PAGE FOURTEEN F eatures Way Fg 2c. || THE CONFESSIONS OF ROMNE| = [524] "Nature" chose FRE Many mothers are worried about the changing of Baby's food from time to time. What suits at six weeks of age will not suffice at six months, The 'Al lenburys" : 3s ~~ let oR denen =X t paroxvsm | sh¥ng-roou, an SR ing A ": " ST pas NGA WY, RN 2 o = 4% these Foods 1 may? e given es oF ~ NV. a «by, and instructions are given ou each package, y--y ~ To v JN ECL Svar Ls Bode bi deeds Be SENG (By Frances Walter) : THE RESCUED elasping a dark object to her breast. | out her life.~ Once when 1. glance \ 5" GIRL FO MY HOME,' r, dear little t | suddenly at her 1 saw that herpeyes | J " ¢ BUNCAL ientis i io ne dog wiih | wore Wide With hore, Sod T \ Scientists tell us that Assam: in she § 8 } FA » . -- y the McClure 4. Temaimen so jong wi het side] She 2a) 7a ed bey'nd the point Meron northern India was the original home H Ving: cave 1 the ir) trom death | pr breakfast we x at ito ti Co = of the tea plant. Thousands of years my next thought was to provide for waited u he Gist Pasay tings I 1 drew_her dow: ; ago "Nature" chose the climate and ier for the time being, and | consid grief had p € and then ent | beside mie 3 ; Sd 2 Faker . oe Cb anist BE a ET pas | Now § said, "let us have a littl soil of this favored region as most suit- that moment was to take her home| "Come" I urged. "We must'go." | alk" : - : able for growing tea. with me. But | did not make known She arore 1¢ body of the dog still Je Continued 3 5 v intentior She had résente clasped tizhtly to breast 7 ¢ : Ape a Le nt + foot of : ; rr RA Op fr It is, therefore, natural that the I felt that she would oppose any pro- the embankmunt.'" iggested. "To | SE b bbb bits fbb Eid Sh bd . oe hillside gardens of Assam (see picture) m I might offer looking to her morrow we will return and make ' o ' RA grow the teas which to-day are famous fort. So I merely arose and bade other pr sion 4 \ N 3 3 f hei fav v . roton Toe oo | She acquiesced silently and we re 0 n or their flavor, fragrance and rich "Where are we going?" she asked {raced our. steps to the foot of the gth. in such alarm that I knew at oncelgiope where we dug a shallow grave | $ wili h what she dreaded and hastened to] yi e branch of ee 8 g t ithe i ad TRAE Es en ng Yo isef tices Reus bas, billy "You need have no fear," I-told| 1 with earth which she watered with | #8 A4dttet tbat SEEPS Sod blended with choice Ceylons, 'that Red her 'You will not meet any one pur tears Then, meekly, as though ER ose T D "" ' 5 \ i A SC StS. 3 - you Know her last objection had been removed (Continued from Page 7.) y oR J ) R ea consists Iti 's this vich As The girl was silent a moment and | sho followed me back up the embank Mrs. Ross M. McRae sam strength that users of Red Rose LK FOOD No. then looked intently toward me try-iment and out to the roadway which | Wak hostess at s i 1 ir Tea must thank for its splendid econ- birth to 3 months, ing in vain to pierce the darkness led to the street car line formal tea on T O # . MILK FOOD No. 2 'It is etrange," she said finally as! Que gas) sestions an honor of her sist : Bb 4 4 omy--for the greater number of cups From 3 to 6 onthe. She asked no questions and 1 f her sist Mi ; I MALTED FOOD No.3 t ouEh Lhe wi m was too great y.,, sated 20 explanation as the car Jes of Jionieeas k Co a Die It Were it yie lds to the pound, fully one-third roi 6 MOBLAS BPW 0 er to solv carried us homewar She sat, a 8. { McPherson, J : z . a Write for Booklet, "Infant What is strange, my dear | grat tricken. silent little figure at! Wright, Mrs. A Tur : -- more than ordinary teas. Feeding and Management to "That you should go to all this| (he window, her face half-turned and | Snelling, Mrs. E. Rees, Mrs. R. Day : a 8 = . trouble for me why Sd you ne her eyes peering sadly into the dark-| Ww Craig, Mrs. G. H. William. - To make ce rtain that these Assam W{ a few" utes and it dg ©88 ever ba es § iss Ve S luver fis > > ee en ie a ay wy Sd ei qualities are fully prescrved for you we "You must not talk that way," I|disappointment she felt because of |raine Allen, Miss Jessie Hutton Miss a : put Red Rose Tea into dust, odor and replied. 