PAGE ELEVEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 18, 1917 | The Latest Market Reports | LIVE STOCK MARKETS. ATT Li] io Hh Hifi Si t, selects) $17 > Canadian Pacifie gle] norning were Toronto, 17 Heavy steers, hoice steers, $11 |cattle, cod, $10 to $10.50; to $9.50; *p and 02 auibs, « ranges -- eaten every cor , $7 to $9.50; day ~ will help you to .. $10 to $10.56: stay well. Order $7 to 87.50; butcher Sunkist now and keep a to $10.50: « Haan, supply of these uniformly tcher bolls, chofee, $8.23 good oranges in the house $10.50; do. good, $7 to $7.25: always. medium, $6 to $6.50; feeders, -900 to 1,000-1bs., $8.50 to "$9.50: 'do. Chicago. hicago, April 17 19.000: Cattle--Re- | market weak; native 257to $13.25; 'stock-| $37.25 to $10; cows $5.70 to $10.30: calves, rer pr (cattle, $9 ers and feeders: and heifers BY 10139 to $13.25. bulls, | Hogs Receipts 36,000: market ° 1.25 to $6.50; stockers, 700 to 800 Islow; lower; light, $15.20 to $16.10: Its, $8 to, 80; do. med. 650 10 lniixed, $15.60 to $16.30; heavy, 780 Ibs., 31.25 2 $7.50. do. lent, ($15 5 to $16.35; rough, $15.15 to] : 600 to 650. 18., $7 to $7.25; canne 1815 : pigs, $11.50 to $14.50. bulk . , ay Soni med 5.75; pigs, 50 to $14.50; bu Uniformly Good 3 at vs ers, $5.50 to 3.75 sales, $15.80 to $16.20. 2 or: ' {of | Fi to 311.25; do. Sheep and lambs--Receipts 19.- anges . $8.50 : market weak; wethers, $10.65] California Fruit GrowersExchange to $9.50 calves, $8 tol aa0 : Spring lambs, $13 10 $15.50; | re L re i x hy culled lambs, § to 12; hogs, fed and [io $13; lambs, native, $12.10 to $15 watered, $16.75; do. weighed off : 4 . « f } 215 9 i OK TR $10.80; do. o.b., $15.90. of Buffalo, err tats tat t Montreal i Buffalo, N.Y., April 17.--Cat- Montreal, April 17 --Choloe steers j tle--Receipts, ,200; slow to steady: $12: good. $11; - medium $10 to|ShiDping-steers, $9.50 to $1: i $10.50; choice cows $10.50; goad, $butchers, $8 to $11.75; heifers, $7 Sa on 4 Ta "0 to $G+110 $11; cows, $5.75 to $10; bulbs, | $9.50 to $10; medium, $8.50 to $9; 6 a | Save. &4 1 choice~bulls, $11 to $11.50; good,| 36 to $10; stockers and feeders, $7 $10 to $10.50: medium, $9 to 10: fresh cows and springers, | s = N « I'steady, $50 to $115 Et AT'S lls, $6.50; canners WS ro & canners, bulls, $6.5 canners, cows . Veals-- Receipts, $2200: {and lower, $5 to $14.50 ee ERD Se ~~ LE | Hogs-- Receipts, 9,000; slow and | ied, $16.35 to $16 40; Yorkers, $16 | tower; heavy, $16.40 to $16.50; mix- 120 to $16.35; light Yorkers, $14.50 to $16; pigs, $13.56. to $14.25; roughs, $14.25 to $14.50: $11.50 to $12.50 . : . . . i | Sheep and lambs-- Recéipts, Our aim is to insure the Right People --in the Right Way--on the Right Policy. We do not "over-load" the Applicant. This is part of Crown Life Service and is one Factor in our rapidly growing business. . 1000; active, steady, lambs, $13 CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO0., TORONTO | 818.75; yearlings, $9.50 to $12 Agents wanted in unrepresented districts 43 hh i Fr er LE] mR vm THe McLaughlin valve-in-head motor actually develops from {157 to 20% more power with the same fuel consumption than¥any other type of motor of the same bore and stroke.. This fact has been established by engineers, by block tests and tests in actual service.! This means fuel economy and power. cars Don't think because a You from the bottom that there isn't 'plenty of room a top, Hg who has his eyes perpetually on the ground doesn't the sun and the other beauties of the sky. A AA A ct rer eee CE Prd LT n RTT Tv gi Because this power is sometimes vital, it is found in abundance in McLaughlin Motor Cars, ready for instant application. It is "RESERVE \ POWER" and marks the dependable and efficient car. - - Send for Catalogue "B," describing our.complete line) to " a Vl The MCLAUGHLIN MOTOR CAR'CO,, Limited, N OSHAWA, ONTARIO see active | | | wethers, $11.76 to $12; ewes, $5.