OO po Ts FOR YOUR VALUABLES. sk of loss of your Titles Insurances, Bonds and other | and other valuables when you deposit O SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX re and burglary, and can he readily re- "tion of the boxes is invited. erred to or obtained at Reserved Funds | BANK or TORONTO orge B. McKay, Mana IA A a Ae A Alt a Pr FOR SALE Earl Street, down town, $10.00, $15.00, $16. making a total year Have refused $5000. THE J.K. 56 Brock St. G r. UTI HHH four dwellings, velits are| CARTONS. 00 and $17.00 per month, ly revenue of $696.00. Make us an offer. CARROLL AGENCY... Phones: Office 68 ; Res, 874 You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service, We have established ourselves as experts, Will you come in-and be convinced? I. LESSES, 124-126 Clarence St. battery at any time Free inspection of any cial Bonus Offer FREE With either-Palm Olive Shampoo, or Palm Olive Cream, we are offering | two cakes | Palm Olive Soap for or one cake soap free Palm Olive Shaving Stick or Talcum, Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office Opposite Y.M.C.A. ! AA AA A A AA A rs Watts 179 Wellington St. Often Brings on Eye- 9 Florist To avoid this, have the child's eyes ex- amined by us; as op- tometrists quickly tell whether the eyes need glasses or not, and we'll tell you frankly. Special Sale TILLSON'S OATS 25c¢ per Pkg. J. M. GORDON Pure Food Grocer Cor. Montreal and Bay St. has made a study of the eyes and will give you a careful and thorough examina- tion without charge. Steam Vulcanizing The Auto Tire Re Exchange 220 MONTREAL ST, TE ty R. J. RODGER, Manufacturing Optician 132 Princess Street "Where the glock is on the walk" Needs your patronage. thorough up-to-date pinnt and use LL) high grade materials a ud guarantee our' Your non-skid repinced on re Prices reasonable. paid for used casings In! W. A. McWilliam, Phone 2084. F.J. JOHNSON Leading Florist and Cut Flowers oy yD filled promptly. Saturday Specials On and after Monday, April will refuse to be resp ponsible for any debts contracted by m; y wife, E. Rich- H. Kingston, Mare h 28, 191 Having disposed of our business, we beg to thank our many c ers for the patrol extended us for nage the past sixty (60) years. After April 1st our office {LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF | GENERAL INTEREST, rmmiimcinn i | Happenings In the City and Vicinity | --What the Merchants Offer to the | 'rs of the Whig. i { Readers of the Whig. "T A tis aall a rived t} the cit) mn I 1 s ! H. Cunni m, plano tuner, 21] King street «ave orders at McAul | ey's Book Store the Beard of The of i Trade ac $s $5 fro... Mrs. 2. | D. Anglin or the B Fund. | J. H. Jarvis, Ann street is gettine| better and able confinea to his home for the past five | weeks wit pleurisy-pneumonia. AAA A er Aer Atri | | RAISINS are packed in RED Insist on the RED | Carton, | BAILIFF SALE | Valuable household furniture, ete. | | Tuesday, April 3rd, 10 a.m., at 669 | Princess street. WM. MURRAY, Auction SAIL MAKER, 211 NELSON ST. PAGE ELEVEN mn FEE mmm" { People's Forum % TAO | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1917. OF TE WGRAND Tonight HE GIRL WHO SMILES" lelgian Relief! A Musical Comedy Innovation with | a brilliant Metropolitan record. I HHI 200 INH; First insertion, 1c a word. secutive insertion thereafter, imum charge for one insertion, 205c;\ three insertions, S0e¢; six $1; one 2 PRINCESS STREET, OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. th Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street . LY | TO BE TAKEN ON SHARES to bé up, after beirg | Half year Long Acre Theatre, AY. > us 50 People, 21 Song Hits, HELP WANTED len \MBERMALD. on the premises 2 : . o ANDOLP Some of the Song Creations: APPLY RANDOLPH brick residence, St. near City Park. 44 Clarence streel. A NURSE MAb "Your Picture," "My Pauline," "The | Story of the Sparrow," "You Are M "A Honeymoon STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN Y | MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. dry, airy roms; your own lock and HOUSE PAINTING, 20 Ply Street Railway Office t | Little Cupid," | May," *Who | Good-B; Phone 526; res, 989 10 BRIGHT AIRY OFFICES ON SEC- ond floor of Windsor Hotel, facing on Princess sireet. 