'It is no trouble for me toy per inability to carry out her purpose | Evelyn Crawford, Miss May Hanley b L ir proof sealed: packages s 3 do what little I can to,aid you My | of self-destruction was ended as we| and Miss Aileen Craig | d R! I Sea ed package : Red Rose own regret is that you doubt me and traveled along. She was drawing the * + | ¥< 3 Tea reaches You pure, fresh and' full + will not consent to accept my aid." curtain on an act in the drama of her A high tea was giver at the Coun- | J strength-- we guarantee it. . "1 do not doubt you," returned the jive and as far as we were concern-|ty Club on Wednesday eve = whew) "it a man tells a woman shé has a | girl wearily. "I know you are tryiug| cq it was the final act With the in-] covers were laid for e the ! . . musical laugh she will fall for any | to help me, put I do not want to be! nite sorrow and patience of which | guests including Miss Marjor rense. | - = Try a Package of this Economical Tea old joke he may get off. { helped. As [ told you' just now, there! ,nly a woman is capable she once|Miss Pense (Toronto), Miss Mildred | S ) . \ Brave is the man who will stand |is nothing lef: in life for me." more took up the threads of life and Jones, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Gra } . od within twenty feet of anything a wo I did not attempt to argue with prepared to press onward, however and Miss Eva Martin Miss May | ~ x ------ = a man throws at. her, but stepping to her side I took | great her burden might be Rogers and Miss Mollie Saunders. | : } S ie i hi i It takes a lot of fortitude to follow er arfi-and led her up the embank- We did not speak until we had * + = have been spending e r the dictates of a perfectly good con- jos nt. As we reached the spot where Jeft the car at the corner and stood Mrs. Buxtor. Smith, Kingston is months science. | she had been lying she gave a Sharp| pefore the entrance to my apartment. | the guest of Mrs J. P. Fisher, Otta Mrs. Austin Gillies, 1 sat pre Some married men join the army cry and dropped to her knees. There she paused and looked doubt-| Wa, for the coming month, and w ju England, Expects ail for ne art 0 cause they are tired of fighting. "Poor little Toots; she sobbed, | fully at me. the guest of honor_at a smal} tea a ry shoriy Ca mn "wy are taking me to your] Tuesday given by Mrs C. W. C. Ba § MacDowall and 35 eu are taking « . J! Elda MacDowall. Gore street. have re Is equal in food value to three-fourths of a pound of ho ' There is Nothing Like it, oe ven Mrs. Daniel T. Smith has returned | (urned from New York and Atlantic Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two She hesitated a moment and then [to Ottawa from Kingston and Toron oly :. Ed Rya 1 her d Js hi a bouts gt 30a 8 tne Sih MSs Tauara Bish and oi dapgh: s more easily dig and far more economical followed me into the house to where she has been visiting | 1 : awoke I [friends or, Mrs. Neil Black, who have bee Nothing thatcan take the place of The next morning when I awoke ! fr ws Soa Falelie. Fach: gissel, to er Sei Blac gn Jay A. e ! any of the other foods. lay quietly in bed. and considered the y a yu : .n to | stayirg with her g ter, Mrs, for Canada and are expected home : { probs m which 1 had Undertake n Wood, Avenue Road. T ut next week ° » and that 3 / one -~ rice % y solve ' J I had saved a girl's life, @ 8 Lieut. A. S. Burgess, Victoria, B.( life now was mine. I had brought|* 230th Bdttalion, has rv turned to The marriage of is atilds 4 the girl home with me, and it be- Brockville, after visiting his cousin. Charette, ) Mass > Ss. y ibs sion | Seret ra . came necessary, therefore, for me to Mrs. T. W. Gibson, 438 Division | Ser W ritchard. 253 BAIR J emer re oe -------- OREN ER ® t n (Queen's 1iversit) took place oie provide for her. 1 must take care | Stree eee jon j : quietly on April 11th ff -S : Though a man expresses his will- No man ever lost his self-respect of her. It was a responsibility «1 had Co . ; © Prof. and Mrs. William Nicol, A Pritchard, well known in } 1 1] ingness to gbey a woman's slightest | by acting on the square. em My first step wus to dismiss from If you are troubled with dandruff, my mind fn thought of going to M falling hair or itchy sealp, there § is a | Viteaux's. That now prosperous mil- | assumed and one from which I could be eo Woo Lv , " ; A not now shrink. The question before bork street, lave returned , from exy cts to leave with his attalion | wish he usually draws the line at the It takes a man of push to propel . me was how I might best meet the ong Beach, Catiforria, where they i shortly for overseas | large sized wishes. even a wheelbarrow 0 A A A A A AA A A A Sn mn responsibility and solve the prob- . 