~ "bring it PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1917. vrock ot 1 nany hopes and aspirations, {has made his mark as a producer of {ftu't near St. Catharines. well as some treaties of very | dcubtful kinds. | Granted that the farmers have, n------------------------------ {of late years, been cultivating the The Ontario Government Is Te-|..,,nq go that ta st amount of y ented by the Attorney-general help is required, war crisis de- n the Hydro-Electric Commission, |, oo a change. Will the farmers but it refuses Ts -let the municipali-| the distnet not answer to the he represented How long will' .1e- 4 e Municpal Union stand for a| -- commission that will asses all the a8 upon the fuse them a voice in its man nificipalities is to be superannuatipn Department and If there in the Education Philosophy saw at divers times books; they're tribe human what we learn, man wil teach your wood, teaches you to bear without a sigh or tear loaded down with-maxims sage, their dull and dusty page the Most all she sages who inscribe are tasks they have not wrought; at ease they write their | gems of thought, as we our weekly stipends earn, make the wheels go round; books profound. unless it helps you year by year: unl it; weary load of workday care, Philosophers of high renown | handed is not much good, with patience, the of heavy but on | tired man seldom Jooks their wisdom for the at heavy have down a lot not in touch with men; Philosophy is and | examples set by some good forth in honesty is best, in a sequestered den us more than any plan set We've learned that alore See Bibbys $12.50 Chesterfields; plain greys, blacks and fancy cheviots. ' $15.00 Gloster overcoats. length. Fabric, Oxford See Bibbys $15.00 pinch back over- Plain grey and fancy tweeds. See Bibbys $18. 00 Horton overcoats. Full skirt, stitched sleeve and collar, patch pockets; rich greys and blacks. See Bibbys nobby $2.50 Hats. See Bibbys Classy $5.00 Shoes. Borsalino Hats, made in'Italy, $4.50. See Bibbys special $1. 50 gloves, greys, tans and chamois. "NOBBY TREAD" "CHAIN TREAD" "PLAIN TREAD" AND BE CONVIN Y US n VEN INSPECTION FREELY G REPAIR CHARGES VER EVERY CUSTOMER SATISFIED. SERVICE IS OUR POLICY. po : r -- == ; _ i BORN INTO NEW LIFE. |e or veirs ago be E *hanmat The British Whig R ! { ir years ago by E. J. Chapman of | S4TH YEAR aster Day ear at hand with Di 1 | f f ith ! Re er i v J ee al ¥ 1 memories, The Christ- ISCIp es 0 dl . : ! / fan's ( ylation 'of it brings very tl great happiness it is the assurance 4 sf the resurrectiol 8 Flowers gre I Pint tt . ry Teachin 1 5 avery fr § ho v In prayer i ays sing From the til I € giou let = EE ™ | Which in M : 1 ros Holsteins Sold at Belleville, nh Stretching out i = The | 18 meanir g even Christmas, though To an. al i; a ast i; 16 1p | I know' that with most people Christ- =~ I District Holstein { ~ 3 x pr oir t raver iracdars' | msa is the most delightful of all Each pulsing ef] A prayer . Breeders' Club wasgheld in this church's aniversaties Easter is to Pregnant w keen strife; Seventy-five head, including a on] | 31S uniyersalien util Answered by every 1-drop calves, were and the total ime the more important in its sigei . And sunbeam, that gives it lif amount realized was $13,565. Coun- { ficance. we i tess Segis Keyes, a three-year-old | Christians, in a country are Each flower heiter, consigned by Messrs, Purtelle From the be a oN {they are free "to |worship as they poo hing of Fa and Leayens, of Bleomfie 1d, brought po : ¢ Jreathing of i ik $860, being sold to C. Baker, of please, and as the conscience die- Through the pat yur Master trod Cr riakt ih . | lo n ] I { =e : Brighton. This was the highest prica tates, do not realize what the resur- "he flower's live : i of faith aid The-éleven head consigned by men | rection stands for in some respects. "By the same power they Messrs. Purtelle and Le avens brought b Seml-Weekly by | The poor Armenians during the last Tt $4,865, averaging $442 each, Fohlisned PU LISHING | grow -- THE BRITISE 8b LIS two vears knew what spiritual life And God Prove finds expression, a -------- Co, LMI . i . In th raver of bloot Yay x Bellville Woman Hurt. te President and death meant The Russians, the Rh the prayer of bloom they show j Bell April 4 M M:N Hott .:» Pre a od elle pril Mrs Nev a 0.0 d a S86 ary en A. Guild ging Director 106,000 or more, whose liberation The Resurrection story -- ery. of this eity. was seriously in- nd Bec.