THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1917 PAGE EIGHT 1 LAIDLAW & SON. = , - m---- * | #7 S09 781 RECRUITS uso) TE an m-- Founded 1847. | MILITARY DISTRICT NO. 3 DOU- "BLES PREVIOUS RETURN + The Local Units Show up Well--Twe- : At the Grand 3 t - ; Thirds 0.000 Ger Hemming For to-night, te matinee " ' on a . Third of 10.4 3 Co B only and} Wedhe manage & LAIDLAW S RE Asked For Has Been Secured. sent » Grand: it : ment df the Grand has secured an i Brig-Gen. T. D. R. Hemming, G. | unusually attra programme : . 0. C.. anno i last November thal | Dainty Pegey and' Antonio | ; . he was » officers and men Moreno appear in the five-reel quaint ¥ sd y secure 10,080 re-!and romantic story. "Rose of] the be RE AAS Le dnt hs he AS AN INSTANCE OF THE EXCEPTIONALLY | 1917 openéd To date there pre {oii between the North and the GOOD VALUES TO BE , FOUN IN OUR | bean 6,774 of that numi ecured South in tue days of '64, when the \ ' ' This district has already entiste d {women of the country quietly plaved LADIES SUIT DEPARTMENT, THE S LECTION , | 45.615 recruits since the war broke such important parts in the victories NOW SHOWN IS OF THE DEEPEST INTEREST TO oul of the armies. No detail has been , | "For the last two weeks in Mareh {overlooked in the staging 'of this EVERY WOMAN WHO LIKES TO FEEL SHE IS | there were 781 recruits enlisted in leature. Both the exteriors and the] - -- - Pehl of appre in | this district -- nearly double the num- | interiors of the old Southern mans: SPENDING HER MONEY TO THE BEST ADVAN- : J ber enlisted in the previous two [Ions With their gardens and sundials, 1 fe E | weeks { ballrooms and kandlelight are per- TAGE POSSIBLE. Now or your Kingston units secured these re-|fectly arranged. Billie Burke, the > . araites a attery. 15: 13 at- | Most popular feminine star in Ameri- . : ter outfitting, Mr. | cruits: 72nd Battery, 15; 73rd Ba Rost | | J meri --- : tery, 22; 74th Battery : 75th Bat-| ca, will be seen in the fourteenth Man, Boy, or Little fiesy, 0; 5th D.AC ard Bat- | caapter of "Gloria's Romance." All : | tion, . COSC. c.ODC., I; the pretty little mannerisms of Miss! Man! What are | Cyclists 5; draft AMC.'3. Burke that have made lier so aatrac- . . En, 0 SL tive on the speaking stage are re- you going to need? » ea by the camera." A two-reel you > i niversal photoplay, a comedy, and | 3 Suit, Spring Over RK | the Pathe News will also be shown. a coat, New Hat, [ie, | Feature vaudeville will hold the Co > ards Gloves or anything . Was . 3 -- n Walked Jimmy." in Toggery? Captain "R. Ross Algui Te, Corn The Grand will offer its patrons! - jan, received word | advi sing} him 10 tomorrow evening, George Summers, | 3 report at the Army Med! Corps | in "In Walked Jimmy" which is de-| Just come right [Sen ool , Kingston, where he will re-| scribed as "comedy n tha ey : e he {main for a"short time prior to 20:ng | from the pen of Mrs, Ronie H. Jaffa. here, feeling sur HJ |overscas. Capt guire has receiv- | Jimmy is an apostle of optimism, an | i iA that you 11 find the = a joo. his Juajority. the appointment | optimism both wholesome and suc-| - 0 om - {dating from March 15th cess inspiring. The central char-| xf 3 1 best of everything. = a - a er Pay, A number of exclusive styles that cannot be 7 Liat. George Grange, who has| ar 5 ie : + 2 Choice, exclusive WW 7 oes on divisionnt nsport. officer | hiers the office of a factory, which | repeated again. this spring. : / A here for the past six months, has ap-| is tottering to financial ruin. Jimmy styles that you 11. / jagre for he pa XY montus, Le O° lemploys himself. and at the critical » LLU 1 plied through the Naval Department . : v yp mn tina tar transfer to the Roval moment, when the firm's chief cred- SELECT / {al awa lor trans! na ©" |itors are assembled, the new '"'man- PY | Naval Flying Corps oy res i aye A i gh ; ager' by 'a series of extravagant| YOUR turn. ite 7 ) { las os ra o Gackat pretences at being busy and at bein w) | 'Major G. A. Ferguson, Saskatdon, overwhanal wih Traits g SPRING SUIT 'has heen appointed acting quarter- ¥ G earing .or- = ' : Nh 4 // master-general at Shorncliffe. Major ders, he manages to convey the idea Men S Suits of To J | Fe is 8 os of NE Xr r For-| of substantial. prosperity. In sub-| TOMORROW unusual merit, $1 5, s | guson, South ranch, 12ar Corn- Sequent nels lhe firm prospers under | 8 + {wall e sun of Jimmy's smile, and 'the | $18, $20 and $22. | -- love story between the new manager . Calvin Myles, son of 'W. N. Myles, [and the