Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1917, p. 3

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AAR KIT Se AN ARMY OF | w st B 1. f of t y ni | a hat hag er de no oppor-| fe ' among my |, fr 1 1) iHly and yp er | | | To Mrs given this week in nor of Mrs, |edy." shocked to hear me say that many a } ais a 1 honor o Mrs, | I . en a titer veighs the r Gribble aud Mrs. Beatty "Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow [lime the latter outws he form . ss » pine tre ng : : j Yrapper, three phe Lr es the trade You may fall from riches to pov Miss Mildred Sellery is expected] Manufactured for the past twenty- erty, from hdslth te disease, fron from Cobourg shortly to visit *her| five years by The T. Milburn Co., respeetatpl ty hte disreputability Slaten: Ms. © Taylor, Johmson|Limited, Toronto, Ont. from sobyjety to drunkenness, you street. AA Arran | TOR OL Hee low aaiar o Mrs. Howard Taio: Gananoque, will go up to Toronto next week to may pecory il at Sawn lato: as ( Or i few dav his | Visit her daughter, Mrs. Hubert|in the scheme SE : Oo 1Ce -- are for, | Wood ; E > low-map may turn. from you with es 7ith Capt. Taylor . athing 1 disgust, but "y gE { Mr. and Mis. C. E. Taylor and| Miss Maude Bland, who is the {loathing Abd. gu UI Your dos - - | tittle Miss Jean Taylor will spend | Buest of her sister, Mrs, Harold |!8 at Fous k fe tk aid 3 ro 2 sie y cery busi-| Faster with Rev. Samuel and Mrs, | Hughes, William Street, will re. ih i ; inexpre sible, as I have taken over the grocery busi. dellery in C jturn next week to her home in Lon-|able. In Feverence. inexpressible, us Sellery in Cobourg. 3 } : bu wrships ti me ness of Miss Il Stowe ho has. baer 'don one who all but worships the € : iss ova iv who has eer on.» mory of his mother, I avow that in ot . Visiting friends in Ottawa, returnec Y t nd eo nder ever } r ¥ pa . oint of endurance under every Rigney & Hickey home yesterday Rev. Dr.J Jordan, Barrie Street, » rain the love of a dog is in essence * oe went ta Toronto to-day and later to]®tra lil the loy ap mother § ah . ! re like the love of ¢ other tha at 138 Princess street, and will re- Miss Elma Lake Alfred street, | Western points. On Sunday he will More Row is Your ihe r or friend 8 ' ' - Sr. any knoe oll C 3 frie open in a few days with a complete | i) leave on Thursday for Ottawa|officiate at the ehrisiening in Te. ny 0 hi duty by y a because it line of new goods. to spend the Easter holidays with |ronto of his twin grandsons, sons of ay duty and all honor to him I will extend a welcome to all old |}, « ster, Miss Marjory Lake. {Dr. Dennis Jordan. . Tat Your doi Sicha to you through customers of this well-known store, Mr. and Mrs. J B. Halkett,| Miss Helen Darragh, King street, good and bad report, through good | 1 srt low V " good al t, through g and, I hope, also to many new ones. | William street. are 'eaving for Ot-| Will leave shortly for New York to and evil days mply because he tawa shortly to reside, Visit Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Baldwin Hill, um ra 1 } : x ves Miss Alice Hague, who has been| Miss Norma Elmer left to-day for The ki . ) 2 : 3 ' i > T . ten ie sr te kindest wish that I can wish United Grocery Store Co. engaged in the missionary field in| Toronto to spend several weeks with for the alderman who has never had Ron due, Mar India for the past five years, has|Miss Jean Newman, Tyrell avenue, a tog-Lrie ad is 1 'at ohe day he may been granted furlough, and is ex. Lorne Frauklin, Winnipeg, is the |8 dog-fri iROW What JL iv in be t a King ORE th tolguest of Mrs Richard Elmer, Bagot [have one, may know what it is to be pected in Kingston next month tol& A 4 * ; watched for at Mrs aven FRECKLES How To Remove Easily, There's a reason why nearly every- body fréckles in March, but happily there is also a' remedy for these ugly Several spend it Macpherson, entertain George Hague, ue Alex, Laird, in Montreal, is on Monday. ) - . . College who, 1s at pre-|Godwin, have left for thei expected Canon Forneri was in town ro) Mrs. M. March Worst Month for This Trouble | Belleville for a féw days this week. spent the w. Nursing Sister Miller is spending |ing Mrs. W. C. the week-end at her home in Wood- stock before leaving for overseas. Miss Alice Macnee, Barrie Street, {dass with his parents, Rev, and Mrs. 1 Pain in Chest SPASMODIC COUGHING Many people when they contra thinking perhaps it will pass awa ja day or two. This is a mistake {I was completely cured. With her parents, Mr. and |Street. University | Mrs. guests Batty of Mrs, and Mrs. Stevens Gribble and Mrs in| Niagara Falls after a | visit. LJ - » MacKinnon, week end in Napanee visit- Scott. H. K. Coleman, of the 72nd Bat- tery, Kingston, is* spending a few 2 Fetu ria " - H. Coleman, Napanee. blemishes, and no one need stay Bag Ieiurued I Tamm, hag) Miss Doroths Pe ie "Ann- freckled tha or : i Bp. vole ' 2 sho gl .