| PAGEEIGHT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1917. duction Movement there is an en-' tem. He is Wvidently a believer in #* * The British Whig breds now. They want all they have 3a¥s of war prices. {that mo person has been able to - : in which they are engaged. That t early formation of a Liberal Govern-| pointed medical officer to the police THE STORE THAT KEEF . S THE PRICES DOWN. | Is Sir Wilfrid prepared .to go outside, 'GERMANS WERE PLANNING. : BIBBYS BIBBYS into the association, attend the week- sumed. "Big Berthas." $15.00 they can to advantage, the pullets in * | formation the advance has disclosed OVERCOATS . SATH. YEAR. quir¥ which must be answered by a|the taxation of land values mofe KINGSTON EVENTS |i - -- . SRI I, naw interest in poultry and an enter-| than of local improvements, ig : . ' A : prise which is bound to give splendid : | 26 YEARS ACO i ® : ' ; results. Why should not more people eat | i a . Certain steps progressively are ne-| whole wheat bread? It is healthier) a; " + ii > » / A cessary. Poultry breeders will nat and should cost less, Which is some- ' 48a Lemon has bsen appointed (1 : : 2 AE part willingly with eggs of thorough- | thing worth considering in these 0 Bo adeingten re & Ley puzzle lk . y J of ee themselves for the larger production | . {fathom. : | : Pp oR| "Hon. G.'P. Graham predicts the| [pA 'Fenwick has been ap-{}i they are eager to give what informa-| : "» | in Canada *" t 1 ."" force. | "~ tion they have practically with re-[ MOBLIN Canada "on national lines ¥ | SEE SEE SEE J gard to breeding, and those who want| His party aud wall strong Wen. 1910 H : S to embark in the business must get y > | | IB E®!| his new, Government? That is as- Té Shell Arras With Two of Their|il $15 00 B BY ly or bi-monthly meetings, hear and 4 . . . ; 8 With the British Armies Afield, 3 take part in the discussions, buy, as ' | April 14.--One interesting bit of in- SPRING PINCH Back - x the fall, and begin then the service is that the Germans were planning that will pay most handsomely. PUBLIC OPINION .§ | to shell Arras with two of their 42- Members of the Poultry Associa- 4 | centimeter "Big Berthas" which first : | won_ fame -about Liege and Antwerp. |} -- "tion statel some facts which can be Sure to Do That. | These guns had reached Douai, and |} 87 | read, learned, and inwardly digested. (Guelph Mercury) biished Daily and Semi-v¥ ; {it was planned to place them near |} nT ; BLISHING : v EW On TD These are: (1) That there is a shock-| The high cost of living seems to|Fampoux, which now is in British ! "dem | IDE waste of food in this city. The have affected even the tax rate. This hands. According to gunner pris- |} Eo ..G. BIOL 4.evsnesssssssss Presiden . is the price of greatness. ioners Prussie acid shells were to A. Guild ... Managing Rirector scraps from -the tables of the aver- | have been used. and Sec.-Treas lage homes will go far towards keep- What They Represent. A large number of the German |i} ing, or keeping altogether, a small (St. Thomas Journal) prisoners seem to be glad that they |} 3 ' ere 6,000 | hennery. In the whole city, ahd go- rere. were, more xuam % +099 have been. taken. Bavariansy who Jor age.len s asl year. ly: recently had come into the line Editorial . Rooms Job Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES I rar RT 5.00 padd in advance .....3%. | to rural offices $2.50 o United States .....52.50 pi. Waslly Faition) One year, by mall, cash ........ One yeur, if mot paid in advance One year, to United States Six and three months pro rata, ONTREAL ATIVE R Ro Owen 2 t. Peter TORONTO REPRESENTATI ¥. C. Hoy, ... 1006 Traders Ban dg. UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: FR Norra, 225 Fifth Ave, New York F.IA Northrup, 1610 Ass'n BNg., Chicago Attached is one of the best job printing offices in Canada. '° ° thousand eggs during the four winter ing to waste daily, there is enough refuse, especially from the public in- stitutions, to more than feed all the' hens. (2) If two hundred. people kept ten hens each, and they were fed judiciously, there would be eight months, and in the face of this asser- tion it is practically, criminal to con- St. | tinue the waste of food which is now) | reported. 'The people are waking up to the interest of certain economic | reforms and they cannot enter upon But with the news coming from Rus- . |sia these days, the East is a bad these any too soon. Wonder if this includes Cabinet changes in Ottawa and Toronto. (Exchange) The Stars and Stripes has been un- furled among the colors of thé Allies in London. Uncle Sam is taking his right place in the gallery of nations. . It Certainly Is. (Montreal Star) The Hungarian Premier says he sees the dawn of peace in the East. quarter for Hungary to look to. which was attacked, complained rather bitterly that they were invari-| ii - i Col {ably sent to tue worst part of -the|jy Blending of Colors. )front. - They said they knew some- thing unpleasant was about to hap- pen when they relieved the Saxons. The Bapvarians do not impress ques-| J} tioners® as being very. fond of the Prussians. SENTRY SHOOTS AT DOCTOR. The Bullet Passes Through Top eof ' Automobile. » Watertown, N.Y., April 14.