Ey -- ge | | Letters othe Editor | Gananoque 3 We Maré a Mice Assortment o | A few y 0 there appeare athe AY.PA. of Christ church an "At : + | pails, which we are selling for one { Toronto newspaper de + head- | Home" was held at the home of Mr. . { week only at the old price. A meeting of Liberals and Their Friends, |ing of Canadian Press on tah a | 40d Mrs. W. H. Cooper, Church stree: : ME § E. H. BAKER . REnS-- -- PAGE SIX _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1917 and of date Ww vesterday will be held in their Club Rooms, | E 1 which I quote The men of the congregation of RE : i SR } : Cor. Montreal and Charles St, | cable to the Herald | St John's ehurch were entertained at i Se 3 I ' 338 King St., on . | 1 London, dated yesterday, |a- "smoker" by the members of the &£ : 1 ' SN r ; Catholic Literary and Athletic Club. \ oR § fl ae ; : ETS RR t of the early par- The young ladies Bible classes of jo! : yr - . "The pros > Frida A ril 20th 8 P M | ticipatior Lz ean troops | Grace chureh, the "Pollyannas" and Fo) 85 8 > ei S x Se i i g under the American flag the "Maple Leaves" entertained the WEE) Ha AR Y, p ' Sie | on the western front has caused | members af Councillor Clifford Sine's . po : . 500 LBS. ' a { tremendous enthusiasm here Knights of Honor Young Men's Class aes x : } Addresses by Andrew R. McMaster, K.C., | ' dy the nucleus for a force | at tea in tis ttn room of Grace > ? + : XR | J Montreal; Frank Pedley, Ottawa, and is Ss with the Prussians in | church on Tuesday evening. D : : < K 5 | - «> an », 3 ; ! £ - : AT ing estimated that Gus. Camitses, who has been with 3p : " 3 3 | others. - 32,000 American citizens are fight- | his brother - Peter Camitses, proprie- A p 3 SR | { lian units. It is | tor of "The Palace of Sweets," for 3 8 i x 2 surmised here that a request will some time past, has left here to lo- a f / Come and bring a friend. | be made to obtain the release of | Boe in ry ore o 2 J % ; : : ESR dz ' | the 32000 trained fighters from | -- Ei E A : | ? C er ound : 2 the Canadian units to enable them | - E 3 3 of Dr. A. W. Richardson President. {ihe Canaulian nits lo shable them || FITZROY LEAD MINES SOLD Sh to fight-hereafter under their own °| . { flag Important Mining Deal of Interest to CE hve Loren could be Stiensthon- | lng Deg Im : X R Bon Marche Grocery ed by the addition of about 10,- |Arnprior Watchman. } i Caverly & Bradshaw, 000 regulars to be sent from the D. J. Campbell has sold the lead] - : 3 Phone 18%4 Cor. King and Earl mines, situated on an island 'in La- - 3 RA *-- -------- United Stately army at once, thus THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE co OF CANADA forming a powerful army corps, van's bay, Fitzroy township, to a Red . { which, in the forthcoming opera- |syndicate of wealthy railroad con- SR] Va Leman tions, would bear a part as glori- |tractors. The claims extend 800 'feet . 2 : . } S. ROUGHTON, Agent. ous as that borne by Field Mar- [over onéhali mile long and the lead SEI i Automobiles of - 60 Brock St., Kingston. Phone 610 . While not for a moment thinking |hundred feet and runs from 10 inches shal French's first gallant little [vein crops up here. and there along ' SR * ! uality. {. oy X , { : : i Sb y : An _{ of detracting in any way from the [to five feet wide and is within 800 feet . 