Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1917, p. 7

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re Boxes in the for vqur and Friv vate papers are safe he » sible whenever required. orded is invaluable of Toron ellery "easily security to Total Assets Reserved Funds 'THE valuables BETWEEN YOU AND LOSS. I-built vaults of The Bank | impor & documents, jew- | re from fire or theft, while they are The annual rental is small, while the} strong, stee | | - . $73,000,000 $6,507,000 BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay, Manager. OA ------ "FOR SALE We have a two-storey, stone dwelling, ten| rooms, hot water heating, electric light, with four acres of land, situated just outside of the city limits. | Anyone wanting acreage for garden purposes | will do well to look into this. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 56 Brock St. You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt We have of quality service. established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? ¢ Phone 1004 Free inspection of any battery at any time Spring Time is Growing Time a well assorted stock of | Ferrys, and Rennies Flower Seeds in bulk | Je carry Ste We Briggs, Vegetable and and packages, We make a specialty of choice Mix etl Sweet Peas, Dwarf and Tall Nas turtivms in bulk Our "Limestone City" Seed will grow where all others 26¢ perib Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. Wai | Watts, Hes. 179 Wellington St. | | | Easter Lilles, Hyneinth, Daffodils, | Spirea, Azalea, Violets, Valley a « th Ar * Steam Vulcanizing | The Auto Tire Repair &| Exchange 220 MONTREAL ST. lL.awn Grass ail | | | | Needs your patronage. We have a te ¥ " paired section. Give us a test. Prices reasonable. lest prices pald for used casings In faly condition. W. A. McWilliam, Phone 2084. Cn] F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist | Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets | and Cut Flowers our speeiany. Orders | flied promptly. Phone 239. 115 Hroek | Street, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Having purchased the Grocery | Business of H. 8S. Wilder, cor. Fron-| tenac and Princess street, would ask | the old customers for their continued patronage; any others who might be considering a change. Will promise courteous treatment and prompt service, Come and bring your friends with confidence. Will take possession April 28rd, 1917, 'P. H. BAKER Sunday What kind of meat will you have? Phone 458 or 1846. : Shall we send you a mice juicy roast of beef, milk fed pork or vear- ling lamb, or will you. call in and _séleéf your own? Either way you " will be assured of absolute satisfac- tion. Our service department for the convenience of our customers. We are prepared to sell dressing for poultry, tenderioin, perk, veal and chicken. By this plan we expect to win new customers. I. LESSES, 124-126 Clarence St. re ee. Carpenter and Builder | W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts Fit- || tings. Rem 1 . dh of all ESTIMATES * EXPERIENCE Address 272 'University Ave. Smee ek GET Your AWNINGS MADE in KINGSTON Patronize home industry; no better made in Canada than Capt. Joseph Dix, MAKER, 211 NELSON ST. If you want one, drop hm a card. Sa makes, | of Furaltare, | Chafrs, AUCTION SALE Kell¥'s ) Harrie al 10 Household furniture, bedding s, ourtains, glass and ¢rockery gas stove and other articles 1 WM. Monday, residence, John street ok | public MURRA Auct NOTICE Quick Service To And F rom Dope Vincent. un eall } } i S VERY, Wolfe Island ] Automobiles, Horses and Motor Boats. AUCTION SALE » Pine street, Fehany:| April 2 16 Br ussels Tih, am. [lush Parlor Suite, | Ra *arlor and Mo | Rockers, Tables Bookcase, Pictures, Oak Dining Suite, Cosy Cor- farge Walnut Sideboard, Oak n Walnut Bedroom ites, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, s Plate and Oven, Quitains, Blinds, Glass Sealers, Kituhen Fur! lure, «te ALLEN, The Auc foneer. Te slephione 252. SPECIAL EASTER Meats and Groceries Swift Premium Hams and Bacon. Choice Western Beef, Veal and Pork, Fresh Eggs, Lettuce, .Célery and Green Onions. J. M. GORDON Phone 88. Cor. Montreal & Bay St. Ameren Bm ait Saturday's Market. There was a large market on Satur- day with the following as prevailing rices: Pork 20c. to 22¢. a lb.; veal dc. to 16c. a Ib; turkeys $2.50 to $3 a pair; fowl $2 a pair; chickens $1.72 and ducks $1.75 a pair; butter 40c. to 45¢c. a Ib: eggs 35¢c. a dozen; maple Syrup $1.50 a gallon; potatoes $3.60 a ag Canadian Casualties. 