PAGE EIGHT Founded 1847. Choice Outfitting for Easter Now for your Las- ter outfitting, Mr. Man, Boy, or Little Man! What are you going to need? Suit, 'Spring Over- coat, New Hat, Tie, Gloves or anything in Toggery? Just come right here, feeling sure that you'll find the best of everything. - Choice, exclusive styles that you'll not meet at every turn, * Men's Suits of unusual merit, $15, $18, $20 and $22. Handsome spring overcoats, $12.00, $13.50, up to $25. Easter Outfitting You'll Be Proud to Wear. A A A PA A PA AN > ® ® 9 Livingston's Brock Street . If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. Select Your New Easter Suit From our large and well assorted stock, handsome New York models all man tailor- ed and beautifully finished in the popular materials and colors for this spring wear. Many new styles not shown elsewhere. Suits at $15.00, $18.00, $21.00, $25.00, $29.75 to $55.00. ew Spring Coats gger styles in the very newest ef- fects, all the new colors including greens, . gold and other popular shades. Priced from $8.75 to $29.00. - op Blouses for Easter An immense variety of all that is new. Georgette Crepes, silks, muslins and voiles, in plain and fancy styles, all colors and all | - sizes'from 98c to $12.50. W ALDKON'S y \ . - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1917. --y | A SERS OF ADDRESSES pr "s WHAT LITTLE HANDS CAN DO TO | HELP PRODUCTION 1 'Endeavors Will Be Made to Have To-night "In Walked Jimmy." school Pupils Help in Gardening | Ask any business man in your cit spi ) tralia --The Schools Committee Met on |- ¥! public 'Will patronize y | ay 'rchant There's not Monday. slightest @agbt but that he'll tee on greater ee with Mrs, Ronie H. Jaffa,. who ng on Monday I wrote "In Walked Jimmy," which of Education | cbmes to the Grand Opera House to- J. G. Elliott| night that it takes sunshine and ctor Stuart, Prin-| smiles to put over agwinner, whether am Cook and John i; be merchandise a good bluff- The Scipol production afternoon in! rooms atte (chairman) ard cipal Sliter, Wil or | Nicolle After consideration it was | The auther has told a delicious story decided . addresses delivered| into which has been woven love, in the on Wednesday after-}jaughter and the philosophy of bus- | noon of ttle Hands Do | ings. If you don't believe it, ask to Aid in [ oduction." The | those who witnessed this play last | Separate S 100l Board wili arrange] year in New York It is presented for its speakers. The public schools! ypder the direction of the United will be addrossed by these: Victoria, | producing Company and George | Prof. W. T. McClement J Macdonald, | Summers will play the leading role, Rev. J. D Ellis; Fronténac, Inspec- "In Walked Jimmy" is'a comedy rg. W | tor Stuart; Louise school, Me | H. Macnee and J. G, Elliott; Central school, John Macdonald After the | holidays a meeting will be arranged with teachers to keep on the { work, meantime literature on gar- | dening will be secured for distribu- tion of a shoe factory with a strong frag- rance of romance. That tells almost | everything except that Jimmy is a mighty fine person to meet either in or out of business hours. He exudes optimism, believes there's a lot of good in human nature, and backs his judgment on matters of business - with facts and figures without any farce, Incidentally he falls in love and audiences can't 'help being inter- ested in his romance because he goes { MILITARY CIRCLES. J loving the girl in the most hu- the | man manner imaginable. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The "Uncle Tom's Cabin' revival which will be seen at the Grand on| Saturday April 7th, bargain matinee and night is said to be the most ex- Arthur "W. de Carle, teller in the yf Toronto, has enlisted w.ta th ammunition: divisional col- | umn He is spending a few days in| Brockville with his parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Chas. W. de Carle, | pensive and elaborate offering ever) | i } made of the great play in Ameri A Two Iroquois youths, much under | The company numbers over fifty] ihe age liuvt, came to Kingston a | members while the scenic equipment | few days ago, and succeeded in sign-|is of such variety that two special seventy foot cars are required its transportation ing up witn the 75th Baltery for| uniform they proudly wear, | Military Y.M.CA Mayor J. M "The Million Dollar Dell" es will address the soldiers at A Jingling, Joyful Comedy, with military Y.M,C.A, Tuesday even-| Sparkling musie and pretty girls, is| Musical programme and! what is promised all who | see the] : | "Million Dollar Dell' at the Grand] - | Easter Monday matinee and night| | Nursing Sisters, J. Boyce, M. R. | whep she makes her appearance in| | Lynchbe, K: B. Hughe, M. Storie, M.