182 Princess street SMART BOYS Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co, ye," "Oh, Dear Marie," Sung and whistled from coast to Prices, 25c¢, 50c, 75c, $1. Seats Now On Sale. Tuesday, April 3rd One Night Only { 258 Princess street, EE ----_-- DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, uiet home, centrally located, to ¢ corner Princess and Bagot' streets. | KITCHEN WOMAN, aged man for chores. DRS. SPARKS AND ' APHAT DESIRABLE 18 ROOM RES € . PORTER, ALSO HOUSEMAID, ¥ ¥ Thomas Mills, 120 University Ave if desired: hot and cold run- use of phone. Apply i Lower Union St BABCOCK & SONS, The United Producing Company | GENERAL MAID. k References required Patent Office Examin C ate AW ' Canada's Foremost Comedian f Pa ent Law A YOUNG MAN -- Lo work in the Safet OFFICE WITH VAULT, GEO, A. BATE- i Clarence Street D DWELLING, MODERN GET Your awNiNGS) 060rZE Hl. Summers MADE in KINGSTON With a capable cast of twenty, in the| MAN FOR FREIT FARM: ONE EX. great comedy drama HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARK S$ $356.00 per month roll Agency, 58 Brock street. out scar; 30 years' experience LET=--=A SOLID PRESSED DRICK iw close ta schools and him at Queen's . possession May 1st. |} Patronize home Industry; no better i made in Canada than td { | a card. ro makes. If you want one, drop him | = | 1 AUCTION SALE ~ i | | | 1 i | Household Furniture, 285i Princess St. | Tuesday, April 3rd, 10 a.m. Velvet, 'Axminster g modern mahogany tension table, oak and wicker rocker { suites, Iron drop 'head 1s rugs, | ak ex- | i suri te | y desk, ¢ linoleum \bric-a-brac cabin iron cot, Jewel gas range, by Rus, pletures, two large cases of goods sold to pay age, cherry over mantle and mir ------ -------------- MARRY; FOR SUCCESS AND HAPPI- n nd members, hoth J. K. Carroll Agency, 58 Brock St, Phd dded ddd ddd dd dededdoddd George Mills & Co. want saley- % man at once for Men's Hat De- FURNISHED, 308 KING tablished 10 years eos Beate de PPP dk te I \ ison, Oakland, Calif. places, beautifully wooded grounds, fine garden, over three acres, spac- fous out-buildings. Jimmy" | By Mrs. Ronie Jaffa A Smile, a Tear and Something to th A MARRIED MAN, i FOR RESULTS, 1 most siecesst business, good wages. lady with experience as hookkeep- a i) k bedroc | "The tinkle of a laugh is the spring at ) " JS N N he linnases. song in the heart of every man,'-- BUSINESS NOTICH : i LL YOUR OLD SCRAP IRON AND metals, old rags, scrap rabber and 1 pay the highest prices OVER 82 DAILY EASILY EARNED AT Prices, 25, 50, 75, $1.00, Seats on Sale Monday, War Socks, experience unnecessary, ' FURNITURE FINISHING case, and numerous h other articles ALLEN & TURK, Auctioneers. A Delicious Dessert Se an For FENWIC + HENDRY & CO. {FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY { toys see Frank W, Cooke, 39 Clarence street. A O-ROOMED HRICK HOUSE, 158] FURNITURE FINISH. for any order in the «ity, Call or drop a card, Dept. 24C, Auto-Knitter Co., 166 Lower Bagot street, cor. College Street, Toronto, BB A AAA rer eerste IA rr ume GRIFFIN'S! Thurs., Friday, Saturday Daniel Frohman Presents Louise Huff and Jack Pickford, in "Great Expectations" A pictarization of Charles Dickens' celebrated Novel. ELDING SHADOW 'LY Good, amart girls, 14 years of Age and upwards, can secure em. ployment at the Cotten Mills, Cataraqui Street. paid to beginners, fice, Dominion Textile Co. Cat- TWENTY-FIVE WOMEN WANTED Two departments short of help. Labelling and Canning Departments From $7.50 to £9.00 per week may be earned, on a war order and find that in order to manufacture Beans for the soldiers fighting at the front we must on the women to quite an extent to do some of the lighter work, while the man are doing their bit. The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd., Napanee, Ont. Girls Wanted At Canning Factory. Bei i Bete ate le obs. TET PPPVee Sed ddd ddd PPP DPePed +> WANTED GENERAL HOUSE OR UN. suite of rooms. Apply ig. Prices--Mat. 10¢; Evening 10e, 13¢ Sa oe nen Coming--Mary P ickford SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and Victrolas. . say, Limited, 121 Princess street. WANTED TO RENT, WITH THE OP- tion of buying, a hose, with from Distributers, in 'The P ride of the Clan' : ALE J y : EFFECTIVE ADVTS. CosT Will pay good rent le. Once, 25¢; three times 50c; one week, $1.00, MONDAY, TURSDAY, WEDNESDAY sity Ave, or Phone 202 1 BUSINESS CHANCES BLY YOUR OUT OF TOWN SUPPLIES with Deminion Express Money or- Feature Photopiay | Wm. Desmond and Mar- Bagot street Apply Mrs. E. Fair, | Wi 3 " 20 Stuart street | gery ilson, [in The BIOYY YW GOOD CONDITION, APPLY | afternoon or evening at 102 Fron- | tenac street. Phone 931. DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. ision street, 6 rooms and W.C. in each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- fon