'Wounded--D. Cameron, Bowanville; P. Peeling, Campbeliford; H. Thir- grap : : ~To-Night § { VMondny, | Francis | "The | Matinee, [April THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL £1, 1917. OPERA HOUSE 8.15 OC 1g) } First lusertion, prices 25¢, 50c, T3c, $1. 00, $1.50. SEATS, NOW ON SATE. GRIFFIN'S! = Thur SPECTAI® CLARA KIMBALL .YOUNG In her t "THE PRICE SHE PAID" Also GEORGE BEBAN mn "HIS SWEETHEART." supreme ac Mutual, Weekly, and "THE SHIELDING SHADOW." Admis 31 RAND Wednesday sion 15¢ Tuesday and | = | Constance Talmadge in| | | "A Girl of the Timber-| | AN EXPERIENCED | Cunard in Mask" | 13¢. Ford Grace Purple and Evenings, BONNER'S FINEST FANCY SEEDED RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. Insist on the RED Carton. ER AUCTION SALE OF VALU ARLE 1 have b nstrauc anot it Ty Kin on, on 1917, at on the that uare, situate Albert streeds, t $ on Booth's The property will be red subject to a re hid WW. Murray, Auctioneer. For particulars a to Walkem & Walkem, SoMaitor 93 Clarence Sireet ------ -- Sale FURNITURE--[Domin- Dining. Bed m and V April 24th, at t nber offe 281 ern AAEN, "AUCTION SALE Thursday, April 24th, clock at the residence Wright, 279 Alfred street. Parker suite (2 e), Bedroom set?! re > Springs, Carpes, ered Extension Gurney- ve, Lawn vher hou Tom, The. Auction 104 tanee at 10 o'- of John usin Sideboard, Tal Gas and WIM. MURRAY, Auctioneer I Mets THE SAFE WAY TO SEND MONEY by mail is oy Dominion Express Money Order MARRY: FOR SUCCESS AND HAPPI. ness, many thousand members both 'sex, wishing early in as hoahy: confidential des- | NURSES NN le a we thei mum charge for three insertions, S0e; six $1; one month, $2. secutive iasertion cent a werd. M HELP WANTED F. HARRISON ™O SMART BOYS, T. Limired A FOR =On DRIVING, Street, STRONG Enquire BOY 310 Johr MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP- ply Street Railway Office sM ane BOYS WANTED. APPLY 'rontenac Moulding and Glass Co, 8 ity. i » ANS, FOR THE tai KINGSTON GEN. Apply to the ma- hoi tort Y REVERE Queen A UH AMBERW. AID. Jiote K AT ROCKWOOD the TWO HOUSEWM Ds spit Apply te superin SMART HOY TO LEARN PRINTING. 2 3 « uan, News ltoom REFERENUES in evenings tu Wirlliam stree | EXPER Nou HELPER ON COATS, s paid. : rue ok and Division D-WORKING MACHINE work; good ling and Glass Co, A ADO NE WHO DRS AND ng No washing "amily APPLY 10 Mrs Laidlaw GENERAL MAID, ONE. WHO ( AN Ref "n re id d Wages | Gilider- STENOGRAPH experien Address Box 41 EX take stock quota expe » "Apply GENER AL no washing; good Mrs. R. C. Cant- rsfty Avenue. FOR family of wage wrig two; ply A 153 Univ WANTED, Rn Thorough trai Salary during 'rintendent Pa. STERED ing guar- training of Corry school antee ed. ry, | FEEEREEFEPEELEEREREPESE | OILDING LOTS ON ALFRED ST, 2 automobile mechanies. Angrove Bros. 3 ort + <> wakes. | dedefobeob deb ddrdodedoleded ded de ododeod of | FOR SALE ADVTS. © three times EFFECTIVE Once, 25¢; $1.00. UPRIGHT PIANO. ington Se ONE GENERAL driving Apply PUR. a Bay TWO HORSE poses, ohe treet =, FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY toys see Frank ¢ Cooke, 39 Clarence street. HUPMORI TOURING « IN ange nabout oR DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DiV- ision streei, 6 rooms and W.C. In each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- bon street VICTROLA AND TWELVE $25.50, w GENUINE selections, your own "choice, $10 cash and $1.00 per week. C Lindsay, Limited MOTOR BOAT, 27 FF EET I Ne, 5 FOOT k 2x model for r of Dr ft mn safe fakin [i at Lake, 357 RHODE 1b, well ISL AND bred supply egg MacPherson R DEA Hert Swedenb convinel VER ANDAH CUR- "and cam tackle, e % {larence Phone 891 Frank King- St, ston LOTS, ON EFRON. feet frontage or would C Apply 427 ie ™ - BU ILDING 'EE NUMBER OF BICYC cluding the famous sAthl land d Perfent Mode Is; and yvele ac Muller, 373 King g S, IN- Over tires George Phone 1032 also TOMO BY, E TOPS -- YOUR s recovered and top made of a new for Jas AL Ike top cushions, slip. cove Judson, Brockville IMPORT Andre fou Se 241 FOR SALE OR EXCHANG ed Hackney Stallion, Merr Imp 3543-8 Brown stripe, white stockings; weight 1400, reasonable, A. Mcliguhagm Victoria