Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Apr 1917, p. 9

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GERMAN ROUT 12 PAGES tp -- YEAR R84. NO. 91 AT LAGNKCOURT Wil Be Onc of the Most Srking Pictures of fhe War. THEIR OWN BARBED WIRE TRAPPED THE HUNS IN RUN. NING FOR THEIR TRENCHES Irish Regiment Planted a Board Telling of Capturing 9,000 Prison- ers--Enemy Tried in Vain to Shoot It Down. London, April 17.--1It be one of the most striking pictures of this war, the rout of the Germans at Lagnicourt, jafter. what they be- lieved to have been a successful at- tack. Running for their own tren- ches, which were part of the famed Hindenburg line, they were trapped! by the barbed wire entanglements which had been built with such great strength and thickness in front of them. The boast of the Hindenburg line has been its belts of protective will ever wire Caught within the wire the Germgn Guardsmen scream madly for help and guidance. | Some, like trapped rabbits, scurried! up and down barrier, searching in vain for openings The| British troops, meantime, had the! greatest opportunity for open field | meshes of this ed' the outer ritle shooting since the battle of the Marne Lying flat upon the ground, | they poured bullets into the panic- stricken grey-coated T until each man had fired a full one hun-| dred rounds, i While this was going on the Brit- Germans EE -------- ish field guns came into play with a shrapnel barrage which. completed the demolition of the entrapped en- emy ' ' It wonder that later | fifteen aundred German dead could ibe? counted, or that four hundred {Guardsmen surrendered with upheld {hands and emotonal cries of "Kam- lrad!" was® little | Rubbing It In. | - The prisoners taken in the south- jern parts of the line had heard noth- ing of the Arras fight; except that {a British attack' was somewhere jcrushed and that the Germans had {taken hundreds of prisoners. Ascer- {tain Irish regiment fighting in the vicinity of Lens has, during a breath- {ing speel, taken pains to inform the {enemy of the results at Arras. Some of thé adventurous spirits planted boards a few nights ago saying: "We took nine thousand Huns yesterday." The Germans endeavored all next day to shoot the board down, but they did not succeed. ,That night tae irish planted a second board, reading: "Sorry we made a mistake Should" have been eleven thousand Huns instead of nine." The Irishmen fought with great bravery just undér the brow of the "Pimple" on Vimy Ridge, and were up against a steady stream of ma- chine gun fire from the "Pimple" until the Canadians wiped it off the face of the earth ® 'We knew the Canadians would clear them out, so we didn't woiry," said a smiling Irishman to-day., RIGOROUSLY NEUTRAL Carranza's Statement to New Mexi- can Congress, Mexico City, April 17.--General Carranza in his address to the new congress declared that Mexico would maintain a strict and rigorous neu- trality in the world war. H. von Eckardi-~dye German minister, was seatefl in a box with Austrian, Span- ish andl other diplomats Henry P. Fletcher sat with the British Min- ister not considered established and clothes is 11 any well Good colateral at safe bank' In business, one if often bothered with a punctured tire. ma, Stomach Was Deranged |By Chronic Constipation Got So Bad That Hospital Treatment was Resorted to -- Cure Finally Effected by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Eganville, Ont., Apr. 18.---In this letter is well described the important place taken bg Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills In many thousands of homes where their value as a regu- lator of the vital organs is known and appreciated, Constipation of the bowels is usu- ally accompanied by sluggish liver action, and soomem or later by de- troubled with constipation and stom- ach trouble--had tried dozens of remedies, and even went to the hos- pital to get built up at different times, The terrible constipation caused the stomach trouble. One day a friend asked me why I didn't try Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I immediately purchased a 25¢ box, took it home, and it gave me such grand reljef that I went back and he Ba v HOW ALLIES Wy ji q KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, ARE PROGRESSING IN FRANCE NA | 3 Jest so The dotted line on the map shows the position the Allies' on April 9, aid the arrows indi cate the armies were ad- line how vancing around Lens, . Cambrai and St. Quentin on April 14. --------rd 9 SCALE Of MILES. * RUYAULLOURT 2 en any GOUZEMK OUR \ 8 PRIEL of \ "Fa A a} Ada KA LE vERGNEN, AY a --- A * * | DARLINGSIDE. {From Our Owp Correspondent) Soe 1 | i April 13.