Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1917, p. 2

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EAR Si PAGE SIX "| CHURCH & Queen's Uni- Convocation ~ Hal, laureate Sermon versit: . Jordan --paccalaur D.D Paul's Church--Morning Prof "FUR STORAGE Safe, Reliable. . 1 o'clock Preacher, Li. iy | : Telephone. 489, our 'fur Fiwcerald, MA; Sunday a: ra Evening prayer, vah-will call. Preactier Canon PuzGerald, M./ . Andrew's church--Rev i or, Services, at 11 a. and ter JOHN MCKAY, Limited. .* 149-157 Brock St. . Sunday school ible clgss 3 p.m will proac students t both services and soldiers cordially the services ers, invited to all First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson st between Bagot and | Wellington streets. Sunday school 19.45 a.m, ; service, ¥1 a.m., subject, | "Doctrine of Atonement." Wednes- day evening testimonial meeting. reet, a (ra Underwood Typewriters New or Rebuilt Rented and Repaired. Corona Portable, Folding, 8 % Ibs. Rib- pons and Carbon Papers. Filing Cabinets Office Furniture J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street. Achievement Through Glasses. Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see | as much as other boys. He tells us that" glasses changed his career. Yours may be such 'a case. . Come in and get our spec- falist's advice. Consultation free, JS Asselstine D.0.5 Registered 342 King Street YHE BUSY OPTICAL STORE: mm We Have a Nice Assortment. of . Pare Corn Syrup fn 24b. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-Ib. | pails, which we are selling for one week only at the old price. | | E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal and Charles St, Phone 1263. TAXI STAND | Always ready for your call -- day or night. GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK ST. Phone 322; House 611 Pure Clover Honey 20c a Section At Thompson's Grocery 294 Princess Street, Phone 387. At the _ Golden Lion Grocery FancyClover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and ... 10¢, 1235¢c, 15¢. Ib. Peaches, 2 lbs for 25c. ves soo ABe Ib. W. RMcRea & FE SOMEWHERE In this city, we have a home to suit you. See Our REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Listed in our window. No ex- cuse for you not owning your 'own horhe. McCANN than those shown in our display for this season. Many of our are exact copies of thebest designs af the Bact In some pat- perns we have as many as 36 sizes. If you are intending to purchase a rug this spring now is the time, while stocks are large. Oriental Prayer Rugs, 24 x 48 in. v soft and lustrous, $4.50 cach. : oy I LT . | | SERVICES | | | Public reading room same address, | very al n, except S : } All are cordia s and the y in- | read- ing room First Baptist church--Rev. Doug- pastor. 11 a.m. Rev. Mr. Dominion will preacl 7 p.m the pastor will preach 3 "Where Are The Dead? Scriptures?' Ut 9.] bas Lair Graeb, of the say the yol and bible strangers, soldiers: cord invited to services S€S a students and all the ally Princess street Methodis€ church | corner of Princess and Albert streets --Rev H. E. Curry, stor. 11 a.m. | the .pastors subject "The Church's] Relation to the Minister." 7 p.m James Simpson (well known labor leader) Toronto. Sunday school 2.- 45 p.m, Epworth League Monday 8 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. A cordial invitation to all. so { Chalmers, Barrie and Earl streets | --RYV. W. Macgillivray, D.D., minis-| ter. Services: 11 a.m., Rev, John Bailey, M.A., accompanied by tha well-known boy soprano, Master Wil- | He.Bennett Subject--*"Movements | and Men." 7 p.ni., the minister: "The Spikenard Whose Odor Filled] the House." Sunday school, 3 p.m.;| prayergmeeting, © Wednesday, 7 30.1 Students and strangers cordially | invited | --_-- | St. James' church, corner Union| and Arch streets--All seats free. | Rev. T. W. Savary, B.A., rector, tife | rectory, 152 Barrie street. Second | Sunday after Easter. 