-Treas.. |(rqm {he tombs in Siberia has just Those little preachers tell jared ir unaway accident She Telephon 243 a} Dee affected, know what it is to be Ringing the Joy of Ea was diy a 'horse across a city Business Offic ** 939) born again. without shackles and From every odoro bridge wien the animal bolted and ditorial Rooms '% 292 EE H., CITY Irew er out against the itor Job Oftice a ' "itortures and punishments such as ire She sustained a scalp "st BS CRIT the world may never realize | ss = wound five inches in length and the , a Daly a i ns $8.00 These kndw, too, something of the Sylvan Island Bought. calp was torn away for some inches we year, delivered In City ...... 9 A Lowy v NY " - r pine \ 3 als red One year, If paid in advance oo $158 spirit of the master. They could ac- Alexandria Bay, N.Y April 3.~ {Her spine was also Lujun : Que year by mui] 1g coral orion $2.50] cept release and freedom without Apether importal sale of island . ,,,,-------- One year, to United States prog has just been consummated he April examinations for candi See Bibb (Semi- Weekly Edition) etaliation without visiting upo y el i : One year, by mail, cash $1.00 : A Ing IPON 44 rough the purchase of Sylvan Is- dates and probationers in the King me ye bs s - ; . h th I » of ar a g One year, it not paid in advance i 3 their tormelitors a taste of -their jand by Robert K. Wilbur of South ston Methodist district will . com- Three-qua er One year, to United States . . own brutal ifrealment This is re-, Bethlehem, Pa \ mence, 18th April, in Queen Street dix and three mo mths pro rata. 18, 1 i 4 a . - ; 3 4 hw r cheviot ------ | ceived as an omen of the most won-| , Sylvan Island lies at the foot of | Cl i grey . 5 i; TIVE ' and th rh Co 8 $ 3 are being made have ' ' TMONTRI | 5 i BE TATIV] gt | derful kind, as an indication of a Summer! and and although mipara leavor ire being made to a 2. brite Te "R EPREST NTATIVE tart) 1 ' eo; tively st 1. has been improved by a national bank opened in Cape Vin- ONTO artling ans ation of ars . 3 : wy ro RE ders Bunk Bldg arth 3. ran formati 1 caarad one of the "handsome t cottages on. cent, NY Subscribers to the capi TEL ATES REPRESENTATIVE: | ter Old things have passed away s» river, wh was erect vhout tal are bein licited : R. Nor to; 295 FIfLh Ave, New York | y + } $j he : : wd : : : : wa coats. Ea ihe 1o10' Aew'n ik. Chicago | 40d behold! with fhese Russians, all| ~~ - ~ ~-- ~ A ft. North i bo { cago y : 4 ! . . re : = - gr 3 {things hiave beceliiv new No where | Yb one J) the onl ub . i" Ine hada [in the world will Easter be as joyous hm Cj * 9ANEON us In New Russia, for In it atlon of THE -BRIVISH } there has been a resurrection that is Lationtcd bz the {real and fully understood | : - ot "Of Shoes and Shipe and Sealing Wax, of Cabbages and Kings. Audit Buread-of Clirculations. re -- ---- | . | | mr) EDITORIAL NOTES ~ TR ot BLE TAN THE SOU TH. { In 1 . re ES. SPUNK tobacco to homes where the husband ¥ ' 3 3 » the 1 1 ¢ ' - n 1311, in Quebec, the cry wa Spunk is a feminine substitute for is stricken with paralysis from the ' infat wt h Ger : i I ' There no infamy which Ger- "Anvth ng to beat Laurie: Now | tergper which answers the same pur- collar bone down whenever the city iny is not guilty jollied the. i thing to save Borden." | pose when applied to the hide of a is offering $3.50 a day for snow shov United States as long-as pessible, | ree - en | feeble husband hi eler Poverty is a terrible thing to rion whin President Wilson asked Sir Robert Borden is said to- be It is one of the Taffling perver contemplate, but it hasn't anything ] fr LotE ge of bat hurrving back to Canada. He can | ties of human nature that a tall, on the exhausted beneficiary of the i ' to accept y gauge of be | id 3 ' 3 Lon Arcop 8 Ra not get 'into touch .with affairs \t | thick necked bridegroom - who can pf relief fund who puts in four tle, to acéept no more insults or in-} be " 0 Ul lug four grips on the honeymoon héur day trying to coax fhe 15 " {Ottawa 1006 soon There isa crisis i : ' " . + jury from the Kaiser, she protest 100.0 trip without wilting one side of a ball into the corner pocket, with } republics of South America | wing collar begins to develop paral-- money earned. on his wife's rub \ leads in the new rebellion ia ng ao ysis of the leg muscles soon after board. There would be less of this ic ads e : he 4 hange y