Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Apr 1917, p. 7

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Taras | Miri ------ ---- ---- ® THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1917 -- EE -------- . 00 GRAND Sik pum EE -- a BETWEEN M230 PMY or CONTE | | Se YOU 4130 2. LALLY porformane | ¢ ; : : AS x Polite Vaudeville E J i : Fi i: AND A Five Reel Feature Film. 5 Ee 5 Le ae % i FI | 5 eT ¥ " LTT " LOSS. Virginia Pearson, in' | coNpENSED ADVERTISING RATES : .. FOR SALE sag | . »" . . The Safety Déposit Boxes in the strong, steel-built vaults of The Bank | The Bitter Truth Firat insertion, le 8 werd. Each con- | THESE EFFRCTIVE ADVTS. cosy FOUND | nocs 452 BROCK ST. $30 PRR of Toronto afford se ity r valu ng ant doc ents, jew-d secutive lusertion thereafter, half. little. Once, 25¢; three times Cc; ' month Apply H W. WwW s Feary security for your v tluables. Important documents, Jew-1 terns cent a word. Minimum charge for one Week, $1.00, i BROOCH OX MONTREAL Frovtinad Db y ts, 99 RAVE me ellery and private papers are, dafe here from fire or theft, .while they are | ® 3 - : ivy BY 3 ol " wy | *31* . one imsertion, 25¢; three ingertious, Owier can h 3 > easily accessible whenever required. The anfiual rental is small, while the | Billie Burke, in 50e; mix $1; ome month, $2, WORMWITH PIANO, IN GOOD CONDI. piving a1 107 Well n St. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. { o = 2 ha St security afforded is invaluable. tion. Apply 11 Joh bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, Total Assets... .., .. can eas aad oa. $78,000,000 - LADY'S UMBRELLA IN 79 Clarence street. k ondav Reserved Funds .., .., Ta. $6,507,000 Elginburg, Ont. wishing to reach the owner may keeping, by 1st of May. Apply Box 6 3a? 2] : AN : : iD NOVELS 2 le Gloria's Romance." | HELP WANTED Td aan WUC Vl. a Bark on Seni, sie a Ren RR Clarence street. by calting ap 271 Sydenham St r ng Barrie street furnished or BANK oF TORONTO i=: toe zs. Treo PTE ' I : Ry SN UIN , Ld » KR d y by ti the facts to . . ' PR George B. McKay, Manager. I ur S A [ il 19th SDI Breed atiway Ores AP- | FELINE YICTROLA AXD TWhLvE mie Bran ine Theater | onsen von sons yu Te $10 cash and $1.00 per week, CW. Szement. w r A nt 3 dry, airy roms; your own lock and , Sy | MIGHT WATCHMAN. APPLY pmon.| Lindsey, Limited. g Hing ardiclen Goes not in- Sheen poh? Si, Storage." 8 A tars EA REr ARIE . 26; ; - | ------ ! F Oo R S A L E | Richard Walton Tully Author of Way A OK « a, oy & on ihn a a ed ng ole vertised for in the "Lost" column. With or without board; sittin Ys ise, EK h LUhown Sen 337 Johnson street, city. { room if desired; hot and cold runs . . . . i rooms, hot water heating, electric light, with four | And producer of { oie : 1aiis, poss, nd (imping sup. '3 "The M: reader" a : hing tackle, etc, 'an ' 3 FIRST O° SIDEN OR acres of land, situated Just outside of the city limits. io. The Mavs Sad : : | s RT | '0 LEARN PRINTING, W vole 39 Clare St King- ENGLISH BULLI, Taio ox Ney i A SDN OF Anyone wanting acreage for garden purposes | Presents from its New York run his Ph . \ Water . . . . Latest Success | --~ TWO BUILDING LOTS, ON FRON- after this * will be prosecuted. | y nin Street will do well to look into this. [| A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL tenac street, with 33 feet frontage Notify Greer; Portsmewth, or r---- ATEN 84 ° THE J. K. CA OLL AGENCY [Hou Na GIRL uy WOMAN AS GEN- > me A BLACK PURSE WITH STRAP nfurnds 4 28 HE DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIv. Lak ed Apply 234 Barrie St, . | : : a LY FF One Night Only | jana Floor and Wali Tile Co NEW LAUNCH HULL, 25 Ft. LONG, 6 clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, if lost, may be ad- v . ve a two-storey, stone dwelling, ten, "The Bird of Paradise," We ha / Ww Ys £, | hie aradise [Swanr BOYS. WANTED, APPLY ning water; use. of phone. Apply reman, News Room ston. Phone $91 good repalr, hot feral servant. JApply Mrs. Morn: 2 LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- hame of Lt R. H OEY OFFICE WITH VAL LT GRO. A. BATE : ' { ld, 243 Brock St cluding "the famous Athlete, Ov ed Reward at Orderly. Room, | WIT tk; ARO, A. B/ - 56 Brock St. : hones: Office 68; Res, 874 | land and. Perfect Models; also tires Queen's Highlanders | man, 87 Clarence Street nr renner ee IA HOt SENAID--REFERENCES RE- and bicyel access George | = -- - wo { quired. Apply M w . Richard- , Muller, Phone 1032.1} 8 p BLAC K PURSE BETWEEN FURNISHED, 305 KING WEST, g r 'Ed il | | The Pathe News, Comedy and Other BELL BOY, APPLY RANDOLPH HO- Photoplays. ' islon street, § rooms and W . in Owner may havi same at Whig FURNISHED ned ROOMS; ALSO PRICES ALWAYS THE SAME $42 Albert gach; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- Office. Foams Tor light house keeping; fon street ol -- ' cooking with gas or coal. Apply hares 10¢ Eventug 19e; » i iol) clap HY STEWARD, REGISTERED TAMWORTH PIGS, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER~ 358 Fines sree : Reserved, Se Extra ies " both sexes, ten dollars each when TISED FREE (UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR PARTLY [4 Sr AYTED. FJ. JOHNSON, |i Six weoks old. W. W. Kiell & Son Anyone finding anything and kanmished, suitable for Hght houses A TEAMSTER, \PPLY F.E. W ATHEN, ! | | Auy Seat Cohn pe housework \pply 63 Wilkam St, each. Price $500 each, or would Phone 1870 firencons and evenings sell the two for $950 Apply 427 FURNISHED HOUS A | moons a enings Albert street. Phone 1403 { | SMLVER BAND FOR WALKING STICK, CreEn, hoy PRIL 1sT, " | crest of 121st Batia nset, and ¥ Back, at the Post Office. etc. These, LARGE FURNISHED BED-ROOMS, "Omar the Tentmaker, ntenac Moulding and Glass Co., | TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR. -- 103 Lower Union St. Sanday A 'ne harboring same o umbing. Apply to son, 430 Ki rect and Opera House of gehill" facin the lake, ten AUTOMOBILE rr rae w- rer ouse and K [AUTOMOBILE ,TOPS -- YOUR OLD Ubera House and K 18, oak 'flours, hot water heat. g reCOVare. 'd top made | > ndly ret to hig [- i coars, bows recovered and t p made like kindl Whig Of electricity h open - fire- ter INCED HELPER ON 3 ; \ we E new at half the price of & new top Ca & 8 beautifully wooded grounds, } wages paid 2 J t and Ive treets Pe e everything 0 aps Brock and Divigion str . ue hav ing f fa % ne saliem 2 er three acres, nie ash wo XH) Pen o 3 ' VES v VEN ( fous owt-budldings Apply to Me- Judson, Brock vile BUSINESS CHANCES Cann Real Estate, x3 frock St. | A Great Spectacular Drama. Phone 328 or Company of Forty --_------ es GENERAL SERVANT, REFERE¥( ES, | Three Cars of Effects. | { | wo 'washing Apply in evendngs. | . 