Street, Kingston, Ont OL ~ PICKED LPF ON STREE r « ning t FUR NECK 1. Bagot . Ly above tHEqre Thursday Owner FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and to reach the owner may v reporting the facts to Vhig The adver- tisement i be printed in this col imn free or charge. "Found articles," does not in- ost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column. ING STICK, ise ind Poet ne of v Reward s Highlanders Queer STRAYED. DL OF APRIL dogs ! « after od BUSINESS CHANCES » DOMINION E X Toe r IT kas 1oney RU SS RUN- INVESTORS wa ARNING DONT INV "one cent until read Suc how fo rtunes nve Suc You bac riptivn. Fimrance, 608. S. JRarborn St. Chicago. r reste ry ' C. §. CAN le Bldg "how to and «¢ H houses, choice Queen's rooms s-modern ter 3 local nea College and Collegiate S each; attic, eement cellar; im wements Apply af- p.m. 346 University Ave LL ic WANTED TO DO PLAIN AND | whivle or rk sent sewing home; time, 8 pay any distance, charges Send stamp for particulars National Manufacturing Co, Menireal GOOD, * SMART GIRLS, 14 YEARS OF age and upwards can Secure em- ployment at the Cotton Mills, Cat- araqui street. Good wages pald Yor beginners Apply a1 office, Dom inion Textil Co, Cataragui trent. ligt spare w pal » ER $2 DAILY EASILY EARNED AT hame on , Auto-Knitjers Waking | War Socks, experience unnecessary, distance immaterial. Enclose thre Ye | cent stamps today for contract form. Dept. Auto-Knitter Co., | @ollege Street, Toronto, TINSMPPHS--WE CAN PLACE TWO or three first-class tinsmiths used | to bright work: and one. man ac-| customed to braze copper tubes Write, giving full experience and wages required; to the De andi Ceo, Lid, Peterboro, Ont. ig, HAPIPEPPEP PEPIN} *xBerience. work sad goed wa, HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Co. Shbrbbd Sensing + WANTED. REPRESENTATIVES TO distribute tablets which wash | 10s spotlessly clean without | rubbing. One trial he yer- | manent customers. One hundred per cent. profit. Make five dollarsr daily Sengl ten cents for samples for four washings Bradley Com- pany, Brantford, Ontario. Men Wanted For Rubber Factory -- Good Wages. Apply in person only, Not By Letter, to Dunlop Tire & Rub- -ber Goods Company, Limited, 244 Booth Ave. Toronto (Time- keeper's Office.) Makers of the famohs Traction Tread and Dunlop Specs inl Tires, and Rubber Hose, fr ing, Packing, Ete. CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. ges, and all kinds of new and sec- ond hand furniture. We are also ppen 0 buy everything in. the ove lines. ' J. Thompson, 337 Princess street, Phone 1600. A GROCERY STORE WITH DWEL- ling attached. doing a good busi- ness in a good location For par- ticulars apply to West End Real Estate and Insurance Agenc 147 Collingwood street. Phone 743 BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN smart country _village; store 2- storey and large cellar; all first class condition, $1,000 to wind up an estate, quick G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence street, Kingston. AIN FOR QUICK SABE, we dwelling in good ess street just City waier if wanted Mrs. C A REAL BAH twa ore) repair, on Princ side gity limits good garden land paritculars inquire, lick Phone 805 ME FOR NEW AND SECOND hand sideboards, dressers, couches, parior chairs, tables, nger sew- ing machines, crockery, pictures, stoves and ranges. Also byy new and second-hand furniture. A _ Shapiro, 35 Princess street. SEE LARGE $T0CK OF IRON BEDS, CoU- ches, stoves, man's clothing; also new upholstered chairs; military harness, shoes, leather straps! Na- tional Cash Register. We buy all kinds of new and second hand fur- niture. 8. Shapiro, 45 Princess street. Phone 1237. ' ANOTHER BARGAIN IN A DANDY, upright plano, the < one Fas Spat urd pd wi - snap and g Yo 2 chance--apr "tabla paino--ivary kevs, 1 v strung bass, mahogany sweet pone, in excellent o upright piano has had use and is nice. Address Telaman, stea Outsi for full particular . terms to suid almost any AUTOMOBILES Saxon Service for Saxon Automobiles, with large stock of repair parts and conipetent mechanics to make repairs when necessary. H. vis, Saxon Distributor. Da- CP eP erat +e Sede btd od LADIES' TAILORING "lass NAUAN DU NNETTE AND MRS. KE. ith, 209 Sydenham St mantle makir E FOR SALE OR TO LET. A ---------------------------------------------------------- SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, NO. 48 Brock street, in good condition Eleven rooms; all modern improve ments A bargain to quick buyer Apply 147 Division St. Possessior May 1st CLOS and ne garden fan BRICK HOUSE WITH BATH, tC barn, peuMry house ly ewo acres of ground ploughed, situated on lake sho near Ontario Park, about ten utes walk from electric cars immediate 8S. Anglin Bay and Wellington Sts session Ca, Cor FURNITURE FINISHING, FINISH. 