Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1917, p. 2

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# PAGE SIX : WHY YOU SHOULD STORE YOUR FURS WITH US They are insured for the full amount you value them at, AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE AGAINST LOSS BY MOTH, AGAINST LOSS BY THEFT. The FURS are Electrically cleaned by expert FURRIERS. : The FURS are hung on' individual hangers. We make a report to you on their ar- rival, of condition and what attention they need, if any. We give you a detailed Insur- ance Storage Receipt. WHITE FURS DRY CLEANED BY THE LATEST FRENCH METHOD. If you wish repairs or alterations, we do this through the summer. This insures you against delay or waiting next Fall, when you require them. Telephone 489 or drop us a post card, our Fur Van will call, a receipt will be mail- ed to you. No more bother or worry on your part. You don't even have to think of them until you call up 489 next winter when they will be delivered to you, fresh and ready to wear. The Storage charge is 3% on your valuation. Isn't it worth it? JOHN McKAY Limited 149-157 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. - Achievement Through Glasses. Underwood Typewriters New or Rebuilt Rented and Repaired. Corona Portable, Folding, 814 Ibs. Rib- bons and Carbon Papers, Ex«President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see as much as other; boys, He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our specs ialist's advice. Consultation free, 15 Asselstine DOS J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street. tometrist. 842 King Street THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. At the $400 CASH : Golden Lion Grocery THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 381, 1917. ~ \ A cordial invitation to all. First Baptist Church, corner of Johnson and Sydenham streets--Rey. vices. 11 a.m., "The Master's Mem- orial"; 7 p.m., "Christ's Musts."" Bible school and Bible classes at 2.45 p.m Students, strangers and sol- diers cordially invited to all the ser- vices LB.S.A. Class meets for RBible study in I.B.S.A. Hall (entrance over drug store,- Montreal Sunday, 3 p.m. topic, Taternacle Shadows, 'Contents of the Ark"; 30 p.m topic, "The Great Pyramids' Tsstimony Con- cerning the Plan of the Ages" con- Jtinued. All Bible students wel- ome. Sargent's street) First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets, Sunday school 9.45 a.m,; service, 11 a.m., subject, "Reality". Wednesday evening tes- timenial meeting. Public reading room same address, open every after- noon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially invited to the ser- vices ahd the reading room. St. James' Church, corner Union and Arch streets. All seats free. Rev. T. W. Savary, B:A., rector, the Rectory, 152 Barrie street, Sunday next before Easter. 11 a.m., Holy Communion and sermon; sermon subject, "The Example of Righteous- ness'; 3 p.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m., evening prayer and sermon; sermon subject, "The Duty of Honor." St. Andrew's Church--Rev. J. W. Stephen, minister. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p.m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be cele- brated at the morning service. minister will preach at both vices, Strangers, students and diers cordially invited to all Services. ser- sol- the ' Church, Barrie and Rev, M. Macgillivray D.D,, - minister. Services, 11 a.m. "Steadfast and Onward"; 7 pm. "The Suffering of the World and the Moral 'Order'; Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p.m.; in the school; prayer meeting, Wed- nesday,-7.30 p.m. Students, strang ers and members of the force made welcome at all services, Chalmer Earl streets- Campbell; 7 p.m., the pastor; music| by soloists and full choir; elass meet-| ing, 9.45 a.m.; Junior League, 10} a.m.; Bible school and Wesleyan Club, 2.45 p.u.; Senior League, Monday, 8 p.m.; prayer and service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Soldiers | and students specially invited. A cordial welcome to all, St. Luke's Church, .corner Princess and Nelson streets. Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, M.A., B.D., rec-| n tor, 311 Alfred street. Phone 871.] 3 And $25 Per Month Palm Sunday. 11 a.m. morning | A Will Secure a po Cl prayer and Holy Communion; 8 p.m,, | : : Sunday school and Bible study class; 3 New Brick Residence ancy over 4 p.m., churching and holy baptism; 7 rooms, hot water heating, ~ HONEY electricity, gas, hardwood floors. Albert street, near Vic. torla Park. In.one pound sections, 25 cents each. 1 rssh © ornia Prunes: nice and ; . ICY Jos ona 12%¢, 15¢. Ib. 3 Price $3250. Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c. 3 | Evapor Apricots ... ... 15¢c Ib. {Sweet Cider ... .., ... 40c gal . - | McCann, . Real Estate, Eb 82 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621 W. RMcRea & Co. ~ Novelty Curtains 1 We have made special efforts this season to have the new k est and most attractive designs and better values than ever. ea $1.50 to $5.00 pair. Utility boxes covered in pretty shades of denim, $4.50 cach. Bissel Carpet Sweepers, $3.00, 7 p.m, evening prayer; soloist, D. Couper. The Right Reverend special preacher at the evening ser- vice. Seats free. Strangers and visitors cordially Wivited to attend. Rev. J. D. Ellis, pastor. Experi-| ence meeting, 10 a.m.; preaching ser-| vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school, Adult Bible class and Young] Men's Club, 2.456 p.m. The pastor | will' preach at both services. A. m.| topic, "The Coming of the King";| p.m. topic, "An Empty Place at a Royal Banquet." Dean Coleman willl address the Young Men's Club on] "What Men Live By." Seats free.| Everybody welcome. Brock Street Methodist Church, corner Brock and Montreal streets-- | Rev. Geo. 8S. Glendinnen, pastor; | residence, 242 Johnson street. The! pastor will preach at 11 a.m. and 7| p. m. Morning theme, "Self Fumi evening theme, "Life's Mixture of Good and Evil." Sunday school and | Bible classes, 3 p.m.; song service in| Military Y. M. C. A, 8.30 p.m.; Ep-| worth League, Monday, 8 p.m.; prayer service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Al cordial welcome to students, soldiers | and visitors. Cooke's Presbyterian Church-- Minister, Rev. E. R. McLean, M. Al 372 Brock street. 11 a.m., Rev. Dr. L. T. Chambers. 11 a.m., Beginners' and Primary School; 3 p.m., main school and Bible classes; 7 p.m., the minister will preach, subject, "The Right to Property"'~--the Eighth Com- mandment. Monday, 8 p.m., Young People's Society; Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting; Friday, Presbyterial union meeting in St. Andrew's church afternoon and evening. Strangers cordially invited to all the services. Calvary Congregational Church, corner of Bagot and Charles streets -=11 a.m., speaker, Miss R. Turner, India. Communion will be observed at close of service. 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible class; 7 p.m., "The Salvation of a Royal Sinner." The pastor will preach. Monday, 7.30 p. m., Christian - Endeavor and Red Cross work. Wednesday, 8 pm. prayer meeting and choir practice ~ R. McFaul, -- Py Rev Courcy Rayner or, Rev. T go 1 . residence, 220 Johnson i By Ser- vices, 7 p.m.; Sunday school and Bible classes, 3 pm.; 11 a.m, unit-i}i The! missionary day! . Paul's Church--Morning pray- er, 11 ) k Prea . Rev Canon FitzGerald, M.A. - Sunday schoo 3 p.m Evening prayer, 7 o'clock 1 3 Canon Flitz Ger i, M.A Princess Street Methodist Church, cor of Princess and Albert streets Re H. E. Curry, pastor. Services 11 am. and 7 pm Rev. E. Codling, Elginburg, will preach at both ser- vice Sunday school, 2.45 p.m.; Ep- worth League, Monday," § pm., prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m Douglas Laing, pastor, at both ser- daily, cept CHURCH SERVICES Sacrament ervice in , when the pastor ed chur 3 Bethel | will prtaech| 1 21 MAGAZINES an on "The Unfulfilied Propheey © of Palm Sunday.' This is of supreme | Importance; let rally to hear the| message 7 pa in First Church,| the pastor's topic beng: "The Chal- lenge of Palm Sunday." A message! ' for to-day. Be sure to hear it. Chureh, the chu; Bethel Johnson and Barrie Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner; 220 Johnson street. Services, m. and 7 p.m.; school at 3 p.m. streets a.m., First church joins with us in} waen the| a united sacrament service, pastor will preach on "The Unfalfill-| ed Phophecy of Palm Sunday." This| BOOK SALE is of supreme importancy; let us all| rally to hear this message. 