3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1917 ENCH REMEDY. . | No.1. cum CITY TAXISTAND N Nn 8.000 POS No.3. con's THE CAUSE FOR 1 THE FIRE IN LOCAL VITAL WEAINMESS | XG 29. 5 King Street. Opposite Custom House Phone 749 and All City Calls Promptly Attended to. All modern five and seven passen- ger cars used, Boat, Train SEE US WHEN OL am : Best's Spring Needs Garden and Flower Seeds Lawn Grass Seed Moth Bags and. Moth Prevent. It ' atives; - Blood Purifiers Tonics, Camera Supplies, Everything for the Amateur, Developed, 10 cents roll. nuikes of cameras supplies. At Best's Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays. Phone 59. Branch 2018 Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making, and - Eye Glass Fitting "Our Charges Are Moderate Our Work Is Guaranteed. Spring and Films a An and 3 doors nhove the Opera House. pe 236 Princess Street. I'he OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, esr = PP -------------- et Pl A One Quart of Milk Is equal In food value to three-fourths of a pound of Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two ounds of fish, six pounds of tomatoes. And the milk fs s more easily digested and far more economical than any of the other foods. Phone 845 - Price's Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Sulkies 1917 Advance Styles Large line just receiyed. Make Your Choice Now. 316. 00 to $40.00. 2 R. J. REID, Leading Undertaker A o INE PACKETS | Usual--Better Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. THE WHIG BUILDING. % | The Paper Was Issued On Time--| To-day"s Paper is. Smaller Than Things Will Soon Follow. after the de- Wed- y and for. publication sufti- le was not waged to put it o paper ed a | to the gratification of its | subscribers nen were active about the | until aftér three The water used flooded the {| inechanical departments soaking every wooden rack and stand. Wooden litype and wooden bases were al || watef-logged with disastrous results { The linotypes, sympathizis fire: building immediately under the | seat of the fire, were deluged and the | |{result; will be much damage the | {parts 'are highly tempered and not | ll: ible to stand rust and dirt, a result of | {the conflagration. Yl through the | echanical shops there is considerable | ruction he stocks of paper on the various | rs have been muyeh damaged by > and water. A carloag of news just received, was saved from | [se rious flooding. Much of the job papers, very costly now, were soaked | and rendered unserviceable The firemen and Whig employees { worked hard in seeking to get rid of | ie water. With brooms and brushes {11t was pushed down the stairways and | elevator It was quite a sight to see tithe flood pouring out of the front en [trance | It was very fortunate for the Whig bi that the fire broke out at noon, rather as Hn Telephone 577 than at night. A blaze at night would have becn very much harder with I'he msurance adjusters are now at work and it 1s hoped that the Whig will able very soon to re sume its regular operations The city printers, with their usual generosity, offered assistance and with their help the Whig was able to complete its work, sufficiently to pub lish. To-day a machine in the Stand; ard afhce being used, men setting type it for the past twenty-four hours. To-day's issue 1s much short ened aud little space 1s available far news, but this will be remedied with all expedition and the full service re- sumed I'he consideration of sub- scribers, advertisers, etc., already gen-| ferously extended, is sought for a httle | time. { The Whig wishes to extend thanks to the Standard for the offer of the {use of its press and machines, a ser- vice much appreciated I'he fire was due to combustion, and in this lire Chiet Arnistrong agrees wi ith the manage ment.. There were no wires or pipes near the spot where the fire broke out. to cope } bie 1s [---- Expression of Regret. W. F. Nickle, M.P., telegraphed the Whig from Ottawa. "Deply regret the severe loss you have suffered and trust you may soon be able to restore your plant. Con- structive criticism and wise discre- tion make for good government." ENROLMENT OF MEN FOR CD.F. More Men Are Wanted .to Release Overseas Troops. The need for men in the armies of Great Britain and her Allies is great- er today than it was at any time in the present war. General Sir William 115,000 FORD CARS Have been manufactured in Canada by the Ford Motor Co., of Canada, the largest mo- tor factory i in the