street. . Last of the Ingrams." + ------------------------------------------ FARMS, RANCHES, HUNTING PRE- Comedy Reels nod Other Good Photo- ny, For clean, light work; highest wages while wishing steady employ- ment, apply at 3 buy now, $10 per acre. Matinee 10c;: Evening 10e¢, crops each wear. Seats Reserved. INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST u read Successful REGISTERED TAMWORTH PlGs, n how fortunes are made and lost. by bath sexes, ten dollars each when | 00D WORK MARE. six weeks old. W. W. Kiell '& Son. 6 o'clock at 568 Princess street. Elginburg, Ont ful. Finance, 608 8S. eee | A THOROUGHBRED JERSEY Apply 447 Division St. KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. MARE IN FOAL, ABOUT 1300 POL NDS, 8 years old; sound and good work er; and yearling colt; also du cart. Box 327, Whig. GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE 0 FOR King Street West buggy, harness and sleigh: SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY Apply Wm. Craig, selections, your own cholce, $28.50. $10 cash and §1.00 per week. C. W. pe L Lindsay, Isd., 121 Princess street.| « ---- ------------------ TWO SEATED SURREY, LEATHER upholstered, with lamps, mus. CH HULL, 285 Ft. LONG, 8 mw B57 Johnson street, city. en eet tnt GUERNEY OXFORD president, W. F. Nie operties, municipal and » LATHE, guards, in fine condition. Apply to on Harold Nicholson, care Macnee & Minnes. TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- MOULDERS, CORE-MAKERS PLANER and BORING MILL 12.50; one elegant Peninsular self feeding heater, $12.50, Twenty dol- lars takes the two if sold tonight, 42 Quebec street. ntures: mortgages purs r deposits received tains, canoes, and camping sup- TORS and PATTERN-MAKERS. C. manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston plies. Fishing tackle, ete. Frank |IHFE AFTER DEATH--"HEAVESN AND W. Cooke, 3% Clarence St. King- ston. Rhone 891. Hell," Swedenborg's great work. LONDON AND convineing book. LIVERPOOL, Fire Insurance Compa assets $61,187,216. which the policyholders have fo Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. Law, 486 Buclid Ave, tte ert. + STEERER RRR RRR bb | Puggies and Spring Wage ons. At he old -- bi. all and see me. J, CO, Ceoneolly, Yarker, April 2, 1917. FERRE bd bbb b bbb bbb bbb dd TWO BUILDING LOTS, ON FRON. tenaec street, with 33 feet frontage each. Price 3300 each, or would sell the two for $950. Apply 427 Albert street. Phone 1403. hdd TEPEPPET CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. ges, and all kinds of new and ond hand furniture. to buy everything CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. new business get A GROCERY STORE WITH DWEL- ling attached, doing a good busi- ness in a good location. ticulars apply to West End Estate and Insurance Agency, Collingwood street. Phone 743. PIANO TUNING. MR, SWAINE-19 PREPARED TO DO Auley's, or Tel. 564. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN. | BRICK STORE eluding rhe famous Athlete, Over. land and Perfeot Models; also tires and bicycle accessories. George Muller, 373 King St. Phone 1032 AND STOREHOUSE, IN Totes araiates Sone: " condition t PAPER HANGING. ---------------- p-- PAINTS GRAINING AND KALSO- deft Rooms papered room, fincluding Split Pea Coal! an estate, quick. G. A. 67 Clarence street, Kingstone will be at 241 Where all outstanding be promptly settled. BRICK HOUSE, UNIVERSITY AVE, Tear Earl street, § rooms, modern | SOUTH PART OF LOT NO. 2, IN FIRST "7 improvements, good condition. Easy ' Goncession | township of Kingston, x eal Ks- containing about 25 acres, There rance Agency. Phone is a fine lot of timber on this pro- ROAST BEEF For Sunday Dinner. accounts must perty and Tt fronts e On- Rigney & Hickey. special car of the choic-| est on sale tomorrow. Price, 20¢, 22¢, 25¢ Ib. Cut from fo SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND to DA. Cayw 57 Broek hand Ramer, couches, ston, Ont. {etures, LARGE STOCK OF IRON Cov. Shapiro, 35 Princess on ftarto. For full particulars apply Bt, Kiog- new ches, stoves, a Ra pi . kinds of new second hand fur- U. othr ments in stock. Anderson Phones 458 - 1 $n eS AUTOROLES ' FIFTY PER cent "bus ing a ear. Hod. $1200 5 i T ker (1916) paper. Rowle?. 382 Queen St, (near Bar- rie). + LADIES' TAILORING ADAM DUNNETTE. 2 COLBORNE » streot, corner of Sydenham, bigh- class ladies' tailoring. and mantle making. all orders up to $6.00 = Jas. Swift & Ebb bbd -* ¥ Fleven roome: ali ritish and French successes con- tinue on the western fromt,