--Dr. C. C. K. Phelps, of Sacket Harbor, nar- rowly escaped injury when he was fired upon by a sentry at the entrance *SeeBibbysNortolk © Suits for Boys Sizes 26 to 33. Navy blue serge; newest style Norfolk bloomer pants. he British and American papers x x Tue : » Pe! { Conscription Coming. to Madison Barracks after he failed laud the work of the Canadians at) - ,. (Toronto Globe) to halt. Dr. Phelps was driving into Vimy Ridge. Our soldier boys will|.~ The New Republic says that Am- 4 pogt in his automobile to attend not lose their heads in consequence. | rican Liberals must aldyosale Ine the family of a soldier. The sentry : ) hey hi od (financing of the war chiefly by theo, guty "called to him to halt and It is hecause they have preserved iaying of incomes and excessive pro-| op othe physician failed to stop at SEE BIBBYS igo) their coolness that they have beem fits. The United States will conscriptWye second command, he fired at him . SOLDIER'S BROKEN SERVICE. |able-to preform heroic service at the money as well as men. the bullet passing though the top of $20.00 The Toronto Star prints the story | front. Thaw's New Job the car. The physician said later of Sergt. Harrison, of the 20th Bat- that he did mot hear the sentry's or- The shreulntion a WHIG Is suthentica ABO a pecial Value $6.50 Audit Bureau of Circulations. > 3 wn SEE BIBBYS $15.00 BLUE PINCH BACK OVERCOATS SEE BIBBYS FINE SHOES SPECIAL VALUES I (Toronto Star) BLUE SOME PESSIMISTIC TALK. "If Harry Thaw had been born in [der 1 PINCH BACK talion, who was wounded in the = t iser's house, could have -- trenches, retired to Tromso, kept on G: The Smets) Svmmiete Of ihe ir a oe Equal Pensions to All Ranks. SUITS the invalided list until Feb. 27th, | reater London Advertiser, and it fancies| Saskatoon, April 14.--The City and then notified that he had been ed, on Friday, to ask Dr. Coeelman, 1. jg ghout as fit to rule an Em-| Council has passed a resolution de- discharged from the service, as medi- the Commissioner of Agriculture for pire as is the chap who expects to|cliring in favor of equal pensions for ally unfit, on Jan. 27th "Not only| Ontario, to visit Kingston and ad-| inherit the job! soldiers of all ranks. - og ir v . - . Si SH J ES EEE = een] {dress th le. He is the highest Nr car ---- TE aT CE -- uthority in the province, a AO 22 rr . ne xt rdi roceeding, thut-=the- extraoniinaty p : authority .in the province, and if he { I] dks TIRES RETREADED this dating back of a discharge--but says here what he has sald elsewhere, ALL SIZES AND MAKES liz 'the militia departmefit ordered the ) return by Mrs. Harrison of the main- 8 Deolouna Hugs on be Mads. p ; 20, which was scare tenance allowance of ¥ » food, all over the world, in the early a t p the month of Feb- paid to her fur the 'mo future. He has said that in sixteen ruary. Kank The case has excited a great deal countries the- conditions are plor-| § . of public interest and has been refer- able, and that it is not an exaggera- g ROUMANIA little territory which belonged to red to as probably one of many of its kind; This goes to show that the method of handling these cases of invalided soldiers is not by any . means perfect, and that it must be amended at once if the grievances of the retired soldiers are not to be- come a public scandal. In the London Mail, of recent date, ftarid somewhat belated in its de- livery), there is the report of a dis- cussion which ocgurred in the Imper- lal Commons upon the desserts of men who had been "broken" physi- cally in the war, or in the prepara- tion to say that a famine is impend- ing, that it is already overshadowing the world. The problem is a pressing one for the producer as well as the consum- er. There is the promise not only of a shortage of grain, but of meat as well, that there will be meatless days in Canada as well as in England, and that there will be suffering des- pite the efforts to cultivate in Can- ada, as well as in Britain, every foot of land possible. Mr. Rankin, M. P.P., says he has consulted the De- partment of Agriculture with regard Roumania is a large, illuminated grease spot which teaches us that we should look hefore we leap and then take another look. A few months ago 'Roumania was a prosperous, contented country, full of happy peasants and milch cows. It had railroads, electric lights, me- ter rates, special sewer assessments and all of the evidences of an ad- vanced civilization. It also had an ermine-clad king and a tall, impos- ing public debt which did not annoy anybody but England. During the first two years of