"PAGE EIGHT WW SPRING EXHIBIT : And brillipnt inaugural of New Clothes Styles for men and young men, comprehensive in its scope, magnificent in its com- pleteness, attractive in its styles, pleasing in its values. Suits, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.00. Top Coats, $12, $13.50, $15.00 up to $25. Livingston's, BROCK STREET If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. New Suits ; Spring's Smart- "est Types We are receiving every day, models from New York copies of the very newest styles shown at the late openings, exclusive designs not to be seen elsewhere. POPLINS, GABERDINES, SERGES, TAFFETAS, SILK JERSEY, And the new combination effects moder- ately priced from $14.98 to $55.00. rate Coat A 'wonderful collection of this popular "garment that is so much in demand this sea- son, all the new colors in the most appro; styles; fron: $8.75 to $35.00. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1917.. | | Mum cess. | | ba geperous supply of stationery, | drill books, etc., was received at-the| | Armouries on Wednesday for the use of the 14th Regiment C.D.F. A campaign for recruits will be started shortly. | 'The attestation papers for the Can- adian Defence Force are slightly dif- ferent to what has been used before in the Militia, The declaration is as follows: "I hereby engage and agre: to serve in the Canadian Active Mil- itia for Home Defence, and to he at- tached totany arm of the - service therein for the term of one year, or during the war now existing between Great Britain and Germany should that war last lohger than one year, 'and for six months after the termin- .ation of that war provided His Ma- jesty should so long require my ser- vices, or until legally discharged." \ Stewart Nicol, son of George Nicol, Cataraqul, has joined the Royal Fly- ing Corps at Toronto to train as an aviator, Lieut.<Col. E. Woodman Leonard, London, Ont.,, who was killed in ac- tion, was a graduate in 1903 of the Royal Military College, attending the same class as Lieut. H. C. C. Walkém, son of J. B. Walkem, K.C., Kings- top. Col. Leonard commanded the 6th London Militia Battery, but went overseas with the 6th Brigade, Can- adian Field Artillery, and won the Distinguished Service Order. Among' the soldiers who landed at St. John, N.B.,, Monday night, was Majer H. A. Cameron, of Willianis- town. Major Cameron was second in command of the 59th Battalion, which was mobilized at Barriefield Camp. Arrangements are being made for the quartering of the Forestry Com- pany, which Capt. J. E. Freeman has been authorized to raise and train here. Lieut.-Col. J. J. Mills, Toronto is in the city . for a week inspecting Army Service Corps.records. Lieut.-Col. 8. A, Thompson, Royal Military College staff, will not be go- | ing overseas before the end of May. 1 The strength of the 253rd is now 480. Major J. M. Wilson, A.D.D.S., left on Thursday for Ottawa on duty. Lieut «Cot. 6G. H+ Gillespie has ro- turned from New York City. Lieut. Col, PP. G. C. Campbell, 253rd 1s gradually bringing his bat= talion together, Sixty-five men from Cobalt arrived on Wednesday, and others are expected from different points, It is expected that an order will be issued shortly which will make it al- lowable for officers and men of the C.E.F. to cross «the United States border in uniform. This has been made pdssible by the recent declara- tion of war, but the old orders still stand until countermanded. F. E. Hammond and F. C. Rudd have been taken on the strength of "A" Company, 263rd Q.U.H. Capt. G. R. Reid, A:M.C., has been detailed as medical officer 253rd Q. U. H. The standard of physical fitness for Medical Corps, Field Ambulance, ete., will be the same in future as for forestry cr construction work. Twenty-nine men are being trans- ferred from the forestry reinforce- nents at Regina, Sask.. to the 230th Foresiry Buttalion at Broekville. The 230th Battalion also received twenty-eight men from- the 252nd Lindsay Battalion. LEGISLATURE PROROGUED Licutenant-Governor Refers to Greater Production. (Rpecial va the Whig.) Toronto, April 12.