THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL PAGE THREE . as 4 a RG al = - 3 " pr 3 - -- 1 GR. FRANK SARLES, SIGNALLER DALTON M. WIL PTE FRANKLIN ANDREWS, Of Kingston, with 75th Battery, LIAMS, now overseas with 146th left for overseas on March 21st. Batt, son of Noxon H. Wiliams, 16 Clergy St, West, now overseas His parents reside in Trenton, of Battersea, Ont. Ont. with Queen's Ambulance Corps. LIEUT.-COL. W. Y. MILLS, PTE. JOHN LAMBERT, In command of the 14th Regiment, Canadian Defence Force, Kingston. Of Petworth, Ont., enlisted with 146th Battalion, was serving at front, f now ill in hospital in England. His wife and three children reside \ at Petworth. THOS. WHITEHEAD Who went overseas with the 2ist' pF Battalion. His wife resides on Syden- LIEUT. WALIER HIND, KING rae Kingstar io: sending. the !» BDR. FRANK SMITH, ON, above picture to a friend, he writes: "How do you Mke our winter costume ? Of the R. C. H. A. twice wound od; 1 am all dressed and nowhere to 3rd, Reserve Battery, Shorneliffe. but now back in the firing line. 80, only overito see Frits." Canadian Couneil of Agriculture Considers Vital Problems. Various important problems, such aa that of seed grain, ship- ping, ete., related to the feeding of the Empire during and after the war have been under consideration by the Canadian Council of Agriculture at Winnipeg, where a conference has aiso been held with the Canada Board of Grain Commission- ers from Fort William. The picture was obtained the day of this conference, February 2nd. It shows: Sitting (left to right)--J. Robinson, Director of Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Co.; R. C. Henders, President Manitoba Grain Grow- ers' Association; J. 8. Wood, Vice-President of the Council; J. A. Maharg, President of the Council and Pres. Sask. G. G. Assn.; R. M. McKenzie, Secretary, of the Council; C. Rice Jones, Pres. Alberta Cooperative Elevator Co.: P. J. Avison, Executive Man. G. G. Assn.; P. Wright, member Executive Manitoba G. G. Assn.; A/G. Hawkes, Vice Pres. Sask. G. G. Assn. Standing (left to right)--J, T. Reid, Executive Saskatchewan Grain Growers' 'Assn.; T. A. Crerar, Pres, Grain Growers' Grain Co.; Thomas Sales, Executive Saskatchewan Grain Growers' Association. Governor-General of Canada pays first visit to Canadian West. The Duke of Devonshitse is just completing his first visit to the West since becoming Governor-General. In this picture the Vice-Regal party is seen on the steps of Government House, Winnipeg. His and daughter, Lady Maud Cavendish are seen in front, with attendants left to right as follows: Lieut.-Col. the Hon. d Henderson, Military Secretary; Capt. A. A. Mackintosh, Royal Horse Guards, AD.G Capt. V. Bulkeley Johnston, ADC. Rifle Brigade; Lord Richard Nevill, Comptroller. : : ' bells EPSP PP PPPS t tt itit litt 0094 Seeger sns ses