7 p.m.,| 39¢. First | with a welcome, Congregational Church, Pastor, ¢ residence, | 11 a. 1 MUSIC Al Gi EASTER 19 CARDS 1 Mr. Medderburn, of Queen's Univers- ity. 7 a.m. Friday, a C. E. er meeting. St. George's Cathedral--\Very Rev. | dean rand! Fy C. G. L. Starr. M.A, D.D,, rector (overseas); Rev. A, Whaley, M.A., B.D.. priest-vicg Bagot street, phone 1444; Boyle, M.A., assistant, ten street, phone 1904. day. m., Rev. choral communion, Cecil Whalley; schopl and Bible classes; holy' baptism; 7 pm, preachers Réyv. V Boyle; m., St. George's Hall m., celebration of holy except Good Friday; Caurch Mission of Help daily, Good Friday Good 12-3 p.m., "The Seven Words," 0 Bishop of Kingston; 7.30 p.m., lant- ern service, "The Story of the Cross." Rev, /Cecil Whalley. SUMMER CARNIVAL Gananoque Journal | tween Brockville and Kingston | should be interested in a scheme | which H. Dempster outlines in the | nal. ticles with Values IN YEAR 1921 Devotes Almost Complete Issue to Gigantic Scheme. The residents of every place be- | such Would Great chants Would Boom.' 1 Sydenham Street Methodist Church | Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor. 11 a.m., the pastor and Major George 1 ¢ I lowing Under the heading, "To the People | of Gananoque in Particular," the fol-! low printed: | 'Would you like to see Gananoque | with questions are " 2,000 residents? Would ike to see Gananoque with ife? levelopment, that peaceful would assist world after the climax action that must come?" | shown only of | Store. g jence street Lord Bishop of Kingston will be the | concreting it. The matter has been taken Easter Booklets and Cards. The new 1917 Gibson art line is the College Book A largest selection of Easter {cards than all other stores combined. at Mght Plank the Wharf. An alderman suggests that ard the Wolfe Island trade in Kingston. cream and shaving stick at i -- Palmolive soap, shampoo, Read about the free goods. vices, Rev: John Lyall, 266] Rideau street. ; | "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" AA Att ti gl HIGHEST PRICES _ Get Our Prices. Palm Sun-! f a.m., holy communion; 11 a preacher, 3 p.m., Sunday 4 pm, evensong, 8.30 p. social hour for the soldiers in Holy week--10 a. communion 8 p.m, ex- Friday-- th latest issue of the Gananoque Jour- It is "a summer carnival at the Thousand Islands in the year 1921." The Journal has devoted a full iss {to the plan, and carries speciai ar-| titles, "Proper Increase "Meeting on Wednesday, April 4th," | "All IAnes of Business With Mer- | you more Would you like to see Ganan- oque do something that would be a the : WHEN IT COMES TO STYLISH WASH reached in Europe to absorb the re- 1 up with Francis King, president of the Kingston Board of Trade, and will | likely become a district issue imme- praise | diately. in | order to help out Wolfe Island in re-| to its landing place the City | { Council might vote a couple hundred the | dollars to. improve the present Clar- | wharf by planking or This would at least |8lve the islanders a clean wharf. As | {the city is not to do any paving this | {year the council would probably be! Queen Street Methodist Chiireh-- | 2ble to spare the required amount in order to keep whole of the] cold | Austin's. | ee { ue | | Wednesday, united prayer meet- ing in the school room at 8 p.m.; at| sunrise pray-| | Specials Tonight successes. Popular Music, latest numbers, 2 for 25c. Every magazine issued up to and including April Ist now on sale. Everybody's or Delineator and y 5c or 20c magazine, two for 25c¢. I the Operatic Hits from the 1917 N. Y. Operatic bson Art Line of Easter Cards and Booklets for 17 is shown only in this store. Reprints of $1.50 and $1.25 books. » Special . to- night 39c. from. The College Book Store The largest stock in the city to select OPEN NIGHTS ' re mri e Sapphire and Dia- mond, Oval Cluster LADIES' BLACK SKIRTS, latest with pockets. $5.00. To-Night 23 to 29 waist band. A $7.50 garment on sale tonight special, Ri g S | . 