pretty secretary progresses | Handsome spring | Deseronto. has' won a distinguished | favorably until the town folk begin | A l {conduet medal for bravery on the, to suspect Jimmy of having been| 1 1 pe n overcoats, $12.00, fe a Oa he sari 8] tonneored Whe a ronbors walth seo) ny alteration necessary will be made by ex- $1 3 50, up to $25. | wounded officer from the enemy )curred the night before the smiling} perts and without charge. P ' trench a considerable distance u: | Siranger reached the city? Jimmy is| Easter Outfitting You'll Be Proud to Wear, = [J der heavy fire and later again re-lalmost forced to go to jail in order| : joined his party and was wounded Lo protect his swaet-heart's erring! by -. * - ol brother, but in the end the A goodly number of sold'ers al-|tangle is easily straigthened out] fens he octal and ances Sen with the aid of a dictagraph. at the military 8%. 1a Sa in ' ® ® 9 day evening In addition to he At "Griffin's. | LADIES playing of 'games an eneitaining That in spite of tang contact with | wo 1VII ston S programe was ven. Miss Ills) Americans the average Mexican peon SPRING COATS Evin, ; " panied ct i \ "+1 still retains the a and y Jang ome po selections. S31 tpaits © is ances 8 is eral Sh horlnd alco. womtritu:.) iis of kis ancestors. is brought Which are distinctly individual. roc treet od come vocal selection | prod in the Jesse L. Lasky unique Mies Parrot elocntionist, 1 her n-| Broduction ~The Evil Eye" with the| These new spring coats now on sale have de- -\7 ---- ressive rendering f some I autitu ane ig Sweet in the ste | : If Off Y our Route, It: Pays To Walk; oid Wisi 's sated TE Holo] 122 vole which 2 be shown at ghtledly new features. New lines. New colors. sketches, s very entertaining. Pte. | Griffin's to-day, Tuesday and Wednes- | ew eftects Kellr he he attentioh of ev day, This thrilling story by Hector | . Bony by His cital of one of Rud-| Turnbull was founded. upon an oc-| yard Kipling's famous selections. At currence in one of the vineyards in é . 4 i the close of the programme the men | | Cali forni's famous wine producing e wore served with refreshments by , | country; In the photodrama, as in | committee of ladies The plea Yr) the actual incident from which the y evening closed with the men gath-; story was written, a woman doctor ' 4 {ering around the piano, where Mr was sent to the Mexican settlement | GIRLS | Strowger led them in a good old-}to suppress a diptheria outbreak! time sing-song. among the laborers and their fam- SPRING COATS . ilies. In order to examine the | The social hour at the military Y.! throats of her patients, the doctor] $4 $6 00 --- 2 M. C. A Sunday evening attracten a | wore one of the familiar. electric! In Navy Reefers swan . 50 to . arge number 0 soldiers and lamps on hor forehead, The s - eC our ew friends. In every way the hour was stitious Mexicans atte decided | In Fancy Tweed Reefers #$6:50 to $8. 50 S enjovable and n»rof Fle, »n14 a rag *¢ 2 deal | Ts fo Sa me Cs be Ee A Pe . was 2 Bt nunday sYeR ie ¥ it o capture the woman| . social hours yal, conducted at the and burn out her eyes. How this In Black and White Checks a _ $5. 00 and up ran ot 8S. H a ns ting was id plan is frustrated through the clever- charge of - Teens atic, SOCTC | ness of the owner of the vineyard, ® tary, and opened with an illustrated {and how he and the fai Dysici: 4 song service. Praver was offered by i; ea 18. [air physician Rev. Galrge Clendinnin, A ladies are finally united, ds thrillingly de- 3 trio. compo ed of Miss Faster, Miss Picted in this Paramount picture. | ' 3 > Werte and Miss McArthur, matle a 1 he second episode of the great ser-| 1 deep impression in their rendering jal "The Secret Kingdom™ will also of "One Sweetly Solemn Thought." De shown, and is particularly excit- 3 Rev. J. W. Stephen, of St. Andrew's|in8. This serial is proving the best E ---- pian mats SICA Presbyterian church, delivered anj|@Ver seen in Kingston from all points | , earnest and inspiring address on of view, and patrens should not miss | ] "Temptation." the opportunity of following this! : From our large and well assorted stock, -- » |thrilling story of = adventure. Our New Voile Waists . . .. . $1.00 to $5.00 3 . Brig.