Harriston (Ont.) Father Says Cassell's Tablets Saved His Child's 3 Life. Mr mi writes: birth, Corby, Ong and the Tablets cured warth thelr w 1 i were just giving up hop® of {ittie daughter I don't think there ¥ other medicine for children Tike -. assells Table Publish this let- rif you Uke; it may help others 'as the Tablets helped us." A free sample of Dr. Cassell's Tablets will be went to yon on receipt of 5 cently for mailing and packing. Address: Har. wid ¥, Ritehle & Co., Ltd, 10, WCaul- St, Toronto, Fae Dr. Cassell's Tablets 3 home remedy Dysy Trouble, so hy voug Ailments, Nerve I's tation and Weakness in Children, Spec- ially valuable for nursing mothers and during the critical periods of life, Sold by druggists d storekeepers through- out Canada, Prices: One tube, 50 cents; six tubes for the price of five. Beware of imitations said to contain Phokphi tes. The composition Cassell"s Tablets is known only to the JropHetors, and no imdtation can ever ye the same Sole Proprietors: Dr. Cassell"s Co., Ltd., Manchester, Eng. the surest ta \ Kidn I mn THE RESSURECTION OF SPRING J) 15 NATURE S Mos T 7 BEAUTIFUL| ~~ CASTER nly Se FAIR. AND SQUARE, Our store is being thoroughly renovated, supplied with choice gro- ceries and delicacies and equipped with latest sanitary fixtures, United Grocery Store Co. Ben Lee, Mgr, Best's Spring Medicines April is the Month for Spring Medicines: Barsaparilla Extract. Beef, Iron and Wine. Quinine Tonle. Sulphur and Molasses, Bhaud's Pills, * Take your spring tonic now, At Best' The Popular Drag Store, Open Sundays v. Phone 59. =. Branch 2018 I ne Dr, TIDINGS FOR OUR READERS T PRESENTFD IN TI'E BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the World From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ex. change. The Alberta Legislature prorogued | Thursday : Holland refused terned German submarines. Three Toronto policemen the cells on charges of immorality, Aylmer has joined the long lst of ' towns in the Province of Que- Many noted German spies in the United States have been ordered ar- rested John Adams, for forty-three years connected 'with the Bank of Toron- to, -is dead, The President of Cuba has asked Iris Congress to declare a state of war against Germany, . Trinity (Anglican) Church, Toron- to, has sent nearly 500 men of its congregation to the war. Lieut.<Col. Barnard has formally approved the bill giving votes to women- in British Columbia. Sir George Foster has expressed Canada's satisfaction at the entry of the United States into the war. ployees to respond to tha call for ser- vice in the army or otherwise, An explosion in the Krupp works at Essen did considerable damage, and seriously wounded 38 workmen. Al hope for safety of the remain- ing thirty men entombed in No. 2 mine at Coal Creek, B.C., has been abandoned. Albert Kaitschmidt of Detroit and long wanted in Canada was arrested on a charge of plotting to dynamite a munitions plant at Walkerviile, Af a finance meeting in St.. Thomas Ald. C. A. Hammond gor Tito con- "ECZEMA ON FACE Was So Bad Had to Stay in House. All skin disesives such as eczema or salt rheum, itehing or burning rash- es, eruptions, ulcers, boils, pimples, ete, are all caused by bad blood, and while not usually attended with any fatal results, may sooner or later develop into some seriops blyod trouble, and the entire system le- come affected, Burdock Blood Bitters, , that cd and well-known remedy, will cleanse thé blood of its impurities, and by this means cure skin diseases and other blood troubles. ' Mrs. Ernest Andrews, Hamilton, Ont., writes: "My face was covered with eczema and was so terribly bad I had to stay in the house, I had ten different doctors byt, got so tired of their treatment that 1 went and bought a bottle of Burdozk Blood Bitters, and it helped me so | kept on taking it. Now I am cured, and have a lovely skin, "People who used to see me when I was so bad and see me now will not believe it, but I always tell them that nothing cured me but Burduck Blood Bitters," B.B.B. is manufactured only by y | The T, Milburn Co., Limited, 'Toron- to, Ont, . 'We desire to announce to automobile . 'owners that we have installed the most up- to-date vulcanizing plant between Toronto and Montreal. '. ITS OPERATION We have engaged Mr. Frank Pearson, who is well known to eve automobile owner of Kingston, as an efficient tire and } son has , to operate this t. Mr. Pear- oronto, where he was in the employ of the Dunlop Tire Company in their repair department. 