WARNING! The death of a munition worker Tecently vccurred as_a result' of blood-poisoning from a slight cut. Now we are all more or less lable to accidents, both at home and at work, but we cam protect ourselves against serious' conse- Quences by taking the proper pre ¢autions,--that fs by applying Zam-Buk immediately an fnjury is sustained. Zam-Buk combines very umasual qualities. It is a strong antf$eptic, and at the same time is very sooth- ing and healing. It is therefore eapable of ending the pain and de stroying the poison in a wound be fore it heals it. Zam-Buk not only destroys all germs in the wound, but by protecting the sore place from the germ-laden alr, keeps other diseases out. At the same time, the healing essences of Zam- Buk are growing new skin which gradually covers the place, and a complete cure is the result, There is nothing else known to science which will perform the healing miracles done by Zam-Buk, This is because of the secret herbal composition of Zam-Buk. Be pre- pared for any emergency by keep- ing a box of Zam-Buk always on hand. G60c. box, 3 for $1.25. An druggists, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, Send lc. stamp for postage and free trial box will be sent you, 9) } LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. Tralas Will leave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City 12.20a.m, 12.57 a.m. 268am. 3.3 .m, .. 640am. 7 JAntern'l. Ltd, 1.41 p.m. Mail. . .... 5.04pm. GOING EAST Lve. City . 18 Mail , ., ,, 140 am. . 16 Express . . 2.58 a.m, 8 Naf, . . 14 Intern] Ltd. am, h No. 28 Local , ,... 648 p.m. - mm. Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally, Other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detrott Chicago, y Chy, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, uebec, Portlagd, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tic. kets, and gll other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, AGENT, Cor. Johnson and Gutarle Streets, K mn, Ont, AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP LINES, Open Day and Night Telephone 99 [I Tq Passenger Service - Montreal and London (Oslling Falmouth to nnd passengers) For particulars of sailings and rates apply to local agents or to The Robert Reford Co. Limited, General Agents, 50 King Street East, Toronto. No. No. Na. No. No. 19 Man 13 27 Express . .. socal | ¥ poor ITY $a PEEP BEBEBS BR: a 000 daha Ld NEN Tree It is easier to make enemies than Ariends, but it is easier to get rid of friends than it is to get rid of enemles. Ee Frontenac | ' BARRIEFIELD, April 5~8ervice is being held | every night this week at St. Mark's: | James Esford and family have re-| moved to a farm on the Isle of Man. | A. Vairyard has purchased a house | was the guest of Mrs. H. Dowler be-| fore returning to Ottawa Mrs. | Ramsay, of Penibroke, the fuest of | her sister, 'Mrs. R. Doulen, has re-| turned" hime. Mr. Flynn, city, spent| Sunday at W. Stanton, sr'.s i ELGINBURG { April 7.--George Porter held his; cheese meeting on Tuesday night in Smith's hall after which he tréated his friends to an oyster supper. . F. W. Danby and family, Smith's Falls, arg spending Easter week at O.° Smith's, Mrs, Pixley, Neil and Etta, Kingston, and Miss Edith, Toronto, are visiting at John Silver's. Mrs. F. Porter has returned from Inverary. MYER"S CAVE March 31.--A number around here have tapped their sugar bushes, The stage was undble to go to Arden on Wednasday on account of the bad roads. James Perry has returfied home from Cobalt where he spent the last six months, Donald Mac- Gregor made a business trip to Har- lowe on Wednesday, « Miss Katie Spicer is visiting her sister, Mrs. Leonard Delyea. Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacGregor spent Thufsday last in Cloyne, W. M. Bauder pass- ed -through here enroute to° Har- lowe last week, "Sandy" Perry has gone to Cobalt for the summer. . ALLEN, WOLFE ISLAND, April 6.--Mrs. Esford,- visiting with Mrs. N.--Jackson, Carleton Is- land, has returned home. A num- ber from here intend to take in the box social en Monday evening next. The patrons of Gilt Edge cheese factory : held their annual meeting on Monday evening to install officers. J. Irvine was appointed secretary, and H. Esford salesman. Chicken- pox and measles are prevalent in this section. Miss Frances Mulvena, Kingston Mills, is spending a week with her uncle, John Mahony. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Esford, Kingston, are visiting at H., Esford's. CATARAQUI. April 4.-~The entrance class are now trying examinations, as some of the boys are desirous of taking ad- vantage of the privilege of passing now in order to work on the farms. E. Johnston and family are moving to Latimer to thé fa'm purchased from H. Merriman. Mr. Merriman is moving to Cataraqui, having bought the propérty of D. Ahearn, Sr. Henry Harpell, Sunnyside, will move to the farm vacated by Mr: Johnston. W. Blair has left the em- ployment of the G.T.R.. D. 8. Nicol, Montreal, is spending afew days at home. Cataraqui cheese factory opened last week. Mrs. Nuttal, Gan- anoque, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. K. Purdy. Thomas Burke and family have moved from Kings- ton to the village. Miss E. Saundes- cook, Westbrook, is at the parson- All Counterfeits, Experiments that trifle with and the What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substi gorie, Drops and go stant use for She relief of Flatulency . Colle, \ : It regulates the tomh Food, giving healthy and cea. assimilates the The Children's eeNuve CASTORIA 'ALwavs § Zo w " > ' NE la le For Over 30 ears inthis, heatth of Experiment, natural sleep, - age for a few days. The Hydro-Elec- tric line has made a detour and pass- ed throug the fields south of the vil- jage. The commission has settled the claims of those on whose land the poles liave been placed. Mri. Carr-Harris, Kingston, is expected to address the W.M.8. in the church on Easter Sunday evening. BURRIDGE April '4.