Heed the Warni When your headlight reveals a "Bad Road" Sign, you do not need to be told twice to "drive slow." When it is brought to your attention that all the "signs of the times" point to the failure of the old-style road-- surely you do not need to be told twice to "drive slow" before sanctioning the construction of any more such roads. . 3 Drive slow on the road question--find out why it is that Permanent Highways of Concrete are now recommended by the leading highway engineers. , Search out the reasons for the fajlure of the old-style road. Get acquainted with the statistics that prove Concrete to be dustless, without "waves," free from ruts, and. so durable that its maintenance-cost is infinitely smaller than that of any other type of road. 4 Profit by the i ' iti iscov how to build Fou Foade Io a ra ities that have raed all this information ; it's in ok form apd exceedingly interesting. Your name on a post-card will bring it to you free, CANADA CEMENT COMPANY, Limited 61 Herald Buildi Montreal ""OONORETE FOR PERMANENOE* he seemed just skin and bone. OF THE BAITLE only weighed 10 lbs. and we never i thought he could live. But chancing 1 MUTUAL SALES CoO. 32 Front Street West = Toronto, Ontario ONTARIO BABY MADE STRONG Mrs. Jarvis Says Pr. Cassells Tablets Cured Her Delicate Child When- No- thing Else Could. Mrs. Jarvis, Box 286, Penetang P. ------ Z O., Ontario, writes: "It is' a pleasure ! : to tell you what Dr. Cassell's Tablets 2 have done for my baby. When: only Advanst is Described By five months old he fell ill, and thjugh in the Anas : By I had medical advice for him he got Philip Gibbs. worse. I tried everal special foods, but none of them would Stay on his stomach, and he became so thin that e to hear of Dr. Cassell's Tablets I got some for baby, and am thankful I did. WALL OF SHELLS CAME PERIL- He is a bonny boy now, quite cured, sam f Dr. Casselt's Tahiets One German Defence Had Not Been wii Sree stmple of Dr 'receipt of 3 cents Destroy Barrage 3 mailing and packing. Address: Har- Crept ed, So J Slowly oa . Ritente & Cen, Li 10, M'Cauil- * 3d Destroyed Ie. St rte Tablets are the surest By Pi 3 Dr. Cassell's Te: t British ar Correspondents' | home remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney = Trouble, Sleeplessnéss; Anaemia, Ner- ~--~Thé t iments, Nerve Paralysis, Paipi- Headyvarters, ap 12 Tue haifle Mri Weakness inn Children. Spec- of Arras, which began yesterday at ally valuable for nursing mothers and yr » itica) pe © e. dawn, and will be remembered Bw eh Rin ees Ay through all history, is tao big to be out Canada. Prices: One tube, 50 cents; i f five. Beware told in the brief telegraph messages Six tubes Sor, The price of Nye, vpo- i . The composition o Tr. which I write with desperate haste DOB abi Ie Be So tT so that the despatch riders may{ proprietors, and no imitation can ever carry them on their far journey to Roi piane. a: Dr. Cassell's Co., army "signals." In a hundred years Ltd., Manchester, Eng. not all the details will be told. The fighting was very stiff round "7 Blangy, the suburb of Arras, where RUSSIAN MASSES BEGIN the enemy was in the broken ruins of houses and behind garden walls, TO REALIZE THE REAL AIMS OF Strongly barricaded with piled sand- THE WAR bags, but our men smashed their way not only through, but through| Government Statement Issued This and on. The troops of old English Week Cleared Away Confusion on regiments. were checked awhile at Many Points--To Be no Annexa- a strong German works known as tion, 3 the Horn, Holt, Hamel and Hargest us ym: oe : etrograd, ri -- - positions, and at another strong tion of iT the war is rr point called the-Chureh work. | the forefront of public attention and It was at these places that the| during the last week has been a tanks did well on this day, when| subject of hot debate. reat pres- they had hard going. because of the re dag pain, Sought io bear oa slime and mud, and after a journey ties with the birt of Ingeane : to of over three miles from their start- make a plain declaration of the ab- ing point knocked out the German| sence of any imperialistic or aggres- machine guns and so let the infan-| Sive 4ims in the war. The issue of Will YOU give | yi) | up a little cake that a hungry Belgian child 'may have bread ? vr 1:3 4 "Their need is appalling ! Give as freely as you can to he t i such. a declaration is practically made JY St ou high ground senk.. At) ena declan of Socialist support of a point known as Railway Triangle, a further prosecution of the war. east southeast of Arras, where thel- "There is a curious discrepancy be- railway lines join the Scottish troops| tween the violence of this agitation were held back by machine gun fire.