Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1917, p. 7

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The Safety Deposit Boxes in the of Toronto afiord se rity, r your valuables. Import documents, jew- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1917 | G R A N D OPERA | BETWEEN HOUSE you To-Night & AND | One Night sh Richard Walton Tully, Author of "The Bird of P dise," LOSS. "Omar he Tentmaker. And producer of strong, steel-built vaults of The Bank "The Masquerader" asquersy ellery and privat ers are safe here from fire or theft, while they are| Presents from its New York run his easily accessible 1eVE lired. security afforded is invaluable, 2 Total Assets Reserved Funds Tae George B. McKay, Manager. a Ompuny of Forty BARK orToRONTO FLA ME: The annual rental is small, while the Latest Success . $73,000,000 $6,507,000 A Great Spectacular Drama. ! { Three Cars of Effects, TT see the Wild Hurricane, ] : the Weird Rumba Dance, 'F oO R S A L E » t See Moonlit py Or eee | IE We have a two-storey, stone dwelling, ten. Fhe. S00. %5e. $1. $150.) SEATS NOW ON SALE, ours; Jot alee hegting, slactic Hehe, yin four| ot aia ck the ciuy limits, FRIDAY, APRIL 20TH 'will do well te look into this. Matinee tg 2.30. Evening 8.15 _| | The Big City Show, different to the | | one that was here before this seaso THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY The Whirliest and Girliest of All the 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 Mage ang Jef Phy You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- g ing tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and bé convinced? The Raging Torrent of Laughter Phone 1004 124-126 Clarence St. An Absolutely New -Production. in - Free inspection of' any battery at any time , Evening, 25, 50, 75, $1.00 Mutt & Jeff's - : iy of Fifty, Many Girls, Fun- IL LESSES, $ nicst of Comedians inee, 23, 35, 50c. SATS NOW ON SA Special Bonus Offer FREE With either Palm Olive Shampoo, or/ Palm Olive Cream, we are offering two cakes Palm Olive Soap for | 50c or one cake soap free with either | Palm Olive Shaving Stick or Talcam, | Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office Opposite Y.M.C.A. WwW People's | atts, Florist 179 Wellington St. | Kaster Lillies, Hyacinth, Daffodils, Spirea, Azalea, Vielets, Valley Roses, | Carnations. Perm Steam Vulcanizing | The Auto Tire Repair &| Exchange 220 MONTREAL ST. | - | Needs your patrons We have =n paired section. Give us a test. Prices reasonable. Best prices id for used Sanings | fale condition. 'W. A. McWilliam, Phone ne 2084. mn F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets and Cut Flowers our specialty, Orders filled promptly. Phone ». 113 Brock Street. ------ NOTICE TO THE "PUBLIC Having purchased the Grocery | Business of H. 8. Wilder, cor, Fron- | tenac and Princess street, would ask the old customers for their continued | ~ patronage; also any others who | might be considering a change, will | promise courteous treatment and | prompt service, Come and wing | your friends with confidence. take possession April 28rd, ri Fish For Friday Crder Early Anderson Bros. < | Princess and Division Streets : "Phone A8 + 148. > THE AEOLIAN- VOCALION ; "~ * Mat, 235¢, 30¢, 75¢, $1; Children 25¢. Evening, 23¢, 30¢, 73¢, $1, $1.50 SEATS YOW ON SALE. The Phonograph seb on, |GRIFFIN'S! Your Records. pow Thursday, Friday. Saturday, SPECIAL CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In her supreme achievement "THE PRICE SHE PAID" Also Manufactured by GEORGE BEBAN THE AEOLIAN COMPANY, i in Acoliae Hall, New York: "HIS SWEETHEART." Mutual Weekly, and "THE SHIELDING SHADOW." Distributor for Kingston: Ser -- Admission A te R. J. RODGER 132 Princess St. STRAND 2--Feature Photo Plays--2 GAIL KANE mn "THE MEN SHE MARRIED" Helen Holmes in "A LASS OF THE LUMBER- " LANDS." : Comedy Retls 'Matinee * 10¢ Evenings 15¢. NOTICE : et Quick Service To And Auction Sale Et dn Automobiles or in ome hour. For! , April 21st, - . Automobiles, 3 Horses -- Motor Ronts. 