The adw car driv ar any other one thir its universal success ar the great future possibilities automobile industry A plece of old f makes an excellent | the spring of old pF to the length inner circumference groovd beneath the r The man who once the price of riages" wogld never come down within of the average man's purse, probably the most enthusia orist in his community The automobile is no longer looks upon solely as a pleasure vehi Ie ranks with the telephone and graph as a utility. Anything which is of as benefit to the whole family ai munity the motor car to be a successful business venture The careful motorist equips rear wheels, and sometime as well, with anti-skid These are not expensive for a cheap insurance, as of the ng predicted tha "horseloss reach today tic mot tele much vd com hound as pe a gas The of health. on in history. lakes, hills and winding rivers. over winter-bleached toilers in office, factory and store. come an intense longing to rush out under the wide, blue s breathe deep of the vitalizing ozone, with ever-changing panorama bringing new delights. The man is fortunate who can climb into his motor, with family and friends beside him, and forget his day's work in an hour's ride over country roads; or who between working hours and dinner time can join them at-a lakeside home. He also is fortunate who, as a car owner, can spin along on a time-saving business trip. For the motor car is business-builder, nature-teacher, dispeller of brain fag, gloom destroyer, a vehicle that transports to the joy-zone The season of motor-jo¥ is nearing. THE CALL OF SPRING. Soon budding spring will call the city man to the broad fields, the 1 Reviving nature will cast her spell It will be the greatest sea There will ky and traction on "slippery STARTING ENGINE 1 »«, but prevent accidents Too much emphasis cannot be | on lubrication More troubles can bo traced to lack of lubrication than to any other cause. Study your lubrication chart and follow it care-| fully Tho place are troubled® with "oil rear axle e who exuding from gearbox or hould try the curative ecects of a mall air vent. Such escapes of the oil are often caused by internal pres ite, result of the increase of temperature produced under running condition The el. besides being thinned by the higher temperature, | ; forced out by the pressure, and lience the value of some kind of vent, | A short vertical tube screwed into the top of gear-box or differential casing will answer for all practical purposes, | but if for any reason it does not suit the hole can easily be plugged. | the | Pedestrians Blamed ON FIRST ATTEMPT Does Not Give the Best Results. How owner é switeh of? ary very d 1e av Age OWNCer floc] is car. buretor, or pulls the choke switches on, and pre the starter but effectually five o verage es ton in T en 1 1s IX times he opens the bqnnet, perhaps, f the carburetor agan, amd at last geis|y an explosion It is ot flooding the a temporary the value be done w loo« } ohvio mn te things they will want to know about our : rand But if vou'll elip this your 1 ca via a Lg 1 the 1 ¥ model (vear, HP nanufactur th nicks in It wiich sol that the tolen car. | form out, fill] you'll be able to] most 1mportant| s hent hat band, police the Name | name | r, if it is ever stolen , speci el No THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1917. Worl Outdoors \ ) JHY not spend your week-ends in the woods--fishing, hunting, or just loafing, as the season oryour inclination may dictate? If you have a . Harley-Davidson "Motorcycle you can get away from town whenever the opportunity presents itself --you don't have to bother about time tables or train connections, With a Harley-Davidson you can go where you want to, when you want to, and stay as long as you like, because you know your mount will get you back SHEN again in good time, 5% We can make it easy for you toown = =\ a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. ~~ If you do not want to pay cash we can jrrange terms to suit your convenience. i Ln ¥ = ¢ This motorcycle can be seen B50 A. RAWSON'S (if #1 Montreal St. The pedestrian is the most danger |tion pipe are ous, as well as the most defiant, fac- [petrol vape tor in street traffic, said Dr. H. M. {having lor Rowe, of Baltimore, president of the | American. Automobile Association, | mes speaking at the second annual cor : expelled, ar vention of the Safety First Federa-!and peirobin tion of America at Baltimore 1g then If pedestrians, he said, were con- | nixt fined to fhe sidewalks and not per- mitted to eross streets anywhere ex- re mm ept at properly designated cross Try the fan belt once in a while te ings, the cause of most accidents and | make sure it is being driven at the' fatalities would be eliminated at one [Fight speed: If you can spin the fan. . .. the bélt needs tightening... If the fan ---- - -- a Ve higloseshdie JRowe said, does not run at the right speed, the Let us-tarry am'rle at the sign of well covered by regulations that fur-| engine is more likfly to overheat. the smile K C 11 ther attempts in that line could not Tr bring resnlts . . arro "The pedestrians the individual " WA A - safety we. are so deeply hie 8 concernet," he said, "we have not regulated at all, or else to such a limited extent and in so few instan- , i, ng = ~ hy te Re errr ite uncontrolled factor in traffic. He is by far the most dangerous, as well J as the most defiant, factor." that he is at this moment the NT AGA A A, An 1 No Front Axie No Rea wunrbet NO make Size, IS YOUR CAR INSURED ? We have a very upto late policy which we would Tike explain to you it hazards a car is against Call, write at our expense, Rear right Remarks ation seratch ? ak upholster- to levice all ured 'phone | | a od- | Front pricht | | | | J covers ins or ! stroke were so a Se AA A AAA A A for whose \ Tord UNIVERSAL OU will never know what read mastery is till you ride in a Gray-Dort. The Gray-Dort does not merely travel a road--she conquers. Where going is smooth, her flight is swift as an eagle's--unhindered by fatigue of passengers, smooth as a summer's > sea. She breasts hills like a bird breasting the breeze--without apparent effort--swiftly, noiselessly, even-tempered. She smooths out the roughest roads by virtue of her long springs and deep upholstery. And mud and sand--hub deep --hold no terrors for her--she goes through without labor; with never a miss or a knock to disturb the even tenor of her motor. Etienne Planche built a masterpiece when he designed the compact, economical giant of power that nestles under her hood. pa ---- 115,000 FORD CARS "Have been manufactured in Canada by the Ford Motor Co., of Canada, the largest mo- tor factory in the British Empire. Ford Sales- .are based on . Ford Service and MOTOR --Gray-Dort, 4-cylinder, casten bloc, L-head 'type, bore 31{in , stroke 5 in.; speed 2.000 R.P.M.; ___horsepower 28. Cast iron removable heads. Timing gears--cast iron helical. Carter carbureter, Thermo- ' n cooling. 3 gallon tube and finn radiator. 4 quart vil-pump and splash lubrication. Westinghouse two unit starting and lighting system. Contiécticut battery ignition. 12 inch cone clutch with 6 com- ~pensating springs. Three speed and reverse selective transmission. with double gv New Departure bear- ings. Universal joint. -. Gasoline tank under cowl. | beam' heayy duty front axle. 3{ floating rear axle, with forked tube torsion and Hyatt High Duty beari 10 inch internal expanding and external | Sontiatting brokes. Pressed steel frame. Springs --front, 5 in.. fips x 50 in. full cantilever. Left- | hand drive. 16 in. irreversible worm and nut type steering wheel. © Centre gear shift lever. Emergenc | brake, right pedal. Service brake. clutch pedal. Accelerator. rk and throttle control on pe m0 Artillery type wood wheels. Detroit demountable rims. 314 Dominion tires. Nobby tread rear. Westinghouse electric light a ing. Linaleum-covered run- ~ F ord Satisfaction This is the simple reason why there are so many Ford Cars in Canada today and why the Ford Car is known everywhere as The Universal Car " "Ford Dealers, Kingston, Ont. windshield, one-man top, tools, equipment complete. 5 Passenger Touring Moael $910 3 Passenger Roadster Model $910 GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LTD., CHATHAM, ONT. American Factory at Flint, Mich. 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