British Empire. Ford -Sales are based on Ford Service and Ford Satisfaction This is the simple reason why there are so many Ford Cars in Canada today and why the Ford Car is known everywhere as Ie Universal Car Robertson, Chief of the Imperial Staff, speaking recently at a great meeting of trades unionists in Eng- | | land spoke earnestiy: of the need of { men. "Germany is retiring," he said, | "because she dare not stand up to | further punishment in the positions | she occupied. She is going back in | the hopes of becoming stronger, and [numerically she is stronger now than at any time during the war, She has now many more divisions in the field than last year, and has increased the number of her soldiers by about one million." Serious words these. They too, from a man who is in the best position in Great Britain to ~ khow. He points out that Great Britain and her dominfons must make a further effort. "Our immediate needs are a half miliion' between now and July, he says. In order to meet this need the ¢ over- Seas troops now in the Dominion are being hurried to England as fast as possible" All the units have been warned and in the course of a week or. two all will have left Canada. Canada must have a certain force Of troops within her borders in or- der to meet any emergency which may arise. In time of war. anything may happen and it is the duty of the government to be prepared for such In order, therefore, to. release the members of the Canadian expedition- ary force for service, the Government has decided to raise a force of 50, 000 men for Home Defence. Every man who joins this force releases a man for overseas service, are needed and needefl quickly, Recruiting is to be carried, on by the various militia regiments throughout the country and already the staffs bave been named and work has been begun in enrolling men. This service should appeal to many of the young men who through fam- ily or other reasons have been un- able to go overseas." Terms of enlist- ment, pay, subsistence, clothing and equipment are similar to those for the C.EF. and separation allowances are to be paid in the case of rried men. At first the Yecruits will drill for two nights and one afternoon a week and later will be taken to camp where will spend the summer. each man should understand by joining this force he is re- leasing a man for service * in the front line trenches. Algonquin Park. In the ui ork: of Ontario," 3:age feet jhave en level, a region of forests, es riyers and fish- ing galore. Good oe, Inn opens May 7th. Free desc tive literature on Bonaventure come, - | New Carfots, Cauliflowers, Cu hets, Celery, 'Conon, sc i Gar spontaneous. " These men | rip- to J. Qui Station, onrent | + SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION INCIDENTS OF THE DAY ¢ NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Pianos for rental at Lindsay's, Princesg St. Mr. Swaine, ders left'at Mc Lieut. Harry piano tuning. Auley's, or 'phone 564. Walken, son of 'Walkem, K.C.," is at present in a con- struction camp in Wales. His father received a number of intefesting post | cards from him H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. ey's Book Store. The are certainly "bit" going to do their 121! or-' J. B.! 21] l.eave orders at McAul-| 1 boys of the Collegiate Institute | i for increased production, as 125 lads | have already enlisted for farm ser- vice One Collegiate Institute boy, who volunteered for farm work, after- wards changed his mind and signed up for overseas, his duty to go to the front The suggestion made by Ald ago that the ice be Princess street is being acted on now. Two men were breaking the ice Tuesday alterncon "Prevost, Brock street, all his spring and summer goods for higorder clothing believing that it was i Save 109 shopping at 8. 8. Corbett to the City Council two weeks | removed from | Steaq up on | has received department, in | Ready-made clothing he has'n stock | a very fine line of Blue and Gray worsted suits for those not wishing | to leave their order. He has also re- ceived some very nice lines of Gents' | Furnishings, Pte. J. Harwood, of the '21st Bat- talion, has written to the Whig stat ing that he puts no blame whatever on the owner of the Allies Shoe Shine Parlor, for his condition, stating that in his time of need he played the part a mun and helped him.» Pte. Har wood is the returned soffier the Vet erans' Association is helping f of Exes for the City. At the meeting of the Greater Pro duction Committee on Tuesday night it was reported that the offer of a set ting of eggs at 2 school children was only meant for the county pupils. On motion o#ZMr Meek, the Poultry Association was asked to take the matter up with the Department of Agriculture and see if similar arrangements could be made for the city pupils. THAT TICKLING IN THE THROAT CAN BE QUICKLY CURED BY \. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup This trouble . is most" distressing and is caused Dy a cold settling in the throat. The hard dry cough causes that nasty, tickling, irritating sensation and keeps you from en- joying your night's regt. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which is com- posed of the most soothing and heal- ing expectorant herbs and barks combined with the lung healing vir- tues of the world-famous Norway pine tree, will give almost instant re- lief in all cases of this nature. Mrs. Alex. Durward, Athelstan; Que., writes: "I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for a number of years, and find it the only thing that will help me when I have a severe cold. It helps the soreness, and stops the tickling sensation in my throat, whith is so irritating. I always use it for both myself and the children, and would not be without it in the house." The thousands of testimonials we have received during the past twen- ty-five years prove that D¥--Wood's Norway Pine Syrdp is an excellent remedy for all coughs and colds, so see that you get "Dr. Wood's" when | you ask for it. It is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, price 25c and 50c, at all dealers. Manufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. | Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts and Fit- tings. | Remodelling Bulldings of an ESTIMATES 1 EXPERIENCE + Address 272 University Ave. 6 cents per setting to | The giving of these Stamps means a division of profits with custdmers, New, Spring Goods in all de partme nts canbe purchased . at this Sale. and' has the effect of inducing a larger number of people to concentrate their shopping at this store, and that is the real object of the man igement a premium besides, plies of things to wear and use. It offers in addition to trustworthy merchandise -and low prices so valuable that thousands of appreciative shoppers will turn to it for sup- HITTITE STEACY'S - Limited " LRU Ses LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnson street. GUING WEST Sco > TTEPPQ PTEPS & BBEE » sreaced ~- 4 i < 2. e WE" Mail . .. .. "Express 6 Mall . . Mf 0 tu J , Local | .. 6.45 p.m. 7. 2pm L 1, 6. 2 13, 14, 16, 15 19 run dally. Other trair® dally except 'Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detrolt Chicago, Bay Cliy, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, . St. John. Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tie- kets, and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, AGENT. Cer, Jolasen and Ontarte Kingston, Ont. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP LINES, Open Day and Night Telephone 99 mRwe oto oncom BEES (Calling Falmouth to lind passengers) Jor particulars of sailings and rates SOMETHING NEW IN BEDROOM AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE Two years ago we bought'an immense stock of rugs and linoleums. These are being sold today in a great many cases less than we could buy them for. In selecting your spring furnishings will find it to your advantage to déal with us. Our list of customers is constantly I There's a Reason. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. apply to local agents or to The Robert Reford Co, limited, General Agents, 50 King Street East, Topento, ( IMPERIAL LIFE The Government Deposit of The Imperial Life is simost five times that required by the Dom- inion Insurance Act. The am- ount 'ealled for by the Act is $50,000.00: whereas The Imperial has voluntarily deposited over $230,000.00 for the protection of its policyholders, J. B. Cooke, Dis.Mgr. 832 King St., Phone 503; Residence 8423. tn. "GLASCO'S Pure Scotch Marmalade and Jam. In glass and tins. Baker's Fresh Grated Cocoanut with the milk, 13¢ per tin, 2 Notice Having vacated my former location, all orders for monuments will be taken and receive best at- tention at my residence and yard. i Lettering and renovating in cemeteries a spec- ialty. JAS. E. MULLEN, 155 Frontenac Street. Phone 1417. AT DAVIES D. COUPER Phone 76. 841-8 Princess se. | Prompt Delivery. Veal Specials For the Week End. We cut only the best quality.