12 O'clock Sharp -------- HUDSON, § passenger, 6 evlinder touring car complete. with electric starter, electr lights, tric horn, demountable rims, sli covers, combination speedometer OVERLAND, 5 passenger, ¢ cylinder tour. ing car with 4 brand: new tires ( Dominion) Nebhy on rear and plain on front, electric Yights, electric horn. ALT S$ passenger, 4 cylinder touring car condition, Flectric lights and elf ry ars otk good condition. WM MURRAY, y Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE BUILDING LOT 1 have been instructed to sell by public suction at: my rooms Market Square, Kingston, on the 26th day" Ld April. 1817, At neon. that valadble situate on ae South West curnen be ribert frig Injen sireecs, Kingston, being Lot Numer § on Booth's plan. The property will be J oRtered for sale | subject BA poor reserve wins a Hr & tence Street. > . i nEsEEREN CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FOR SALE First insertion, 1c a word. Each con- > EFFECTIVE ADVTS. CoSsT secutive insertion thereafter, half- ittle. Once, 25c; thfee times 50c; cent a word. Minimum charge. for ne week, $1.00 ode | in rtion, 205¢: three insertions, + Bix $1; one month, $2. ~ A SWEET TONED UPRIGHT PIANO. Apply 81 gton SQ HELP WANTED FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY toys see Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clarence street. DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. 5 rooms and W.C. in A TEAMSTER. APPLY F. E. WATHEN, 442 Albert St " FE ision street, 6 TWO SWART BOYS, T. F. IARRISON cy well rented. Apply 41 Divis- Lael ------ lon street RONG hoy FOR DRIVING.|;1GHT FOOT SODA FOU NMrAIN. MAR yu -- nye ble top, "two copper cylinders, 6 chairs. A snap 1 1 ros: rug | NOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP-| Sof, 'sits, of 1 Co Drs ply Street Railway Office. ¥ : ngston, pr a TC N ~ | GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE NIGHT WATCHMAN. APPLY FRON- selections, your own choice, $38 50. tenac Floor and Wall Tile Co. ; 50) cash and $1.00 per week. C ye 1 MAN TO PACK: ALSO MAN FOR | _gisndsay, Limited warehouse Edwin Chown & Song SMART BOYS WANTED. APPLY x Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co. . "375 King St City. Ts 5 AUNC .L. 25% Ft. LONG, SMART BOY TO. LEARN PRINTING, NE LAUNCH HULL, 28 Ft. LONG, © i) ! : > . T to Ie man, News Roem ily boat Inquire of Dr Lake, tish W A 7 Johnson street, city. EXOnRizN on RON COATS. IOAK DINING ROOM SUITE. SIDE. "Tt J rs Ste board, table and, six chairs, in Vision streets good condition. Mrs. Andrew, ool A GOOD WOOD-WORKING MACHINE don and aAlwington Sis. Phens hand? steady work, good wag Frontenac Moulding and Glass C9. | coCKEREL, RHODE ISLAND Limited SIRI CID, well bred, fine " Tn N a Can supply: egg s ings EN Neer: SI vgnabunh Egbert McPherson, 138 Univer Wages expects Address Box 413 Ave Whig Office | TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDA CUR. a » canoes and camp \ yr FOR CLEANING AND er A, , Jie of days '. Cooke, 3% Clarence \ AD ree Kel ston. Phone 891 TWO Bt ILDING LOTS, ON FRON- TWO GOOD WQoD- WORKING ' | tenac street, with feet 'frontage Jone Vudiftys viasy men need apply. ac Price $300 each, or would TH oar 3 " »11 the two for Apply 27 , . . Albert street. Ph ve 140 T GRAPH orth 3- ake stock A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- cluding the famous Athlete, Over- land and Perfect Models; also tires and b e accessories George Muller, ! King St Phone 1 ALTOMOBILE TOPS -- YOUR OLD bows recovered and top made like Thorough training guar- Dew at half the pri ta rew top anteed. Salary during training. | We have eveyvthir for tops * cushions, slip covers ete. Jas. W Apply i = rintenkie nt of 7 Judson, Broekville FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, Mont deb ddede db ddd bb ddd ddd bbb aby | Pd HTagknoy Station, Mer * 3 hite : xht ir + Good automobile mechanics. wl hal fai: Ss Mellquham, ¥ Apply \mgrove Bros. v| Victoria Street, Kingston, Ont x FER EE | BUILDING LOTS ON ALFRED houses, choice locality near Queen's College and Collegiate 8 GOOD, SMART G ' 14 YEARS oP rooms each: attic, cement cellar; age and a an ACA) modern improvements Apply af- ployment t tton 2 J ter 3 pm, 346 University Ave aragui st (vood wages paid t beginners PI at office, Dom-| CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN- inion Textile Co. Cataraqul street. | ges, and all kindg of new 'And seec- A nd hand furniture We are also | open to buy 'everything in the OVER $2 DAILY EASILY EARNED AT | above lines J. Thompson, 8337 home « Auto-Knitters making] Princess "street Phone 1600. War