ar a : : i 1 exico leac | change of government at Ot-| loving into a flat furnished by tae kind of manual labor, if the wife Her German emissaries, while Ger- java a4he retirement of several] bride's father. This tendency can be would.greet her spouse at the front any was still professing friendship | min sters--is* suggestive. Is this overcome if the bride is a stalwart gate with a display of brass I -- the United States, were at work, being urged for the good of the female who keeps a supply of spunk spunk and a mop handle, = owing the seeds of discord and help-| party? on hand for immediate use. Nothing There is once in a while an occas- |= a : ti ' will convert a lop-lipped bridegrom ion where husbands can use a little |= r } > 1 men t stir n hn Py So HE Dy smohey sne Meh 0, f Pl Street scr pings are declared hy] Who has hecome partially ossified spunk to advantage, but the average |= fe. At Montevideo there is to be expert gricul ' : ¥! from leaning over a pool table into a husband is too soft-hearted and soft- |= » 3 in agriculture : a 1 meeting presently of the represen- | I Bin asqicutt ire to be the-best knotty wage earner quicker than a headed to resort to extreme meas-|== tives of the South American na-| fertiizers available. They should be| wife with a spunky column and an ures. Some of the greatest men = Sn d ; sould" sed upon the land which the city is] ,xe helve this country ever produced, men | = ns tc + steps t she : : " ; : ; = » sousiver p {turning t feount for greater pro- The trouble with most wives who who were obliged to have their | == be taken in making or preserving, ...n th's year are married to a boating buoy is that shoes made to order, didn't have a péace. Germany is concerned about] ee . their spunk oozes out just when it much spunk in their whole body as |= . . p ta i > . " a's ' ----- her hold th the south, where, 'during! Dr. Creelman, commisstoner of | should step to the centre of the ring a red-haired s¢hool ma'am has ini=g ! on y 3 a ar 3 -- the w she has been aided mater-| agriculture--the man who should and put up both dukes. In every her little finger. This teaches usiz=g he 9 2 ; i 8 | : ? : 2 \ fl town of any size sweet charity is dis- that the helplesseness of woman Is a | == lly, 'especiadly in her raiding of the be minister in place ol lawyer pensing XXX coffee and smoking ghastly witticism, I= 18 by ships of the Emden and would have the factories closed and | a mmnrnnenn - = Moewe types. | their teeming multitude sent to the = In all this the United States is in-| farms for the harvest. . - . = ! | terested. Uncle Sam was supposed | cath = = aa CG. A ybertson, St. Catharines, : -- o be the powerful brother who was i. A Rob 3 p I= : ' ites in tt )ntario Government --_-- interested in the souhern republics | a 'a te : ; : | -- i |X i « "Swee *herries, Soils | -- ind had authority for it in the Mon- sul.etins on i lL : i g ---s ab . land Varieties He will be remem-| & | roe doctrine His position is now ' A : Ki t vl a z $ yered as a former Kingstonian who = hallenged The war 1s making a Hl OSOP -- a a PHIL HY = HE = = = -- -- = =] = = , = = = -- = =] = = = -- -- -- = = -- = = = nt? # ---------- - BRIBERY AND fr WAR. { Amos Pinchot, a former associate 6f Roosevelt, and a public official, and now the president of the Ameri- Committee on War Finance, is heading an organization which hopes to prevent the try throngh war contracts, Incidentally, remarked can he to the New York Times a day or two ago: "A man of good standing in his community told me the other day that he had sold $5,000,000 worth of defective supplies to the Allies in one and yet this gentleman pro-Ally. He bribed a re- contract, is strongly presentative of the foreign govern-| ment to accept them." "The New | York district-attorney wants Pinchot to amplify his charge and he will ! but, like Brer Rabbit, low and say nothing". Meanwhile Tho¥. W. Lawson, of | Boston, is- out as a recruiter fol the army. He has three sons in the ser- vice of the Allies, in France, angghe is willing to lead a troop of broncho but not at home. "But if," he writes, "1 thought war was to be conducted 3 the blood- suckers who are workifig overtime to , and who have bled and are bleeding with coarsest brutality agonized Europe, 1 would bomb my- self and family before lifting a hand for the defence of "the uty Will this terrify the blood-suckers?