1 HERP o an anos linery establishment must dispense A Th: Gir witl'my services for one day. Then of cleanti Wy teeing of ite He sem I thought of the maid, and decided Ty a for ot. I 1 *RPIC SIDE is an | that I would dismiss her for the day efficient dandruff eras on a delightful hair Under the circumstances I consaid- dressing, a cleanser and an antiseptic. ered that the fewer prredns there RAT > were in my department the more SEWERS HERTIpILE Fives tho hair quickly the girl and T would estab- associated with the use of this scalp proph lish a matsal derstanding. ia 1 lactic. Hair that isn't healthy cannot Pe | Having got rid of the mai Ee pretty and attractive. HERPICIDE by rendering the scalp sweet and telephoned Monsen Smine M. Vi- clean, makes the hair healthy and keeps itso. Itis indispensable to the | teaux's manager, whose duties were toilet not a luxury, but a requisite. those of a floorwalker, I opened the | door of the girl's room and looked ENTS FOR SAMPLE BOTTLE AND BOOKLET | in SEND 10C TS F S t | She was sleeping peacefully, her oo and womah is exposed to the attacks of dandruff which is contagious a | fair young face half buried in the ninety nine but of query hundred are sulfering from 1s unsysnces The bosTet pubabed soft pillow and a great mass of au- by T? Ci , ts ¢ tense interest, anc 3 : Staal 1s a revelation to all A sample bottle of NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE and the booklet burn hair falling about her throat will be sent te dny address upon receipt of Ten Cents in postage or silver to cover cost of | and delicately rounded- breast. She packing and mailing. Address THE THE HERPIC IDE CO., Dept. S, Detroit, Mich. | would have furnished a model for an Two sizes, 50c and $1.00--Sold Everywhere -- Guaranteed by The Herpicide Co. { artist seeking Innocence in all its | swectness and beauty Applications at the better barber shops and Beauty Parlors. | Was it possible that this girl, hard- ly more than a child could want to De v and GET IT. a die? Was it possible that anyone _-- | could be guilty of a reasonv®for her . 1 moved to the bed and sat déwn | beside her; running my hand through her hair and gently stroking her brow | until her eyes opened slowly and gazed wonderingly at me In their | depths at first I read only surprise, but in a moment I could see the cloud | as it swept over her face when "she | felt the shock of realization as mem- ory repeated to her the events of the EE "WHO SAYS CORN FLAKES?" She spoke no word. Her eves ' 8 { closed and a slight frown furrowed ' é4 § 9» | hef forehead. Her red, full lips sud- » - denly became whi and pinched with pain. But this, too, soon passed | and soon she was gazing at me again, " » 2 3 | this 'time with » new light in the Then Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes you shall have. | depths of the great brown eyes. i arp' 1 » | depts othe great brows sve. There's nothing better. . i She nodded, and 1 could see by the | trembling lips that she did not trust | herself to speak. Tears gathefed. I tightened my hold on her shoulder | and together we sat silent for a mo- ment, each understanding, each full of sympathy for the other. | "I have brought some of my «clothes | so that you can have a bath. told her gently after a while. "When you | are ready, we will get breakfast to- | gether. The maid Is not here today | and we shall be ajone." | She considered this situation for a ! Sweetiless and beauty.. up. I showed her where the bath- | room was and soon heard her splash- BS , have been made in Canada for over eleven years, and every ) | ing about in the tun. In a few min- | utes more she cawe into the sitting > : year the sales have increased enormously. : room, clad in cne of my morning \ HEN vou're not yourself and feeli outof mete in Hrs y W feverish, sallow complexion Hervey headache "It is not much too large for you, Insist on the original in the red, white and green-package. _ a Jomo of ABBEY'S SALT in a cadache "water, | Ie i 1 erg % . fo , morning and. night; . The regular use of ABBEY'S SALT will keep the intestines ar sweeten the stomach and promote a vigorous, healthy digestive system. afraid it is just a triffe too long. But . @ Your Doctor will proudly prescribe ABBEY'S--We Guaraniss fr. 1 shall pin it up so that it will not; "KS ; FJ 5 Ray be soiled." : 5 The Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Co., Limited. | {She nicked the Tom of, the skirt CAPITAN) Ci : je smiled faintly over at me. A : hi. § : 3S ' 5 MADE IN CANADA. 1 Kas : v ¢ [be In Sealed Botiles «Sold Everywhere . | "Do whateVer you wish with if] : Head Office and Factory: London, Ont. "It is very mice and cool, but I am only come me Along quickly and help me I am famishing. age I ya she was. vas. tof for when we sat down shortly afterward Ae Norte TOWN AMER. WEA TAT a