7 | Mrs. B. W. Robe rison, 161 Earl St. | FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, IMPORT- INVESTORS WARNING DONT INVEST mane | meee ed Ha py Stallion, Merry Andrew one cert' until you read Successful rT A GOOD Ww OOD WORKING MACHINE Imp ' stripe, Tous Finance, and jearn how fortunes TO RENT | You Can Count On It When we take care of Jouprage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. | | | the Wild Hurricane. Will you come in and be convinced? | | | the Weird Rumba Dance, Moonlit Banana Grove. hand; steady rk. ood wages white st 5; Weight 1400, Sel Are made and lost by investors Htenace Moulding and Glass Co reasonable A Mcllquham, 241 Free trial subscription. Success- TTT - ted Victoria , Kingston, Ont ful Fimance, 608 8. Dearborn St., PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION: CHEAP - ete ee eee ee et cen Chicago > NP t EK 3 RAPHER. BUILDING 14 ON ALFRED ST, 2) rental to) fe rable pa; If taken 8, ce and houses, choice locality, neat 9 a Appl ! ime after 3 University A *., between Queen's Qollege and Collegiate, § TEACHERS WANTED 'Mincess and Gurr --_-- 23¢, 30¢, The, $1.50. Seats on Sale Tuesday. I. LESSES, Phone 1094 124-126 Clarence Bt. Smt -- | » Y - | X 1} . re-------- - WE modern improvements ply af- _ PROTESTANT 16a I . Ts Free inspection of any battery at any time Sat- April 2 ] st AGED Woman | Fraaney. imag Unt eats PLY Qt \LIFIED PROTEST ANT, wR Ne FINANCIAL : y tw -- 1 Family ) . a RN CHOICE, STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN- Portland ; Camder miles east of Yarker salary ac 'ording to qualific s. duties 10 | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. afier Kaster holidays or ment. Society incorporated Apply stating qual president, Colonel fications and experience to M. V, * CMQG.; vice-president, reassess ------ Lake, Sec.-Treas, R. BR No, 2, Har- kle, K.C, Money issued A GROCERY STORE WITH DWE} rowsmith, Ont and farm properties, TEET-- country debentures: mortgages pur rund couple of days in| ness in a good location. For par. chased; Investment bonds for the wee pty Mra 0. D. Skel ticulars ay to West End Rear LADIES' TAILORING sale; deposits received and in- toi 3 1 Estate and Insurance Agency, 147 > terest .allowed. R, C, Cartwright, -- -- Collingwood street. Phone 743 MADAM DUNNETTE AND MRS, E. E. manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. rooms each; attic, cement cellar: Nr ran | Co 2 Matinee 2.30; Evening 8.15. A GOOD GENERAI N 3 Smith, 209 Sydenham St, high-class ily. One "ook I. Gor JK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, 18 adies' talloripk. AlSo' dress amd ; BRICK STORE A . ltr ig 0 ress amd | LIVERIPOUL. LONDON AND GLOBE { ; entre locastd smart oountry village; store 2- mantle maki er po ee With either Palin Olive Shampoo, or storey and large cellar; all first sn Fire Insurance Company, Available Palm Olive Cream, we are offering THE class condition, "$1,000 to wind up Assets $61,187,215. ' In addition to -------------------------- | TWO GOOD woo R 'a state, quick. GG. A. Bateman, PERSONAL which "the policyholders have for two cakes Pali Olive Soap for. | AEOLIAN | none but first cites RANG HA 82 Suture, auidk. "GA Ba , security the aniiehog Henrey TOF » Sieady work the year The HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS city property, insured at lowest | VOCALION : : . - Wormwith Piano Co. Limite | A REAL BARGAIN FOR QUICK SAL and all growths and. skin Dlorn possible rates nHefore renewing one ca soap free with either ET errr pees. | two-storey stone dwelling | ¢ ishes removed permanently, with- old or ing 'new sines © or net he ip oe he Tale WYO TART GIRLS, 14 YEARS oF! repair, on Princess street just out out sear: 30 years experience. Dr Mates from Strange & = Strange, Palm Olive Shaving Stick or alcum, i a and