Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1917, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE ---- JA Saas IATE is, R. H = OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. Br OF KINGSTON HOST sone O'Connor's Ladies' Excluisve WOMEN WORKERS SATURDAY BARGAINS ! Money Saving Special Specials for for Shrewd Buyers SILK SUITS. | 5 SUITS 80. New York models just recetv- At big reductions. Tweeds, ed. All shades; brown, navy, worsteds, " poplins,. serges, etc.. copen, green, Hague blue and || etc. LE black. Specially priced at See Our Specials. $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 and Navy and black serge suits. $25.00. Correct styles, all sizes, at Erie $10.95 and $12.75 each. $4.95 EACH35 COATS. || 76 FaGii™g DOZEN DRESS. Reefer style in good quality ING SACQUES. A serge for big girls; ages 12, 14, _ Fine quality floral flannélette, 16, 18 years. Worth to-day || o5¢ designs; empire style-- $7. 00 and $7.50. || sateen trimmed. All sizes, 34 SILK WAISTS. to 44. Special, 75¢ each. . , at $1.25. "AT 25¢ A PAIR. Belz. white of black a1 ¥ 20 doz. Boys' hose, rock rib- SILK WAISTS. bed, black. All sizes, 7 to 10. 6 doz, fine white at $1.98. } 15 doz. Ladies' hose. Fine VOILE WAISTSY | black cotton, natural wool feet, 10 doz. new styles at 98¢c. seamless. All sizes. At $1.98 Each--MILLINERY SNAPS--At $1.98 Each. 50 ready-to-wear hats, 50. Black, purple, sand, old rose, navy, brown, copen, etc. _ Correct for present wear. Sold regular at $3.00 and $3.50. ms. 98c Each--200 STRAW SHAPES, 200--98c Each. All the new colors--correrct styles. BIG BARGAINS SATURDAY | IN TRIMMED HATS. isa 260 Prin- Phone cess St. I. ]. 0 C 0 N N 0 i 800 A Pleasing Exercise. Resins nnn Higher Up Street, But Always Lower in Price. " nl Late Miss M. § tien Easily Propelled. Fhe death .occurred early Hilay, 0 ) of Mi Mi Atchesc dai bell Bros CHILDREN'S FU RNITU RE NNINEEERERN SNRRRRNEEAARRRRRRERAREAARRmnnnnnnna | Gan \ FO rn. A -------------------- life she ven with Mr. D. Trotter, 201 The House of Successful Hat d Uniggrsity avenue, and jnany friends Styles. ~ EN' { \ S will "Sincerely regigh her passing rr 'Ranks with the Strongest'! away. As a companion in the home and utility boxes. Al] =~ ee she proved of rare vafue. Rew. We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock fred Brown will officiate at the burial of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. HUDSON BAY setvice Saturday afternoon. 2 Insurance Company Ee FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. FIRE INSURANCE Mrs. Mary vers died at 116 John- aSSCO' S Head Office, Royal Insursodh Bide. con street early Friday morning, after MONTR a lingering illness. The deceased was » James Reid Manag PoSY. J. ui, one of the city's oldest residents, be- ih . : : ing over ninety-six years of age. She THE BUSY STORE WITH THE LARGE STOCK W.H. GODWIN & SONS was a Methodist in religion and for Fi 1e Fruit Call Motor Ambula nce Phone 147. some time had been living at the home AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ of Mrs. Clarke,-116 Johnson street it WE gir Pure CORREO EERE RCRA RRC RAO RRR + en i LABOR MEN. OBJECT. A Barriefield Man is Among the "Pre- : . ) | To the Golf Club Using Farm Land sumed Dead." . Now That Spring Is Here Buy ) for Links. Robert Clark, a Pine street resident, At a meeting of the Trades and who went overseas with "the 146th If your stock of the home-made ANSCO CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES, Labor Council Thursday night, the Battalion, is reported in the 'casu- alty list as being ill and wounded. The product is reaching the vanishing CYKO PAPER AND M.Q. DEVELOPER members made a strong protest about re y Pe I extent of his injuries is not stated. point we have no hesitation in rec ® the Golf Club utilizing the Gravelle ommending. Glassce's Jams and Jel- | | farm at Portsmouth, pow under culti- P 5, Shay, Darsiefield, is "prégum: lies. The quality and flavor are re- Sole Ageit and Distributor vation, for golf links. The members ki fea oording to the casualty markably fine. Taste Glassco's your- 5 ' foEpresied the opinion that "the golf|"S!s: | sete and you will feel more enthusias- . 