1 Any work we undertalis to.do will be | utely Sa job we will not under- . If we cannot guar- to release the in-{ are in| The Toronto Y.M.C:A. asks its em-| | | | | | | JOSEPH F. SHEEHAN opera, *'Il Trovatore," at fhe April 12th. Bennett. He There is {liet- with Dr. F. E. broke the doctor's nose. trouble ahead. The Belgian Relief Commission steamship Anna Fogtenes, which left New York on March 3rd, via Halifax, with a $350,000" cargo of foodstuffs for Rotterdam, has been sunk. ' The votes against war by six Un- ited States Senators and fifty repre« sentatives have given comfort to Germany, according to the Berlin Tageblatt. Great Britain has agreed to re- lease the Dutch grain vessels held at Halifax gnd permit them 'to return home without calling at an English port. Governor Bickett-of Nortu Carlo- lina has issued a proclamation ex- pressing utmost "contidence in the loydity of the negroes as a race in the present war crisis. President Wilson has signed' 'the war resolution fussed by the.House of Representatives and state of war now prevails between United States and Germany, : The German master spy was snar- ed Saturday at New York by U. 8 Segrat Seswice agents, took into custody Lieut.-Col. Arthur EgBlelkowsky, a retired artillery of- ficer. At Bath, Eng. Premier Lloyd- George was accorded a tremendous demonstration Saturday when he ar- rived to witness the marriage of his eldest son, Major . Richard Lloyd- George, to Miss Roberts McAlpine, The Miss Jessie Dow" prizes for most meritorious oil painting and water color go this year to Clarence Gagnon, A.R C.A., Montreal, and F. M. Bell-Smith, R.C.A., Toronto. ] The British Government is said to have made a profit of close on $1,- 500,000 by turning over about 000,000 bushels of May wheat which: It bought some months ago during a break in the market) There is &till approximately 25, 000,000 bushels of wheat in the Province of Alberta, Saskatchewan has-35,000,000 bushels and Manitoba approximately 12,000,000 bushels, General von Bissing, the German Governor-General, in Belgium, in- tends to order the internment .of all Americans between the ages of sev- enteen. and forty-five, living in Bel- glum, . The French Min'sterial Council has decreed in a formal order that all monuments throughofit France be de- corated in the American colors and in A special appeal' asked all French citizens to hang out the Stars and Stripes. : ! It is thought the United States War Department will ask for the transfer to the United States expedi- tionary. force of the American. citl- zens now serving with the Canadian, British and French armies. Gen, Francisco Murgula's entire Carranzista force, nine thousand strong, entrained at Chihauthua City Saturday for Juarez, just across 'the international boundary line from 'El Paso, Texas. y The possibility that the ~United States Federal Trades Commission will be designated to fix war prices on foodstuffs and all kinds of war supplies, developed Saturday follow- ing the announcement of the Na- tional Defense Council. Louis Louchea, French Under Secs retary of State for Munitions, points out 'the importance of America's en- try into the war, adding, as it did, §0 largely the material resources of the Alliés as to give them a deci- sive superiority over Germany. The Winnipeg Electr allway has served noticgzOn thé~cl¥y of a claim for damagel amounting to one mil- lion dollarg for loss sustyliiod by the company due to competition from jitnéys, which is is aileged to have been tolerated and fostered 'by the 5,~ when they x Beale showing wonderful range of this leading tenor with the Boston English Opera Company offering Verdi's beautiful Grand on Thursday evening, G. POWLEY, OAKVILLE, COULDN'T PO WITHOUT IT He Comments Upon Its Broad-Mind- edness, Dr. Edwards' Looks and -Col. Hunter's Big Heartedness. Oakville, April 2.--(To the Edi- tor): I enclose remittance for my subscription. I don't know of any- one more deserving of prompt pay- hment than the publisher of a 'paper, Fe43 the only article that I ean think of that has not advanced in price in the last couple of years, 'and yet some of us would be ready to "kick" if we missed a copy or two. 1 tell you, Mr. Editor, I think if you stop~ ped our paper the same week some of us stop our payment you would not ge long without your money for I don't think there are many who would want to do without their pa- per (especially the Whig) for ae paltry sum of one dollar. | T might say, just here that I take | both- the Kingston papers in order to. be posted thoroughly with regard to matters in my old "home town" and vicinity. If you look over your books you will see that we have taken your Dapér a great number of years fn) our home, and 1 believe 1 appreciate | it more than ever since 1 came up here, Why it is like getting a letter from everybody to read your 'news from the country side." I don't think I am at all prejudiced | when I say that if I want to get a fair square account of anything I go] to the Whig. It hag been remarked that Dr. J.