. a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1917. A 'NN OPER: mmm fi, BETWEEN "GRAND ous: 8 YoU | To-Night ia Chane | AND Wonder Show of the Universe. |] LOSS. 1 THE GREAT FOR SALE The Safety Deposit Boxes in the strong, steel-built vaults of The Bank MAGICIAN ||| Fe - ree : THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST|BETWEEN CHESTNUT, CHERRY OR |HOUSE 482 BROCK ST. 830 PER of Toronto afford security for your valuables. Important documents, jew- | GIRL, FOR STORE. APPLY . little. Once, 25c; three times Jc; Quebec s > r gold glasses month Apply H. W. Watts, 98 eliery and private papers are safe. here from fire or theft, while ti. v are ww } Grimm, + one week, $1.00. ih case T se return ge J. Frontenac St easily . a Dat ava h oir The : AS h . 23 -- P PLE vu 93 i RE san " Lowry, 3 C nut Street, and. re- / easily ac essible whenever required. The annual rental is small, while the | 23 PEOPLE 23 1/ YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE WORK.| BABY CARRIAGE. APPLY 50 COL. ceive reward sk OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- > ¥ afforded is invaluable, 100-- MIRACLES --100 Robertsons Limited $ Kingwood street. " Deve, Apply to A. B. Cunningham, -- Lo ' ouds E guint? re - " - : 9 Clarence street. * Total Assets ... ... ....... ... .......... 873000000 2--Car Loads Effects | GENERAL SERVANT. SMALL FAM-| A. DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR- BUSINESS CHANCES Reserved Funds $6,507,000 | a ily. Apply 100 Gore St. der for five dollars' costs three FURNISHED BED ROOMS: ALSO ' sarees nila waa aw ea y " . cents, TOF EL ® rooms f light house k ing; | MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP- PAY YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN ACCOUNTS coms for light house ceping f - i . . -- A - - b Dominion Express Money Or. cooking with gas or coal. Apply / } | T() SEE HIS MAR- ply Street Railway Office. FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY ot hg Se Lb Da SO 396° Pringess street. i | 'ELOUS MYSTEY 3S } toys see Frank . ooke, 9 rents HE ¥ ! AN M) STHILES | NIGHT WATCHMAN. APPLY FRON-| «Clarence street. Son! UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR PARTLY ' ¢ { tenac Floor and Wall Tile Co. INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST furnished, suitable for light house- CAN AF- | Hi -- A SINGER SEWING MACHINE, IN one cent until you read Successful keeping, by 1st of May. Apply Box NO ONE B /\ / [ FORD TO MISS, [AN ACTIVE MAN TO WORK IN THE good order, cheap for cash. Apply Ihe, cerry 3 > 'biz Dee NK Oo ORON O FORD 7 ns I cleaning plant. - Warwick Bros. Bos "Altred ray x oy nant oa Jeatn Sov Sriunes Dogs Yuix Oflice, F 3 : be - : > Success- | A FARM OF 100 ACRES TO WORK ON 8 JI SMART BOYS WANTED. APPLY [SEVERAL SECOND HAND MeLAUGH- Freon subicriblon, Success. shares in Towiship of Kingston. TAKE YOUR ' Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co., lin, Charmers, Studebaker and Ford Chicago. \ All stock and implements _furnish- ei ad. Apply Box 4412, Whi Mice. City. > cars, All in first-class condition, CHILDREN -- YOUR W. J. Normile, Napanee. George B. McKay, Manager. i -- Te I era PRR MS | SSUmce pwELLING, ot Ave ge piv. | BUSINESS Nomiom TT on! Tout ow 100k and i a gag fl hie o dbbAbe KN, 2%e, SOc, Fie. $1.00. . 