- Oh, no. ,They are showing regarded as gehiug when the thelr fine work and succeed, not, "he lay; riders abroad, Tae Ontario Government #8 wel- come to enforce, through the license comyiission, any rule it Whi will not be affected. It does not| receive liquor advertisements, and so does pot come under any re- striction of the Icense:departmant. robbery of his coun- eds 0 likes. The, among the well-paid officials, why | should there not be superannuation in all the other departments and af- fecting their staffs? That the question of the hour, and one which the government must deal with soon- is er or later. Mr. Dewart moved, in the legis- lature,. that the profits of the Nickel Trust should be taxed thus: On the first five millions, five per cent.; on the sécond. five mil- lions, ten per cent; fon the third! five mv llions, fifteen pér cent. This {would mean that in place of $900. 000 for the last three years the gov- ernment would rge eive $3,000,000. But the government will not have it, KINGSTON EVENTS | 26 YEARS AGO Junior classes in , Louise, Central and ~Cataraqui schools are over- crowded. Oscar Telegmann Is engaged in 2 sacred oratorio." The sloop Laurg D., "salledginto the harbor this morning from Batt channels, this season. Mrs, (Col.) Summer died in Carle- ton Place from hemmorhage. { She had just retur from the south. Deceased was a d3pghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jafies McKay, and was born in Kingston sixty-three years In honor 8f the United States join- ing the Entente Allies against Ger- many, Consul Felix Johnson has hung oiit a fine new flag over his office. It's a fiery looking 'Old , Glory." : Thousands of fish in Balsam Lake near Cobourg, hive been smothered Lto death the past winter by the un- usual ice conditions which prevented ' the fish from Peeing alr, This [is the first arrival) eyes. our souls from out the shades, -~ We learn these things, Justy lore, but in our sphere of toil; wise; wis that vice will knock we've learnec to work to be and hundreds more, and makes the 1s galley west, that industry is hat when a task's on hand, it's he band, with smiling lips and | not from the sage's this is philosophy that aids, that lifts kettle boil. --WALT MASON. City Dairy Opening Monday, April 9th | A A A AP NAN, Pasteurized and . + Cream= This Dairy i is fully equipped with all the latest sanitary machinery. O. J. Robinson, one of the proprietors, formerly ran Point Pleasant~ Dairy for J many y tomers spect this able to serve , and extends to all his old cus- ~ "new ones, an invitation to in- plant, where they 'will be people better. Delivery to all parts of the city." . ROBINSON & MARRISON, Props. 24 Johnson Street. Phone 2083 Next M oore's Electr 1 THE NEW FRENCH RE Oia Carpenter and Builder O PION W. R. BILLENNESS be Specializing. Store Fronts and Fit VITL WEAKR 38 tings. Remodelling Bulldings of ail 2 i. nh ESTIMAT it EXPERIENCE x AT. 272 University Ave. . ~ "~ GENUINE PACKETS THAT TH » BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFF IAED TU ALI | re A A A A ANNAN A A A AA AA AAA ANN RC FOR SALE! 1--Frame, 7 St., Price 1225, 2---Double frame, 6 rooms each, - Raglan Rd. Price $1550. 8--Frame, 7 rooms, Quebec St., Price $2000. 4--Frame, 7 rooms, Plum St, rice $2000. S----Double stone, G rooms each, Rideau St., Price $2830. 6--DBrick, 8 rooms, Beverly St., Price $2850. 7--Drick, 8 rooms, Colbdrne ' St. Price hy _8--Drick, 8 wns, York St, Colborne "| Price $3090, Brock, 7 _gooms, St., Price $2550. 10--Iirick, 7 rooms, Colling- wood St, Price $3500. %1--Brick, 7 rooms, Albert St., ~.. Price $4300. " 12--Brick, 9 rooms, Unfén St., Price $4200 18--Brick, 10 "rooms, , Price $5500. Price $5800. 10 rooms, Univer ~ sity Ave., Price $8000. For particulars apply to McLeod CORN |) Brock Street. Freezon ghey a | T3Lockbart ' IE Bi 1035» or To ! gi Pore -- Largest and Freshest Stock of "TIRES"- Always at your Ser- vice. Your a GHARGE. REASONABLE. ~ \ Auto Tire and Vulcanizing Co. 206 Wellington Street em Wood's HERE pervs old Lebiifty, Mental and Brain Worry. 1 dency, | oss of Kmergy, Palpitotion St A THR il {Z Engli ed, Tones and invigorates the whe stem, makes new Blood eins, Cures Nervous "of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, for $5. One will ease, nix will cure. Bold by » druggists or mailed in plain pkg on 1 reint ice. New phic alia ree. THE BO Ren ICING CO ToROW 0. (Forno Wine NIG 2 . ry; ' ' il WEORD Foot of Queen St. | ne 9 » i