- : : béén the guest of the Misses Daly, |andale," has returned from a short Simply get an ounce of othine, Altert street, has returned to To- | stay in Toronto. double strength, from your druggist Tonto : Miss Jean Rose, Whitby Ladies' and apply a little of it night and * ss vw | College, is In the city on a short mor BE. and in a Tew days Jou Miss Lorraine Minnes and Miss | st Vs should see "that even the WOPSt | vora Minnes will spend Easter in| Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Dolan, Mont- freckles have begun to disappear, Montreal. | teal, are visiting Mrs. M. J. Dolan, while the light ones have vanished | Lieut. M. H. 8.' Penhale. is in| Wellington street. entirely. Now is the time to rid{sontreal and Sherbrooke for a few aay yourself of freckles, for if not re- days. | Miss Harriet Gardiner is expected moved now they may stay all Sum- mer, and spoil an otherwise beautiful complexion. Your money back if othing fails, eh ' Best's iy S . pring "a, © Medicines April is the Month for Spring Medicines: Sarsaparilla Extract. Beef, Iron and Wine. Quinine Tonic. Sulphur and Molasses, Blaad's Pills. Cunni left fc Mis. who 1} Mrs is exp: Mr. Mrs Take your spring tonic now, At Best's The Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays Phone 39, Branch 2018 Give is attending Havergal ronto, is expected early in the week | parents Lt.-Col. and Mrs. R. J. Gar- holidays with | diner, Bagot street. Arthur B.| to spend the Easter her parents, Mr. and Mrs. weeks, Friday. Mrs. A. Fisher, in College, ngham, Earl street. returned to W. Brown, Barrie vr Brampton to-day. 8 Millie Ferris, has been visiting her ected home next week, -. . . and Mrs. Harold . John Fairlie, Bowels, Miss Elizabeth Cunningham, who | To-| Lieut. and Mrd. Ford Strickland, who have been in town for several Peterboro on| street, | ¢ Albert street, sister, Bound Brook, N.J Davis iting Mrs. HD. Bibby, Barrie street, Stuart street, returned to-day from has returned home after a very pleas- California, Brock street, | LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH Hurry, Mother!. Remove Poisons From Little Stomach, Liver, "California Syrup of Figs" At Once if Bilious or Con- stipated. Look coated, need once, doesn't . eo = tw ha Princens Street. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, little one's s at the tongue, mother! it is a sure sign that your tomach, liver and bowels a gentle, thorough cleansing at When peevish, cross, listless of the little bowels grip! and you have a well, playful ch! again. + St You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless - bh they love its "fruit laxative; a ve 0 We DS a He - 1t| Ordnance street, announce the en- , pale, sleep, doesn't eat or act natu- rally, or is feverish, | Shortt, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, of Roger Fyfe-Clark, of the Canadian Figs," and in a few hours all the fowl, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out 'without from Toronto early in the week to spend the Easter holidays with her Several informal teas have been given this week in honour of Miss Edna Montgomery, who is Miss Dor- othy Chown's guest, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. McGinnis, | Philipsburg, Que, are spending a 2W weeks at Atlantic City and dur- | ing their absence little Miss Norah | McGinnis is the guest of her grand- {mother, Mrs. H. W. Richardson "1 "Alwington." Miss Hazel Perkins, Ottawa, vis- ant visit in this city. Miss Dadine 'Hodgson, Montreal, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Herbert Scandrett. Miss Jean Duff returned from O*- tawa to-day. Miss Doris Folger, who has been attending Havingal