~W. Edwards' protograph appears in"your paper about as often | (as any other man We know of. I don't think it is altogether on ac t count of his good looks, though we { must admit he-is not a bad fellow to look at or listen to either. I believe it is due to the fact that the pub-. -lisher of the Whig'is a broad-mind- ed, far-seeing man, 'always ready to "ive credit to whom it is due. I might further add that we never hear any fault found with regard to Colonel Hunter's leniency at the Po- lice Court, "bless my soul' if you knéw the Colonel as well as I do you would know that his heart is as big as "all out "doors," and that he al- ways possessed .a strong weakness for fallen humanity and 'was ever ready to lend a helping hand to his fellow man or woman as the case might be. Long may he live to dis- pense justice. Now, Mr, Editor, if you wish to print any or all of this article you Jhave my permission to do so, if not we will be just 4s good frignds as ever, and if at any time you would like to hear from the cosy little town of Oakville just drop us a line to that effect and 1 will gladly contribute what I can to the good of the cause. --8, G. POWLEY. + A Stirring Scene, At a recent banquet of the State of Michigan Comsistory, held in De- troit, W. Boulter, Picton, was hon- ored by being called on to'reply to the. toast of Canada. remarks he said: "If the Consistory was meeting in. Canada I would pin a Union Jack on all your breasts," to which they all rose and toasted Mr. Boulter saying: "And we would wear it in honor of the boys of Can- ada who are shedding their blood in such a righteous war." Mr. Boul- ter is a member of Kingston Lodge of Perfection, Ancient and - Accepted Scottish Rite. \ The future is what we hoped the past might have been but wasn't. Headaches So * Kingstofl, Ont. Apr. 9.-- This let- ter will appeal particularly to per- Severe 5 Eyeballs Fairly Split A Yo TF a---- : . Nervous Trouble for Five Years and Heart's Was Weak---Dr. Chase's Nerve Food the Cure. a nln C8 a ae "I have been sulfering for the last five sons subject to nervous h for the writer sufféred alizost every- ing possible in this line, {. ° Nervous headache is" one of the | first indications that the nervous sys- During his|- MUST. HAVE KINGSTON WHIG The top coat is an essential in the ward- robe of the well dressed woman -- whether it is a dress coat, motor coat or general util- ity coat. 2 Our range is most complete with a showing of plain and fovelty tweeds, French serge, gaberdine, blanket - cloths, [ii poriet twill and velour cloths. The styles \ li are most authentic, coming as they do direct | from New York; and colorings are staples and those of the rainbow. : Priced from $5.50 to $42.50. o come in--if only just to look. bd i STEACY'S - Limited GLASS OF SALTS IF YOUR KIDNEYS HURT Eat Less Meat If You Feel Backachy Or Have Bladder ; "Trouble. Meat forms uric acid which excites | and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter it from the system. | Regular eaters of meat must flush! the kidneys occasionally. You must relieve them like you, relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back and sick headache, dizziness, and your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is.cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get ir- ritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night, ~ To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off your body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be- fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from. the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has beengused for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder ir- ritation. Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful ef- férvescent lithia-water drink, which millions of men and women take now and 'thon, thus avoiding serious kid- ney and bladder diseases. -- THE RENNET SITUATION How to Handle the Stomachs of Calves. J. M. Smith, Long Lake, is keenly interested in the renmet situation and has written the Whig asking that information he has obtained be given generally throughout the dis- trict so as to prove of general assis- tance to the farmers in the present situation. A.W. Sirrett, District Agricultural Representative which reads as © lows: \ "In regard to the number of calves stomachs which would be required 1 can only quote from an English au- thority Prof, McConnell. dissolved two pounds of salt, that is, it Rakes | the two Faust salt Io e the gallon o ne for extrac! ing the rennet from the stomach. To this is added one half of a sliced lemon and one half ounce of salt- petre. After Sanding for one month, 'one ha 'of this liquor strained would coggulate 160 gallons of milk in an hour, but more must be used for speedy work." pag J ; Mr, Sniith adds in his letter, "T ¢ not any other suggestions to" but the country knows Baby Carriages We have just received a large consign- ment of new and up-to-date designs. . - 0 ay your ion now while the - stock is large. 1. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. i He enclosed a letter from | YOU SHOULD USE M.S.C,