PAGE SIXTEEN Re Ea THE. EXTREME BEAUTY "= a. : peed SHOWN IN BODY BUILDING AND er COMFORTABLE FILLING Were Features at the Auto Shows a 1 Held so Far This Ycar--Tendency he Towards High Speed Engines, One of the f shows already Nel extreme beadty $hown. in hody ing and the utmost romfort fou fittings. Manulabty high-speed er ingly rested ol thelr « n their ex- the cars periments. regarding has "hown cent, gain j engine to use; the apostl bearing st toward eon twelves, the ¢.ghts, the s : ftion of engines with removable cylin- fours are seemingly convinced at (der hes Overhead valves and the they have "the" car that the public thermo syphon cooling m also requires so far as engine power is! grew in popularity last year. Seventy- concerned, and they have concentrat-|cne pef gent, of the 1917 cars have ed'all their skill and art on the chads- | vacuum fuel feed is and building and fitting out of the What are t body. design? For Investigation as td the number of jteen typés of bodie ly defined by cylinders best adapted for the #uto A rican Sc y of Automobile mcebile éngine, shows that, as a rule, Engineers there will probably always h gher-priced new cars have adopted |be a place of greater, or minor im- the multiple cylinders. There is no portance, but at this time the main doubt that the champions of 'the |enda@avor is concentrated on evolving fours and the sixes are not content | the body that will best ¥pan the sea- to rest on any dogmatic assertions as sons. Much progress has been made to the good qualities of these respect- toward the all-the-year-round car in ive types; they are striving for im- | tlie last two-years, In fact in adap- j tabilty to seasonal changes, in 10bile-en- lave boré of less three '¢ count of the Battery of The tendency syst 1e tendencies body one of six- in each the late the - N) {ease and readiness with which the |summer car can be converted into the wintet car, it wll be difficult to finagine 'how much more improve- | ment could be made than that dis- played in the 1917 models. Open Sedan' is Popul This does not mean that the aim of the designers is concentrated on cue type of body, in fact there are jg2veral that admirably exemplify this adaptability to the differert times of Jithe year, but unguestionably the most prominent dévelopment of this thkind among the 1917 models is. the | "open sedan," that is, the car so constructed that. its glass sides may ibe lowered so as to leave the space entirely clear from the glass front to the back Numerous automobile makers have come. out {for the first time with this style of { body. Probably more manufacturers {have added this type of car to their {list than any other style. | Next to the open sgdan the two lor three-seated car with collapsible top, the convertible coupe, will in IS YOUR CAR. INSURED ? We have a very up-to-date policy which we would like to explain to you---it covers all hazards a car is insured against, Call, write or 'phone at our expense. J K.Carroll Agency Real Estate and Insurance, Phone 68. 56 Brock St. EE ond place in the season's tendency in body styles. Third, the roadsters ia mere prominent place at the show [than ever before. The year's pro {duction of roadsters in comparison | with' the touring car is not known, but if it were it would undoubtely {show a strong relative in. The {compactness of the roadster with at ithe same time provision 'for rgomi- ness, has had a decided appeal, and the ingenWity of seats in the roadsjer (hag been one of thé most interesting {developments jin recent body design. Using Up All the Room. I+ The popularity of the roadster type has made itself felt in the makes of go a8 high as ene likes in selecting |a car with seats for but two persons. 'In fact, lessened seating, capacity, .- A Harley-Davidson Outing Every Day YO an ty Tr Harley-Davidson and sidecar. ~ You don't have to be told what this will mean to them. Come in and give us an opportunity to tell you what a Harley-Davidson will do for you, and how little it costs to own and operate one. i If you don't want. to pay cash we can prrange terms to suit your convenience. Come in now--thete will be absolutely no obligation to buy. : ; : This Motorcycle can be seen at A. ~ '/RAWSON'S, 41 Montreal Street. the; this season! {all likelihood be found to hold sec-!| {of .clover-leaf and club style occupy | [the highest-priced cars and one can | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1917, ENORMOUS GROWTH OF AUTO INDUSTRY, The following figures, given by H. W. Baker, secretary of the New Associdtion, indicate the growth' that automobile industry during the past ten years: 11905 1906 52,000 3,376,000 ~ 360,000 12,000,000 ¥. T1000,000 75,000,000 30,000,000 1,800,000,000 318,000 §,000 $52,000,000 $100,000,000 York Automobile enormous has taken place in the Number of autom United States. ... biles in Number of tires required Gallons of Tabricating oil usea Gallons of gasoline consumed . Number of Miles of Cost of Total expenditure hy end of year Value of farm lands ihereased from 20 to 194 per cent. | A A A es AA nin. | that doing with surplus holstery, heaters for the interior of room, seldom if ever used, is a note-. the car, and other devices, the mod- | worthy tendency in 1917 automobile ern motorist can be just as comgort- design. This, too, irrespective of able skimming over the frozen | price. 