upwards can secure em- | side « lhmits. City water i Elmer J. Lake, Bye, Ear, Nose, Agents. Phone 335 2 : { { ymemt at the Cotton Mills, Cat- good den land if wanted A Throat and Skin peolalist 268 RRR RR \ araqui street. Good wages paid to paritcularé inquire, Mrs. €. Fra- Bagot street. PATENTS d ges, and all kinds of new and se eee. | ond hand furniture. We are also AT ONCE ENE . SE M open to buy everything in the fe [é of Fh u above lings. J. Thompson, 337 Princess street. Phone 1600. | | | 1: WOMAN FOR CLEANING | ling attached, doing a good bus > | | ginners Apply at office, si¥oin- lick Phone $05, inion Textile Co., Cataragui street. . - : Mat, 25, 50¢, The, $1; Children 25¢. SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND FOR SALE OR TO LET. BABCOCK & "SONS, Patents, trade marks, designs. Estab. 1877 Form- 9 ' = TINSMATHS--WE CAN PLACE TWO hand sideboards, dressers, couches, ---- Evening, 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1, $1.50 br three first-class tinsmiths used parlor chairs, tables, Singer sew- SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, NO. 43% | ©rly- Patext Office Examine Master a Seats on Sale Thitssday. to bright work; and one man ac- ing machines, crockery, pictures, |" "Brock street. in good condition. | of. Patent Laws, Book "Patent Pro- Customed to braze copper. tubes. stoves and ranges. - Also buy new Eleven rooms. all moderni improve- | tection" free. 99 St, James § Mont- Write, giving full experience and and second-hand furniture. A ments. A bargain to qulck buyer. red Branches: O¢tawa, Wa ngton. Branch Post Office ' al vages required, to the : a OOO an ' A « Opposite YMCA. ; Sop A eo the De Laval Shapiro, 35 Princess street. Avply 147 Division St. F PN train - - - y . ------ PAPER HANGING. 9 WANTED, REPRESENTATIVES TO FPELPPIR EPL P PPP PEE EPP Ppp bd TT sii a ! 3 % eee t---------- ~ { ' { » distribute tablets which wwmsh + y SE 'H, CLOSET, . . People $ The Plesograph Matinee at 2.30, Evening 8.15 clothes spotlessly clean without FOR SALE I tan wiTu 0 aT, PAINTING, GRAINING AND KALSO- " A -» Watts . 1 hat Calls orth The Big City Show, different to the rubbing. One trial makes per- |p Reo nutomoblie in first class ly «wo acres of ground, garden fall mining. Rooms papered $4 per « 9 Florist N Princess street. near Ontario Park, about ten min- Rowley, 282 Queen St, (near Bar- rie). B . one that was here before this season. pane, Se fm hundred} conditle N. R. Grimm, 102 #4 ploughed, situated on dake shore room, including paper. Young & ew Deauties From The Whirliest and Girliest of All the | ply. Send ten cents for samples | utes walk from electric cars. Dos. 179 Wellington St. Your Records ] Mutt and Jeff Plays. any Brantinings. Bradiey COM | God b bbb d bbb ddd ddd ddd dddbd session immediate, & . ! Zp v . 0, Eoste Lilies, Hyuneluth, Daffodil y ! ' Spiren, Asalen Vielets, Valley Tones, J | LARGE STOCK OF JRON BEDS, COU- Carnations. ( [Seem stoves mens clothing: alsol FURNITURE FINISHING A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BANRISTER LAIDLAW'S | marr en ATS palit Ay "and solicitor. Law' office, 15 Ciu¥ 4 | arness, shoes, er » i Na- Tv 4 . - A ' A, P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. 8b Ki ton. St Vul * o : R : 4 - Honal Cash Register. We buy all er. Call or drop a card. 23 Joba Ce,street, ngston. g ¥ ' equir expe - niture. 