3 : Sh | credit due to those American citizens [Of the Canadian Northern railway a al d | aC expeditionary force." the trend of the vein for over five who are gallantly assisting us, 1[track. The practical lead minérs » . ; | think in justice to our own men the claim it to be as good a lead deposit o aK = Q . | following facts should be made as there is in Canada. The companys x > } 8 a Call and See Them. { known: : {intends to operate the mines after the]? \ ng N | I had occasion to make speeches in | SPring freshet is over, and ship the RRR pe y G d . | the Senate towards the end of the last le re to be treated at Kingston. The "RE \ 3 eorge Boy i Distributor. session of Parliament on recruiting | Ireight jus to Ringgion are approxi- ) 4 \ . . . i ¢ mid , & - é o p 5 P. > {afid also on registration and the fig- | Hately per ton. ULalena atter 1t 5 4 ders 129 Brock St. Phone 201 » we > y The Sa : ures I obtained in connection with the | STelted is worth $200 per ton. The a A Ee J) rea our rain preparing of these speeches were of [Canadian Northérn railway will very x oie = Nw . ! ficial in every IoStAn Ce. | hkely run a spur to the mines and [o Rar ori i Up Fig March 31st, 1916, out of a| . . : ; four and a half miles 4 1 ° Although Smut was notyso prevalent last vear it is possiblen, | total of some 300,000 enlistments, the | The lead mines in Fitzroy township { 0 ro | 3 > [ - forelgn borm numbered 10,000; from have been owned by D. J. Campbell ] Ye . C aug mn for this disease to cause {rouble again this year unless pre this tots 10,000 , st be de- . Ie his total of 10,000 there must be de for years but owing to there being no ventative measures are taken. To treat as outhned below IS ute Russians, heh, Greeks, place in Ontario where the lead ore : Q\ a | ; om ce it is advisable to treat as" allans and other logelgn, reservists |. 14 he smelted the mines have ie > wr suring against losses amd hence at as ady or patriots, who naturally preferred | - IN U M i | up to Armprior a distance of about maimed in a state of undevelopment follows: / | the facilities given in the Canadian [yg condition of affairs created more WITH THE FRUITY FLAVOR |, . : Ps ! We have receatl installed the army to those in their own distant} jess trouble for Mr Campbell y ) | "Delco Light" plant on our premises Mix one pint of Formalin wuli 5 gallons of water or 2 ® | forces, so probably not more than 5 AVR 3 . \ Z | ¥ ) "| Some years ago one of the Hamilton [and in connection have one of the: ' i . ate " : : ' - tablespoonsful to I pail of water. "Place the gram to be treated 000 of this total were Americans, and | embers of parliameht urged upon You can t always get fresh, | most up-to=late mm a heap on clean canvas or floor. Sprinkle the Formalin solu- {as the proportion of native Canadians he Sove i the ad bility oi tion over the grain, then shovel Repeat thas until every grain | enlisting increased after March, 1916, ihe be $50. i for fe. mur ny of d li 3 frua h i - is moistened by the solution, then cover the pile with sacking the outside total of Americans in our Sonating J oe reaiare 1 . POR elicious it when you want and leave for 3 or 4 Jronges At the end of this time spreag 1 ' 400,000 men training in Canada and | nd refinety in Ontario for the pur- ¥ l grain-out thinly to dry. shoveling it over three sgl Jmes | England or fighting at the front would pose of treating lead ore. The gov- it. But you can always get | will hasten the drying Forty gallons of the Formahn solution be barely 7,600, with less than half | ernment refused assistance About ad 1s sufficient to sprinkle forty. or hity bushels of grain, smaller rr arr Rte § > ; : ° hee Sao! h f . f . . avrounts in proportion that number actually in France. two months ago the smelter at Kings- t at ruit- lavored tempting Charging In view of this it is difficult to un- | ten was put in a position to treat and Immersing the grain in a bag is sometimes practiced and is derstand why such statements should | handlé