College, Toronto, Is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Folger, "Edgewater" for the Easter holidays, \ Mrs. James Elliott, Toronto, after an operation in the General Hospital is doing nicely and staying with her aunt, Mrs. Robert Gray, Barriefield. * > » Mrs. J. B. Carruthers and Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Kingston, attended the annual gymnastic exhibition at Havergal College, Toronto, on Thursday night. Lady Hendrie has as her guest at Government House Mrs, A.D. Braithwaite, Montreal. Aemilius Jarvis and Sir Herbert Ames are in Washington. Miss Daisie' Hall, Kingston, is in Montreal the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lorne McMillan. * » . I. Zacks, Princess street, announc- es the engagement of his eldest daughter, Dora, to Solomon Kling, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kling, Toron- to. 'The marriage will take place quietly in May, Mr. and Mrs, N. Pl Van Winckel, gagement of their only daughter, 'Bértha Mary, to Walter Stanton Wood, of Toronto, the marriage to take place quietly at their home on April 16th, * . of * The marriage 'Miss Muriel Adam Shortt, Ottawa, to Lieut. Engineers, son of D. K. Clark, Ham- ilton, took place on March 29th in St. Michael's Church, London, Eng- land, the Rev. Bennett Calvin offi- clating. Mr. and Mrs. Fyfe-Clark are Shusding, their honeymoon in ales. a (Continued on Page 14.) EE -- Overfieard at the "Movies." Little GHrli-"Mammi, "do moving picture actors go to heaven?" | Mother Yes, dear, it are Little Girl--*"Mamma, will Charlie heaven?" ; Mother-- "Yes, dear, - if he is ; Li 3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, E --] HAD SEVERE COLD INTERNAL BATHERS|} To}q Ip | Twilight FEEEP P0040 S009 50 $494 | cold do not pay any attention to it, before they know it, it has settled on | proprietory medicines which all fail- Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Earl strest, [ed to cure. will be hostegs at Monday, One of my friends re- the Bridge Club on | commended Dr. Wood's Norway! Pine | Syrup, and after using three bottles I 'recom- informal teas have heen |mend it to anyone as a God-sent rem- r homes at very pleasant Renfrew, #0 to A God" laugh | Invalid 'when comes in!" » Le i CH 31, 1917. | i Panegyric About the Dog. ta Kingston, Mareh 390 {To Editor): It must hiive been y in E np 1 neighborhood of 11 p.m. last oF day when at the close of a str t this evening, | po lungs. gaye work 0 oul uP lien esis will be some of the! "mug much stress cannot be laid on _-- aur ud. The foreign news w Udents in the Faculty of Educa-{ pe fact that on the first sign of al, roa ab be looked for at 1 i 2 | cough or cold it must be gotten rid present, but at ou ae doors w r J Carson "Romilly | © immediately, otherwise it may ihubbling an thy puddle stir-| jie ind Mrs. Hubers Stethem | '2use years of suffering from some red into action by a city alderman. = tea stessés on Friday when | Serious lung trouble. 2 I am not timentalist in the | Munro Reynolds was the guest|. Mr A. George, 30 Blevin's Place, |sense in whic hat word has come honor | Toronto, Ont., writes: "Having great- |, be used in these days, and I have | . 8% ly benefitted from your remedy, Dr.{the name of being a reaspnab Mrs. Herbert Scandrett asked a|'Wo0d's Norway Pine Syrup, I take|practicil sort of individual, but sw friends to tea on Friday to meet the liberty to write You a few words |wondered on e, twice, thrice, as r sister. Miss Dadine Hodgson, of | "bout the effect of that wonderful {the views man, who in days of yntreal syrup. Two years ago I caught aplenty (despite high prices) could * + » severe cold, followed by a spasmodic riously suggest the wholesale Néxt week the Reading Club will | cough and pain in my chest. I was slaughter of the dog community. The 'él on Thursday af the home of |treated by many doctors, but with-|dog, "the friend of man' from time R. 