\ this city. A company of recognized | MacDonald, M. E. Miller, E. A. Gra-| musical comedy stars, and a "Real | ham, M. A. Skillen, 8. M. Gordon,' Beauty Chorus" which sings haunt-| | M. MacDonnell, K. S. Penn, J. G.|ing tunes, with pretty sensational | who | | | | | H ¢ {ing at 7.30 { refreshments, Macy, M. M. Martin, K. E. Gray and | dances, in costumes of great beauty, | T. M. Stewart are under orders for which present a riot of color, will | immediate service overseas, | present this new musical comedy. Sa | There has never been a show which! Nursing Sisters M. McGillivray, H.| has received more flattering press | M. J. Carey, M. M. Chis~| notices, and the unanimous approval holm, N. B. Chisholm, J. €hisholm,| of the public, and the verdict, | M. McKie, E. Kilpatrick, J. Mortimer, | wheraver this comedy has been pre-| { J. Houston, E. A. Donnell, Ruth sented, is always the most favorable. | McClennan, B, McKenna are arriving "This now Twentieth Century% play {in the eity from the west to be out- 'will be the attraction at the Grand | fitted and seu. overseas. matinee and night Monday, April 9th. | | At Griffin's. ! A bill of unusual merit was shown| Sin .| at Griffin's last evening and patrons ge Blomberg, 253rd Q.U| wig had the pleasure of witnessing] H., has been detailed to attend a |,piq pil] were more than pleased with ccurse at the Infantry School which | the same. Thé feature photoplay, started on Monday. "The Evil Eye," starring the noted i a actress, Blanche 'Sweet," is in every | Jack Tompkins, University Aven- way a remarkable Story, and was] ue, and an employee of S. Anglin & founded upon an acutal occurrence | Co., has enlisted for overseas ser- in one of the vineyards of Califor-| vice with the Royal Naval Air Ser-| nia. In this production Miss vice. He was a tenor soloist at St | Sweet is afforded arf excellent oppor-| James church. ! tunity for the portrayal of her splen- did dramatic talents, and her work | lin this picture is ably upheld by a are leaving for the east in the near | very capable cast. The second epis-{ future, were in conference with ode of '"The Secret Kingdom" was | | Lieut.-Col.. R. J. Gardiner, A.DMS,, also shown last evening, and proved | | on Tuesday morning. to be of more tuan usual interest.| | | i listed in the 253rd Q.U.H. Pte. W. L. Anderson has been i Capt. G. J A number of nursing sisters, who -- In fact, this serial is yndoultediy The Militia Department has de-|one of the finest and most excitin serials we have yet shown. The above good picture programme is | shown in addition to a pleasing] vaudeville act, which in all go to] make an ideal evening's entertain-| ment. | cided to form a company for overseas service, which will be made up of | .qualified officers who have been un- able to secure an appointment in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, but i who would enlist for overseas if there was an opportunity of promo tion later on promised them. { The company will be made up of qualified officers only . Each will en- list as a private but going to Eng- land may select any unit they wish and can have this added advantage of | securing a commission, | erent At the Strand. | A large and appreciative audience witnessed a bill of high-class enter-| tainment at the Strand last evening. "The Last of the Ingram's" is the' latest Triangle play, with William Desmond in the stellar role. This production offers Mr. Desmond the greatest opportunities for varied | characterization. The story deals| with two tempgst fossed souls who | fight their battles and triumph over] ¢hearts as hard as the rock-bound | ,coast of their native New Epgland.