--The Ontario Legislature was prorogued this after- noon with the usual ceremonies. In his prorogation speech, Sir John Hendrie, Lieutenant-Governor, es- pecially empuasized the great impor- "tance of Weavier production of :food- stuffs throughout the province. Re- ferring to granting franchise 'to wo- i men, his Honor said it would afford the means of increasing the helpful and wholesome influences they have exercised in the past. It was also omphasized that returning soldiers would receive the appreciation they deserved. ; Seb The ETHEL CHAMBERS DIES From Poison After Wandering About Toronto Streets, | (Special to the Whig) Toronto, April 12.-- After wander: ing about the city hutgry and ment- ally deranged when she escaped from detontion hos- pital, Ethel Chambers, aged 22, and yretty, died this morning in St. Ichael's Hospital from carbolic acid, solf-administered. BASEBALL SEASON OPENS. Ebfladeiphin 6, Brooklyn 5; Cincin- oY , a. Louis 1; {Chicago 5, ttsbureg 3.0L Co New. York at Doston--Snow, ee since last Saturday, | PLOTTED TO BLOW uP CHICAGO SKYSCRAPERS Four Men With Plans and Big Quantity of Explosives Arrested. Chicago, April 12.--The arrest of four men here to-day revealed a plot to blow up several of Chicago's larg- est skycrapers. The men were caught By building the large back buildings early in the morning. When searched by secret service operatives, plans of Dbase- ments. of several skyscrapers were found in their possession. Ensugh dynamite "to blow up the loop" was found at the apartments of tne four suspects, according to a federal of-|cities, and one thing is certain, -no- cial. RT. HON. A, J. BALFOUR, British Foreign Secretary, going to. Washington who is TQ SIT AT WASHINGTO British and French Commis- sions to Discuss War Pol- icy With U. 8. Washington, April 12. --Assembly in Washington within a few weeks of a great internatienal wat council was foreshadowed by an announcement from the State Department to-day that a British commissicn, head4d by Arthur J. Balfour, Minister of For- eign. Affairs, is expected to arrive within ten days to discuss with the Government here questions connected with the conduvet.of the war, In ad- dition to the Forsign Minister, the commiEsion will include Admiral De- Chair, of the British navy; General Bridges, of the army, and the Gov- ernor of the Bank of England, at- tended by a numerous staff, The greatest problem before the conférence is stated to be the main- tenance of the flow of American mu- nitions and food supplies to Europe. This will be sought first by naval co- operation to fight the German sub- ma ; second, by construction of a huge fleet of wooden merchantmen to. negative its destructiveness, and third, by a ways and means to in- crease American manufactura and the Alles ability to pay for the pro- ducts, AN ALLIED COUNCIL we titles of his mysteries, the more | EX-PREMIER VIVIANI To head the French wir mission to - the United States. LIFE IMPRISONMENT +" QIVEN ST. PIERRE For Killing His Father--His cial to the Whig . { Jovi Cowal April 12. Imprison- ment for life was the sentence im-|S posed on Emerson St. Pierre, con: vieted of manslaughter, following the death of his father, Willlam, whose body was found in the cellar of their home. Nettie Richmire, Emerson's watchmen - at-] { tempting to gain entrance typ one of | | | "| power he could | TAG News | | | Guns at Fort Monroe Salute Visit i To-night "Il Trovatore De Luxe." That is what a foremost critic said of the co-star production of "Il Trovatore," which comes to the Grand Opera House to-night, Thais company, which features Joseph F. Sheehan, America's fore- most tenor, and Mile. Nelli Gardini, called the. Geraldine Farrar of France, includes such artists as Elaine De Sellem, Grace' Doxsee, Harold J. Geis, Robert. Evans and a number of others. It is probably the highest priced cast ever heard in-a single performance outsfle of tae big where has so notable a cast been heard before at prices within the reach of the average theatregoer. Mlle, Nelli Gardini has demonstrat- ed fully that she is one of the world's greatest Leonoras. 