9 players might give over the land to | tic about recommending these pro- i help out increased production ugtil Albert Campbell Wounded. » gh is Over. pro t 4 Mrs. Albert Campbell, 421 Barrie ducts to your friends than we are, ® ° a en * T 2 _ | street, received a telegram on Thu | i he members also placed = them day stating that her son, Bearer Al | HENDERSON'S | Corner Princess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 GOOD VALUES i Selves on record as heing in favor of bert | C bell of the. 73rd Hixh. . the free importation of oleomargar- |D€T Ampoell : © ¢ rd 8 | ttt ---- ene, and that the material now taken landers, had been woliided in the GROCERY p------ . up in the manufacture of butter, | hand and has been adiilfed to hospi-| | could be used for the manufacture of |tal. Bearer Campbell" went overseas | 59.61 Broek. ' with the 77th of Ottawa but was| ~~~ Ne < : | cheese for Jjuen at the front. ~N The labor men decided to hold their | transferred to the 73rd of Montreal. | annual picnic on Labor D. a TD -- : S PIsHc 28 wy 0Y. MADE A PRESENTATION. | LUBIN'S ; Weak Anaemic Girls Pte. Ophis Hamilton Remembered at, ) | Calvary Church Thursday Eveni : - YOUR EYES. -- "Ryestrain if neglectéd, may cause serious damage Bloodlessness is the trouble of oy us Sfay heen ng. | to the delicate mechanism of the vision, and by deranging the nervous SPECIAL AGENTS TAILORS, [J men kis who ought to ve mull, Pi. Ovhis Hamilton, who is goin the delluate, mechan oe 28 » | of life and good spirits. Instead they | QVerseas with the rd (Queen's) For Perfect Satisfaction Consult ~ Pra Every Good Capse Has Passed to Rest--Her Memory Will be Grate- fully Remembered. The death occurred at eleven o'clock on Eston' be acti of another of Colored Top Boots for Women fer to the late Mrs. R. H. Toye. She ooh, RX. J This Spring we are showing had been long ailing, but continued until the last to manifest the cheerful WW J Black kid with white tops-- disposition which was so. character- = 5 . istic of her. She deepened the affec- \ \ Brown kid with grey tops-- tion with which she was regarded by > J Sek . . so many friends through her thought- . 3 A Black kid with grey tops ful works and deeds, notwithstanding t NL "a, Tan with fawn tops-- her long illness Mrs. Tbye was the only daughter Also browns, greys and white. (Eliza Jane) of the pte Mr. and Mrs. William Crothers, SS Kingston's most active and 'successful and coming to Kingston any years ago at once identified herself with the Methodist Church, the YM.C.A. (of the Woman's 'Auxiliary of which she 9 z was president for over twenty years), L and the various auxiliaries of the Queen Street Methodist Church. She ~ » carried into each the influence of her strong and helpful personality Workers of her character, having the keen discernment which every cause requires; ana acting generally with a remarkably clear vision, are very rare. Mrs. Toye was able to lead in many philanthropic movements, | and her voice and influence, so kind- i ly yet so dominating, will be greatly | Home-Made missed. i She was not only a woman of mark- { ed capability, but she was zealous in 4 dy every good work, tireless in applica- g i .all tion, and exceedingly able, in her ¢ . management of affairs. : . Fresh Made By Day. It was a matter of profound regret when her steadying hand was remov- ed from the various church and ehari- ' » table associations with which she was \ \ e {' S identified, and all Kingston, without | regard to class, can very fittingly lay » 3 WW Next Grand Opera House | the white flower of a blameless life i} upon her grave. Her memory will 2 Telephone 640 surely be gratefully remembered. She is survived by her husband, Campbell's Hats also by three brothers--Hutche- 1 bn A AR SAB LR ESE I. son Crothers and W. J. Crothers, of Sna New Shapes 1 n TT Kingaton, aud Hon. T. W. Crothers, of PPY + EERE ERROR ERROR ARO awa, the Minister of Labor in the 5 i | Federal Government. An only daugh- We are daily selling hats to [il ter, Mrs. Arthur Lingham, Montreal, men who appreciate the advan- I HE had was with her when she so peacefully "take of coniplete assortments ' passed away. : plus the satisfaction of éxpert Ki ie ars or Y The funeral (private) will take service. | 4 ONL place on Saturday, Rev. J. D. Ellis Prices in keeping with the | conducting the service at 82 Gore ||| Popular demand. ; street. We sell: 2 p je ; 2 : Horton's . .. Buckley's . Christy's... . ..