Told In Twilight il, Union street > guest of Mrs, G. C. tw , was Of Mrs, Walter Macnee. dren's party 5. G. E tle daughter h and are the guests lyn, Sr y Miss Alice Hague, 'expected from India for ed h esterday who was Miss ive a of Mrs, Franck who has some time Jessie returned to Montreal : spent way to Jones Toronto, in town on hi Brod kville where he is the guest of Judge Macdonald, Lieut. Douglas Hopewell, Ottawa, of the Royal Naval Flying Corps, who sails today for England spent a few days this week with his sister, A A AN, OMEN, AANA. il DALY GARAGE 335 King Street. Phone 363. We furnish auto supplies of all kinds; gasoline, motor off, ete, Cars washed and stored at rea- sonable rates. Repair work promptly ptiended to. Satisfaction guaranteed, J P. Daly, Prop. . ll IT'S VERY EASY TO GET RID OF SKIN TROUBLES With CUTICURA Bathe with Stops ching instantly, clears away | pimples, redness and roughness, re- moves dandruff and scalp irritation, heals red, rough and sore hands as well as most baby humors, You need not buy them until you try them. Sample Each Free by Mail With 32-p. Skin Book. (Soap to cleanse | and Olntne nt iL to heal) .) For samples address 2 Dept. N, Bosto bs Ar A. ": Sid throughout the world. - Garden and Flower Seeds Lawn Grass Seed Moth Bags and Moth Prewent- atives, Shring Blood Purifiers and Tonnies. Camera Supplies, Everything for the Amateur. Films Developed, 10 cents a roll. All makes of cameras and supplies, At Best's The Popular Drug Store, Open Sundays. Phone 590, Branch 2018 er es el) rr * Francklyn and he lit- rrived in Halifax | heen || ii have | ti. ming. | 1 . | Charles Asquith, Wellington] ¢ fajor and Mrs. F. B. Eaton are! | » _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1917. -- -- -- La PROBS: --Sunday, A winds, fair and cool. " ow occupying their apartment in The Villa St. Clair," Barrie Miss El leanor Lyman, who > € th 12st of her aunts, the Mis t pest. has | ', New York. Houghby Cummings, who : guest of Canon an , Division street, has re 11 ) Are hdeacon Dobbs, King street, returned today from Toronto. Miss Lazier, Belleville, was the Brown, Bagot street, this week. Mrs. Barker, Ot s the guest Union street. Mrs. Nash is expected from Mon- treal on Sunday to be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Evans,| King street, Mrs, W. A Forde, Terence, itota, is the guest of her aunt, Hall, Gore street Mrs. Otis Putman ,Uti baby are with Mrs, G street, Mis: has come tawa, Man- Mrs. ca, N.Y., and Emery, West s Yirace Burnham ,Peterboro, to Kingston to join the , staff of the new Convalescent Hos- pital. * . * . Miss E. Irene Dunlop, B.A. returned to the Ottawa Ladies (Yol- lege after spending the Easter holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallace Dunlop, Stuart street, Mrs. Henry Cunningham and Miss "Florence Cunningham, who have] | bee oce upying, » Colonel and Mrs, | | Henri Panet's house on Earl street, taken one of the new apart. | ments at the corner of Barrie and] William S streets. lists Marion and Master William | || lize 'k, - Kensington Avenue have returned from visiting Mrs. ! Wright at Deloro, Ont | Mrs: Sidney Steenburg, visiting in| | Kingston, returned to her home in I. Trenton this week Mrs. R. T. Edgar, Caldwell Mills, | has returned home from Kingston, | after spe nding a week with her sis- ter, Miss Amy Caldwell has Miss Ida Smith, University avenue, ras been visiting at her home at Hay | Bay. Mrs. Johnson, Kingston, spent the | | week-end the guest of Mrs. F. F. Mil- ler, Napanee. Mrs. Ezra Pringle and Mis¥ Reta! | Craig, Napanee, spent Tuesday after- noon in Kingston. Mrs. Herbert Sage and daughter, | | Thelma, Kingston, are the guests of | Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sagat, Deseronto. | Mr. and Mrs, James Barnes, Deser- onto are with Mr. and Mrs, James Gibson and Frank Mowers, Kingston, | for a few days. Miss Davidson, Kingston, guest of Miss Davis, Napanee. -. is the | * Miss Elsie Britton, Miss Violet Britton and Miss Chrissie Wright were in town from Gananoque for | "The Flame" on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collins and little son, George, Johnson street, are | | aaving