Best Laundry Soap, 6 Bars for 25¢ Lindner's Pure Fruit Jam, 10¢ a Jar Cor. Montreal and Charles St. AT pe r-- Frou BAgKAGHE SPECIAL SALE FOR Ricuuutsn, Onova. "FHIS WEEK ONLY of 8 recent experience 1 had when suf- fering from backache, weak back; rhen- matism, dropsy, and congestion of the kidneys. 1 tried a new medicine called *Anuric," which has. recently been dis- covered by Dr. Pierce, of whose medi- cines and Surgical Institution in Buffalo, N. Y., you have no doubt heard for years. This medicine acted upon me n a wonderful manner. [ never have saken any medicine so helpful in such Juick time. 1 do wish anyone in need E. H. BAKER Phone 1263. ; April is the Month for Spring Take your spring tonic now, Phone 50. » 3 doors above the Opera House, of such a remedy would give it a trial (Signed) G. H. HERrg. Note: "Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results they have obtained by using A NURIC," the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who is head of the INvALIDS' HOTEL and SUR@ICAL INSTITUTE, in Buffalo, N. Y. Those who started the day with a back- ache, #tifl legs, arms and muscles, and an aching head (worn out before the day began because they were in and out of bed half a dozen times at night ) are appreciating the perfect rest, comfort and new strength they obtained from Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. To prove that this is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and Medicines: bladder diseases and rheumatism, if reaparilla Extract. you've never used the "Anurie," cut Beef, Iron and Wine. this out and send ten cents to r Quinine Tonic. Pierce for a large sample package. This Sulphur and Molasses, will prove to you that "Anurie" is Blaud's Pills. : thirty-seven times more active than lithia in eliminating uric acid--and the most perfect kidney and bladder cor- rector. lf you are a sufferer, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50-cent box of "Anuric." You run no risk for Dr. Pierce's ro name, stands behind this wonderful new discovery as it has for the past half century for his "Golden Medical Distdvery which makes the blood pure, his "Faw Prescription ® leasans Pellets" Best's Spring Medicines At Best's The Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays Branch 2018 ) orite for weak women and * P| for liver ills. RAILWAY GRAND TRUN REAR LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. Tralos will leave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnson street, GOING WEST - Arr. City No. 19 Mant .. , ., . 12.67 Am No. 13 Express . A «3 Locat , ., .. Intern"l Ltd. Mai] . 8 GOING 8 EE WHEN YOU EWR 32 We sod sepoace A sacs P! PEE 888352 BE3E aa' cep - Mail . Intern Local... .. 648pm. 7. Nos. 1,6, 7,13, 1 Other trains daily Maintain the » Highest Standard | Hamiiton, Bamaio, London. * Suresh 3 Quality in | Glia Giese wtf Io » alifax, oston an ew York. ight ul p go Satine) d [lets and SE Se nnation: «Ba ' o J. P. HANLEY, AGENT. Lens Makin 2 & PH ; x Eye Glass Fitting iy Rg Our Shares Are [| romn SHIP Linke. STEAM. Dderate Our Work Is Guaranteed. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. poten Wwe ve = e 2 Ec i except Sunday, ------------ CUNARD LINE Passenger Service Detween Montreal and London (Calling Falmouth to Innd passengery) For particulars of sailings and rates Apply to local agents or to The Robert Reford Cv, Limited, General * Agents, 50 King Street East, Toronto, pe 230 Princess Street, OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, 115,000 FORD CARS Have been manufactured in Canada by the . Ford Motor Co., of Canada, the largest mo- tor factory in the British Empire. Ford Sales | are based on "in Ford Service and fo This is the simple reason why there are so The le mn iy the Ford Car is known everywhere as. CE TRE 1 Dear Mr. Editor--F "Wish to tell yop THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1917. BISHOP FALLON SCORES LONDON CITY COUNCIL FOR RE- FUSING $3,000 GRANT To the St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Hospital--A Weak Surrender to Anti-Catholic Prejudice. London, Ont., April 17.--_Follow- Ling the recent decision of the City Council to refuse a $3,000 grant to St. 'Jéséph's Hospital, Bishop Fallon hig' called upon London Catholics to giYe their answer by a special volun- | tary contribution. In a paMoral let- ter he says: "Stripped of Wall pre- tences, this reckless economy on the part of a City Council whose man- agement of the civic finances has im- posed upon us a tax rate of 34 mills, was simply a weak surrender to anti- Catholic envy, jealousy and preju- dice." Not Conducted For Gain. In reply to the statement before the City Counéil that St. Joseph's Hospital was conducted for gain, his Lodrship says: "The Sisters of St Joseph's have been engaged for fifty years in the work of housing home- less old age and helpless infancy, and in ministering to the ills that flesh is heir to, No distinction of color, race or creed has ever been allowed to interfere with their chairtable ac- tivities. Like all other Catholic Sisterhoods, the Sisters of St. Joseph are vowed to personal .poverty; no penny of gain has ever reached an in- dividual member. The poor clothes they wear and the humble fare with which they are supplied constitute their sole drain on their financial resources. What becomes of the gur- plus funds resulting from the