--The many Mrs. M. E, McNichol were Sorry -to lear of her death in the Hotel Dieu on April 2nd. Mrs. M¢Nichol, before her 'marriage three years ago, was Mary Ellen daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickey, Burridge. She was born twenty-eight years ago. Her funeral took place Wednesday morn- ing from her father's home to the Sacred Heart church' where Rev. Father Powell sang a High Mass for the repose of her soul after which the remains were placed in the fam- ily plot. Mrs. McNichol leaves to mourn her loss, her little son Vin- cent, aged two years; her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hickey; one brother and four sisters, Mrs. E. J. Madden, Burridge, Mrs. M. L. Byrnes, Biggar Sask., and Pearl and Carmel « . CUSHENDALL April 4--Pine 'Hill cheese fac- tory re-opened on the 29th with a good supply of milk. Some of the farmers 'have tapped ther maple trees' and are making large quanti- ties of syrup. Rev. Mr. Kirkpat- rick has been holding weekly prayer meetings during the season of Lent. Mrs. C. Reece, of Utica, N.Y., has been called home by the serious ill- ness of her father. Mr. Bander and family, Cape Vincent, are at his bro- ther's, F Bander's. James Esford and family are moving from Barrie- field-to his farm in Isle of Man. Mr. Wilsey 'and family, Seeley's Bay, have taken up residence on his farm recently purchased from. Mr. Weir W. Hyland has sold his farm la ely to Mr. Berry, of Berryton. at home, The whole family were 'present at the funeral, DONALDSON April 5.--Ry W. Sproule is moving his family to Wilbur where he in- tends to reside for some time. Mrs. R. Thomson has gone to Flower sta- tion to visit her daughter, Mrs. James Love. W. J. Mundell, who has spent the past two years with friends in the vicinity, has returned to his home in Plunkett, Sask, on Monday. Vis itors: Miss Mary Lalonde at R. W. Shroule's; 8. J, Allan, Lavant, at 5. Ryder's; Mrs. R. Kring, Dalhousie Lake, at M. Paul's. On Sunday night April 1st at eleven o'clock" oc- curred the death of Maggie J. Paul, wife of James Morrow, after an ill- ness of about three months. De- ceased was in her twentieth year. Besides her husband and little son. she leaves her father, mother and two brothers, Funeral services were held fn Mundell's school on Wednes- day at 2 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. R. J, McMullin of McDonald Corners. The remains were laid to rest in the Mundell cemetery. The pallbearers were T. Sargant, Wil- liam Sproule, H. Morrow, Neil Mor- row, "Henry Ryder and R. J. Sar- geant, friends of VERONA. April 4.--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Freeman, a son. Mr, and Mrs. (Rev.) A. F. Ball have gone to the district quarterly meeting at Gan- anoque. E. M Revell is putting up a building en his property here to be used. as a hearse house. Storey Sny- der is able to be out again. Miss E. McMullen is visiting at Westport. Wilfrid Oraig 'and sister, Elsie, are home for the Easter holidays. Miss R. Wilson, Denbigh, is at Mrs. N. Ball's. Arthur Ryder, Flower Sta- tion, was here over Sunday. W. Revell agd F. Car have received positions in on. . Haskins has returned from Halle- ford, Thomas Rydeh is the first one to break this spring. Mrs. D. Walker, Flow- er Station, is calling on friends here. Mrs, Bert Snider ant children, Kingston, are at William Carroll's. Mrs. Celia Cronk is away on a visit. Mrs. Jessie Kenyon, Kingston, was oul' on a visit Jast week. Dr. G. W. | Bel}, Kingston, wefit up to the mines to atten ay a gick horse for the com- vate Robert Gooderham, ingston, is home on furlough. Fenwick Curran, Sydenham High School, is home for the Easter holi- days. Mrs. S. S. Campbell received her brother at the fromt. Grant Wemp, Bath, is here on a visit to his grandmother, Mrs. J. t. Pansy Percy, Sydenham, is home for the Easter holidays. A. Rankin, M.P.P., Was a visitor here to-day Mrs. H. Delite, Kingston, is at M. D. Perry's. a HARLOWE ' March 29.--People have tapped their sugar bushes. The stage driv- er a not Jake Ma tly 40 Arden yesterday muc) isappoint- ment of the people, Mrs. T. Thompson E COUNTRYSIDE APRIL 10, 0 i r make his friends here a visit. Mr. Sullivan is moving on G. Wheeler's farm on Parry Road. Mr, and Mrs. 'R. Cuddy and little Winnie were at J. White's on Sunday last © Miss M. Miller is home' from Mrs. Ander- son's at "The Mines, T. Pérry, As- sessor, was here a few days ago. Miss Maude McGregor, Myer's Cave, is visiting her sister at "Sunnyside" Rev." Mr: Leedy attended a'g¢anven- tion at Elarado last week, -- Leeds CAINTOWN April 4. --The farmers report a £00d run qf sap so far from their} sugar bushes. The Egg Circle paid 31 cents a dozen for eggs last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Turkington are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Mills. The cheese.factory opened April 2nd, with Clifford Morris of Charleston as cheese-maker. Master Howard: Lakins, Purvis street, spent Sunday last with his brother, Master Allan Lakins. : NEWBORO April 4.