8 a.m. Holy| Communion; 11 a.m. morning prayer | and Litany Sermon subject, "The| Risen Lord's Rebfke." 3 p.m, Sun-| day school. 7 p.m. Evening prayer! and sermon Preacher, Clarence M. Lea, Wycliffe College. Methodist church-- Rev, J. 'D. Ellis, pastor. Experience meeting 10 a.m; services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Morning#ftopic "The Food Problem Next Fall." Eve z topic, "The Christian's Business." The pas- tor will - preah at both services. Sunday school and Young Mea's Club 2.45 gm. Bible study by G. W. An- derson, Seats free. Everybody wel- come. Queen street . Calvary Congregational church corner Bagot and Charles streets-- | (11 am..." "How The Sabbath Ought | To Be Kept," 3 p.m. Sunday school] and Bible class; 7 p.m. Speaker, Rev. D. A, MeDermid, Dominion Alliance. Monday Christian Endeavor Rally; Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer me | and choir practice |, We welcome g { tio our services who have no church! | connection. Rev. John Lyall, pastor, | 266 :Rideau street. "St. Luke's church, corner of Prin- cess and Nelson streets. Rev. J. De Pencier Wright, M.A., B.D., Rector, | 311 Alfred street, Phone 871. 2nd | Sunday after Paster--11 a.m., morn- ing prayer. 3 p.m., S. S. and Bible study class. 4 p.m., churching and holy baptism. 7 pm, evening prayer. Music--solo, "Consider and | Hear Me" George Gaves. The | rector will preach both morning and | evening. | I. B. 8. A. Class--Meets for Bible study in-LB.S.A. Halt (over Sar- gent's, entrance Montreal street) Sunday 3 p.m,. topic, "Earth's Night | of Sin to Terminate in a Morming of | Joy." 7.30 p.m,, topic, "How the Natural and Spiritual Natures are | Symibolized by the Great Pyramid" | Friday, 7.45 p.m,. A. I. Ritchie will give an address, on the interesting subjeét of, "Greater. Liberty Now | Due," text Isa. 61:1-4] All interest- | ed are welcome. | | | | -- | Cooke's Presbyterian, Brock street | -- Minister, Rev. E. R. McLean, MA.' B.D, 372 Broek( street, 11 a.m. | B.D, 872 Brock street. 11 am.| | ter Willie Bennett the boy soprano | will sing. 11 a.m. Beginners' and | primary classes. 3 p.m. Main | school and bible classes. 7 p.m. | The minister. "A New Command- | ment." Monday 8 p.m C.E. Rally. Bethel church. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer meeting. Thursday 7 p.m. Boys' club. Strangers welcome at all services. Sydenham street Methodist church ~--Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor. The pastor will preach at both services. {11 a.m. "Wisdom. in Winning Souls." {7 pm. "The Wisdom of Soul Win- ining." Music by soloists and full choir. Class meeting 9.45 am; junior league 10 a.m., Bible school and Wesleyan Club 2.45 p.m. Sen- ior League in C. E. Rally, Monday 8 p.m. prayer and praise service, Wednesday 8 pm. Soldiers and stu- dents specially invited. A cordial | welcome to all | First Congregational church, cor- | ner Wellington and Johnson streets | --Pastor, Rev, T. Pé'Courcy Rayner; | Residence, 220 Johnson street. Ser- ealidit ¥ orial references | Rev, | Second { Hall Tuesday Ba. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1917. the united praise and prayer gervice| Friday at § pm Bethel, the other welcome, All seats in First church. the Y.PS.CE., church with a are free Brock street Methodist Church, corner Brock and Montreal Sireets Rev. George S. Clendinmen, pastor Residence, 242 Johnson Class meeting at ten o'clock. pastor will preach at-11 am. Mem- to the lata Mrs. N. Sunday school at 3 pm pm, F. N. Whitty. A! the evening service, 7 Alliance, | W. Duggan, Toronto, Field Secretary of the Dominion Alliance, wil preach, and Master Willie Bengatt, Boy Soprano, Toronto, will sing The usual Song Service in Military ¥.M.C.A. at 8.15 withdrawn on account of Young People's Rally in Bethel church Mon- day night. day, 8 p.m. in ehurch parlor. Cor- | dial welcome for all = St. George's Cathedral--The Very G. L. Starr, M.A., D.D., dean and rector, (overseas); Rev. A. F. C. Whalley, M.A, B.D., _priest-vicar, 138 Bagot street Phone 1444. ev: V. O. Boyle, 'M.A. assistant, 120 Wellington street, phone 1904. Second Sunday after Easter. 