| "When Hearts Collide," is a mile' [> a FIRE | of Keystone fun and frolic. Other | ¢ good reels and Billy Cooke, musical | " comedian, were well received. This l The Late Miss M. M. Heyman. programme will hold the boards to- | On Monday afternoon after a ling-| night and Wednesday. | ering illness, Myrtle Mary Heyman, or -- - ! daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. Hey- The proprietor of the Chinese| man, 40 Ellice street, passed away shop on Brock street, which was in the Hotel Dieu, The deceased was raided by the police last week, when employed at. the Ideal theatre for ja large consignment of wine was some time. She was born in the city [confiscated, will have to answer to = ] I | ! | seventeen years ago and was educat- {2 charge of violating the Ontario ed in the local schools, Temperance Act at Wednesday's ses- The funeral was held at two o'- [ptems{ the police court. S : a The Wine has been tested by Prof. clock Tuesday afternoon from har Waddell, of Queen's' University, and late home to St. Mary's cathedral ' where Fr. Hanley officiated at the Shows 43 per cent. i ig The service confiscated wine is still at police RE headquarters awaiting the decision in the case. Capt. W. A. Jones, Adc. at the Armouries is in London, Ont, "AVOID SPRING ILLS Purify and Build Up the Blood: with Hood's Sarsaparilla. M. E. PARKS, OF TORONTO, Agent of C.S. Lines. A rew citizen for Kingston is M. BE. Parks, who with twenty-four { years of transportation. experience, (has been appointed general agent and assistant manager of the Can- po Duties as General i ada $jemanip Lines here. His dis- trict is from Picton and Cape Vin- || -- ' : cent toi. Brockville. Hg succeeds E. In the spring your blood needs cleansing and enriching. You feel poorly, and there is more or less eruption on your face and body. Your appetite is not good, your sleep is broken, and you are tired all the time. You need Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the one safe and effective tonic that has stood the test of forty years. It makes the pure red blood In "The Pride of the Clan," at|that will make you feel better, look Griffin's, Thursday, Friday, Satur.| better, eat and sleep better. It is day. the old standard tried and true all- the-year-round medicine for blood and the whole system. Ask any druggist for Hood's Sar- saparilla, and insist on having it. ¥. Horsey, who resigned the first of this year. Mr. Parks was formerly with the Canada Steamship Lines in the Nia- gara district, having been supervisor there last year. He spent the winter in Toronto. cqmpleting four years with the C.S.L. Mary Pickford. Lieut.-Gen. Sir C. Dobell, son of R. R. Deobell, Beauvoir Manor, Que. who commanded the Allied troops in the Cameroons (1914-16), and who took the city of Gaza a few days else has the same formula Or, ingre- ago, is a graduate of the Royal Mili- dients, and so there is no real sub- ItarmColiege. Istitute. Get it today. + JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. a LAIDLAW'S _R - . 3 } ol J S AN INSTANCE OF THE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUES TO BE FOUND IN OUR LADIES' SUIT DEPARTMENT, THE SELECTION NOW SHOWN IS OF THE DEEPEST INTEREST TO EVERY WOMAN WHO LIKES TO FEEL SHE IS SPENDING HER MONEY TO THE BEST ADVAN. __TAGE POSSIBLE. - $ tS gers ph Our Smart ~ TAILORED SUITS! A number of exclusive styles that cannot be repeated again. this spring. SELECT ~ YOUR SPRING SUIT TOMORROW / Any alteration necessary will be made by ex- . perts and without charge. fo LADIES' SPRING COATS Which are distinctly individual. : These new spring coats now on sale have de- . cidedly new features. New lines. New colors. New effects. GIRLS' » SPRING COATS In Navy Reefers . . .. .. .. .. $4.50 to $6.00 In Fancy Tweed Reefers ,. .. .. $6.50 to $8.50 InFawnClothReefers .. .. .. .. .. .. . $5.95 In Black and White Checks . . . .... $5.00 and up 200 New Spring Waist New Voile Waists . . .. .. .. .. . $1.00 to $5.00 New Crepe de Chene Waists . . . . $3.50 to $8.00 New Georgette Waists . . $5.00 to $11.00 John Laidlaw & Son | Np the | = Nothing else acts like it, for nothing|s The new cregtions in dainty footwear are now ready. We are showing ladies' high cut kid shoes in grey buck, grey kid, brown kid, brown kid with champagne kid tops as well as. many styles in black. The Lockett Shoe Store + P.S.-- We have a splendid cleaner for colored kid.