$3, 3. rat AE 4 'Make Them Strong and Barbisio's ... .. .. .. 4, Vigordus Stetson's Borsalino's mm [eles fn BIER Pleasing as well as useful for young folks, L PAVENTS PEneing E----------------.. Battalion, was the recipient of a wrist | | ar al e pale, "their lips have no color, 'watch, at a gathering held in the] Optician and . J | they have no appefites, their diges- Princess and Bagot Streets. | don is poor, and if they walk fast, fenool Jens radar evening. a J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Optometrist, eithér in the street or going up 'honed church organizations. After supper Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 009 stairs they are so tired and out of speeches were made by B. Gage, sup- em \ gto breath that their hearts beat as if | io) dent of the Sunday school, and rr pa SA it to burst. Almost always such . Eirin are thin. flat:cheited, aod oul. Ernest Thompson. On behalf of the a i Dg Pn Brig SB ed the wrist' watch to Pte. Hamilton. LINESS | {TAXI SERVICE young people, Rev. Mr. Lyall present- Women's -y havi a cough in the winter and Brock Street Quarterly Board Our coal is as clean as coal can | 'RING 960. 4 . | then, ¢ . » not unlikely, consumption,| The annual quarterly board meet- possibly be--free from dust, slate or | I raop a. of ah tng of Brock. silet Methodist Shuich CURES : EE ors aid in sour winter | ade? will develop. was held on Thursday évening. Re- ~ No girl should he like this. 'She| 0s were highly satisfactory. Dr. D A ND UFF supply yet, come in and sée us--to |} Op 4 sed Walking 3 i should be plump, rosy-cheeked-and | &°"NToy tos superintendent RUE day. en and Clo ; : full of life. able to walk fast and | ¢ the Sunday school. and George|f AND STOPS The woman who scrubbed the coal | Cars. to 'stand exertion without beinZ| pound associate. e! report of the bin before the c was put in car- | breathless, and palpitating. To be | sono Ee Beer dona-, FALLING HAIR Flod cieasifsces a ttle too far. | ' in this healthy, happy condition she tions had been + $51, to Missi . . - > " must. have plenty . of good, rich, gay . the Re agionst ; 50¢ Bottle : ! Kingston Taxi Cab with perforated wing Fre icon as i oni throne the 3it. ne ermaral Sneed BOOTH & CO. Co tip and low heel - Riued Atthe Day ean De _hoaien. fund, and in kind to he children's Foot of West St. . J the Wood supply, rich nd ted und Ward of the Benerg How Geter) Hospital Prouse's Ss pe <|\-. ee a pure is ams n Liberal Rally To-night. gH ' i en ity het | gue Cagle Ti wife 408 Apples! Apples! | SPRING OUTFITTING | who rally in their rooms on King street D St 1 9 ' ad derful. They imprrove the appetite, te their fri very choice stock Everything to wear for spring, & | backaches and headaches disappear, tonight, A J are & to be lenis » by bh or € in quality and price that cannot be | the glow of health tinges the cheeks, | Aydrew R. McMaster of Montreal and % 7 5 NORTHERN SPIES i | votes anywhere, sparkle, be- a u . Special values in our new suits, in Fe Ae Ee ee aos Fak Pedley of Ottawa. . Phone 82. BEN LAYS | browns, greys and blues, at $18, $20 BALDWINS of girls htoughout Canada owe their | Anthony Rankin, MPP, in in- "ppouite Su. Andrew's Church Yoh: and $25. health and atractive appearance 0 tarview in the onto nn h = 5 4 f+ pSTARKS Spring Overcoats, $12.50 and $15. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and do not has been tel of the - - . wats, $7.50, $10 to $15. hesitate to say so. ! carfipaign of i of Kingston Dr. Gordon Ross, a graduate of Friendships 1 pe a You can get these pills Hirough 3 Queen's University, who has been iprices. Big line of new boots and 30 coma bor. or tix boxes for Miss a Sle 3% Gow | London: Out underwent. a oper: . j shoes. , ; cents a or boxes was on, t., lerwent an. opera- $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- Hospital from the Jor aphendisitis + 16% days ago, 210 Division St. ps: | ISAAC ZACKS cine Co, Brockville, Ont. Foye : ambulance. an is progressing nicely i 271 Princess St, . # x : > v ; ¢ : ¢ % x -

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