lead ore ) ] ) led Ad C: Lif 3 equal an» be made and I trust the press of Can-| The question now is: Would it not gum ca ams Laliornia : ada will do its best to correct * this | be cheaper to ship the oré to the . . Nn . Li requiring further information apply to | erroneous American impression, more | smelter at Kingston for 'treatment, Fruit Gum. CANADIAN CHEWING GUM CO. Outfit | especially 48 I am told New York pap- | than build a smelter on the island LIMITED | Ue W a Q 5 | ers the other day were sold on the where the lead mines are located? Sik W M H. Hearst, \ w re IR} rT, Lo | streets to the cry of "Great American | Coke is cheaper at 'Kingston and that Minder of Agriculture, / wa t.Representative, | Victory at Vimy." city is nearer the leaiting prkers, "in the city... A battery should have oronto. \ngston, Ont. J. MASON.- Brigadier-General. | Shiptfients can be made from Kings- {a freshening charge before being Se ton by eithet-rail or water. Last THOMAS COPLEY | placed in a car for the summer. J. E. Nolan Again Arrested. | Year in Montreal alone $6,000,000 Telephone 987 g4 safe. reliable Give us a trial. Brockville, April 19.+ John Edward |%orth of lead was used. Lead ore grees of strength--No. 1. § ~ em 4 . d > easily smelted and. can be No.8, ' Nolan, who was sentenced here a year | S30 De easily 3 wanting anything done in the carpen- wu 2, $3; No. 3, § : ol Role a treated without - concentatiiig Dy [tery line. Bstimates given on all kinds Sold by all' dru ROB I. J. FURSLEY, -- i ago to two years, less one day, in the f repa . : Yr J wt wd : 3 s Ww : : of 'repairs and new work: also hand pamphlet. receive prwmpt attention. Shop 60 theft of jewellery tn Brockville, jewe 3 C le, and Queen street. | TORONTO. ON". (Farmerte Windom' | Phone 1609 and 931 » who subsequently escaped from the Local Notes and Items of General Ontario institution, is again in cus- tody, this time in Norwich, England. Interest. , &¢ Nolan recently joined one of the Can-| The results of the first year Medical WISH WE adian battalions in England, and es-| College examinations were posted on a ¥ caped with considerable cash taken | Wednesday evening in the old medi- from the clothing of an offices, it is | cal building. | alleged." Lieut. W. G. Hazlett was shot in the head and elbow. Lieut. C. W. - ' #eintzman & @q. H A quiet wedHing took place on Mon- | Topping, Parham, had his right thigh ~ . . The Musician finds in the | : | Ontario Reformatory for an extensive $ 2 ¢ HI - > s W ' t y IL ensive INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, } wood floogs of all kinds. All orders will THE COOK MEDICINE 6 34-38 Princess St. Prop. | | | { | AT NO MG oh day in Watertown, N.Y, at the Church | fractured ! - | of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart when The death occurred Thursday morn- Art iano Rev. Father Cornelius O'Mahoney un- | ing of Stella Pearl Vankoughnett, the ited in marriage William G. St. Amour, | six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brockville, and Miss Gertrude M. Al- | Alexander Vankoughnett, 4-A Orch- his demands more than met. He finds a tone guire, Watertown. ard street. Rev. W. M. Stimson has bgen an- . nr ------------ unequalled----a touch that meets every require- GIRLS IN SCHOOL pointed pastor of Cape Vincent, N.Y. ment---an appearance that pleases the artistic Methodist church. Rev. Philip Ton- sense. He finds a piano which is an inspiration Hl OR AT BUSINESS kia being transferred to Fort Coving- pc Ni NN 0:7 | nn in itself----a piano from which he can obtain [ Mr. and Mrs: John Hughes, Col- effects not possible from any other instrument. / who are delicately constituted, | borne street, received a cable on ME [{ ho ks thin bl Tuursiey fois: thal duughier, Nuss, - ' ° 4 - C.w. LINDSAY, Limited, \ cheeks, wil find Sood oy pale Hid Sa Bison in De ting of : ] £ \ Lig t, Fluffy Cake ? 