8 a.m, Holy Communion. 14 am. Mattins preacher, Rev. Cecil Whalley 3p. m. Sunday school and Bible classes. Confirmation class in the Cathedral. 4 pgm. Holy Baptism. 7 p.m. vice for the commemoration of the anniversary of the battle of Laangemarck. Preacher, the hop of Kingston, Confirmation prep- aration classes every Sunday 3 p.m. George's Cathedral. Every Wed- nesday, 7.30 p.m., at St. eorge's Mission, 294 Montreal stree Con- firmation Juna 17th St. BOUND TO GET TO FRONT. \ Youngster Went Away With Battery Unknown to His Parents. \ story whch goes to show how] anxious some of the young fellows are | to get to the front, has been reported to the Whig of a well-to-do farmer of the county signed up with story was that he was a ward of the Orphans' Home. Ons the day of leav- ing, another Kingston boy with the battery, had his mother pre pare a box of Tood fer the youngsteg/ an and telling his mother that he was orphan boy [he mother did so was greatly surprised one day week to receive a letter from the mother of the boy, thanking her for her kindness in remembering her son before leaving. After getting away the lad wrote his mother, and asked her to see that the lady, who was so kind to him, was thanked Township Meeting * For the' farmersqof Kingston. gA meating will be held at Cataraqui night at 8 o'clock. Addresses~on Greater Production of Foodstuff will be given by Francis King and Ald. Wright. mins. omnis The steamed Stanstead and Barn Whittaker arrived in port from Og- densburg on Saturday. 3 . 'How's This? s We offer One, Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Hall's Catarrh ure has been taken by ecatarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years,, and Has become khjown as the mast reliabije remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh; Cure ts through thé blood dn the mucous sur- faces, expdiMng! the poison from the blood and Jiealipg the diseased portions After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for i shoft timedyou will see great lmprovement fw your genera health. | Start 'taking Hall's. Catarrh Cure at|\ ence and get rid of cdatarrh Send fop testimonials, free. F. JJ OHENEY & CO, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by al Druggists, 75¢. "The pr FG cima A Hat to Hat Talk Hat Store" Do you wear the same hat every day, morning, noon and night? df you do, it is sim- ply because you have | formed the habit-- got into a rut. Hat variety is equally as important as variety in any other part of your apparel--if not more so. lt is the last thing' you put on, but the first thing others notice. Many men have several Sits of clothes, three or four pairs of shoes, a good variety of i neslomeat, but only one hat. Begin to-day ' with a new one. Ee sk: Zn bate Ia | mard a | street. | The | Epworth League Prayer service Wednes- | Ser- | Bis- | \ lad, who 1s the. son. the battery, and his| who "was | this | | 2406, 8 p.m. | Ladies' Home Jour Call's, QPhotoplay, Motion Young's, Wide World Argosy, Green Book Herald Quarterly Picture Classic, Breezy, Smith's, Short Stories, Blue Book, Adventure Snappy, Smart Popu lar Science, Story Weeklies All Weekly, Li Tuck Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentleman, Sa .urday Blade, Utica Globe ° POPULAR MUSIC SALE 2 for 25¢. Night » atic hits of the season. 