a om " PAGEBIX HN ------ a ---- AA afi ini THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1917. 1 Liberal Rally! A meeting of Liberals and Their Friends, will be held in their Club Rooms, 338 King St., on Friday, April 20th, 8 P.M. Addresses by Andrew R. McMaster, K.C., Montreal; Frank Pedley, Ottawa, and others. Come and bring a friend. Dr. A.W. Richardson - President. Pure Com Syrup In 2-1b. tins, 31h. pails, and 10-1h. which we welling Tor one week Only at the old price, E. H. BAKER Montreal and Charles St, Phone 1263. mh A rd MS ei ea al -- er ee ------ 7 -------------------------------------------------------- At The Cor, Cor. hing & Earl Caverly & Bradshaw. Automobiles of Quality. during this week, Call and See Them. PRICES RIGHT. George Boyd Bon Marche Grocery, Phone 1844 | Meat Specials ! Choice Steaks from 25¢ to 28c¢ a lb. Reo and Cadillac Also choice Sh or pet and Pork Township Counci's | Pittsburg. April 2.--The ncii met at 11 Councillors H Maclean Hendersor $4.90; Samus ran, w DILD IN DOC TORS OFFICE Metzler Passed Away Quite Suddenly on, Monday. , April 18. ~The residents and surrounding coun- | ked on Monday after-| sctearn of the sud Metzler former- y residing at Ris Robert Aseltine's way in poor t Odessgt on a bus to consult the doctor ¢ office of Dr. Mabee he His remalns were brought to the home of his daughter the funeral services was con ducted on Thursday s a widow hie leaves one son Wil- | sa, two daughters, Mrs. Jf e of Wilton and Miss Bertie Metzler, who have the sym-| pathy. of a large circle of friends Mr. Frank Ward held a farm stock and implements on Wed nesdam and has moved, with his fam- | ily to the village, where hé rented a from Korah Storms. The Wil factory is taxed for room and help at present as several of the patrons of the lower factory at Thorpe, owmsd By Messrs nobe Metzler and John Hund, and which | burned to the ground on Saturday | ire sending their milk to the Wilton Robert morning Be bur at Odes Rober" Assel sale of house on cheese RE IS & ~ Notic. To know whether the Encyclopaedia Britannica will be of direct help to you in your business, in your home life, in the education and mental development of children, you ought to see and examine the entire set. This you can do at THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE, 160-162 Princess Street. ) -- rike Any person who has been thinking about looking into the "Handy Volume" Issue of The Encyclopaedia Britannica is hereby advised that he must HURRY UP and send for our descriptive, illus- "trated book or he will be too late to get one of the few remaining sets. Our stock of Britannica sets, printed on genuine India paper; is growing less so rapidly that after 'Wednesday, April 25th, there will not be time enough for any one to write us, get the book describing the Britannica, read it and decide about buying before the last set is sold. . We do not Want any one to buy the Britannica un- less he knows it will prove useful to him in his every- ~day life--his work, his business, in improving his mentat- equipment and his place in the world, Distributor. 129 Brock St. Phone 201 a. . factory Mrs. Earl Burt is spending a few days with friends in kingston | ' Mr.. and Mrs. Lorrie Storms are «all | Phone 2011] smiles over a baby girl. Mrs. Har- | riet Parrott, Kingston, is visiting her sister Mrs. Harvey Mills. Miss Ruth | 112 Clergy St ToT A A AAA AAA AMA e a complete set of the Britannica, you should THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA S. ROUGHTON, Agent. 60 Brock St., Kingston. . Phone 610 One Quart of Milk Is equal in food value to three-fodrths of a pound of Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two pounds of fish, six pounds of tomatoes. And the milk is more easily digested and far more economical than any of the other foods. Phone 845 - Price's Pinch Back Overcoats $14.00 to $18.00 Plain Grey Chesterfield Overcoats $12.00 to $20.00 New Raimcoats and Spring Overcoat Combined, $135.00. Large Stock of Indigo Blue and Pattern Worried Suitings at w moderate prices. JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailor 131 Princess St. Bahy Carriages, Go-Carts, Sulkies 1917 Advance Styles Large line just received. Make Your Choice Now. $16.00 to $40.00. Ne AYA R. J. REID, Leading Undertaker YE OLDE IRME EIRME 2% . The Musician finds in the \. Feintzman & Go. Art Hiaun his demands more than met. He finds a tone unequalled--a touch that meets every require ment---an appearance that pleases the artistic: , sense. He finds a piano which is an inspiration Ji in itself-a piano from which he can obtain: f effects not possible from any other instrument. C. W. LINDSAY, Limited, 121 Princess Street,' - a -------------------- A KAA Telephone 577 | MCR, was fatally: injured in a pe- Miller, Sandhurst, spent the Easter | holidays at her grandfather's Robert | Millers' Mr. and Mrs. Korah Storms, ac- | companied by Mr. and Mrs. Byron | Caton, Toronto, spent Sunday with | friends at Selbay Several of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Sni- | ler met at their home on Thursday night and presented them with a set of dishes. Rev. A. L. Phelps and wife ! and Alfred F. Miller and wife, Sand- | hurst, spent Friday evening in the village, Mr. Phelps giving an address | at the R.F.E. society. The Ladies | Aid were entertained at the home of | Mrs. Ernest Miller on Tuesday af- | ternoon ' | The advent of the fish wagon on! Monday was very welcome as every- body was fish hungry Mrs. M. G Storms, and daughter Doris, Kings- | ton, spent the week-end here, while he attended the burial of his mother Mr. Fred Cole is ill in Kingston General Hospital. Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Newman spent Sun- day with friends at Harrowsmith. (COLEBROOKE TIDINGS The Late George . Shangraw dent to Miss Purcell. Celebrooke, April 18. George Shangraw, an old resident of this place, died at his home here last week. Deceased had been in poor! health for some time, but was only | confined to his bed for a couple weeks before the end came. He leaves a wife and three children: Everett of Des Moines, Iowa; Wilmot, who was formerly a jeweller in St Catharines, but who is attending to} his father's business here at present, and Helen of this place. Charles Benn is still confined to his bed. Mr. Benn suffered a severe stroke a couple years ago, and has not been able to walk since. Miss Emma Benn, who has been living in Watertown, N.Y, for the last few years, has returned to her home here Acci- N\ If for any reason you are unable to go and Ae write us for full information AT ONCE. < The end of the sale of this great work in its handiest form is almost here. that date now. Ypu can judge the closéness of this date for yourself when we say, No fe 'descriptive booklets will be sent out after Wednesday, April 25th, because by then there will be so few sets of the Britannica left that the last set will be sold before anyone can get the Britannica literature, study it, make up his mind about buying and get his order back to us. THEREFORE, STRIKE NOW See the Britannica or write for information today. If the publishers cauld get enough of this wonderful genuine We can almost put a finger on Sets may be seen and orders left at: ~~ ~~. - The he COLLEGE BOOK STORE, 160-162 Princess St. India paper, that makes each volume of the "Handy Volume' Britannica only one inch thick, we could easily sell many thou- sands more sets. But they cannot get any mare. No more India paper can be made beeause the war has made it impossible to get any more of two necessary raw materials--flax from . ' Belgium, Germany or Ireland and hemp from Russia. If you are at all interested in owning this great library of facts, be advised NOW and send in the coupon for full information. You have only just enough time to get and read this literature and make up your mind. Strike Now. Sign and send the coupon today, Remember that you have the use of the books while paying - for them. You only have to send $1.00 with the order and $3.00 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Chicago, Illinois Gentlemen : ' Please send me at once your free illustrated, de- scriptive booklet about the "Handy Volume Issue of the new Eneyclopaedia Britannica, printed on genuine India paper. 1 want this so that I can learn whether the Sritianicn will be useful to me in my work and my home, and so that | can decide before all the remaining sets are sold whether or not | want to buy Send me full information as to the smallest monthly payment | will have to make for one of these remaining sets; also the lowest cash price a month (for the cloth binding) for a limited number of months. Name and intends running a dressmaking establishment William MaeWilliams __ has = pur- chased a new McLaughlih automo- bile. Miss Esther Purcell fell down into the celfar and. sustained a Severe wound in her head. She is improv- ing nicely, however. Miss Josie Ward has gone to Kingston where she in- tends entering ar. institutiomr as a nurse. Mrs, W. S. Holmes, Ottawa, is spending a couple weeks with her mother and sister at "Warmerheim." Home From Montreal. Dr. A. W. Richardson has returned home from Montreal. While there he attended convocation at McGill Uni- versity. His nephew, #5. S. Richard- son, who graduated in science, has joined the Flying Squid for overseas. Mrs. Richardson also spent several days in Montreal. Heavy Fines Imposed. John O'Neil, for having liquor. ih a blacksmith shop, was fined $200 and costs. Another culprit was fined $210 and costs on 'two liquor charges. William Heath, charged with per- jury in connection with evidence he gave concerning how he secured liquor, was committed fof trial. ; Judgment rendered ,by Justice Latchford dismisses the action of James Richardson and Sons, Limited, against David Gilbertson, bank clerk, Lucknow, 'Ont., for $1.287 balance al- legedly due on an account, and inter- gat at five per cent. from March 2, 9 ~ British official tables issued = for eight weeks show that in 'that period 130 ships of over 1,600 tons, 58 ships under 1,600 tons and 65 fishing boats have been sunk, making a total of 253 vessels. In the same period, 116 merchant vessels were unsuccessfully attacked by submarines. John H. Rose, an engineer on the culiar accident 'at Hawtrey. ~t NeolnSol Shoes for Men We are shoving a big range of styles in 9 black, tan and thahogany colors with Neo- - lin sole and rubber heels at Neolin soles wear better than leather and are soft and flexible, like rubber. . . rland & Bro. Address by. «uM CR | IH Boys Spring Suits ««.. Neat, light and dark shades of grey and brown, in plain check and fancy' tweeds and worsteds, in pinch back models, well cut bloomer pants, sizes 24 to 34. Prices, $3.95, $4.75 and $35.75. MEN'S BOOTS----in patent, gun m#tal or dongola, Blacher cut. Prices, $11.50 to $6.50, YOUNG MEN'S TOP<COATS in navy blue or grey, form fitting. Prices, $12. to $13.00, BOY'S REEFERS--Navy blue cheviot reefers, double breasted style, box back, emblem on sleeves and trimmed with brass but- tons, Sizes 3 to 12 years. Prices 835 (0 $6.50. LADIES' HIGH-CUT SHOES in Vici kid and patent, button or lace. Prices, $3.50 to $6.00. sf BOYS' RAINCOATS--A good, stong, pliable material which is waterproof, the scams are cemented and stitched ; single breasted style, with convertible collar: full ent back, good length, with sog-western cap to match. The colors are tan, black and olive. #es 6 to 15. Prices, $8.50 and $4.50. . Louis Abramson, The Up-Town Clothier 336 Princess St. SETTER ETOAC ARTE RCR RCRA i= HTT