8. Shapiro, 45 Princess ure rienc wtreet. Phone 1237 DENTAL 220 MONTREAL ST, { this piano. built by one of the hest Plum street. Needs your patronage. We have a person. makers, large size, upright, has work. Your hofi-skid replaced on re- THE AROLIAN® © ; paired section. Aeolian Hall, N York, ° | niest of Comedians . | call and sec this bargain at Oscar| TWO HORSES, ONE GENERAL ¥ i { oy { Telgman, 216 Frontenac St Doses, one driving. Apply $6 Bay n Absolutely New Production. WANTED GENERA i £ : A Street. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- Bargain Matinee, 25, 85, 50c. - i \ Evening, 25, 50, 75, $1.00 AT 8 VICTORIA ST. NEAR EARL, | PLATE GLASS WINDOW, 5 FT. X 5 1 pea Too . Anglin | Co. Oor. Bay and Wellington Sts, & - Ere LEGAL } * kinds of new and second hand fur- street. . . } - The Auto Tire Repair & . Exchange | ed saleswomen. Ap- | PAINTING | . i x ™ PRIG > sy FIN ! ; # ply by letter or in J et To Fate Burl, walneit tae; | = JANEWAY, HOUSE PAINTING, 20]A. 10 KNADE Princess strese, Ties . 652. thorough up-to-date plant and use all | I been used, bu: overhauled: can be LEONARD WALSH, 1) hixh grade materials awd guarantee our Manufactured by i .The Raging Torrent of Laughter. )| bought right; will accept monthly PR. J. LE RY H, DENTIST, = MPANY, Company of Fifty, Many Girls, Fun- a -- | Payments. Before buying piano; | ------ SE -- Soiney a Cess and Bagol streets. Give us u test. Prices reasonable, lest prices pald for used casings In faly condition. W. A. McWilliam, Phone 2084. : 3 : Whig OMce -> CAAA mn nnn, Distributor for Kingston: ) | Road seco ; 3 ! SHCONILHAND vrRiGHT PIANOS, : Na Savon Six ibn - m I R. ,. RODGER : . pianos and Vietrolas. ¥ CW taeda Ing for immediate delivery. ---------------- * > R ' clean ashes for fling. i ft. or 53% ft. x 1% ft Price rea- 4 Seats on Sale Wed day ~ {a sonable. 'Apply 167 Princess St. or ¥ hone 348 FORD CAR, St ITABLE FOR TRUO AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Boston Cafe. must be cheap. Apply Box 416, A SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 158 BAGOT ARCHITECT street,. ho! water, furnace, gas, | ee ---------------------- good cellar, modern conveniences. | POWER & SON, ARCHITEOvS, MER. Apply to Elizabeth Fahey, 20 Stuart chants Bank ulld'ng. corner street, Brock and Wellington streets. | CLEP 408 + ¥, Limited, 121 Princess street. | Price $1200.00 delivered in Monday, Tues., Wed. KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING ro | Kingston. J. H. Davis, Saxon Will be able to handle a few Distributor. » 132 Princess St. ' Jesse LL. Lasky Presents more customers, and would be | 5 Deslgna, Wedding Bouquets y ed to ure ro INAOWS. | SPS SPS Ie Stitt tt ss ss sa ) ahd a aniowera, our apecialty. } Marie Doro, in Sea"i! Br roy) 168 {ide ci a eT Moulders, Core-Makers, Lathe, Planer and A Bs "Lost and Won." an Boring Mill Operators, Pattern-Makers, NOTICE TO THE Para shh di. : Handy Men and Laborers. si fusLic. Cac "The Secret Kingdom" Ne £ % Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. . tuiness of H. 8 Wile, cor. Fron: VAUDEVILLE |] S Wanted ll CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE co, LTD. tenac and Princess street, would ask Met, i9es Eve. dge. Ontario 4 3 the old ¢ vs for their ce Btn : patronage; also any others who ' " a-- might be considering a change. Will ' : Et courteous treatment andi Thurs., F riday ' Saturday Br waerieen treatment and i "SPECIAL f| - For clean, light work; highest wages while Four Tien with confidence, wl 1 4 k; b . PHBAKER |i SEER Clara Kirgball Y, ops: Those ishing sissdy Sr

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