'O. Sweezy, Union street. {out any benefit, and also took many {ilmmemorial, When the Whig stat- . - » ed that this alderman still 'higher plage" in sentiment it struck me he had really 'deseended. Love is love, whether human o dumb Will the Whig readers b "climbed to that the close of day by Yearning brown eyes that have long- ed for his loved presencd since morning, may know what it is to be greeted and welcomed with frantic joy from an almost bursting heart, may know what it is as he throws himself into his easy chair to feel a cold nose thrust into his hand ask- ing for one pat of recognition, and that granted the sigh of ineffable contentment as its recipient 'throws himself at the feet of the beloved master, resting and satisfied in the blissful probability that he can count upon having him at least un- til next morning; know, in short, the joy of one phase of love which he has apparently missed. And let him remember (and the Bible neither modifies or makes eXeepti®h in the statement) 'Love is of God." MY DOG'S MASTER. DOUBTS THE EFFICACY OF SUB. CAMPAIGN Noted German Naval Critic Is Openly Skeptical! as to : Pressure. Copenhagen, via London, March 31.--Open skepticism as to the pos- sibility of bringing Great Britain to her knees by a submarine campaign, and through the direct pressure of starvation, is expressed by Captain Persius, the naval critic of the Ber- liner Tageblatt. Instead, the hope and belief of Capt. Persius is that by an average monthly loss of half a million tons of shipping in the next few months. Great Britai may be brought to realize that a co tinuation of the war would be unprofitable, though this result, he declares has not yet been attained. l One of the Strongest Lists. Publicite- Publicity, Montreal R. B. Owen the Montreal Special Representative has fust added the Regina Leader, Brantford Expositor and Kingston British Whig to his list, These bring up the total number of papers he represents to nine, consti- tuting one of the strongest lists re- presented by any representative in Canada, Letters To The Editor | | home voicing this rather f the | vas | he | a iy to r e 1 ance. Massage and Treatments given. ple accepted. TORONTO. x We furnish: Auto Suppifes. Gasoline at 33¢, Motor O61, Cars for Hire, Washing Cars: Small, 75e. Give us a call. For nerves and mental cases, with graduate nurses in attend- Aged peo- Terms Moderate, 257 RUSHOLME ROAD, Telephone Junc. 4436. ARADIS GARAGE FOOT OF NROCK STREET Phones: Office 322; House 611. Efficient Service Guaranteed. E. PARADIS, Prop. Probs: Showers tonight and for part of Sunday. eee ~ PAGE SEVEN ALL OF OUR ALREADY LONG GAINS WILL BE ON ee t----e Electrical Head Office, R MONTREAL AGENTS, ""Rarks with the Strengest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE al Insurance Bldg. a IBRCY k SINN, ¥ W. H. GODWIN & SONS KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ A GREAT FINALE TO SPRING SALE parsley, tomatoes, barb, new BON MARCHE SPECIALS New celery, new radishoh fetéace, and all seasonable trana: We will also have. for Saturday new carrots, cucumbers, Spanish omions and Ja- maica cocoanuts. 'Caverly & Bradshaw Phone 1844 Cor, King & Earl Sts. the real £3 ' Phone 363. DALY GARAGE] OUR. WONDERFUL -- STORE OPEN TO 9.45. SILK HOSE- 240 pair of black and white silk boot hose. This is a particularly good value today at 45c¢ a pair. All sizes from 8} to 9}. Tonight 29¢. WHITE CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 180 pair Canadian made chamoisette points in sizes 7 and 74 only. Regular 50c to 75¢ a pair -- for a quick clean-up, Tonight... . .. ~ !;. . = . LINEN TOWELLING 1000 yards of Irish linen tea-towelling; 1Scayard. Tonight... .. ....... gloves; white. with black . 35¢ "aun > 4 a special value today at + .. .. 7 yards for $1.00 WHITE VOILE WAISTS 144 pretty embroidered and lace trimmed white voile waists in a splendid assortment of styles to choose from. Regular $1.25 to $1.75 values. Tonight vo ie. 98c LIST OF ADVERTISED BAR- SALE TO-NIGHT. STEACY'S - Limited Kiddie Koops Baby Carriages Go-Carts and Sulkies We have just received a large consign- ment of new and up-to-date designs. . Make your selection now while the stock is large, T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. Limited. yy al "S eo 1 9 Veal "Spec Aa EEN Fresh Tender Joints of the Highest Quality. Leg: of Veal (whole or half), per Ib. . Loins of Veal, per lb. .. .... .. .. 22 . Racks of Veal, per lb. .. .. .. .\ . Stewing Veal, perlb. ... .. .. . | Loin Chops, perlb. .. .. .. .. . .. Shoulder Chops, per Ib. . . . . _The Best Value in the City. Green Windsor Bacon (sliced) .. .. . 3c Fresh Pork Liver... . (>... .'8¢lb. -

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