shortly for Cobourg to re- side Miss Bogert, Ottawa, veller, Hamilton, are the guests of { Mr. and Mrs. Brigstocke, Welling- | ton street Mrs. Serradee, guest of Mrg | street | Miss Halson, Toronto, is visiting, | | Mrs. Francis King, Stuart street. and Miss Ga- Montreal, Constantine, is the | Earl | Mrs. Gerald Ponton, Belleville, and | | her little daughter, will leave on | Saturday for Victoria, B.C. to visit | Mr. Ponton's father, W. J. Taylor, K.C | Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Martin.of | ! Almonte, announce the engagement of | their eldest daughter, Alma Edra Victoria, Wellington D. Denyes, Toronto. The marriage will take place on May 1st | Miss Annie N. Bond, Collingwood | | street, left on Wednesday for a short ! visit to Toronto_and Cleveland. Mrs. T: M gelstine and Miss | Hazel Asselstine have gone to New| Jersey to enjoy & vacation. (Continued on Page 14.) to a fisted ois nil | You Can Buy | Strawberries, | ineapples, { Asparagus, Boston Lettuce, Cucumbers, Radishes, Rhubarb, | £ At The | Bon Marche Grocery, Cor. King & Earl Phone 1844 Caverly & Bradshaw. PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. 24 Johnson Street Phone 2083 x i .. Notice Having vacated my former location, all orders for monuments will be taken and receive best at- and yard. renovating in cemeteries a spec- tention at my ~ Lettering ANNI} er S "GREATEST SPRING SALE ! Starts Monday the 23rd, continuing to Saturday, April the 28th. And what a rous- ing, busy week it will bei in every section of this store. ~ We Offer Free On MONDAY MORNING at ten o'clock, 500 beautiful English roses--absolutely free--and would invite all who can to be here for the occasion. ew York Coats Specially Priced $8.95 24 novelty checked velour coats in assorted colored checks--These are exceptionally good value and 'WASH SKIRTS We have just received from a Philadelphia manufacturer 50 dozen repp wash skirts; overmakes--in sizes 22 to 30 --button trimmed, these shirts are special to-day at $1.50 each. Sale price .. .. . ce ee ee. Tc A A AAA A AAA A a Steacy's Special Corsets rye. 300 pair French coutil corsets; four gar- ters, re-enforeed front with aluminum steels--all sizes to 30. Ladies' Lisle Combinations--25 doz. cotton lisle combinations with short and long sleeves--reg. 75c value. Sale price . . .%. 49¢ Silk-boot Hose --25 doz. black and' white silk-foot hose--full' fashioned, NATURAL PONGEE SILK--800 yards Chinese pongee silk, full 33 inches wide and of extra good weight Reg. value 75c a yard. Sale Price . Co... 43c NEW WASH SILK--We have just received from New York a fine assortment of novelty striped silks for dresses and waists--all colors guaranteed fast--full 36 inches wide. Reg. $1.25. Sale price . . 98c |! Price or yards for . TEACY = are sold regularly at at $1 5.00 and $16. 50--all sizes, from 16 to 44. LINGERIE WAISTS. also several exceptionally 25 dozen New York plain white embroidered.and lace trimmed voile waists, numbers with the novelty colored cuffs and collars, in sizes 34 to 44; reg. to $2.50 each. Sale price .. good $1.48 ATIOTiCan Ginghams, 8 Yards f for $1.00 - 00 - 2,400 yards plain, plaid"and checked colored ""Amoskeog Mills" gingham in every wanted color--one of the great- est bargains of the year; worth 18c to 20ca yard at to-day's market price. While the - and worth 45c¢ pair. tity lasts. Sale price i J White Silk Gloves 59¢--28 doz. quan- 29¢ white silk gloves in all sizes--these come in the fashionable black points only. " Boys' "School Stockings 25¢--In all sizes from 6 to 10--This is an excep- tionally good wearing jet black dye that will give the utmost in satisfac- . tion. While, quantity sta, ocd SRE OLD BLEACH HUCK TOWELS 73¢c EACH---50 doz. pure linen towels, size 23 x 40. Bpléneid value at $1.25 each. Sale Price .. . . -.. A BLEACHED DAMASK 300 yards John S. Brown "Shamrock brand" pure linen damask, worth from $2.25 to $2.75 a yard, in widths 68 to 72 inches v wide. 73c Sale . $1.48 Sale price, 8 $1.00 ADDITIONAL BARGAINS DAILY. WATCH FOR MONDAYS PAPERS! é SEE For the Week End. We cut the best quality. Limited. only street i EE EN AANA EN ERR R ARRAN A RANA RA RANE -- ERSARX tH] i