--J.. V, Moriarty leR for Rochester last week where' he is fill- ing a position with a hardware firm. Winn Houghton, who signed up with the Ambulance Corps is home for a few days trying his hand at recruit- ing, Mr. and Mrs, Sherman Mavety are the happy ors of a new boy, born last week. The roads are getting into good © ape, The far- mers are sugar making and the trap- pers are hustling 'ter the rats. Mrs. George 'Bell, Carléton Place, is on the sick list. The village is with- out police protection. Chief Hough- ton handed in his resignation to the council on Monday. Westport has been having a big time looking after violaters of the Ontario Temperance act. Not satisfied with that they have roped in one or two of New- boro residents, who have had to go down in their "jeans," but they de- clare never again, ---- ground for gardening: the sad intelligence of the death of | | district. F | BONGARD'S. April 4.--The Ladies' Aid mem- bers were entertained at the home of Mrs. Thomas Bongard on Wednes- day. E. 8. Bongard of Kamloops, after an absence of nearly thirty years, visited his brothers and other friends here. Mrs. Levi:Pierce has gone to spend a month. with her) daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Mayse, in Guelph. Miss L. Thompson, teacher, has gone to her home in Eldorado for the holidays. Mrs. D. T. Mec- Cormack has returhed after spend- ing several days in Picton. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thurston, a son. SALEM. April 4.<=8everal from here atten- ded the concert in Comsecon on Tuesday evening, given by the 254th Battalion band. Elon Parliament re- ceived two letters from his son, Gun- ner H. E. Parliament, who died re- cently in England. 'The letters were received some days after the cable- gram announcing his death. Since then Mr. Parliament has received several letters from friends of his son in England, telling particulars of his death and burial, A. Blakely and family move to Belleville next week. H. Murphy and Lee Clark have start- ed with their peddling waggons. Mr. and Mrs. F. Henesey spent the week- end in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carnrike and family and Miss Jen- nie Carnrike were entertained at the home of Egerton Wannamaker on Friday evening. Mrs. McDonald, Trenton, has been spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. C. Do- lan. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kemp, and Miss Verna Carnrike were in Tren- ton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elon Parliament have returned after a short visit in Picton. Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. Dolan a son, and to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simonds, a daugh-- ter. . a ---------------- : o) vay {Lennox and Addington] BATH. April 5.--The recent heavy winds have done quite a bit of damage to the docks here by the pressure of the ice. Alex. McLaughlin, Prescott, made a short visit at D. H. Robin- Son's. Her mniany. friends will be to hear that Mrs. Harry evell, who underwent' an operation in the General Hospital, Kingston, on Wednesday of last week, is im- proving. The cheese meeting of the Bath factory was held here in the Town Hall on Tuesday last and was well attended by the Parmers of this Master Gerald Baill is so far improved as to be able fo walk around. STELLA April 2.-~The ice bridge conneet-] ing the island and the mainland is in a very precarious condition. The| islanders have been getting mail daily, the mail ul: much danger and difficulty, ng made the, {Ee W. J. Beaubien has a substitute to carry fo get a sublieuts to cary doe EAST. 1917, CIGARETTE . making préparations is now open sere Af thelr land, TO-DAY-- at this very hour--more smokers are 'trying Murads for the first time than all other high-grade cigarettes combined. Almost 100 per cent of these new Murad smokers continue Murad smokers. Q © . What is happening to-day has happened every day since Murads were first introduced. What is responsible for this? Not advertising-- Quality ! . And the endorsement of Murads by one smoker to another, from coast to coast. 4 A 3 ~~ p ry I i, lle | f mm in front of the Arcade to -- i] aiteen - Dillon" and Kathleen| the telephone office, The pole on xe fs of Kingston, Notre Dame | the opposite side of the Mriht snap- nveat, are holidaying of f way up and the wires Edward Finn paid a Bed here crossing the road threw this trip to Kingston on Thursday. Vist Ralf of the pole crashing through the tors: Patrick Dowling at W. Breen's| plate glass front of John Wright's Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Fish-| tarniture shop. Close to the win- ] dr Kidd's; M. J. Sagrift| dow stood two new pianos and the and sister, Mary, at Joh glass was thrown like snow over one Daniel Kennedy at T. Lawler's, of them, | roadway is a tangled Le g mass of wires. from. the bridge to 's store. Parties crossing in Mosco Ww state that very néarly the' wites are down. At the a, . wires are down and tickers ure I i fz . g sis : ! » i IH : r Nae.