--The school was closed all last week, the teacer, Miss Web- ster spending the 'Easter holidays at her home in Athens. We expect to see a better atten- dance at the school, now that the Easter holidays are over. Previous to Easter the-attendance was very small, owing, principally to illness Owing to the cold, freezing nights we have been having, the run of sap is much better than was expected. among the pupils. Joba Landon, who has\been quite ill, is slowly impreving. R Owing . to some misunderstanding the chiese factory did not get run- ning the first of the month. t is fully expected to be in operdtion about the middle of April. A gang of men have been busily engaged put- AA AA i A be the case, nobody now much (0 come of it" but talk. To Woodrow Wilson. When lofty Washington first ruled the State-- Immaculate, courageous, soul-- Not all his virtues could preserve shim whole From the envenomed shafts of Tory hate. But now, secure from treason's pois- oned darts, Proof against malice and the tral- tor"s rage, : His deeds emblazon 'history's pur- ple page," His name and fame enshrined in all - our hearts. Not even gentle cape, Though lightings flashed and all the tides ran red, But bowed in patience, his devoted head: ror "coward," "weakling," "poltroon," and "ape" The yelping pack into oblivion hurl- ed; A "fool" None without shame may now re- call their names, While him they bayed all English "| gripped expects \ achie) Elncoln' could es- APRIL 18, 1917 ily British W hi N | pas 12 SECOND BECTION ALIEN RESIDENTS : RECEIVE WARNING | Proclamation by President Wilson Says Treasoit Will | be Punished. ° Washington, April 18.--aAj per- sons in the United States, citizens and aliens, mation issued by Rresident Wilson that treasonable acts or attempis to shield those committing such acts will be vigorously prosecuted by the Government. : { Far-reaching importance attaches to the: direction of the warning to aliens' 'and the declaration that' "resident aliens as well as citizens owe allegiance to the United States," | and therefore are equally subject to! the laws against treason and. like crimes At war, the United States is in a very different position from .4 neau- trl Bomb-plotters now may be! with an iron hand. Not only - are conspirators = themselves subject to heavy penalties, but any one, even a German resident," who has knowledge of treasonable acts and fails to make known the facts to the authorities may be sent.to prison for seven years and fined $1,000 for | misprision of treason Ordered to France. { Major (Dr) Harley Smith, with the Ontarie Military Hospital at Orp- [in ton, Engiand, has, according j.:etters received in Toronto, received | | orders to proceed France His i eldest son, Gordon, was wounded | some time ago and sent to England. His young ju:il eighteen | now in A yal School of Artillery | in Kingston. | er-------- ---------------- |"BIFF THE BOOZE!" | U.S. WAR SLOGAN Senator Kenyon Would Boost | Distilled Liquor Tax Ten-fold. . Washington, April 17.--A move restrict the use of liquor during the war was made by Senator Kenyon in the Senate. He introduced a bil] proposing to raise the internal revenue tax upon distilled liquor to $10 per gallon, ex- | cepting liquor used for sacramental, | medicinal, or scientific purposes, Such a rite is about ten times the present tax. The nation-wide prohibition amendment was introduced into the Senate by Senator Jones of Wash- ington today. So drastic are the provisiens that even the manufaciure of liquor would be prohibited. Another bill to son, is to offered by - Jones would make it unlawful {o sell liquor to a member. of the army during the war. Shot While. After Squirrel. Brockville, April 12.--Robert Tim- leek, aged 16, while squirrel hunting with some companions in the woods adjacent to Brockville was shot through the abdomen wiih a ball are warned in a procla-T to! Which are yours? Seams are not merely un- sightly. They irritate the feet. : ¥ Until you've worn a' pair of Mercury Seamless Full Fashioned Hose, you_ cannot realize how<glad "your feet ~can' feel. : 17 A 4. 0 They ard Khittedzon fiew machines, foo--the only ma- chines that fashion the hose at the sides, giving the neat, sightly ankle. They fit with- out a wrinkle. * Made in black cashmere," black lisle and white lisle- from the finest, highly fin- ished and durable materials: There's class in every pair, ladies! Mercury Mills, Ltd., Hamilton, Canada MAKERS OF \ § Seamed ury Teg "leg For men and women, and underwear for men, women and children » 54 Aare reo SEE 4 ee Net tt Ata let St tat at ait gg Draperies Curtains At least once a year your draperies and curtains will require to be dyed or cleaned. This can be attended to most satis- factorily and with the minimum of trouble and expense by having us do the work. New trimmings suppli- ed if required. Estimates gladly given; "write or telephone about this Jpeigiyi Boasthold service. Pure "Clover | Honey - 20c a Section | At Thompson's Grocery 294 Princess Street, Phone 387. AAA i i JOHN M. PATRICK Columbias, Victrolas, Grafonolas - $ . All makes of talking machines re- ting Same in shape, paired, adjusted, ecléaned, noises Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dempster front a small calibre rifle. He. was rangements of the kidneys. The speech proclaims walking behind Charles Bryan, whose got six more. "I can truthfully say PARKER'S DYE WORKS upset, of 3 digestive system is entirely and pains and aches result from the consequent poisoning of the