243 ek = Teet, § rooms an i ; > J v ' 28 3 FOR SALE "Seats Now on Sate | A WAREHOUSE MAN, ALSO A BOY TO such; Well rented. Apply: 41 Divis- SEL tin 1d as atrap rabOer Rho}: Qlicen street: Phone S36: ros. 989 \ de! learn Hardware business, A. Chown on sree. ola paper. I pay the highest prices | = rar rm eo SEC. : We have a two-storey, stone dwelling, ten ------ and Co. 252 Bugot St. REGISYERED * TAMWORTH RIGS, | Jor ei i th city. 3 2" "ond floor af Windaor Hetel: Thoms 8 . Apply J. Stew both sexes, ten dollars each when on Princegs street * - - - . il y or rooms, hot water heating, electric light, with four Thurs April 19th MOUSEWATI_WEFERENCES Th. | six asks old WoW. Kiel & Bon, san 106 Lower Bagot street. cor [ gn Rriceps street" pip J. Sten" acres of land, situated just outside of the city limits. won, 430 King St. W eee LARGE. FURNISHED - BED-ROOMS, * teacher wanted for Unkin 8 8. No And producer of | A GOOD WOOD-WORKING MACHINE i ay, J y Stating : Nesbitt, Johnson street 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 "The Masquerader" . hand; steady work; goed wages. |TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- fications lon 3 ' ---- Frontenac Moulding: and Glass Co,, tains, canoes, and damping sup- Lake. Sec.-Tres VO, 3 FURNISHED HOUSE, APRIL © 1ST, Presents from its New York run his Limited Fishing tackle, etc. Frank rowsmith, Ont University Avenue, Latest Succ --Tt . Cooke, 39 Clarence St, King- hs ba : -- Aatest Success XPERIENCE STENOG "HER. . P po . , : v s PGE ; | BXPERI NOD oo TIEN UGRAS ER, ston. Phone $31 OFFICE WITH VAULT, GEO. A. BATE- { wages expected. Address Box 113, | LIFE AFTER DEATH-- HEAVEN AND man, $7 Clarence Sireel. Whig Office | Hell," Swedenborg's great work. A GENERAL SERVANT, REFERENCES, selections, your own choice, $28.50, room if desired; hot and cold run- . mo 'washing. Apply in evenings. $10 cash and $1.00 per week. C, W. -- ning water; use of phone. Apply . . will do well to look into this. "Phe Bire Paradise," good wages. Apply to Mrs. beam; .a fine model for safe, ni as y or; salary ae- William & , corner of » 1 of Pacis Cartwright, 153 University Ave, family boat. Inquire, of Dr. Lake, piles east oo, " os 4 : , In good repair, Bot ater Mrs. B. W. Robertson, 161 Earl St. Lindsay, Limited. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT, FEMALE 103 Lower Union St. : 1 t v3 = : THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY "Omar the Tentmaker," 357 Johnson street, city. ommence ter Kas! ays ! latest plumbing. Apply to A 4 GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE TEACHERS WANTED with or without board; sitling Anyone wanting acreage for garden purpoées One Night Only ; : | Richard Walton Tully, Author of | A COOK-GENERAL, FAMILY OF vo, NEW LAUNCH HULL; 28 Ff. LONG, 6 Portiand, ot Camden, two v PIRST OF MA INIDENCR | RC. t | | EE ------- DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH- | FURNISHED, 305 KING ST, WEST, : x IE : oh v 925 toai ' er. Call or drop a card.. 23 John 'Edgehill," facing the lake, ten GIRL OR MIDD AGED WOMAN TO pages, Only 25c¢ postpaid We J yaar roams, oak floors, hot water heat- You Can Count On It dy Bobevoric ons farm. Ramily | Fa" sse Buta a 80 Forno ont |__sreet" 7 TFS FTTH rooehe oak, inors hot water heat Wh . 'olfe Islan He ag * "OT ™ SIGHT places, beautifully wooded grounds, on we take care of your storage bat- Welln loam I nas fienT, Roows, PERSONAL fine garden, over three acres, spac: 3059 there's no doubt of quality service, i session Ist of May, casy terms. Ins egr-bungings. Apply iy Me e have established EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, | Apply F. W. Meagher, 99 L. Al-| HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS Cann Real Estate, 82 Brock St. ourselves as experts, po pply eae and all growths and skin -blem- Phone 326 or 621 . stomed to handling cash. Good | bert St, Phone 14086. Will you come in and be convinced? . jon. McKelvey & Birch, Lim-| . ishes removed permanently, with, LESSES ited, 69 Brock St. ) | TWO BUILDING LOTS, ON FRON- ; 30 years' experience. Dr _ L ' A