-Gen. G. N. Cory. D.S.O., a| usual high class vaudeville and ; handsome New York models all man tailor- Royal Military. Coliege graduate. re: | laughable "Frank Daniels" comedy New Crepe de Chene Waists $3.50 to $8.00 4 1 1 cently given the decoration of St. | round out a particularly good bill for ed and beautifully finished in the popular Anne third class with swords by His the first three days of this week. | New Georgette Waists . $5.00 to $11.00 materials and colors for this spring wear. Imperial Majesty the Czar of Russia, > M ] h 1 h has returned to Salonika, after a At the Strand, | 4 4 any new styles not shown elsewhere. fornight's leave in London. The principal role in "The Last of | ' -- the Ingrams," newest Triangle play, | . Capt. E. Campbell, Cobourg, was which will be seen at the Strand for | ps Suits at $1 5.00, $18.00, $2 | .00, at headquarters on Saturday. the first three days of this week, is| $25 0 $29 75 t $55 00 - | allotted to Wm. Desmond. The story ~ " : . 0 . oO . . Lieut. I. E. Sherbinin, 19th, has hag to do with one Jules Ingram, the . i i ! been appeipted to "C" R.C.H.A. last of a family of well-known set. : = 4 -- tlers in a bleak Cape Cod community. . Lieut.-Col. Taschereau, P.V.0.,| Jules has inherited a genial and lov- 4 leaves on Wednesqay | for Ottawa on ing disposition from his French military duty. \ mother, but his inhospitable . sur- E ar roundings depress him go thoroughly & | Major R. D. Sutherland and Lieut. | that he becomes a drunkard just to S- 3 Emery, 253rd Q.U.H., who have been ' be different from his neighbors. attending the School of Musketry at | Mercy Reed, a girl who has made Toronto for the past six weeks ro-|one great mistake which has led to turned to the city on Monday, her astracism, shows her sympathy yo Pp with Jules when his home is sold at Lieut. Gilbert 'and the pipe band of the 253rd Q.U.H., left on Monday on a concert tour to Perth, Carleton Place, Brockville, and Gananoque. | Lieut. Arnold will meet the party at Perth and finish the route with them. Capt. W. G. Ferguson, 230th Bat- talion, Brockville, was. at headquar- ters on Monday. Spring Coats wagger styles in the very newest ef- fects, all the new colors including greens, gold and other popular shades. Priced from $8.75 to $29.00. Blouses for Easter An immense variety of all that is new.' Georgette. Crepes, silks, muslins and voiles, in plain and fancy styles, all colors and all sizes from 98c to $12.50. Coming, To Griffins. It is Mary Pickford's desire to create her screen impersonations in surroundings that many lands. The first production made by her own film corporation and released by Artcraft was "Less than the Dust" in which she appears "as a little castaway of English birth in Bast India surroundings. In her latest Arteraft picture, which will be shown at the Griffin Theatre com- mencing Thursday April 5th, the change is a complete one as her part screen story of delightful comedy and dramatic blend, called "The Pride of the Clan." W ALDRON'S Largest assortment of Easter cards booklets at the College Book Store. Mayor Hughes and Alds. Wright and Polson wre in Ottawa to-day to telose a deal with the Government, shall represent | "is that of a Scotch lassie in a new, i ioned from time auction. They become friends and in facing the abuse and hatred of their fellow townsmen, finally achieve a victory that leads to the better things = of life. Mr. Desmond is ably sup- ported by Margery Wilson. Comedy reels and polite vaudeville will also hold the boards, MADE AN HONORARY Prof. J. M. Lance "Good Work Has Been zed. The Militia Department has con- ferred upon Lieut. J. M. Lanos, pro- fessor of French in the Royal Mili- tary College, the rank of honorary major in recognition of the splendid work he has done for the unis of the 3rd division during the past two years or more. Prof. Lanos, who through physical inability failed to pass the medical test for service MAJOR. overseas. undertook without re muneration to instruct the officers to time in Kingston in the French language so that when they went to France they would be able to make themsives understood. The Militia Department wishes to show Prof. Lanos its ap- preciation of his work, and has plae- ed him upon the general militia list. He was a provisional lieutenant in the 14th Regiment previously. 0 |the C.P.R. and the G.T.R. for the Bibles, prayer books and hymnals/= taking over of lands. for occupa- | for Easter giving at College | tion by the City of Kingston. Store, Open nights. Smart Easter Footwear The new creations in dainty footwear are now ready. We are showing ladies' high cut kid shoes in grey buck, grey kid, brown kid, brown kid with champagne kid tops as well as many styles in black. Tee Lockett Shoe Store PS.-- We have a splendid cleaner for colored kid.