'Some of thé most costly town roads as he used to be .in the sum- cars in new 'models seat but two or mer time: And it .is not only the three persons wealthy magnate with his big bank! Bodies are made smaller and the | roll who can afford these things | lines skilfully drawn so as to em- ithe salaried man or the small busi- | phasize the .chassis, -a vital part of | ness man can now purchase a car the-car' which a large body may try | whiclf gives hiin the Same degree of} to igno but never successfully. |service. There is a true relation between the| chassis and the body, and designers | are bringing this proportion more] into effect. So, too, the convertible idea has! cars, | licensed 235,000 paved road construction {and itis said will wash if great care They are made slip fishion is, away ---- Machines More Costly, | The increases that have been made | in the prices of the more widely! A he hidhes oud known models of pleasure cars will affected the highest-priced .>«/ not have' much affect on the sales. | showing how full of life this idea iS, | The past two years has seen an| yon Hive 0 the sustom- made bodies anormous increase the_cost of ol -the season, In wich 3 £08 | steel, aluminigm, -ete. Apd the! but a secondary consideration, the |, anufacturers had to reduce the er ws omger hanes angi |1Uality of the materials put into the| |The glass AAD pny the driv- | GATS or else inerease the price. They ers seat is_made so that it may be | Adopted the latter plan, andthe pube | lo ray A A 1'in one type the whole | 1i¢ may rest assured that while they; wereld, and in o yD > {may have to pay a. little more for car may be thrown into one com-|} oir care than. in pre-war times, yet, partment. This elasticity is at the] Spm . 1 erinla | | err wil they are secyring the best possible owner's behest; if he desires to drive | value and that the workmanship put | be way. de so ithous supmiting into Lhe cars on exhibition is that | he Isols o. the yp | of theaighest standard. | feur seat. | 1 | in c¢hauf- | i . FADS AND FANCIES FOR MOTORISTS All Have Graceful Lines. The demand of the 'public for streamline bodies and unbroken sur-| faces ig evidenced by a glance down] 'the length of the long show room| 4 which has 45,500 square feet of| " | space. The stocky car that was all | Early spring days will find the! Val is dau SY Siow ang Ne / man who drives his own touring car | LAC s take wy at | ar 5 4 p [give one the impression of looking earing the intese mode) ia laagher| Fat of Sorority Be Tae coats. The coat has a Shetland wool at -a thoroug: se ACA 18 lining that snaps in place and maybe Jerhaps Hathse Set beautitil yew, ved if too warm. , Buttoning ' Sk ic i; ey 8 Mii og i of | from the right side way over to the ate a reversion to the old ty >' (left with one button, the coat is se- ycar, and they give an impression of | cured at he waist line 208g ie, Sot Shans and speed which Jakes &| fastened to the coat, except for al 8 TONE appes ho. RAN pois. 3elf- | SPACE in front where it may be tigh- ! cars have, ourse, a 3elf- oe 7 -ertible col- starting device--although some' of Sone or duoseiiod. 24a vertible Sal. | them still retain the starting handle gions of the weather. The coast is} (a8 part 3 3 1€ ip mem a on loose enough to admit of perfect free ne moder riT1C 8 -star " 18} i fv ne n a KMAT x OR {not infallible under all cireumstane. | OM in driving. The smartest touch | i <5 ciatiy inthe hands of Soma: to this outfit is an aviator model cap ies, especially Bp 8S O 8 BM wor i $1 . | RE Electric lighting Systeme | OID with the coat. The cap comes | | ant devices for preventing that glare]? three models--the ecurtined hood, am boy yie on preven ARE are the fur-lined hood and the leather eh 15 the og o d SUS! lined skull eap'w par protectors. existence when doing any night driv-| 4 5 eap with ear protector: ting are also to the fore---in fact, in foro ; ¥ : as a od SUrite Aepartmenit tia) New e¢loth Alpine shaped dats in | show there are literally hundreds of Plain colors and in the black and| | 4 ally 4 v hi , i sole {things which seem to be essential to » bite Plaids dre being Sel eq for {the proper driving of a car, no mat-| Cu nern touring cars. hese 1als go | Lter 'of what make ' ' jwell with the new rainproof dust] With the Eowth of 'winter motor: | CoA. PeMtin-vain, they are called. | : { The coats are of gabardine with plaia | ing the demand for the closed model : i 8, © el. set all manufactu ers on the war- lining "a ul} top coat model i path, and, what with long-tuft up- EN NNN Pl Nl tt) Hanshee cashmere shawl robesare tand fini === "In The Automobile World excellent for, early spring us they cotfie Th fascinating colo reverse side being a pa! darkest color. Forins robe has a Mlac r tan reverse, a navy a pale 0 on The fringe at the three inchef long. eather pillows shade ce, a verse, a br alufted are than the plain ones, but are not com- in A trimmed One in loopine, a loosely woven cl! fs in a green, yellow and 'white plaid. fortable. Velvet pillows with worsted flowers are nov are in the bolster Still newer are the pillows m pongee or Indian silk, ster | These are done in bold floral « on natural tan. They clean pe s taken. to button in place. Among extra » Wraps the ape perliaps the newest. cape is three-quarters length, blue serge, oddly draped, Big $ Four Prices Effective April Ist Light Fours Towring Roadster Country Club Big Fours Touring Roadster Coupe . Sedan . Light Sixes Touring Roadster Coupe . Sedan . Willys-Six Toxring Willys-Knights Four Touring Four Coupe Four Sedan Four Limousine $2 0 Eight Touring $2730 Advance in price, Big Ligh All prices f. 0. b. Toronto Subject to change without notice rs, the tu blue, and ed at the ends with tassels in RGyy with a e, and high, looselyduttoned burella cloth The lining is crepe de Chine the collar is'a strip of ery aad buttons match, ' of the purple own a the are nds is newer Fipt many new models and el and shape, gathered The coat is unlined and is a orange modified raglan. An jersey cloth is in a whic figure. material, and in model is most attract ve. satin coats are new and the ade of, smock reilled lesigns rfectly ricotine is a side forms the linink black with the white reverse being very smart, Lanvin The a tendency to use the painted 1190 5*1380 The Overland Big Four--again improved and refined--is the car that built Overland. This car for nine years has un- dergone steady development and refinement with'\the help and advice of an army of .owners which now totals over three hundred thousand. The unprecedented accumulated experience in building this typeof car has taught us true balance as nothing else could --the value of right weight-- the true tire, gasoline and oil economy--the utmost attain- able riding comfort---the lines far of tan} done h is very becoming to the slender woven an old rose Two-tone embroidered silkoline or the stencil- ated linen curtains in the machine, Er -------- yr? ro "rs A 2% 37 Using Superlatives. of tant It tensive selling methods and all claims with (of salt. But to when "wonderfal" is "beautiful" "pleasing"; car 1s "'econontical" loth, | pensive," and so on. ort of wool model, | greatest of all silk belted lighter [giory? muslin formance. Nobody values it. 'elaim it? the proverbial v is said that over-landatory ad- "r Along the back obiventising of motor cars does no harm Iver embroid- | because people are accustomed to in- accept grain should surely certainly ought to mean comparatively. "inex- said, it Sport coats are a veritable colorishould at least 'mean adequate"; this season, and they are made materi a be In this ,which promises to be the automobiie years. { There isa remarkable range of selec- | tion--a car to fit every pocket book and most of them good values. The real facts about them are nothing to be ashamed of---so why veneer the For it is obvious that a car which ; jeosts $500 or $1,000 less than an- With the chinz coverings there is other car cannot be "just as good" in either looks, riding quality or per- So why that truly express refinement and beauty. The price is $1190 until May 18¢ --thereaflter $1250. The Light Six is the same model with changes conforming to approved six-cylinder con- struction and is likewise an excess value car at the price, $1380 until May 1st--there- after $1435. These cars represent a safe pur- chase at a, very considerable saving on a basis of com- parative values. Our April deliveries are limited. Overland Sales Rooms: Arthur W. H. Cal- laghan, Dist., 210-214 Wellington Street. Phone 1410. to 'make ayaa You do price buy the not compare the dollar. You realize motor car offers. The price is low ! buy more motoring Powerful, speedy, roomy, possible. Gray-Dort he But Ge --------------------Sh . = The same money same motor car value in other cars. . : ; absolutely reliable in every. detail, beauti- in design and finish, complete in equipment from Westinghouse you a car that lacks something Gray-D ith slash 5 dol ort t nde in Auge that here So all that any ~ lete. for could not not nearly more moi Everything You Could Ask of Any Car! ir *In the Gray-Dort we do not offer N\