system. On this account it may 'be said that constipgtion 18 the cause of the great majority of human ills, and by keep- ing the bowels regular by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills these many allmentg are avoi . Mr. D. J. Maney, Egauville, Ont., (R. BR. No. 1), Writes --.). I --*"Allow me to tell you what Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills have done for me and mine. For years 1 was that after I had finished using them I was completely epred. If I ever felt an Ao Smug on, one or two up all right would always fix again. My boys never think of going away from home without having some of them ip their suit case, in case of a sudden attack of sickness. If any person wishes to write me, I will gladly answer them." re DE Chase's-Kidney-Liver Pillar one pill a doze, 25¢ a box, 5 for $1.00, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. and daughter, of Gananoque, were week end visitors at the home of William E. McNeil. Ford, the little son of Leonard McNeil has been quite i}l, but is now improving. Rob- ert Beaubiah' is Slightly under the weather with: a badly ulcerated tooth, I cannot wear the old hat I wore nr yedrs gonesty, it is less--and it's "faded; it pains the naked eye. Yet, when I see the new hats all yellow, green and blue, 1 swear I'll wear my old hat before I buy a new. "The. noblest, gentlest mem®ry { For you, the equal heir of = their Is writ in frenzied lines a hymn of 0 the world." ! estates, With single aim to do the people's will, And all the hopes of freeman to fulill, hate, . strong-winged soul goar upward to the light And look with pitying eyes on those below Whose slanders cannot harm, for foot slipped in climbing a rock. falling his rifle discharged the accident. has not yet been located it is thought Timleck will recover, A PA trast tsa rsd tag narrating Althopgh t In ausing { 69 Princess Street, King- ! e bullet | ston, Ontario. eliminated, Moderate Charges; Prompt Service; Expert Workmanship. - 149 Sydenham Street well you know That dogs will bark 'at eagles in their flight. And it's spring, now. It's a cruel world. As soon as eggs come within our grasp, badea sails away. e fo uhat would a man think whe had een out of touch with the commod- ity markets for a year---say, for in- stance, on a tour of, exploration i "The "Groundwork" of Health, Comfort | and Economy Blackguarding the President has | Ame a habit with a type of misfit Directory First! : Wm wou call a telephone number from Americans from the days of Washing- time, Geo mory i Washington was a by a me y or when you Suess a " you the Arctic regions -~if he should confe | reat apt to wrong. back to civilization apd read that McKinley So vas Jufterson, Lineoly. ; we be . onions have "dropped to six dollars a | others. Now comes F. W. Whitridge, q The mind has a trick of transposing _figures-- ag" in Montreal? T : president of the Third Avenue Rail- . pr . " : . . * S---------- way Company, who, in a letter to L. jaitad . "1263" you are quite likely to say " 623. The National Service schemé was|l- Forman, secretary of the Ameri § Also, telephone numbers, firm names, etc., are {ton to the presen: when days are wet and pavements sloppy, is 'a good pair of rubbers. launched amid the thunders of S30 Rights Committee, calls Presi- threatened compulsion. The speak-| dent Wilson a poltroon. Mr. Whit- 1 frequently changed. ; i in "wh ridge is a lawyer who has been a ans + Rare Sh oben: Borden prominent member of the. New York § And when you thus ask for the wrong number, you waste your own time, the operator's, the attention of the public was car-, Par. It probably is hopeless. to point : ried on_in a way to give the system |°Ut to Mr. Whitridge that common and the time of the person called your error. the impressive and impelling aspect decency demands of a citizen a fair of a pre-conscriptory measure, Their | easure of respect for the head of audiences were solemnly warned. | the Dation, hyat it that is impossible 4 Directory first is a good principle. In the it saves time and temper to first consult the latest issue of the telephone book. The sure guide to a goad that this was the 'last appeal for vol-| It his case.ft is to be hoped he will The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada pair of rubbers--the guar- antee of protection and service--is ong of these Trade Marks: "JACQUES CARTIER" - "GRANBY" "MERCHANTS" "DAISY* untary service" that would be made| Place himself (in the hands of a in language plainly meant to suggest schoalboy and learn enough about that there was something coi | the English language not to split an| which would not be ignored if infinitive, 3 appeal was , Sot promptly and gepe = / respon to. e Director eral repeatedly assured his Death of J. C. Mackenzie. in many places, to their expressed | Brockville, April 12.--A cable re- approval, that unless they went ceived the w where they were ask and did what they were ps afraid" "he they would "ha 0 don > he these f a little later on." Of late have died away " i : EE

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