121 Princess Street, The Northern Navigation Company SCOTT'S oman opp WM { It Depends Upon Your Sugar has been tied up since the close of the season 1915 owing to United Sta-| | : , : tes litigation. In making cake, watch your sugar closely-- sugar which é lumpy Mrs. Kathleen Murray, 52 Stanley | J and does not readily dissolve is hard to créam with the shortening. 3 : street, was notified that Q.M.S. Sergt. 3 ] . «ae " " a true tonic and a rich food to William Murray of the 21s Battalion | : "The grainy texture is difficult to "beat out overcome tiredness, nourish | nas been admitted to the Fourth Can. their nerves and feed | adian. Field Ambulance with slight . . gunshot wound in head, but had been their blood. Start with | §iicharged SCOTT'S to-day--and The Sunday School and Adult Bible " " : class of Queen street Methodist church say NO to substitutes. presented Lt. E. W. Skinner with a Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Out. 16-® | Wolsely "bed valise" on Wednesday ievening. Lieut. Skinner was superin- : Loo. . 'S FRENCH PILLS Am . . DR. DeVAN SF bie ke tendent of the Sunday school for eight is very finely granblated, dissolves Dominion Crystal Sugaris the only sugar ulating Pil} for Fame , $5 4 box or three for | years. * readily, and quickly releases its refined that may rightly ge called *'Canadian foes? at all ru bw Tue Bonne PT ----.------ 3 Sweelness, from the ground up.' We do import the finest of raw cade : Co. Bt. Catharines, Ontario... ____ ° _ p . . Brown sugar makes a moist cake, pow- | PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Rest and ve WAYWARD GIRLS Seted sugar a dry cake, granulated sugar sugar and refine it. But our pride is in tality; N d Brain; increases 'grey | A rres acdonald : ie cake of the finest texture, Dominion the product we make from Canadiag N y. [ie Pp matter a Tonle will bud up. $3 a box, ox Arrested in Mi at Two Crystal Granulsted the just right cake. sugar beets--its use is dictated by good | two for £5, at drag stores, oF by receipt 0'Clock Thursday Morning. : A ok judg : 5 . hv or Bat IG C0. a CnThain William' Heath: says. he | ordered fd a uiled icing, Smploy Dowinion judgruent as well as'patriotism, | EET Tare "ANS : ts fpe axe liquor from Montreal through a local 4 ang = : ine A, UR . AND I} DE A 5 f » th . sus "lu Lid RE WE MOV] AND IN ORDER TO HAVE AS "Sold at Mahood's Drug Store. express company, but no trace can rd te 3 ll warms, Take 3 silver Dominion Sugar Co., Limited tL .. LITTLE TO MOVE AS POSSIBLE, WE ARE OFFER- 4 8 / fl ; IBLE, WE ARE OFFER be found of its delivery, hence he is p 3 . nd it will net chip when cat. Wallaceburg Chatham Kitchener ~ "ops oN oe « ~ + : ING STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN ! 1 accused of perjury. He holds to. his ® | d story and the Police Mdgistrate ad- . a RAS ® | journed the vase to allow the express ds company's ks to be produced. Suits, Coats, Dresses, Raincoats |= "zum =» "SriEtiriirteis, vy . Raywnrd Ss, found in Macdonald - «ov 2 ce stock of Beef and Pork » at 2 o'clock Thursday morning Umbrellas, Mi | : AG thay » a: with male companions, were charged 9 ' : : : with vagrancy, and remanded a week. oe , PRICES RIGHT, Both girls have been working in a y : 4 : . : mill at Carleton Place, and came to S sses & Suits, et Es + oc n X ' > . sing drunk. TE . : : IER 3 E> = ; : - 213 PRINCESS ST. 217 PRINCESS ST. Yo n| NYY LT ITT ES R77 IPs 4 ! u os. Fo fe GOR Th 2