160-162 Princess St. | he Kpnee od Open Nights. Woman's Home Companion, Pictorial Reygew Popular Mechanics, Peoples, Ainslees Cosmopolitan, Aviation, Wire less Age, McClure's, Judge, Canurk Literary Digest Jufulo Courier o | Save 27c To-night we place on sale 120 pairs of new Mo- ) del Corsets made of good | qualiti\ batiste, with sat- 'In trimmings; four hose supporters with elastic bands at back; medium bust, and will suit the average figure. All ? sizes; 19 to 30. This is our $1.25 corset (sold in some stores at $1.50). | I~ E\\/ Special i BUS Tonight 98. See our White Marquisette Blouse special at $1.00. A beauty. Newman& Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. HARRI. Foes BUILDERS' SUPPLIES wee CLOSING OF MAILS READY ROOFING We™ are carrying several kinds of the well known Brantford Roofing Nails and Cement are packed inside the rolls. Price, per roll, $1.75 and up. British mail closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United States, dally 11:30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, going east, 1.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto and west, Including Western tes ... ... ... ... LOO p.m Grand Trunk and all west of City, 2.30 pm. and 11.30 p.m. SIR «. 10.15 am. and a MOTHERS' COUNCIL AT®Y.MLC.A. Mrs. Bateman Elected President -- Death of Mrs. Toye Regretted. S ANGLIN & CO. Wood The Mothers' Courcil of the boys'|! . & ctory, division of the Y.M.C.A. met Friday afternoon. Officers elected were: -- President, Mrs. George A. Bateman; | first vice-president, Mrs. A. New- | lands; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Ron- i ey; secretary, Mrs. George McCalluin; Kingston, Ont. ' Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 lat Lumber, Conk and Weed: ward May Magazines Now on Sale Delineator, M Parisienne, Saucy, Railroad Man's, Munsey Family Herald, Family Metropolitan Designer, Set, Live, Montreal Standard and Times All the latest popular, Standard, Patriotic and Oper- The College Book Store, Phone 919 SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND OVAL CLUSTER Rings ! New, Popular and Attractive in Price, Our showing of this increasing ly popular style of ring is now at its best. See our window display for convincing proof. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses, Oculists Prescriptions for Glasses Filled. nn w IP Rats 80 Brock Street Phone 700. Now for a Bargain A new brick dwelling on Clergy Street West, 9 rooms, H. W. heating, modern, all newly decorated, good yard. . See us for further particulars A brick dwelling and stables, and extra pyilding lot, on York street, for $2850. . ° HOUSES TO RENT Corner Johnsan and Division Streets. Phones 539 and 1456 overhauled and finely equipped ireasurer, Mrs. W. Richardson; { secial convenors, Mrs. Gimblett, Mrs. | Hambrook ; buyers, Mrs. . G. A Wright and Mrs. Turner; masic coa- venor, Mrs. Van » . | Special mention was made of the joes to the Mothers' Council and the associatior. by the death of Mrs. R. H. Toye, who was an honorary member of the council, and who for so many years an interested worker in the as- sociation. Several of the members expressed what Mrs. Toye's life meant to them. : "A delightful spot in the FHEhands of Ontario for this summer. New il- lustrated publication just issued by Grand Trunk Railway System tells you all about it. Free copy on appli- cation to J. P, Hanley, city ticket agent. Imperial Lilac Soap White Clematis Soap "Oar. Aunt frof California," "The New Minister's Wife," and other de- lightful numbers at the Princess St i : , April is is a rare treat, dont miss it, : jeut -Col. C. T. Van Straubengje, 1. Canadians, is apponted to com- regiment. 3 o J. 8S. R. McCann has "sold to 1. Foster the frame residefice No. : Albert street, owned by I. Zacks. All Round Soap Assorted Perfumes... Colgate's Toilet Soaps ..2 for 25c. «3 for 28¢. seensee... 0c, 15¢c. and 25¢. each ¥. .. -.e 0. 20e. each rl) \ Wanted | W. F.Gourdier | L EW. Mullin & Son ~~

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