies 1 send on trial to prove what I say is true. You are the judge, and oncei having seen ot Hlustraged book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as my hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free cou- pon below and mail today. It's well | worth your time whether you try my Appliance or not. yt | in temperate zones. affairs. The public ecriers began to An internal combustion engine 0T&anize themselves both in France with an axially revolving cylinder | 2nd in England, and they were per- that constitutes its own valves, re-| 500s with considerable prestige. ~ versing gear and water pump has| From crying out the superior qual- been invented by an Englishman. : The back of a recently patented o a ; : to make announcement of things lost envelope is marked with spaces to be | Catarrh Cannot be Cured ana found, of sates, weddings, ehris. " FREE INFORMATION COUPON Mr, oe Brooks, (gum with his A State St. Marshall, Mich, Please send me by madl in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appli- 1 to seal it so that its user | oo LOCA " will not collect germs by wetting the! SD Fed TON tongue. 1 Qatarrh Be local diseade, The Bolivian congress has passed Jngnced bv constituti a bill, which the president has ap- om internal remedy. a! proved, providing for the conserva- te is Qaken interns y THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1017. ities of merchandise and all kinds of a tenings and other interesting events, ease. nstitutional gan to use distinctive signs and sym- hey oi ou Tondinon. bols to mark their hostelries, just as Irs Catarth individuals had employed coats of a0ty arms. All kinds of devicss were used > PAGE TWENTY-THREE "Be a Sinew in the Colossus of Production" A call to that we may Ontario's farms stand in dire need of labor at this seeding time. Results of investigations by the Ontario Department of Agriculture show it. There is about one man per hundred acres left on the farms--not enough ! Unless labor is forth- coming in thousands--men and hoys--the farmer cannot now sow gven a normal harvest, much less the increase the Motherland expects Ontario to produce. This labor must come from the cities, towns .and-¥illages. 7° cap The world's available reserves of grain are Sow gone. We are living literally from hand to mouth. Therefore--this call urges upon all Boards of Trade, Chambers of Commerce, Patriotic Socie- ties, urban and rural Mayors, Aldermen, Coun- cillors, Reeves, retired farmers and others to hold local meetings at the earliest possible moment and determine upon the best ways and means of meeting this great emergency in their locality. The Central Committee is at your service and will co-operate with suggestions, etc. oi. Chairman--His Homor Sir Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. William Hearst, N. W. Rowell, Esq., K.C., M.L.A. Secretary--Albert H. Abbott, Esq., Ph.D. John Hendrie, Prime Minister ; ~ a] lets wero printed and distributed. Printing gradually began to super- sede 'the hand written manuscript. William Caxton set up his press in Westminster abey in 1471, and two centuries later, in 1622, a newspaper, was printed. It was ecalied the Weekly News and purported to con- tain news of doings: in Germany, France, Hungary and Bohemia. and wares the crier soon began as time went on inns be- ance for the cure af rupture. ' through th cous Su * : tion of that country's resources of Dreash the pls Hal's #4 and are still used by inns to the pre- From then on newspapers, mostly Names oii. dead +i.++s |i coal, petroleum and sulpiar; Sure Was prescribed by one of the fi Sent day. All such signs as the blue | weekly publications began to appear Addreds ....oiii... ea The legs of a new hobby Spee Are |B compased of core at the Bercars. ilanchor, the black dragon, the 'three | from time to time in increasing num- City State 3 Sopwate ruchers dn ut Known, combined with same of the|luns, the boar's head, the red lion fbors. Advertisements of medicine IER hive. whee as Blade... uis #0 . ers. Th com 0 - Fh . 3 best i puna ' in Hams] 20d so on, made definite représenta- | began to be inserted in the news ninety-one years of age. was fatally burned while atiempting 1¢ light a gas stove. - « | a rider can make it travel over a foor Miss Mary Bovle, of Hamilton, | and guide its movements. . government has - Sa St fy YL re 7 To overcome the difficulties of nav-| Hons. ai > Send testimonia 1 ¥ W's tions and implications. , aK uch Of course with the development of on Et : igation in tire Kava sea the Russian |P. J. pd She Tana Taimin, if Ihe REISHDE Boats R4vertising took a papers 'at an early date. The Inser- tion of the first real newspaper ad- vertisements, however, is credited to Nathmuiei PBotler, whe advertised Posters came Organization of Resources Committee Parliament Buildings, Toronto the wastage pace has been going up and down the lines, and one can see the result in the relegation of elder- ly men to work hehind the lines. Young Canada will face the foe on tof the Canadian Press. this part of the front in this year's Canadian . Army Headquarters, | operations, and young Canada must March 30.--Officers out of the pay the price. trenches who are in a position to Some battalions doing their first Judge of actual conditions here, [turn in the trenches may have in strongly deprecate what they epeak'|their ranks a certain number of men of as the undue optimism recently {ranging up toward forty, but they do voiced in some Canadian journals|net iast, and from the point of view and by public men. The only pos-|of physical power they are mot a sible result of . this optimism, they good investment. point out, Is to make the people at home Phink the war is won and tha! The Murray Covernment there'is no need for more men than |servative) Officers Warn of Undue Optimism in Dominion. - By Siiart Lyon, Special Corresponed- (Con- are now in France and England month and four days after its de- The truth ia that during the period Iteat in the election, yielded up (he of relative inactivity on this front! seats of office. : in New Brunswick, a' pia a RAH

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