¢ jto $11.50; mixed sheep, $11.50. to | $11.75 75; clipped lambs, §10 to] [$14 . - i GRAIN QUOTATIONS Toronto April 17 No. 1 northern, $2.50; [$2.45%; No. 4, $2.20: | ports. wy > | Manitoba oats__No. 2 C Ww. 82¢: | E = " so Shh, ee 0 tof Milk |i ~~ > ne ar 0 ! akc No.1 feed. 79¢; all rail ve-} : : Model D-4-35 is a new Four Cylinder Touring Car--the challenge in 1917 Motor Car valucgms Is equal in food value to three-fourths of a pound of : Bee American corn 106 in. wheelbase; 35 H. P. valve-in-head motor; Delco starting, lighting and ignition. Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two subject to embargo, $910.00 f ob. Oshawa. Spare tire extra. \ unds of fish, six pounds of tomatoes. And the milk Ontario oats-- No. 2, white, 74c to \ Ek 76¢; No. 3, white, 7 * 1p T5e. . Tg . : : "oy s more easily digested and far more economical than The New Series McLaughlin cars include 4 and 6 cylinder models in any of the other foods. Touring, Roadster and Sedan types, and at prices ranging from $895 to to $2.20! according to freights out- side. { Barley-- Good malting, $1.35 do! BRANCHES IN LEADING CITIES, DEALERS EVERYWHERE -1.37; feed barley, nominal, | LOCAL SHOW ROOMS Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, per ® 4 $2350, and a new 60 H.P. 6 cylinder, 7 passenger Touring car at $1900. Phone 845 - Price's |. - Buckwheat--Nominal, Manitoba | No. 2, track, bay Toronto, { wheat % $1.53% nominal, | ' . | LAL hr ae ity rn car Jot, $2.20 to $2.22; No. 3, $2.18 nominal. ». Domingl;® ear tots, | * See the McLaughlin Models at the nearest McLaughlin Show Rooms 2 4 Rye--_No. 2, $1.78 to $1.80 Manitoba flour=--First patents, in| jute bags, $11.40; second patents, $10.90; stroag bakers, $10.50. | = 7 Ontario flour--Winter, according | : to sample, $9.40 to $9.50; track, To-| ronto, prompt shipments, tL 1) re ------ W. G. ROBINSON, KINGSTON. of nee the comf and experi- on Suiynd expen TIT al 0 SEEN BR Teer Bl KX pp a | A A ETF Waa os Te FORA TOF EG Millfeed--Car lots, delivered, | sr > vr Montreal; shorts, $40 to $42; bran, | Canadas Star ies I TR TTT FR rs oy TTI THETA $38; feed flour, per bag, $2.80; | UR ER ii HL fit iit HTH it if Fr eee J Ji Lo iii i middlings, $43 to $45. {Ara 3 rn ---------------------- Hay ---Baled, track, Toronto, In tim Every woman should know | ence the relief of a reliable t conditions which cause head- nded upon to righ a By languor, nausea and consti tion. At such times, nothing is $0 safe, so sure and speedy as car | bags, ©0 Ibs, PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Shorts, $41. a ia é . we rr lots, No, 2, $11.50 to $12.50; mixed, | $7.75; do., $3.75. | t ~ 3 y $9 to $11; straw, $7 to $7.50. Bran, $38, Middlings, | p im 0 ¢ l ® » Visit This Dairy and Decide for : $43 to $45. Mouillie, $47 to $52. "oy <| Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Montreal. : Hay---No 2, per ton, car lots, $13.50. "- | | all Montreal, Apri) 17.--In sympathy | = hnson tree with the continued strength in other, Winnipeg Have the Best | 24 Jo S t | markets the tone of the local mag-| Fired " y : ! 3 | By fy --NO, 1 ket for grain was strong, and prices Yinnipag, ap, 33 Wikat No i for oats advanced % to lc per bus-| . Ng 2 ' . Ni oon ! hel, Manitoba No. 4 barley 3e¢, feed! a. Ne 3. do., $2.193%; No. 4, Barley 2c, and Manitoba feed wheat | é feed | $1.5¢ . de. | No. 2 yellow, | Season nearly over for "cream | Corn--American "$1.50 52 yr, a | $1.50 to $1.52. Oats Canadian | 587 Barley--. goods. Will have this week: Western © Charlotte Russe, 4 for 23c. 70c | western, Na, 2, 80 to Sic; do., No. | No. 3, 81.71%; No. 4; $1.09; reject- per dozen. ! ng . 2 or ) i ) Cream Puffs, 40c dozen. foi 8 %e 2 PY cn atley Man, ed, 95c; feed, 95c. Flax--No. 1| Large assortment of cakes, buns | na a $1357 Plone: Man. Spring host {N-W.C., $2.99; No. 2 C.W,, $2.95. | ed ete, Study 8 ot | patents, firsts, $11.80; seconds, $11.- | uxpect to have turday : wee | | y _--e | No. 19 Man ., oi 1 \ / Worth a Guinea a Box 30; strong bakers', $11.10; Winter | Chicago. | Potatoes, Asparagus and cucumbers. . | No. 18 Expres. .. i38 Prepared by ei Urs Sh Holo, Lancashire. Englund. patents, choice, $11.00; straight rol- | Chicago, April 17.