Great Spectacul Di tenac street, with 33 feet frontage J. Lake, Eye," Ear Nose, TO RENT Ph 109 124 4 reat Spectacu ar rama. each. Price $300 each, or would and Skin Specialist, 25% one 4 -126 Clarence St. Company of Forty A GOOD GENERAL FOR SWALL FAM-| sell tha two for $950. Apply 427 Bagot street PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION: CHEAR 1} taken : Three Cars of Effects. ily. One who can cook well. Good | Albert street. Phone 1403. rental to desirable party Free inspection of any battery at any time | X | most convincing book Over 400 P. | wages. Central Jlocait'on. Apply G once Apply, any time afier 3 cashier, Henderson's Grocery. i ness, many tho s p.m, 346 University Ave, between {| BRICK HOUSE, UNIVERSITY AVE, both sex, wishing early age; Princess and Garret near Earl street, 9 rooms, modern thiundreds wealthy; confidential des- = em Er Sr See the Wild Hurricane. See the Weird Rumba Dance. See Moonlit Banana Grove. YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE OR SIN- improvements, good condition. Easy criptions free; established 10 years . ' gle 'lady as housekeeper, in city terms. Apply: West End 'Real The Relable Club, Mrs. Wrubel, FINANCIAL Rsurance Agency. Phone 732 Madison, Oakland, Calif. - . > rd --- 25c, 30c, 5c 1.30. Good comfortable home; only tw tate and \ ) Prices! ey De I + 31, $1.30 in family. Apply Box "J. W." Whig 743. = | WHIEN ORDERING GOODS BY WAIL, ¢ Seats on Sale Tuesday. Office. MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, send a Domihion Express Meney try me: best and most successful; Order. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN. hundreds sich wish marriage soon; . . MAN TO FIRE BOILERS, MUST HAVE cluding the famous Afhlete, Over- strictly coufidential; m reli- FRONTEN AC "OAN AND INVEST. a - Il S certificate. - State age and refer- land and Perfect Models: also tires able; years of expentenc deserip- ment Society: incorporated 1883; I . « ences: also wages expected. Steady and bieyele accessories. George tong free. "The Succ 11 Club," n Colonel H. R---Smith, 5 { o t position for reliable man. Apply Muller, 3 King St Phone 1032, Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oakland, C.M.G.; /vice-president, W. F. Nie- Matinee 2.30; Evening 8.15. Boeckh Bros. (o., 166 West Adel- - Calif VC. Money Issued on city 4 aide Street, Toronto: ATOONLE TOPs wotlk UiLb TF m roperties, mumeipal and vs 3 LB § . - country debentures: mortgages pur- v " NS bows recovered and top made like LADIES' TAILORING chased: investment bonds With either Palm Olive Shampoo, or ) : SR YOUNG MEN, ATTENTION! THERE new at half the price of'a new top. em sale; deposits received Palm Olive Cream, we are offering THE : 2 597 is a big demand for detectives ev- We fave everything for. tops, | MADAM DUNNETTE, 200 SYDENHAM terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, two cakes Palm Olive Soap for erywhere at present. . No age Hmit, cushions' slip vers ete. Jas. W St., high-class ladies tailoring. manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston, AEOLIAN- he N Those who are bright, alett, with Judson, Brockville. Alro dress and mantle making. Re- : Sommer welds on ny learn; eo eros TP ORT fiction on all orders up tq April LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND "Lohn i TOOL u Virite G. . Mg, d of y JE A NGE, ID -1 15th. "ire Insurance Company. vailable or one cake soap:free with either VOCALION i BR) / Fifth Ave. N LF ed Hackney Stallion, Merry Andrew . assets $61,187.2 5 pal "addition to BAAN o Imp 3543-85387, Brown stripe, four which ihe policyholders have for " Branch Post OMce" ee Opposite Y.M.C.A. | | Palm Olive Shaving Stick or Talcum, | ) 3 4 ; white stockings; weight 1400, Sell WANTED GENERAL security the unlimited Mability of CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. for cash or in part Rayment of hew rates from Strange & Strange, : KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING CO, ply by letter or in wifi "be able y og - a - Y more cuslomers, 4 A GROCERY STORE WITH Dwi. ple ised to figure on your windows. | marks, designs. Estab. 