THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1917. PAGE THRER - terests of the farmers in this ¢ a - GLASCO' s 2 FOR CREATER PRODUCTION Tegislurure. i» wo] PROBS: Saturday warmer; occasional showers Pure Scotch Marmalade J fi PPEAL WIT ADE WT THE | ZISLIR Th be called Wr Henkin and Jam. SUDisy SAS Nuns ar TUE Sts wep ified | In glass and tins. oo 1]. % . Prblon Asked for Inereased Baker's Fresh Grated Cocoanut with ~ TOPPED he wheele--®T Producti and a Better Quality . = the milk, 15¢ per tin, i Good Prices Assured for This Sea- sary on ra I 1 t r r . ake were tendered | D. COUPER . ) . iit Ce ihe ks . i board wi nj Phone 7G. 341.3 Princess st. ©." . I greats " H 16 I | Prompt Delivery. i n rou as romy very. We are N"Woat v rt rain i ¢ Go ( v, chief ¢ v u Teething Time Pr ces ec csc A Pa Mri yd SEE Thi a 2 Time OF Worry Best's | WHIG JOB DEPT. "7 so uo Hneerr "Ro mot mothers i) ome PT and ) ten- 8 cross; does not S rin GOLDEN KULE SERVICE King of From | se Tr eet) bled with : ¢ nil of I i dil; 3 greatly yabled with P g { v Rh-he 292 A m zeerald, | constipgtion; colic or diarrhoea and convulsions seize Needs NENEENNEREEEEEEE ce od of wen im. During is period nothing r id ie energetie can equal 1¢ use of Baby's Own Gard 11 Seed rein ied the member Tablets. They regulate the bowels | saarden and ower Seeds \fter th ddre - two hundred and stomach and make the teething - . . 3 aK € ng baw n Grass Seed Our store 1s being thor- hox fwieese were boarded, and one [so easy that the mother scarcely rea- Moth Bags and Moth Prevent- : wa I at } cents I.. W.|lizes baby is getting his teeth. Con- atives, oughly renovated, SUP- vurpny v th haser. Two fac- | cerning the Tablets Mrs. Arthur 1 Glen- | Archibald, New Town, N.S.., writes : . : plied with choice grocer- ! ey 2 ar y he ,, 0, while two | I used Baby's Own Tablets when Camera Supplies, Everything ies and delicacies and eq- fu es hoard colored cheese, | baby was getting his teeth and I for the Amateur. . 3 \ pri 70 The | found them an excellent medicine Films Deve inpeds 10 cents a uipped with latest sani- uve nt w I. W. Murphy, |The Tablets are sold by medicine roll. \ hn Gibsor : mith an * ydealers or by mail at 25 cents a bog \l makes of cameras and tary fixtures. on from The br. Williams editing supplies, . smublow asked the me | Co., Brockville, Ont, Spring Blood Purifiers and fonies, , y UNTIED SROXCERY ; ard ui | pn | fic cit | THE LATE MES. G. E. SEARLE At Best S 167 Princess St. : y Hore " 0 od mn ne bon v | The Fune ral Took Place on Thursday The Popular Drag Store, Ben Lee Mgr es paid on the local v ¢ The funeral of the late Mrs. George Open Sundays, ' Ste. Rau any So fle prospects | E Searle, who passed away on Mon Phone 59. Branch 2018 | bt Dri : uk it Ate 1 or all g from her lat residence, Beverley -- -------- un wetured, an KET d | street, to Cataraqui cemetery, and was or - Te ' * men to tu ! nuch as [of a private nature Mrs." Searle's maiden nanre was Olive Coleman and she wa horn at Casselton tl "1 ven vears ago, being the daughter of the late Kdwin Coleman of Fi rest 1 She was married in 1898. In 1908 Mr e nurmber | Searle ac copie d a position as designer met with | and cutter with C. Livingston & Bro, | instructor | an i * th n Kingston ha been *| day was held on Thursday afteruoon i 10116 I'he sorrowing relatives front," said | are » hus band, one son, Harold nm v tq pro- | aged severteen years and one daugh fan And not | ter, Vera aged thirteen, and a broth wit to have it! er, Clayton Coleman of Toronto. The think if all the | officiating clergyman was Rev A {Suit Sale ! SATURDAY, COMMENCING AT NINE O'CLOCK. Brown of Sydenham street Methodis they can " hurch of which the family were mem xtended a | bers 5 of the Mrsy Searle had been in poor health rs, and for the past year and every thing pos-! te the! Tarmers. to | SbIe was done © restore her. but sie make 1 hem fo i gradually got weaker until:the over- their meetings taxed