THE WONDERFUL [irc ¥. is ~ FRUIT MEDICINE Thousands Owe Health And Strength To "Fruit-a-tives" "FRUIT-A-TIVES", the marvellous medicine made from fruit juices -- has relieved more cases of Stomach, Liver, Blood, Kidney and Skin Troubles than any other medicine. In gevere cases of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Pain in the Back, Impure Blood, Neu- ralgia; Chronic Headaches, Chronie Constipation and Indigestion, ""Fruit- For | Strength COMMANDS 14TH REGIMENT | | "it au the old le in Kings CANADIAN DEFENCE, KINGSTON | Al iE ae Deople fn Kingston realized what Vinol will do for them, | . a | We would not be able to get enough! By His Long Military Career He of it to supply the démand. We Deserves the Position in Which quote from a recent letter received He Has Been Placed. from Mrs. A. E. Carson of Kingston, | Lieut.<Col. W.' Y. Mills, who com-|N Ys says: "I 2 69 Ves mands the 14th Regiment, Canadian] _SBe says am 63 years of age, Defence. Force, hag beén. a member | 20d had been ailing for a long time of-that-unit since 1899-when he be~| +h indigestion. 1 got run-down; was pe Fi a recruit in' No.- 4 company weak, dizzy and could not sleep at Co: a night. 1 consulted two doctors who After serving as corporal, sergeant| oo" po. hardening of the arteries 4 then colo srgeant h e And then color sergeant he was made| 4 o. my age could not expect to a lieutenant in 1903. Two years later his good work was rewarded the rank of captain, and then after] aTiother ten years he became a major. | When Lieut-Col. H. J. Dawson went overseas in command of the {be strong again. My daughter would | give me no peace until I Fi with the command of a company and |® : 0 Dea 31 1 tried ¥inol, |and strength have come back, so I as it had done so niuch for her. Ii have taken five bottles and my health | am able to do all the house-work for my family of four, and I am re- 5 . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, F eeble-Old People| {WHEN IT HEARD "254TH BAND ON NAPANEE STREET. It Was pended' Sentence. (From. Our Own Correspondent) Napa ril 1 of the 254th Battalion band from gramme . of songs, instrumental night to a'large audience. An -unfortunate incident occurred during the street parade of the band in the afternoon. iven by the owner Ezra Huffman, Actually Frightened to'[l} Death--Three Boys Arrested for!ll nee, April 16.--The members 1 . Bellévillé gave an interesting pro-|IH musie, etc, in the Armouries Friday |#l \A team of horses |i} atiached to a loaded waggon, and ||! d of Hay Bay, became frightened and Hi although they did lot succeed in get- [JH NENT EEA SIO BT LIL ENE tA RA ed STAYS Ppt 1 WC Aa yy rapa gy Ex it N 5 k "SILKS FOR SUMMER SUITS SILKS FOR STREET DRESSES SILKS FOR HOUSE GOWNS 59th Battalion in May, 1916, Lieut.- Col. Mills took over the command from him. His long career in the 14th well qualifies him for his present high position. He is not only qualified as a field officer, but holds a tertificate in signalling. In business life, Col. Mills has made an equal success. As senior member of the firm of George Mills & Co, he has kept up its reputation of being the largest exclusive hat and fur store in Canada. His father, the late George Mills, was founder of the business, and after his passing away in August, 1914, Col. Mills be- came head of the firm and has been to a large extent instrumental in its success singe. In community work and fraternal work Col. Mills has also taken a leading 'and active part. He is at present a member of the executive of the Masonic Grand Chapter of Canada and Presiding Officer of the local Knights Templar, In civic en- terprizes he has been a leader, being & member of the Board of Trade, of the ¥rontenac Club and also for "When You Can't Sleep YOU SHOULD USE Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills o ting away they becamé very reéstive and oe of them ion io the ground | J \ French Failles and Poplins, French Taffetas, other was badly trighiened bu was [ff Ey Khaki Kool, French Moire, Pongee, Black Messa- dition by a vetenars, who was auick: IK lines, Black Taffetas, Cascade Silk, Shappee, Floral Ninon, Georgettes, Pussy Willow, Charmeuse, Silk - Jersey Cloths. , : w Stripe Habutai As a sequel to the continued thefts} of small quantities of copper wire 36 inches wide, white grounds, with dainty cclored stripes; + washes perfectly, for blouses, etc. $1.50 per yard. commending Vinol to all my friends." The reason Vinol is so beneficial to old people i= because it contains the véry elements--needed to replace declining strength with remewed vigor, viz.: beef and eod liver pep- toniés, iron and manganese pepton- ates, glycerophosphates, and a mild tonic wine Mahood's ° Drug Store, Kingston. Also- at the best druggist im all On- tario towns. Saxol Salve CURES SKIN AFFECTIONS One proves it." Sold and guaranteed above Vinol druggist. nt years took an active interest in the Frontenac Hockey Club. Col. Mills deserves the support of every. citizen when he takes over the organization of the 14th Regiment] for defence. It can not be said that! he did not try to get overseas tor he a-tives" has given unusually effective results. By its cleansing, healing powers oa the eliminating organs, "Fruit-a-tives' tones up and invigor- ates the whole system, 80c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢, At all