person. al sacrifice and remarkable econ- omies of the Sisters of St. Joseph? The answer is very clear. The Sis-] ters have purchased property of Protestants in the open market, and have paid the stipulated price to the last dollar, Protestans architects, Protestant buflders, Protestant bank- ers, Protestant manufacturers, Prot- estant merchants have practically monopolized the profits, ------ . Meagre Payment For Services, "Whatever Protestant money has Tound.its way into the treasury of the Sisters of St. Joseph has been--with a few honorable exceptions--but a meagre payment for services ren- dered, and the institutions which the Sisters control stand to the credit and the benefit of the Protestant city officials, It -is to their .credit- that the property is vested in the Sisters, but they can neither run away with the buildings nor eat the land. Any one would have expected to find in the City Council a' broad civic pride and generous recognition of the un- selfish effort to rebuke the ill-man- nered bigots and bankrupt politicians who raised objection to a small meas- ure of decent justice being rendered to St. Joseph's Hospital." WILTON PNF. E. SOCIETY -- Last Meeting of Seaéon Held in Vil. lage Hall. A The closing meeting of the Wilton "Pleasant Friday Evening Society" was held on Friday evening, making the last of the meetings for this ho son. The meeting was held in Ahe village hall, with the vice-presigent, Rev. F. White, in the chair. Musical numbers were. given by the Wilton Quartette made up of Mrs. K. N. Storms, Mrs. B. Mills, F. Reid and R. Asselstine; solos by SS, Storms, F. Mills, little Miss Ruther Miller who is only seven years old; duet selec- tions by S. Storms and Miss M. Storms. Rev. A. L. Phelps of Adol- phustown gave a lecture on "Mod- ern Poetry" and reports were read hy the secretary and treasurer of the year's work. During the evening re. f-eshments were served. 4 Just before the close of the mee(- hg: Rev. A. J. Parsons gave a short address on the work. of the Cana- dians at Vimy Ridge and after three cheers were given for the Canadians. the National Anthem brought the en- tertainment to a close. Lol. Elmer Jones' Wounds. Lt.-Col. Elmer Jones, of Brock- ville, who was commanding the st Battalion, is adjoining bed to Lieutenant Nickle, in a Lon- don hospital. He was knocked out while leading the battalion into c- tion early on Monday, getting a dose of shrapnel in the left leg and left "rm. SAVE YOUR HAR and why | IYORO AT CATARAQUI COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESSED MEETING HERE. | ! Committee Appointed to Make In- quiries in Western Cities and Towns Where it is Used--If Re- port is Favorable Application Will be Made to Secure Hydro. On Monday evening Mr. Purcells,! representing the Hydro-Electrie the township Hall at Cataraqui, and! there was a very good attendance. | C. C. Folger, manager of the Civic Utilities Commission, was also one of the speakers. J. W. Edwards, M.P.,| was chairman. Anthony Rankin, M.| P., was also present. Mr. Purcells explained the weork-! ing of the Hydro system, and all the! information regarding to its installa-|, tion; after which there was a gen- eral discussion, when a resolution was passed appointing a committee composed of Dr. Edwards, George Nicol and W. Cook, to make inquir-| ies regarding the using of Hydro in! western towns and cities and then | report back. If the report is a fav-, orable one, application will be made ; to the township council to have it' installed at Cataraqui. The idea is! to have ghe Hydro for lighting, and also for /use in operating farm ma- chinery. 1 The Cause of Sickness Apart fromraccident or illness due to infection almost all ill-health arises from one of two reasons. The great mistake that people make is in not realizing that both of these have the same cause at the root of them, namely, poor and impure blood. Either bloodlessness or some trouble of the nerves will be found to be the reason for abmost every ailment. If you are pale, suffer from 'headaches or breathlessness, with palpitation of the heart, poor appetite and weak digestion, the cause is almost always bloodlessness. If you have nervous headaches, neuralgia, sciatica and other nerve pains, the cause is run- down, exhausted nerves. But run- down nerves are also a result of poor blood, so that the two chief causes of illness are oné and the same, This accounts for the great num- ber of people, once in indifferent health, pale, nervous and dyspeptic, who have been made well and hearty by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for no medicine ever discovered .is so valu- able for increasing the supplysof rich, red blood and giving strength. to wqrn-out nerves. Men and women alike greatly bhenefif from a course 'of the splendid blood builder and nerve tonic. . It your dealer does not keep these pills you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A LEADING QUESTION Call to Enlist Now For Canada's Déténce. The chief question which all men in Canada must ask themselves to- day is, "Am I doing my share in helping the War? If I am not, why not?" Unless the country fully wunder- stands that every fit man of military age is needed, and needed * badly, there will be some who are failing in their duty to Canada. The greater part of the wdrld engaged in the greatest war of al times. "It' is no easy