--Wheat--No. | | e IiNe. J Jyoa, ~, ape J and U.S, America. In boxes, 25 cents. lers, $10 to $10.30; do., bags, $4.-/o roo Fak 3 a and No. 2 ry oe] | Now ? Mai™ lug i . ' 85 to $5.00. Rolled oats, barrels, minal; No. 3 hard, $2.45. C : | ESAS Se No. 2 yellow, $1.48% to $1.50%; { Thousands .of Men for v. 1, a > _ 0. rhe . EIR No. 3 renown 0 31.47%; No. . ! TTI] i] 4 yellow, $1.47% to $1.48. : . . ii! i hi ; Spring Seeding, | | . it {8 | Low Fares in Effect. f N \ Chicago, Bay Chy Saginaw, M. No. 3 white, 69% to 71c; Hl] | Steady Employment -- Good Wages. | Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St and generally "hit the mark." | 5p $1.90; $1.16%. No. 8, do., , T0%¢; 2 vo. 2, do., 67 %ec. No 6, | Oatg--No Tore: .-1 feed, the sixty years, millions of women have found them most in toning and strengthening the system, and for regu- lating the stomach, fiver and bowels. These famous vegetable and contain no harmful or habit-forming * with entire confidence for they cause no unpleasant af 'will.not fail you are entirely Use them LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1017. | Trains will leave and arrive nt City » foot of Johmson-wireet. GOING WEST > 5 Erm ee egg 0m - . 16 Express . .. No. 6 Mall , : | No. 14 Intern'l lad: m. h No. 28 Local . ., ., § p.m. 5 Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run Al, Other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route Toronto, Pater Hamilton, Buffalp, ' London, Oats-- | standard, | 2, $1.91. - Timothy: | 0) alle | SERCO ~1EN e ooo x {70% to- 71%. Rye--No. Barley-- $1.20 to $1.51. $4.75 to $5.75. | | Halifax, Boston and New York { For tickets and information apply | For Pullman Accommodation: Tie. | to J. E. Ivey, station agent, or M. | kota, 4nd ali other information. apply % Montreal and Londo, | Dunn, city agent. J. P. HANLEY, AGENT, (Calling Falmouth te land Passengers) | Cor. Johnson and Ontarle $y - For particulars of sailings and rates | ' { ton, Ont, PRly to local agents or to Th Robert Reford Co. Limited, General Agents, | er LYN] NORTHERN 50 King Street East, PAs i, Mi s { Minneapolis, April 17.--Wheat- May, $2.28%; July, $2.19%; cash | No. 1 hard, $2.50% to $2.53%; No. 1 Northern, $2 44% to $2.46% ; No. 2 Northern, $2.38% to $2.46%. Corn--No. 3 yellow, $1.44% to $1.- | 45°. Oats--No. 3 white, 68% to 69 pe. Flour--¥Fancy patents, $12.- 00; first clears, $10.50. Bran, $38.- 50 to $39.00.. Between ' Kings | MGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP Toronto. i Open Day and Night Telephone 99 XA A AA re AA A A re et To GENERAL TRADE. Toronto. CHIPRP Lol PAE CHILD ? , v Your own meals will taste better when you know some Belgian babies are enjoying the food for which your oo contribution pays ! Give freely and "protaptly to the * BELGIAN RELIEF FUND 59 ST. PETER STREET, Toronto, A dairy, 35¢; fowl, 1b 32¢; to T5e; 12%e; EE 'bag, $2.25 ) | i w to 40c; do., Irish i ------ 42¢ to 45¢; doz., 40¢c to 45¢ 23 Ib., 20c to 25¢; $6; do., Spies, bbl., Greenings, bbl., bkt., 50¢ to 75¢; rhubarb, beets, per bag, per pjeck, '50¢c to 60¢c; each, 20¢ to 25¢; cab! do,, 114qut. bkt. to $9; Sot Dt {per peek, 60¢c to 90¢ to $1; do., per pril 17.--~Batter, choice, new-laid, ; cheese, Ib., 30¢; do. faney, 1b., 35¢; turkeys, b., 32¢ to to 27¢; ducklings, chickens, ib., 30¢ to apples, Baldwins, bbl., $1 'to $3.50 to $6; do., $3 to $5: do, 6-qt.| do., 11-qt. bkt., 56¢ 1lc to $2.50; do.. carrots, per Dages, each, 100 , each, bundle, 5¢ to 16c; - $1.50; do. bag, $3 Dotatoes, per bag, $3 {o $3.50: ' rim Ad do., | ; turnips, bag | peck, 25¢. to $3.50; edi eggs, bunch, To All Points In tion Agent, or write to R. L. airbairn, senger +68 King St. E., Toronto. - Through Tickets ~~ WesternCanada and thePacific Coast : Electric Lighted and Comfortabl : . : uting gent, or J. E. Ivey, Sta irn, General Pas. ~