dealers or'sent postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa, nn, ---- ns SPECIAL SALE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY Best Laundry Soap, 6 'Bars for 25¢ Lindner's Pare Fruit Jam, 10¢ a Jar E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal and Charles St. Phone 1263. - v from the prqmises of the local, Hy- dro-Electric Commissions' premises, three boys appeared before the police [Jill magistrate charged with theft and are remanded for one week. | A young girl employee of a local Ji factory also appeared to answer a J charge of stealing some wearing ap- HH parel belonging to a boarder at the J} house where she stayed, and plead- ji ing guilty was allowed 'to go on sus- pended sentence. Miss Annie Empey died very sud- [Jill denly on Thursday evening at her |i} home on Centre street, in her fifty- |} fourth year. Pte. George Harmer, who left here volunteered last August to go in any with the 39in Battalion. has pn | capacity the authorities saw fit. ay "wound in. the head. : 1! Since last November he has beem|"".. (Te Lo 0 the late Mrs. James [|| commanding the 14th Regiment King took place from the residence Guard at Fort Henry; and there had of her son, Joseph, on Bridge street, the responsibility . of keeping the Saturdzy afternoon. Service was German prisoners where they belong. | o14 at Grace church and interment His new position has been very| ,ying place at Riverview cemetery. clearly explained on numerous oe- Deceased was 70 years of age, and |i casions, but perhaps there are still | oa ves one son, Joseph. 181 men in the city and district who do im-------------- MAJOR GAULT ENTERS APPEAL not realize how badly they are need- ed. To protect Canada and do so without holding here thousands of | win Ask That Judgment in Wife's men anxious to get into the firing Separation Action be Upset. line, the military authorities have Montreal, April 6.--Major Hamil authorized a '"'Canadian Defence ton Gault Bag entered an 'appeal to [Il Force". Men of this unit do not| . o Court of King's Bench of the ll enlist for overseas service, but SIgn | qement rendered recently in the On to release an overseas volunteer. | 5, ior Court by Justice Weir dis- The recruits to this unit may have missing Major Gault's action seeking an opportunity to get overseas Jater | separation from his wife and grant- je they =o i ahh CRaett | ing Mrs. Gault's cross-action for a over ade 3 R l her husband, ment up to strength quickly, and so Sellar purpose against her do this the young men of this vicin-| : ity had: better make a personal ac-| quaintance with. Col. Mills,. learn | m, April 16.--The Ger- how absolutely vital to thé Empire aera bs Ade 10. commands is their presence now and then dei ine German centre army groups on Side to sulin whi Bim, the Western front, according to the x x -- 'Q | Frankfurter Zeitung. On the Crown JAPS COOPERATE WITH US. { Prince's right is Crown Prince Rup- pr Gra adr : i of Bavaria, and on his left Breil. Squdtun.Piiafied to: the Duke Albrecht of Wurtem- A Xavy. berg, who 'previously commanded the San, Francisco, Cal. April 16.--A | German forces in Flanders. It was special squadron of three Japanese recently reported in the Entente cruisers, under command of Rear-| ress says-the newspaper, that the Admiral Ichizem, Yamaji, has been| German Crown Prince had been sent directed by the Japanese Government] home to Berlin in disgrace, to co-operate with the American irae Asiatic squadron, according to a spe- Vicar-General Released. Rome,via Paris, April' 16--The cial cable from' Tokio, printed by the Japanese-American News. The "Italia announces that as paper says the cruisers Ivimo, Nichin, Corviard 3 a Pope Benedict's inter- and Tokiwa have 'been assigned to vention Germany has released Mon- this duty, 2 . | signor Louis Legraive, vicar-general US. MAY CALL FOR 400,000 30 'Gargmul Mercier, primate of Bel- " Monsignor Legraive was sentenced Warp oy elt Sul Authorize Ad-| 1 <t month to nine months hmprison- ditional 3 . . "| ment and deported to Germany for Washington, April 16--That the sheltering a discharged French sol- War Department will soon authorize - dier for one night. 7 recruiting of additional national -------- guard units in the various States was Toronto Aviator Killed. intimated in official circles~ If done Toronto April 16.--A mehksage the order will amount to calling for flung from a German aeroplane near between 200,000 and 400,000 ad-| 4 British aerodrome told of the ditional 'volunteers. death of Flight-Lieut. Stanley James Pepler, who in the casualty list of March 12th, was reported missing. The fallen officer was killed fighting at odds against two German air craft. He was engaged with one These silks with numerous others we are showing are unequalled in value and are fresh, clean, new stock, thgroughly dependable, - and of the best dyes and finishes. STEACY'S - Limited QUIT MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY Take Tablespoonful of Salts If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers, Best's Spring Medicines April is the Month for Spring : Medicines: Sarsaparilla Extract. + Iron-and Wine. Qu Tonle. ® Sulphur and Molasses, Blaud's Pills. Take your spring tonic now, At Best's The. Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays Phone 59. Branch 2018 Sleeplessness is caused by the ner- vous system becoming deranged. Perhaps too much worry has got- ten on your nerves, perhaps you have overworked yourself, or have been excessive in your use of tobacco, but whatever the cause the nervous sys- tem 'must be built up again before restful sleep can be assured. Those whose rest is broken into by frightful dreams, nightmares, sink- ing and smothering sensations, who wake up in the morning as tired as they, went to bed, can have their old, peaceful, undisturbed, refreshing sleep back again by using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, Mrs. John Sloan, Haley Station, Ont., writes: "Over a year ago. I was very nervous. I could not sleep at night, and I would faint at the pe (slightest fright. 1 tried several doe- The Egg Argument. ) tors but they did me practically no "You see," said Columbus, "I have good, I Hutiend your advertise roved by this that-th r an ate y tr TP urn's Prove oy wg Narme world 1 Heart and Nerve Pills, and I am' "But it works both ways," replied | Proud to say they cured me." the king doubtfully. "A boiled egg| Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills it it were made into omelet it, would [are 650c a box or 3 for $1.25, at al} demonstrate with no less clearness ) dealers, or mailed direct on receipt that the world is flat."--Washington of price by the T. Milburn Co., Lim- Star. ited, Toronto, Ont. on Crown Princes Lead in West. We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with ugic acid, says a well-known authority, whe warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and thus the waste is re- tained in the blood to poison the en- tire system. . When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the back or the ur- ine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irritable, obliging you- to seek relief during the night. When you have severe headache, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad wea- ther, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts. Take a tablespoornful in a glass cf water be- fore breakfast' each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com- bined with lithia, and has been used for gemerations to flush and stimu- late clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus 'ending urinary and hiadder disorders, Jad Salts is inexpensive and can" SOMETHING NEW IN BEDROOM AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE hb) Two years ago we bought an Immense stock of rugs and linoleums. These are being sold today in a great many cases we could buy them for. selecting your spring furnishings you will find it to antage to deal with wk, ' r list of customers is constantly growing. Jess your Rev. T. H. Mitchell formerly pas- tor of St. . James' Presbyterian church, London, and latterly in charge of St. Andrew's, Peterboro', triends was inducted into Old St. Andrew's church, Torento. . Letters to German newspapers in< when another got behind him and shot him down. a not injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink, and no- bedy can make x mistake by taking tire to one of his estates, or perhaps leave the country, take his money out of the bank, and gettle down to en- dicate that the nerves of the German |. public are being shaken by the re- verses sustained by the German arms on the western fromt. Sir George Foster, acting Premier, that a' comprehensive cen- sus of Canadian industries will be taken for the year 1917 by the cen- sus and statisties office. A seven-million dollar bond issue will pass the U.S. Congress, Saturday afternoon, ; Baroness Operated Wireless. little oceasionall life as Manuel of Portugal and Seattle, Wash., April 16 --Wire- 2 J. 40- hoop the kid-| 103 Jif 4» Manusl of Por Hagiand 3 neys clean and active. 8 d. less apparatus set up in their rask | ; | Instead of this, his property has been dence by Baron Frederick von confiscated to: the state, and he is Lichtenow and his wife has ee begging for charity. seized. The baronesg recen! 5 CZAR The provisional government has mitted that before coming to Seattle LATE OF appointed Titoff to care for the pri- from Germany. she passed number RUSSIA A PAUPER vate Interests of the former Emper- one in a competitive examination for : or. The first thing Mr. Titoff does telegrapher in one of the German) rs a is to appeal to the government for an military offices. Syracuse Post-Standard. When he was styled "Auntoerat of All the Russians," Nicholas Roman. loft possessed 400,000,000 acres. of choice land, constituting about one- -- ht the Smatess The Serene t t were enormous, and those who professed to know We desire to announce to automobile owners that we have installed the most up- to-date vulcanizing plant between Toronto and Montreal. . ITS OPERATION ' We have engaged Mr. Frank Pearson, who is well known to every autamebile. a a aro auslemed to nos owner of Kingstén, as icient tire | im with a vast £0 TE re | repair man, to ¢ ate this fant. Mr. Pear= a We\Sh simise patience Ia the oth- | . son has just returned from Toronto, where i ry ER ) oo La When the Czar was deposed his ur fellow. "hh | he was in : ! or pin b-- Company in their = Export of Rubies Prohibited. Ottawa, April Ae The sAportation sapphire. abroad, teed under the employ of the Dunlop Tire ir repair department. » A 1 is famous for vestor x sl be alth and strer gth. Wi hen 1 :