Ft ttt ttt Str ay | { Stitches in Time. {| Keep a waltchful eye on the king bolt in the steering knuckie. If it} wears through the axle will drop and a severe accident may follow. | If the knucklé through which it pass- €s seems out of true the bolt is va ing and, bgcoming weaker. Keep it | well greased through the grease coup | on top and you will delay this danger almost indefinitely. -a Do not think beeause the magneto givés you such faithful service that it never has troubles of iis own. You probably give it a drop of oil in each oil lead once a week. Buf the distri- butor should be cleaned occas onally, using a brush or a piece of cloth dip- ped in gasoline. The dust which ac- cumulates on it will soon short-cir- cult it, causing engine to miss explo- sions. Dust sometimes accumulates ine'de the distributor, which must be removed clean ng. Another trouble is pitting of the . platinum points of the circuit breaker. When this occurs no current can run at all. If this trouble is su pected run a strip of f ne (not coarse) emery cloth between the points a few t mes. Do not ariempt to file them. Jf cireuit- breaker gap is out of adjustment or any other mangneto trouble develops, do not attempt to remedy it yourself. for In order to get the best service from your tires it will be necessary to keep carefgl track of the number of miles run." Get a mileage book at a tire agency or rule a memorandum book for the proper entr es. Have 2 page for each tire or tube and identify it by the manufacturer's number. Have =x columns as follows: Date put oni and speedometer reading. Date removed and speedometer reading Mies run. Total miles to date. If you have no speedometer it will be fnecssary to estimate mileage by the number of héurs run Vv : : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, In The World of Easy APRIL 14, 1917.. Travel SEVENTEEN PAGE - - EE ---------------- a 5 |. If the 'carburetor catches fire fo {not give way to panic. Shut off the {gasoline at' the tank and start the {motor if poesible A self-starter is juseful here, but one suould" spin it by hand if nececary. Ths draws the|® flame into the carburetor, where it Dried orange and lemon peel are will do no harm. Water from the |, od substitgtes for kindling wood. radiator may be thrown on turning . . woodwork, but never throw water on| Traces of rig founy Ser a pool of burning gasoline on the|2lmost-one-third of the area : floor, as it only spreads the fire. Glycerine applied to the glass stop- erslonion {pers of bottles ~ will prever' them Novel among parasols for motor | sticking. use is one of navy blue Dresden silk | Steam driven motor omn buses that with a yellow silk- lining with gay nse coké for fuel are being tried in bird pattern. The parasol is gather- | onlon. ed between each rib, has a folding | A California inventor has patented natural wood handie, and a specially curved shears for cutting corrugated strong frame, r wetzls. { Au Italian has inveated a holder An extension lamp should be part [scr a boiled egg that clamps to the of the equipment of every car. Gat {side of » plate. a socket and fasten it to some con-| A rew raek: for cevera: venient part of 'the dash and tap |Srushes is covered by a box your leads at some convenient part {protects them from dust. NEWEST NOTES £5 © OF SCIENCE tooth that 7 : 3 | 4 [enable a player te reach all parts of phit Hit with equai effort. | |op {which a hand-gperated crank feeds % [them between -c.rcular knives, For future identification of crimin- lals, a Paris physician has suggested subcutaneous ihjections of wax to form permanent membraneous cysts. A steel helmet tpmt also can be used as an intrenching tool and to hold food is the invention of a form-, er member of the Un'ted States army. That mulberry leaves for- feeding silkworms-can be kept fresh indefin- itely in cold storage has been dis- covered by an Italian sericulturist. An Iowa inventor has obtained a patent upon a unicycle that is driven by an electric motor and prevented from falling by gyroscopic fly wheels. Experimenters in Germany have found that ramie fiber and silk make better incandescent gas light mantles than cotton, which generally is used. A new egg boiler for breakfast af- the circuit--ausually the fira box ! Brazil has proh bited the use of any part of the car. Get. the same !fvods and beverages. kind of lamp and socket as is used| A new spirit level for use in dark on your car; either single wire or|places is equipped with a dry battery double wire . Then if the card will] .ncandascent lamp. { ja chi y as well net reach to the back of the car you | Paper machinery belting, as wel ' |as cordage and yarn, is