'Joseph F. Sheeh- an is the foremost exponent of Man- rico which America has produced. These co-stars - have surrounded tifemselves with a specially selected company of European and American artists, a 'great singing chorus and augmented orchestra. Thurston, the Magician. Thurston is "thé" magician of this generation, and general opinion has it- that he stands alohe among the magicians of the world. This fam- ous artist will appear at the Grand on Friday and Saturday, April 13th and 14th, with a Saturday matinee, with a company of twenty-three people and two carloads of effects: Thurston began hig career in a small town in Chio, going to a public school, doing simple little tricks with cards, coins and a high hat for the mystification of the néighbors, carry- ing the idea further and evolving it all into an art, making money, mak- ing friends and making people laugh and wonder. If ever a man'captur- ed the world and used it for his own amusement and profit, it is Thurs- ton, who plays to capacity audiences everywhere The scope of he Thurston operations is indicated by notable of them are "lone," a my- sterioys young lady, who floats over the 'heads of the autlience. At Griffin's. It is an old saying that there is honor even among thieves. In the peculiar code of the underworld the one great unforgiveable crime is the double crossing or betrayal of a pal. lIAround this fact there has heen writ- tén a fascinating combination of comedy and drama called "A Girl Like that," a Famous Players-Para- mount picture in which Irene Fen- wick and Owen Moore co-star, -and which will be shown at "Griffin's" to-day, Friday and Saturday.' The over-ophisticated-girl crook who goes to a small town with the sole Intention of getting the combin- ation to the village bank's safe is the highly picturesque and absorb- ing role which Irene Fenwick plays in this interesting drama, and Owen Moore is the Cashier. The thirteenth episode of the mys- terious serial "The Shielding Shad- ow" will also be, shown, together 'with the "Mutual Weekly" of world- wide current events, and our usual high class vaudeville completes an ex- cellent bill, At The "Strand, For the last three days of this week Douglas Fairbanks will be geen in a New Triangle Play at the Strand, He's a wonder. He. can fall in love with the president's daughter, rescus her from jail defeat the plans of the war minister, do battle with a dozen soldiers at once and come out of the melee smiling and just a little muss- ed, He can, and he does it all in "The Amerricano" his latest and best screen success, Another headline at- 4raction is Helen Holmes in the first episode of "A Lass of the Lumber- lands". Polite vaudeville and com- edy reels will also hold the boards. ALLIED SHIPS WELCOMED, ing, Warships. Newport Néws, Va. April 12--The French cruiser Jeanbart and the British cruiser Leviathian arrived i Hampton Roads yeste+lay. Bo ships were wele( "wed with salutes fir- ed from Fort Monroe and which were answered in kind. The object of the visit here is unknown, but so far as can be learned neither ship is taking supplies. Nerfah Firth, who resigned his position a short time ggo in the Clyde 'New Arrivals in Suits and Coats Every day we receive new suits and coats and they age sold al- most as quickly as received. If you have de- layed - buying your spring suit ¥) this is your op-! portunity to se- cure one now. Many women [ with a limited allowance have solved the suit problem here. DRESS SKIRTS Black Taffeta Silk Skirts Good quality taffeta in three distinctly new models. Black Charmeuse Skirts Black Satin Skirts. See these tomorrow even if not ready to buy. FOR STOUT-WOMEN We have just received special skirts in black silk tussor cord; a stylish model that gives correct lines. Price is $10.95. WOMEN'S INEXPENSIVE and USEFUL SKIRTS $3.00 to $5.00. Just opened quite a number. These are nicely made in a number of pleated and plain styles. The materials.are black and navy suit- ing serges. The values are re- markably good at-these moderate prices. utterick Patterns for May now ? ready; also new Delineator. Woollen Mills, Lanark, to accept a similar position in a mill at Water-; ford, Ont, left Lanark on Sunday for his new job. C. J. Foy says if Perth had cheap ake the county, town a 'city of 10,000 population in a few years. » John Laidlaw-& Son paramour, who pleaded guilty to be-| E Beg