Socks, experience unneces ep distance immaterial. Enclose three A GROCERY STOR WITH N stamps today for contract ling attached, d Dept. 24C, Auwto-Knitter Co, ness in a good location. For par. College Street, Toronto, ticulars apply to West End Real tate and Insyrahce Agency, 147 llingwood strget. Phone 743 TINSMITHSWE CAN PLACE TWO or three first-class tinsmiths used | BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN to bright work; and one man ac- smart oountry village, store 2 ocustomed to braze copper tubes storey and large cellar; all first Wirite, giving full experience and | class condition, $1,000 to wind up wages required, to the De laval| an estate, quick G. A. Bateman, Co, Ltd. Peterboro, Ont. 67 Clarence street, Kingston. A REAL BARGAIN FOR QUICK SA two-storey stone dwelling in ge repair, on Princesg street just out- AN FLECTRIC WIREMAN side city limits City water and Aino ®& couple of joung men { good garden land if wanted For with some perience. 'Steady paritculars inquire, Mrs > r work and x w lick Phone R05 HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO, : 4 SEF ME FOR NEW AND ded ddb ddd dbbbb bbb b ibd bid hand 'sideboards, dressers, parlor chairs, tables, Singer ing machine crockery, pletures, stoves and ranges. Ale buy new and second-hand furniture. A Shapiro, 35 Princess streot WANTE REPRESENTATIVES To | dist rib te tablets which wash | clothes spotlessly clean witho rubbing One trial makes per manent custvmers One hundred, per cent. profit Make five dollar daily Se Hl ten cents for samples hings Bradley 0 job mess " AUTOMOBILES VACANCIES FOR PI sumrses v3 Saxoh Service for Saxon Mountainside Haspital, Montclair NJ. Threé¢ year course. General | ® Automobiles, with'large stock Hospital, 150 beds; new buildings, | 4 of repair parts and competent attractive nurses home: large! & mechanics to make repairs grounds and t n court; near New York: allowance of §8 and 310, * when necessary. J. H. Da- ¥ month and maintenance. For 4% vis, Saxon Distributor. I ticulars address Superintendent, +> Mountadnside Heospitdl, Montclair, Sbbe NJ i Peed ddd oP 3 AMERICAN Wivhow PHANIA FLAGS i Agents © J money putt ng MRIEparer rae oh do ors, win- I & In stores, schouls, ete. 8how asihy applied. | Market Square, Saturdaf, April ist, at want them on 12 O'clock. fsirields Send. $5 Adams Farm waggon (nearly new) 168 small flags (4% x § inches) | without box Two-seated 42 large (9 x 15 inches) $20-11 bev gelding (1300 Ibs) eity broken, profit on this investment. Sam- | go6d at work single or Bouble: cream es 15¢. Be quick, get the cream | separator and other articles als, 19 Fast 14th St. New York | WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer = Girls Wanted For clean, hte highest wages while . learning. Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. eee eee SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, NO. 438 'TO LET FOUND OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM ber Apply te A. B. Cunningham, A BROOCH ON MONTREAL ST, 79 Clarence street can have sa ar 107 Wellington St HOUSE 482 BROCK ST. $30 PER month, Apply' H. W. Waits, 98 Frontenac © FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- LARGE AIRY FRONT ROOMS 0 VER- TISED FREE \ i %. Anyone finding anything and wishin to reach the owner may " wr - a Ten so $y reporting the facts to . 4 ric st oF v ILLA blo British Whig. The adver- ' EUIre Bt AVORIOTE ement 'will be printed in this m sire * coiumn free of, charge. "Found articles," does not in- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, FURNISHED BED nNOooOMs; A etc. These, if last, may be ad- for light house keeping: vertised for in the "Lost" column. + cooki 'ith Eas or coal. Apply s street : STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN LOST airy 'rod Xe wn lock an RK Frost Sity rage. 299 W HITE EMBROIDERED Queen sthgét. Yen iB, res. 989 day even s ; . : o BRICK HOUSK;. ON RN OF WEST Wellingthn stieets, Known as Wes}, street Hossessibn May ENGL ISH BULLDOG, FEMALE, 1 J y Box No $49 Br sh r ne harboring e prosect spacuth LARGE FURNISHED BED-ROOMS, with or without) board; sitting SILVE BAND ron WALKING STICK, room {if dé@fred; lot and cold run- crest of Battalion Insel. and ning water; use of phone. Apply name tl. H J engrav- 103 Lower Undon St ed lewar at Orde Room, Queen's