23 Johr FP. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE er. Call or drop a card. Sireet. WANTED GENERAL TO RENT 8 OR » ROOMED HOUSE, unfurnished: modern conveniences Apply Box 4421, Whig Office --------------------------------------------------------_-- SECOND-HAND... UPRIGHT. PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and Victrolas. C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street A HOUSE, PREFERABLY side of Wellington révt en Brock and Earl streets. Box H-204 care Whig Of- RENT on west betwe Apply fice KINGSTON WINDOW ( ANING will be 'able more customers pleased to figure Geo. 1. Hillier, Prop, fireet Phone $1 «oq f. on your windows 768 Princess 3 sroi} AGE FOR FURNITU RE, CLEAN PAGE ELEVEN 7 SE IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. Apply ta A. B. Cunaingham, iarenge street. OFF Fos rs HOUSE, hig. office WELL FURNISHED GOOD wea Box 8 ret Ni Bek K b= Rooms & Var ni FOR LIGHT pply Rox £30 Watts, APARTWE NT Clare lore Wilt TAT VILLA Nf Ooms E Avonme THE at -- ROOMS; ALS Keep Apply Fl RNISHIe is room r 10 i i with as T coal your own lock and Storage, 299 res. 989 /, &lry rom Frost Queen street City Phone 526; BRICK HOUSE, ON (ORVER OF WEST Wellington st street Box vols, ossesst ply No. 44%, British FURNISH or witho if desired; water; Lower BED-ROOMS, ard; siting amd cold run- Apply phune, HOUSE, Avenue, FURNISHED AI'RIL IST, University . A. BATE- 67 Clarence Sereet 305 KING facir Hours WEST, ke, ten wa heat- e wpen fire Wooded grounds, hree acres, spac- Apply ta Me- 5! Brock St FURNISHED, . thie k hot sleotricity, beautifully garden, over s out-building Real Kstate 621 s 'ann D CONDITION: CHEAP irable party if taken tof after 3 between al noe p.m 46 Uni Princess and Gar et} FINANCIAL SENUFA DOMINION EXPRINSS MONEY are aya Clery LOAN AND INVEST. incorporated 1863; president, lonel H. R. Smith, CM.G.; vice-president, W. F. Nie- kle, K.C Money Issued on elty and farm properties, municipal and country debentures: es pur- chased; Investm or sale; deposity received terest allowed RC manager, 87 Clarence St, ree They vi FRONTENAC ment Socle gg \ 9 LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insyrance Company. Available assets $61.1 215 In addition to which the slieyholders have for curity th unlimited Habillity of c proper insured at lowest possible rates Before renewing or giving new business get from Strange & Sirauge, Phone 325, Tum PATENTS trade Form- Master Pro- Mont- BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, marks, designs, Estab. 1877. erly Patent Office Examiner. of Patent Laws Book "Patent tection™ free. 99 St. James St r Branches: Ottawa, W LEGAL CUNNINGHAM, BARR'STER and solicitor. Law office, Tv Clar- ence street, Kingston. 258% I'ricces L.D.S., street. n.D.s,, Phone A. BE. KNAPP, Office, 653 s LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, Bagot »lreets. DR. J. corner Princess and Phone 626. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, NEN. tists, 169 W eilinglon street, 5 Dewar, D.1.S, DS, iat Phone 345. La Moulders, Core-Makers, Lathe, Planer and Boring Mill Operators, Pattern-Makers, . Handy Men and Laborers. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE co, LTD. Kingston ll POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants Bank Bulld'ng, corner Brock and Wellington streets. criptions free; estublished 10 years. ||] The Reliable' Club, Mrs. 732 Madison, Oakland, Calf. cock, Cobourg: L. h, Ga 4 E oyu, Yarker; CO. Lemay, Lake- e : ied of wounds--A. W. Knill, Brock- Harold H ughea left at noon Bat: arday to bee a few days in New MARRY RL LONELY: FOR RESULTS, : best-and most successful; Split Pea f ; Household Furniture » but must be clean and sanitary goods, l{ HIGHEST PRICES Paid For SCRAP PAPERS Of All Kinds. Drop a Card Te A. SPEIZMAN 222 Division Street.

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