struggle, and, despite the good news which comes from the front, the war is far from an end, The demand for men is so great that all the overseas troops in Canada are being rushed across the Atlantic as quickly as transports can be found for them. Up to the pre- sent the overseas troops have under- taken the defence of the country, but) when the last of them leave there will .be no defence force here, With a view to preparing for this, and being reddy for any emergency which may arise, the government has issued a call for 50,000 men to take up arms for the duration of the war and for six months afterwards to sorve. in Canada aud contribute to the national safety. tir The time to enlist in this force is now. Terms of enlistments, subsis- tence, clothing and equipment are the same as for oversoas service, and sep- aration allowances are given in the case of married men. Full particulars can be obtained from the 14th Regiment, C.D.F., the Armouries, Kingston, Ont. -- "GOOD-BYE, CAPTAIN!" Verses Dedicated to thé Tate Capt. Gilbert Johnston, Johnston, formerly of ton, are dedicated by F. Percy Smith of the Canada Steamship Limited: Captain, By F. Percy Smith. ' Good-bye n Johnston, Brother of yesterday; A fairer mind, a heart kind Has ne'er been called away. Up in the Land of Promise, Where they take good men and true In a gentle way you took today Something of us with you, Our Ship has lost a Master, In mamanp's stove. Mngt. SOF, n.memory's. a 'Il keep you till the end, In By-Water magazine the follow-|. ying verses to the late Capt Gilbert == nt | Commission, addressed a meeting in Ji | "i HH il | 40 These materials are the very latest novelty Hl checks and stripes and may be seen in great variety 1 in the following colors. Prices ranging from $1.50 Hi "to $3.50. Cream, Russian Green, Navy, Belgian Blue, + Old Gold, Old Rose, Black and White Checks. ¢ Get summery fabrics in good time for hot days. ings for tailored skirts and suits 65¢ ya : | Palm Beach Suit- Cotton Tussahs Plain shades, for sport suits, skirts, etc. 36 in. wide. 69c¢ yard. Pique In all new colors for spring 35¢ a yard. J Just Received a New Lot of Neckwear, Showing Dainty Collars of Soft Georgette Crepe, .fea- tured in white, flesh and pink shades, 50c¢ to $3.00. AGRICULTURAL QUARTERS A. W, SIRETTE, DISTRICT REP- RESENTATIVE HAS NICE ROOMS The Frontenic Cheese Board Will Hold Its Meeting on Thursday in His Quarters. The Department of Agriculture has procured some splendid rooms for the accommodation of A..W, Sir- ette, the representative of this dis- trict, who has transferred from Syd- enham to the city, : bh: The quarters secured are on Mar- ket street, a few doors below King street. There are in reality two of- fices facing Market street, but the main entrance will be through only ett's office. The second floor is di- dived into a meeting-room, a ladies rest room, and a work-shop for Mr. Sirette and his staff. On Clarence street a garage has been built which will have an entrance from Mr. Sir- ette's office. £ : The large meeting room on the second floor 'has heen neatly painted and papered and has a heavy carpet on the floor. The cheese board will in future hold its meetings in that room instead of in the Police Court, the board meeting of Thursday being the first of the season. The room adjacent to the meeting room has also been piinted and dec- orated. There will be comfortable chairs and tables put in immediately and the wives of the farmers will be able to use it as headquarters while in the city. 5 The floor of the upstairs hall has heer: relaild with hard wood and the quarters generally present a very neat appearance. Late T. F. Maloney, Omaha. Thonias ¥. Maloney, resident of Omaha, Neb., since 1903, and largely interested in property, died there last week, He was 71 years of age. hav- ing been born in Kingston, Ont. He moved to Scott County, Towa, in 1876, where he engaged in mercan- tile business. Surviving, besides his widow, are three sons and one daughter. i Funeral of D. P. Bragigan's Child. The funeral of the late Nora Eiiz- abeth Branigan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Branigan, Broek street was held on Tuesday morning to St, Mary's cathedral where a ser- vice was held, after which the re- mains were taken to St. Mary's ceme- tery for burial, They'll miss you in the workshop, In Ship 4 and Tow, one, the other to be used as Mr, Sir-, "Children Cry for Fletcher's VL The Kind You Have Alivays Boaght, and which has been In use for over 30 ycais, has borno the signature of and has been made under his pers sonal supervision since its infancy. A Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and ¢¢ Just-as-good ** are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ts ha aren Bah and « against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is' a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parpe goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. . It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotie sul . dts 1s its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Foverishness. For more than thirty years it bas been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles a Diarrhosa. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the » giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For iver 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ¥ a ivi -- Sa A