being success- The long cord enables you to reach [preservatives in almost al kads tables is operated by an aleohol lamp which holds only enough fuel t6 cook its contents for a predetermined j time. ' y Industrial alcohol 'is being "made {from the waste from two Swedish | wood-pulp mills that use the sul- | * . Up to 150 letters a minute can be | ened with a new office device ined e process, heretofore considered worthless. Spring wire clips have been invent- ich, when fastened to an ordin- aryigen, permit it to hold enough ink to be a far imitation of a fountain pen. , . China imports great quantities of old mewspapers from the United States to manufacture into a thin paper for the inner wrappings "of rolls .of silk. : For home use a billiard table has been invented that can be clamped to any table of suffidient size and level- ed with screw blocks at each corner. An automatic stabilizer for aero- planes, employing elcetricity, but not a gyroscope, and weighing less than twenty. pounds, has been invenied by a Chicagoan. ) That drainage watess do not take any more plant food away from fer- tilized soils than from unfertilized has been indicated by experiments in Germany. The United States, which leads the world in the use of crude cocoa, last plapts and telephone systems throughout the republic. A recently patented coat and hat hanger which can be carried in a pocket and attached to any wooden surface without tools will sustain a weight of 60 pounds. To increase the power of micro- Scopes -an Austrian scientist utilizes ultra-violet rays, which, though in- visible .to the eye, are highly effect- ive in photography. A wayside station for automobilists that an illinois map. has patented de- livers gasoline from accurately mark- ed glass tanks, so a 'purchaser can see what he is getting. Look Out For the Cables. Where brakes are operated by wire cables the latter should . fre-- quently be inspected, especially at places where they pass round a bend or in such positions where they are liable to chafe. After a strand or two of the cable has gone, the rest soon follow, with the result that the year imported more than 213,000,-4 Cable is liable to give way at, the 000-pounds, establishing a new high record. he Government of Panama has granted a concess'on for the estab- critical moment. The motor car is a sound invest- ment that pays dividends in all: dir- lishment and maintenance of electric! ections, Tire Repairs | We desire to announce to automobile owners that we have installed the most up- to-date vulcanizing plant between Toronto and Montreal. ' ITS OPERATION We have engaged Mr. F valle Pearson, who is well known to every automobile owner of Kingston, as an efficient tire and repair man, to operate this plant. Mr. Pear- son has just returned from Toronto, where he was in the employ of the Dunlop Tire Company in their repair department. 2 GUARANTEED ; . Any work we undertake to do will be guaranteed absolutely. If we cannot guar- antee a satisfactory job we will not under- take it. Give usa tnal. Bi 4 Angrove Bros. Ford Dealers. Cor. Queen and Bagot Sts. : Phone 567. can wise the socket in the tail lamp. 4 » When changing detachable wheels, gether with grease.' Otherwise they will rust and you will find it difficult or impossible to separate them. ed black walrus leather in Boston | bag shape are rather new and seem 1 to be well liked by those who have jused them. They are lined with pale | tan leather or a fancy lining chintz, | which is as durable as the leather. The bags are unfitted. The best grinding material for en- gine valves jg carborundum, although , emery js very good, Use the com- i pound which contains it ready mixed. If none is obtainable, buy 120-de- gree emery If valves are badly pitted, finishing with flour emery. Mix with oil to a paste like thick cream. This will do the work, but is not as good as the caqmpound. ' e spring squeaks, it wil! ary 'to remove it-in order up frame to take weight of car off pprimg, remove the clips that hold «pring leave: together and pry leaves apant with screwdriver or cold chisel. Graphite grease should then be spread over every leaf, us- ing a table knife or thin piece of metal. In case not be nec to oil. * Jac This Prevents Tracking. Many a gear-box has been ruined by using unsuitable lubricants, and many an owner 'has viewed with dis- may the condition of his gears, al- though he has superficially taken all precautions, keeping the gear-box well supplied: with grease. It is not generally = known that if a suit- able lubricant is not used the gears will "'track™; or, in other words, will displace the grease, and leave a clear channel for them