heart refused to da its work. SOMETHING NEW IN BEDROOM AND iat Tos, Toms, Bod [A on of jovial, Kind. sympa- 77 of the season's smartest New York suits in a good variety of 3 1 p } thetic nature and endeare« 1erself oO DINING ROOM FURNITURE aR er and etn we the most authentic styles--many are individual models. mary friends in Kingston, as was The materials are French gabardine, poplin, poriet twill, men's Two years ag6ped bought an immense 'stock of rugs and } ng of the room beaming ol id 1 by the beautiful floral offer linoleums. Theseare bei old today in a great ma ses feeding hi ithe members to keep | evidenced by the bea Jorz, oer . . Th To Tt re oe Luctay $1 A remy MHP CUMS for fir th Pings with sincere expression of sym- wear serge, jersey cloth, black and white checks and velour. less than we could buy them for, der fi ¢ on e path) hich were received yon oS Sous spring Jursishing s you will find a pO eg 2h oO > 0 1 he TU -- -- The colors, navy, copen, black, apple green, shadow lawn Sonsion A Magnificent Production, green, peach, American beauty, rose, gold and tete de negore. Our list of fustomers is constantly growing. 1 " we a To J t. but hy ft Daiaps | "The Flame," produced at the z i} There's a Reason. tar K irs A Grand. Thurs ol eT 50, roa wr wo. 50, $19.50, $20.00, $22. 50, $25.00, $27. Mr. Rankin pr od \ 4 an 1p Ht ton . . ip! 10: id the in-| oo onificent plays ever seen in Kings THE NEW FRENCH "REM MEDY. + ton The scene- transpires in a land THERAPION No.1. cores | hordering on the Gulf of Mexico and i C20 the sedings and effects are gorgeous ON" 000 ur | A splendid company of artists Peessn: v i No. 3. ¢ [this new play by Richard alton } Phone 90, Limited. i EE Die Cerise Sy! hg Tully, who bec: ame famous through | | Ser p address ensmope, +18 & sym it % | his production of "The Bird™af Para- | dise." The storm scene in the3econd act is vivid, and the voodoo scene and | dance before the altar of the sun and {moon at the bottom of the well, to No approbation All sales for cash. weird music and chanting is a feature [of the performance, ] Don't fail to take full advantage of this genuine Suit Sale--posi- | woved to Noir-ammze Halls Ply a this season's best stylesfrom our regular stock- --not a job The Gospel services usually held in I Brock Street Hall will hereafter be ot bought for sale purposes. . | held in the New Orange Hall, ground » . y floor, Princess street, nearly opposite W t h Thi S ge or dlc' this Space Satur day Night 132 Princess Street, . : iia, Fe wilwot ro Ld | : : g ie A Ltt A begs to announce his appointment as Kingston | "eating" Your Winter Thga be-| yg . ° agent for {fore you put them away. Furs,| 4 + 00 Blankets, Woolen Clothing, Carpets, | - . . Curtains. --everything subject to | il \ ® . y ly ser by \ I---------- {damage by preserved | "Keatings." Used 'dry, it will not] : » - injure the Aost de leate fabric and | | Aeolian- iis om ct 25 i ll He BN F Rite hie & Co. L imited. | Toronto, Sole Agents for Canada. Vocalion ce baal US if I PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, : " Visit This Dairy and Decide for i; 8 | Yourself, -- Satisfisction Guaranteed. The only phonograph with the "GRADUOLA". {| Having vacated my former location, all orders| City Dairy | 24 Johnson Street "To subtly vary----if you wish--the tone shading of - | for monuments will be taken and receive best at- hone cach record." . Art catalogues or demonstration : tention at my residence and yard. mn rte, for the asking. Lettering and renovating in cemeteries a spec- | ialty. 155 read 3S. E. MULLEN. | a AT D AVIES ee == cHARM TEA || Veal Specials Black, ' IN PACKAGES. Green and Mixed Packed in King- For the Week End. We cut only GEO. ROBERTSON hs SON, Limited." the best quality. 5 Goodyear 'Welt Boots forl Roasts, Chops 23c cma Men ' Stewing 4c. Prices: $50, $68, $110, 5140, 5205, f 8 ~~ YM | = ourssooLnEsARELEADERS. || ooo wreniEome § © 37 lack Johnston's Shoe Store Fw a Foi