11 1 *® New, Popular and Attractive in Price. Our showing of this increasing- ly popular style of ring is now at its best. See our window display for convincing proof. Smith Bros. TAFFETA SILK style, gathered, and tonight. | Pattern Suis Received today, a special shipment of pat- tern suits, New York styles. See them You'll be pleased. nw Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses Oculists.. Prescriptions for Glasses Filled. DRESS GOODS, must say | Furs Highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of at popular prices, you raw furs. = / ---- Newman THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE 80 Brock Street Phone 700. & Shaw, i Place Your Property on rn sm. BUILDERS' ™\ CLOSING OF MAILS | British mall closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United States, daily 11.30 am. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, going east, 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto and | west, including Western | States ... ... 0... 1.00 } Grand Trunk and all west | of Oty, 2.30 pm. and 11 | C.P.R, .. 10.15 am, and CNR. sas 20s 50s sas a DESERTER IS SENTENCED | GIVEN TWO YEARS LESS A DAY IN THE CENTRAL PRISON. .m, 30 p.m. 5.00 p.m 2.00 p.m, { Pte. A. Quesmell, of Alexandria, Twice Discarded the Uniform of His Majesty--Was Out on Parole | When He Again Deserted. | Two years less one day in the Cen- {tral Prison was the sentence meted |out at the Court House on Friday {afternoon by County Magistrate J. | Bradshaw on Pte. Anotile Quesnell for desertion from the 154th Bat- talion. This was his second offence. In 1916 Quesnell was given a year in the Ontario Reformatory, but after a saort term was allowed out on the Governor-General"s proclamation. At | that time he was turned over ta No. 3 Special Service Corps, when he de- serted again. He belongs to Alex. { andria. WILL BE A MONTH. | Loews Theatre Owners To Take up| f Matter of Building. 2 A 2h | In regard to the buiMing of Loews | theatre here at the corner of Princess and Clergy streets, the Whig was in~ | formed on Saturday that it will be | probably a month before the matter { will be taken up by the promoters, In he meantime the Hamiiton theatre is receiving atten . No announce- | ment as to the approximate time of opening could be learned. April and May Magazines. All the latest April and May mag- SUPPLIES weey CEDAR POSTS Our Selling List. This is the busy time. For $3200 you can buy a new, solid brick dwelling, centrally locat« ed, hot water heating, electric light, gas, in good condition and well built. $2350--Pine St., dwelling and stable, $2300--Division St., double frame, $1650--Pine St., cottage. 82850--Albert St., dwelling and lot. $ 900--Dwelling, near Division. And a complete list of dwellings and building lots. Fresh, green, cedar fence posts, recently arrived, now for sale by S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellingron Stronts, Kingston, t. Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 EW. Mullin & Son Sellers of Real Estate. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts, Phones 380 and 1456, bose Lumber, Conl and Wood weed Eh TARINE MOTH BAGS mE Garments are suspended on hangers inside bag, and can be removed at will by simply drawing off the patent top. No moths, no dust, no offensive odor, no wrinkling of garments. "Auto Coat size, 30 x 5 x 64 inches Raw a es ae $1.25 Ulster Coat size, 30 x 5 x 60 inches . .. ... $1.00 Overcoat size, 30 x Sx 30 inches ... ... ... ... ... . 8Bc Business Suit size, 24 x 5 x 37 inches , .. . 80c MOTH BALLS, 200 LB. MOTH FLAKES, 20¢ LB. a 22 i azigpes are now on sale at the College Book Stove. i MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE, | W.F.Gourdier | Ci

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