Highlanders FURNISHED An sre, APRIL 1ST, University Avenue, BUSINESS CHANCES mre meee. | OFFICE WITH VAL Lr ). A. RATE. arence t INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST | -------------- r----"-- one cent until you read Successful Finance, and learn how forttines| FU RNISHT 300 $ ST. WEST, are made and lost by Investors 'Edgehill, acing th iake, ten Free trin) subscription. Success- roams, E hot er heat- "ful Fimance, 608 8S. Dearborn St, ing, electricity, ¢ pen. fire- Chicago. ? places, beaygifully wooded grounds, » garden, over rev acres, Spacs 2S Apoly to Mo- LADIES' TAI LORING a 7 MADAM DUNNETTE AND VRS NE. Sr Smith, 209 Sydenham St, TO RENT ladies' tailoring Also dress v meme ff mantle making ---- ee PIANO IN GOOD COND oy CHEAP rental to desirable party if taken PERSONAL at once. Apply any time after 3 pm, 346 University Ave between HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS | Princess and Garret Sts and all growths and hn blem- | ~= = ishes removed permanently, with- ARYA REFY out scar; 30 years' SXperjeng e. Dr FINANCIAL Elmer J. Lake; Eye, Ear, Nose, ---- .mro Throat and Skin Sctaiiet, 258 Bagot street FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soc : incorporated 1863; preside: ' > H. R Smith, FOR SALE OR TO LET. MG; lent, W. F. Nie kle, } ry Issued on oity and farm properties, municipal and rock street, in good condition country debentures; mortgages pur- ven rooms; all modern improve chased; investment bonds for argain to quick b r sale; depositg received and Ine Division St. Possession terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. AND GLOBE » Company. Available § In addition to BRICK HOUSE WITH BATH, CLOSET, ete, barn, poultry house and near wo acres of und, garden fall rughed, situated o lake shore the A noni have for Ontario Park, it ten m security the unhimited lability of walk from electric rs city property, insured at lowest n immediate 8S. Anglin & possible rates Before renewing 2 3 Well 2 old or giving new business get Bay and We Ingion St retes from Strange & Sirange, Agents Phone 325 FURNITURE FINISHING -- -- PATENTS Yield BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade marks, designs stab. 1877. Form- erly atent Office Examiner. Master * ANTE TEN of Patent Laws Book "Patemt Pro- WANTED GENERAL tection" trec. 9 St. James NU, Mont- real Branch Ottawa, W ston, PP. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or drop a card. 23 John street AT 90 VICTORIA ST. NEAR EARL, lean ashes for filling SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, [A B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER for cash or in part payment of new and solicitor. Law office, 74 Clar- pianos and Victrolas. C. W. Lind- | ____®nce 0 BLED K . say, Limited, 121 Princess street. = DENTAL KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING CO. will be able to handle a few - and would bef yg KNAPP, BA, LDS; 0O.DS, y r windows. Office, 258 Princess strget. hone Princess 662 DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, " corner Princess and Bagot »ireets. FOR SAL BE Phan ote TWO HORSES, GENERAL PUR- poses, one drivi Apply 86 Bay | pre. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- street, . tists, 169 Wellington street, G. C. Dewar, IDR 1. D.B, assistant. > PLATE SS WINDOW, 5 FT. X 5] boone 346 t x 1 ft I - t t i sonable. Apply 167 Princess St v a gonable, Ab ARCHITECT A ---- . - ' POWER & SON, ARC od ig MER. LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COU. chants Tank Rullding, corner ches, stoves; men's olathing: also Brock and Wellingion stree!s new upholstered chairs: military = harness, shoes, leather straps! Na- - . tional Cash Register. We buy all PAINTING kinds of w and second hand fur. er sre------ niture. S'%Shapiro, 45 Princess | street. Phone 1237. HOUSE PAINTING Plum street i tc lO APN A rl "Moulders, Core-Makers, Lathe, Planer,and Boring Mill Operators, Pattern-Makers, Handy Men and Laborers. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. Kingston 2 Ontario » Split Pea Coal! 00 Per Ton Jas. Swift & Co, : Limited RR Se s Household Furniture I "HIGHEST PRICES Will buy and pay fale prices, . . . itary SCRAP PAPERS il len and Of All Kinds, Prop a Care Te ) A. SPEIZMAN 222 Divislen Street.

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