to revolve dry, with disastrous results. To ob- viate this a thicker-than-oil lubri- cant must be used, and doing so considérably quiets the running. Connecting "Carburetor and Intake. When connecting the carburetor to the intake manifold of the engine it should not be necessary to "drift" the bolt holes in the flanges of the couplings in order to bring them into line. If the piping is in good or- der it' should go into place withont difficulty. If it does not, it is usu- ally the case that the difficulty may be rectified by altering the position of the carburetor on its bracket. Bringing the parts into linc by main fore and awkwardness is very apt fo strain the joints. Overnight bags made of fine grain- | ifully made in Austria. | Bales of cement-covered stra have build a six-room house. A new manhole guard for street work can be folded very compactly |for carrying when net in use. | An Englshman has built a tug {boat that is driven by an aerial pro- | peHer for use on shallow streams. | Steam from a small portable boiler | 's fed through hose to a new device for removing paper from walls. A German is the inventor of a com- {bined cane and umbrella, which also {ean be unfolded to form a cap | stool. ) | Top Témove the coocoons of certain insects from trees a loop of wire at the end of a pole has been patented. | A Paris theatre has a reversible |floor; one side being 'intended for dancing and the other holding the | seats. t Fiano stools that are adjustable to] several angles as well as heights have | been, patented by a Chicago inventor. |. The Peruvian Congress has offered la -prize of nearly $500 for the best | text-book from which to teach tem- perance in the public schools of that country. Short telescopes take the place of lenses in spectacles of:German inven- tion for extremely nearsighted per sons. Shutters that can be operated from a driver'y seat have been invented to protect automobile radiators from freezing. : For iron ng laces and other Jight fabrics an Englishman has invented a polished cteel roller, heated by elec- tricity. For éleaning tobaceo pipes a bulb operated syr'mge 'has been invented, the end of the tube fitting tightly over the bowl. In Bombay the tank and outlets of a century old street sprinkler have been mounted on the chassis of a modern motor truck, Toothed blocks for carrying large pieces of ice for whieh a patent has been issued are said to have advan- tages over tongs. The governments of Brazil and Peru have combined to maintain a chain of wireless stations all the way across South America. For men who have much writing to do out of doors a desk that can be suspended from the shoulders by harness has been invented. Eledirical apparatus that- warns miners of roof movements in mines in time for them to escape has been invented by an Australian. A new lock for automobiles will se- cure robes or baggage on .a rail or can be used to fasten the steering gear against being moved. French scientists who have investi- gated have nd that rubber is sub- |ject to attacks by microbes unless {kept in perfectly dry air. A new type of incandeseent lamp has _the flament concentrated into a small spiral to give it greater vertical diztribution of light. So bituminous is the clay found in one place in England that bricks made from it yieMd oil, gas an am- monia when heated in retorts. Radiating arms which form the top lll of a new camp stove fold down like as made the Reo car "| 'popular in Kingston To improve the service to Kingston owners of the Reo, I wish to announce that' Mr. Nelson H. Raham, who for the past 15 years has been an important factor on the service force of the Reo Automobile Co., has been retained by me to take charge of the 'ment at my garage. i : BUYING A CAR AR WITHOUT HOME IS LIKE LIVING IN A . A i = If you want your cay well treated -- if you irik ee Come To Us flan umbrella into a tube which con- pport. stitutes its body and lia has given Aw inventor in Aust Hl a piano a slightly curved keyboard te | enn ® Fa a farmer to] cover the metal parts that come to- Deen ured by a)Colorado i LAL " to prevent trouble. If you want bright lights, quick starts and lower cost of electric current, come in' to see us. And if you do need re- pairs, we have factory trained battery experts who can do a iu job for you. my STORAGE BATTERY ely To All Car Owners : Don't forget to have your battery tested Testing warns you of things you can't see and might not find out until too late Testing is free--repairs cost money. . This cord entitles any owner "$0 free testing of kis batiery. Willard Service Station, 124 Clarence St. I. LESSES, Manager. ; YoB~ oshawa + OF CANADA, Limited ?