the war Roumania made money faster than a motor- dome at a street carnival. She sold her live stock to Germany and -her bonds to Great Britain, and if she somebody else. Her standing army, however, ref to stand as a upon. Germany bore dowd upon her with --its--well-known boring -appara- tus, and the Roumanian army began to retreat toward the Russian fron- tier with every appearance of mov- ing backward. It is sad to relate that at the present time what is left of the Roumanian army is cultivating sauerkraut. for the proud Teutonic conqueror. ' Before the Roumanians withdrew they committed a base act which will forfeit them the sympathy of every right-minded citizen. They spiked the oil "wells of their native land and caused gasoline in this country to jump two cents a gallon. A great many Canadians who were inclined - CALL AND SEE SAMPLE OF WORK maar Tubes Repaired from tions for war. Some soldiers had been paid off with gratuities in lieu most proYitably raised in Frontenac| ;.4 not become eaten up with ambi- to shed tears over Roumania's plight of pensions, and their - cases were and the [answer is: "Get all the|tion and pride she would have been have reconsidered the matter. since aifed In parliament One member fodder you can in the next year; get|ablc by this time to retire from ac- learning of this act. _ "lin a regular and sustained flow of tive business pursuits and live on Roumania hopes to come back, but Mr. Hogge, said the ministers . her income. it- will be one of the most expensive thought too much of the treasury, nik; mise oats, J h beans and In an evil hour, Roumania decid- comebacks ever staged on the Bal- and, he criéd, "the treasury can go vegetables. = What is not wanted|eq to enter the war and grab off a kin theatre. 10 blazes: "The men who: hat .suf- locally wil be wanted elsewhere." Rippling R hymes fered in the service of the ceuntry The plan is to get some representa- SPRING ENTHUSIASM tive of the government, and prefer- would get all that was coming to . ably Dr. Creelman, to come here and them. This he demanded. ue defence of the. government drive home the lesson of the hour in The more I sing of gentle spring, the more I want to carol; these pleasant days I turn out lays and an- thems by the barrel. As fresh the earth.as when its : was that grauities had been pall to]. ors SPhatic way. 'The ques- EDITORIAL \L: NOTES. - birth occurred in distant ages; we shed our years and - vice on suitability in your ¢" men who put in only a short time In|. 'o" Of help ia important, but before hop like steers, or kangaroos in cages. All winter long on aE renin Sp proaus. v the citizens can help, as they would the army, army, who had. been defective|,,, 14 ag, it must be made clear that physically, and whose diseases had x my works were wrong, and grief in me was yelgning; | $£E THAT TAA kan worn TRAPS OT ahd other jays who went their ways in i, were SUPE TANG ASEIRER TOA ap . this help i R been aggravated by their service. is am ed When the want The men who had fought in the y 3 steal complaining. I'd walk a mile before a smile I'd see upon a critter; all men were sore and o'er and o'er - 25¢ Up. Auto Tire and Vulcanizing Co Next Moore's Electric Shop. to the a which can be best and A EEE ETAT OOOO OO FRENCH REMEDY. . $a CuRt® TSCHARGES. =i, IE : Hil {i kr of § fF ; war, and had been "broken in it, Purpyae will he accomplished. uld, said the pension minister, "be "7 entitled to a full pension under the . terms of the new warrant'* The So the prices of school 'text-books limit of seven years within which|'® NOt to be advanced. Thanks, claims must be presented would be|'Nanks. It is good to know there is dropped. Under : the. new 'war Something which is not subject to pr. ee] at t . the rices the italists. ey cu nter bitter. But now I walk around an = Joo, there. oyd lo §pprices uf the eapl the block on legs timt wish to gambol, and fifty styles sion because he was at work A fasimes $238 that he Santor false Scot and cota n ture's bala to all our lls and The government" would rather fn" Profitably betauss the whele Migs: our ba i Ee a pout 0 Nie ; wheat is shipped to Britain and there | wailings. : Ne = . | Grease his pension because he was at) are no shorts, brans, and other feed - . WALT MASON { Canada for the live stock. Is this a true| < 3 . cannot afford to be any|yine > k = more liberal with the returned and]. "broken" soldiers than the imperial|{ The late Czar of all the Russias government, and the Toronto Star's| a pauper? So it is reported, The case demands immediate considerp-|state has appropriated all that be< tion. Why? It may be typical of|longed to him in lands and stocks many others. and funds and made him and his ] i i ii {i in England the hoarding of foods is prevented by the use of the family book in 'which is written down the purchases of each day. book -is subject to regular Ii : RT --------.- I