| ang plain facts of the military situa- The enemy's works had not been de- tion. The immediate question = for stroyed by our bombardment, and Russia certainly is not one of 'con- our barrage had swept ahead of the Quest or annexation , It is that of |™ troops. News of the trouble was rapidly organizing all tore sent back and presently back crept the en emi BE Ine roel the barrage of our shell fire, coming ing onset of a powerful enemy who perilously close to the Scotch troops, already accupies a large area of Rus- but pot too close. With marvellous| go territory. \ Sos ney our gunners found. the tar 'When the spring floods which hive get of the triangle and swept it with already begun begin to subside the shell fire, so that its defences were spring campaign will begin in all its destroyed. Intensity. That is the fact uppermost in the'minds of all who take serious- Scots Surged Forward, ly into account the facts of war, The Scots surged. forward over The Socialist appeal to the Ger- the chaos of broken timber and bar- man proletariat had no direct effect ricades, and struggled forward again in undermining German military to their goal, which brought them energy and, according to the opinion 10 Feuchy Well and to-day much of such a competent observer as tire further. . A tank helped . them at Swedish Socialist Branting, fit is Feuchy Chapel, cheered by the Scots 'hopeless to expect the war will be as it came into action scorning ma- 5 chine gun bullets. So the English| !erMinated by a German revolution on the Russian model. The Germans and Scottish troops pressed on and will fight on and all efforts must be gathered up thousands of prisoners, h 50 tame," said one. bf ourgfien,| Made to cope with them. "that they ate out of our haWds." PS So ready to surrender that a briga- Includes Various Elements. dier and his staff who were captured |, The agitation of the Socialists in with them were angry and ashamed the circumstances is certainly in its of the men taken in great numbers extreme forms Utopian, but it in- without there being a single wound- cludes various elements from reck- ed man among them. Some cifism to practical idealism. fanaticism has poured oil on me, and there certainly are tense four days before, some writers and speakers who hoped fering from hunger anf thirst. to prove on this question an irre. Trench mortars and machine guns vocable split between the Govern- lay everywhere about in scores,| ment and the workmen's council. burst, flung about by the, ferocity| qpq agitation among the workmen of our shelifire. German' officers, sometimes took amusing forms, In wearing iron crosses, I saw below | on coco I know a meeting of work- Vimy ridge to-day. ? men voted against annexation ap- parently under the impression an- Greatest Good Humor, nexation was not an idea, but a far Our troops treated them with the away innocent country coveted by greatest good humor, ' throwing Russian capi chocolate and cigarettes into their It will be remembered that up til enclosures and crowding round to ow the masses of the Russian peo- speak to the men who knew the Eng- ple only had the vaguest notion -of lish tongue. There seémed no kind the real aims of war. The discus- of hatred between these men. There sion of the diplomatists, the com- was fone after the battle had been monplaces of war to publicists, never fought, for in our English way we percolated down to their intelligence. cannot harbor hate for a beaten eir opposition to German aggres- enemy when individuals are there n is purely inctive. The de- broken and in our hands. "Let a lit- finite and le element in the tle further away the fighting was Socialist agreement is that if Russia fierce and there is no softness and no mercy in the hearts of our 'men| 2d lier Allies disclaim all aggress until the enemy throws up his hands, ------------------------------------ & ? OUSLY NEAR SCOTCH TROOPS. and weighs 25 lbs. at twelve months old." ' Our eoal is ds clean as coal can CLEANLINESS SPIT, ] i SYSTEM possibly be--free from dust, slate or ( ) TABLE other foreign matter. It yoy haven't laid in your winter | - : Lh effect t Jan . 1 supply yet, come in and see us--ito- day. , Thé woman who scrubbed the coal Sn . Lye City Arr. cu bin before the coal was put in car J No: 1 Ma x e238 Am, m, ried cleanliness a little too far. No. # Loca NO, No. " F pene 'SnRne G PEEP =a FERPA TUE : :| Thousands of Men for|x. ne... F RE ih...... 1290p " . Spring Seeding [Nas Rear 1 Jad. 108 p. # LJ WI Other ti h 'anti Li % Baraay [ 1 ¥) - er trains ¥ excep A huts AL Lo ares Effec Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, w F m t. Hamilton, Bamato, London, Detroit 9 cago, Steady Employment -- Good Wages. S$ - Stone po I~ © = TEP 00 re 2 gs "BpBEp 3 = dation, Tio- For tickets and information apply a aig maa, Actommodation. apply to J. E. Ivey, station agent, or M. C.{¢o i . Dunn, city agent. J. P. HANLEY, AGENT. (Calling Falmouth to Innd passengers) ¥ Cor. Johnson and Ontarle Streets, F ticulars of sailings and rates " 54 apply fo Tocal fmited, Generar: aman | od N YN VR le: A 1:1] | acmNoY wom ALi" "OCEAN STEAM. , Limited, Genera e . . LC Easy Toronto. : Day a 1h LINES, - - a ; : NINA tr cet itn od) Low Fares and ToAllPointsin Through Tickets WesternCanada and thePacific Coast Electric Lighted and Comfortably Equipped Trains. To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply to M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or J. E. Ivey, Sta- tion Agent, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, General Pas- senger Degpt., 68 King St. E., Toronto. VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN A AA Nt Nang A New and | Tempting ; 'Delicious; long- lasting. The third of the {Wrigley trio of