1577. Ferm Y * ) ticulars apply to West End Reay] street. Phone tection" free. 99 St. James St. Mont- That Calls Forth |. Evening, 25¢; 50¢, 75¢, $1, $1.50 or three first-class tinsmiths used BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN PAPER HANGING. Wirfte, giving full experience a : > . ar es pp class condition, $1,000 to wind up /Eleven rooms; all modern improve mining. "Rooms papored ti "por iC > { reasonable, A. Mecllquham, 241 city property, insured at lowest ..planos and Victrolas. C. Agents. Phone 325. Princess street. Phone 1600. will be able ta. handle few person, ling attached, doing a good busi- Geo I. Hiller Prop. 168 Princess] erly Patent Office Examiner, .. Master Insurance Agency, 147 real. Branches:' Ottawa, Washington, to bright work: amd one man ac, smart country village; store 2-| SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, NO. 438] or . 179 Wellington St. Y wa required, to the De I 8 our Records | 9 'ages required, to the De laval an estate, quick. G. A. Bateman, ments. . A bargain to quick buyer. Easter Liles, Hyselint Daffodil . Co., Ltd. Peterbore, Om. = . z 2 : 147 ; Bt. P room, including paper. Young & ¥ ley fod i, A 67 Clarence street, Kingston. APPLY 147 Pivision 'St. Possession Rowley, 282 Queen St, (near Bar- 3 = ' Vietoria Street, Kingston~Ont. _ - possible rates. Before renewing é a 'in g { A LAIDLAW S : 8) SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, Pid or giving new business & BUI Hoag's Drug Store NOW Require 3 experienc- Boe ang al} Muay of We ana bi say, Limited, 121 Princess street. > : 4 y open to buy everything in the | HOYEAR [ Rr ed saleswomen. Ap- above lines. J. hompson, 337 PATENTS and would be BARCOOK & SONS, Patents, trade P ness In a good location. For par- 91. of Patent Laws. Book "Patent Pro- , I'he Phonograph v4 : . . Eétate an Watts People's For Mat, B3¢, 0c, T0c, 81: Children 25¢. | fNswrTis--we CAN PLAcE Two] Collinewood sirgel. Phone 141 FOR SALE OR TO LET. ~ Flor 1st 1 . Seats on Sale Thursday. 5 od to bra 8 i 9 New Beauties From e ) customed to braze copper tubes storey and large cellar: all first Brock street, in good condition, PAINTING, GRAINING AND J ALSO. Spires, Asanlea, Violets, \ May 1s to % AL BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE! rie). | -- ol Cw ¢ ' | A RE ---------- ----" mm OVER ® PANY BASILY EARNED AT) wo-gtorey stone dwelling in good | BRICK HOUSE WITH BATH, CLOSET, | === : Th rsda F id War Socks. om yerience unneece: Une | renalr, on Princesg street | ote, barn, poultry house and near. LEGAL u y riaay Sat. ra h BX Per SNS UNRESCHEARY,. side -city limits, City water Iv two acres of ground, garden fal] ; \ h ' ' dfstance inwhaterial. Enclose three! 3 aig : 1 hed i ted lake shorel o er | cent stamps today for contract] good garden land Af wanted ploughed, s tua ed oh a shore! ou of NNINGHAM, BARNISTER Daniel Frohman Presents form. Dept. 24C, Auto-Kunitter Co paritéulars inquire, Mrs. C. Fr near Ontara Parke, hluut en ma and solicitor. Law office, iv Clare Pp . . - + 4 . y it 4 rom ele © ear oe . re C: College Street, Toronto, } dick. Phone. 803. sion tmmediate. Anglin &| once street. Kingston. | | Friendship's ! FOR { f s, { - esslo BA pm | Irene Fenwick and Owen ere: | SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND .. Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. DENTAL | 2% Moore, in Mountainside Hospital, Montclair, | Jatior uhuivs, thbles. Singer Jew. FOR SALE A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, ODS, Three year course. General Office, 208 Princessg gtreetl 3 nl * r bw. } stoves and ranges. Also buy new | - ip - pmb re pp Mice, 20 r s "A Girl Like That" attractive murecs "home: Jargs| And second-hand furniture. A| A NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, REG. | 662 es : grounds and tennis court; near] Shapiro, 33 Princess streel. sr rine Geom Morol:| DIL. 4, LEONARD " \LSH, DF YPINT, AND THE AEOLIAN COMPA New - York; alloWRNice Of 38 Bnd $10 ha rr Tt ames corner Princess sad Bagot "streets. per month and maintenance. For | PEPPER PREEPRPEFRPRIRER Phone 626. } . : Aeolian Hall, New York. ALSO Seasonable ' "The S iel . S "" particulars address Superintendent, | 4 FOR SALE BUILDING Lots ON ALRRED Mel . { EE 4 id OUses, ohoied ocalily, rar y Vegetables hi ding hadow Mountainside Honpital, Mondelair, | Res nutomoblie in rat class Queen's College aml Collegiate, § | PRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, . . tists, 159 Wellington street 210 Division St. © Phone 545 : : VAUDEVILLE 8 mm [§ Pricom rest, Rl re nts ape af | Dewar a > iow * Prices: Mat," 10¢; Evening 15c¢. y g Lol I LS aR 'A SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 15% BAGOT Aju UITECT " Distributor for Kingston: COMING ca ie Men Wanted ea mioxan. mon SiOTHmEL wine) | rest, wet water, Tiemace, gam. | coe Steam Vulcanizing op "The Es LX cng in i jew upholstered chairs: military Kiply to Elizabeth Fahey, 20 Stuart | chants Bank Build'ng, s N y arness, shoes, feather straps! Na- street. Brock and Wellington strer ter 3 p.m, 346 University Ave, pa : . . ; 3 | inca bot Gash Register. We buy all The Auto Tire Repair & R. J. RODGER Bian Of Bow! had mcong hand fue | = = Exchan + niture. 8. Shapiro, 45 Princess re -- ge 132 P . 'S k For Rubber Factory -- Good street. Phone 1227. ik 220 MONTREAL ST. rincess ot. Wages. Apply in person only, || --memerrmm--amres PIANO, FIV. : Not By deuer,. to ished in French Burl, walnut case. Moulders, Core-Makers, Lathe, Planer and Needs your patronage. We have a MONDAY TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY thorough up-to-date plant and use nll SR CovarpRvIae . ¥ this piano, built by ope of the best . > a», In. ., Eht, b - - Ah rade materiale and suaranice our S--Fenture Photopinyn--3 Dunlop Tire & Rub- ie low i a Boring Mill Operators, Pattern-Makers, ; Wm. Desmond in "|| ber Goods Company, i te a hy Handy Men and Laborers. ; Limited . Give us a test. Prices reasonable. Best prices patd for used casings in &" : » eall and see this bargain at Oscar Analy Telgman, 216 Frontenac St, 3 Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. = W. A. McWilliam, Ed PR SRE (| 204 Booth Ave. Taranto (Time. £8 a 's Jresesssssssscsssnsisssassll CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO. LTD. Phone 2084. Matinee. 100; Evenings tie. Ay Yi) 0 ACTORS vom Ath Kingston a > HTD. Traction Tread and Dunlop Spec. ma Hulhér Hone, Hett. It yon wish to a Saxon Car or Roadster have any other make to exchange, com- municate with J. H. Davis, Saxon tor, ' Choice Groceries Manufactured by Split Pea Coal! $6.00 Per Ton & Co, : Limited EASTER LILLIES Easter Flowering Plants and Ferns; | BONNER : , . J Roses, Carnations and all seasonable : flowers, F. J. Johnson, Florist. i 8 : RAISINS Ba JANEWAY, HOUSE PAINTING, 20 113 Brock Street. CEPT IPP SEPP E22P | ----- reese comes] | vat mut be loan and sents ||| SCRAP PAPERS wy . Of All Kinds. Drop u burs To + - reer ete pe ror er |