Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1917, p. 10

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1917. PAGE TEN = Rea - Of Woman--- ome Interesting fterward G § but asked In The dpm: CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) Features When You Can't Sleep YOU Milburn's KEN IN TH STREET | | Hot wae pletely Restored To Health _-- | By. Fruit-a-tives 9 It GIRLS NS RY. i ; ; 1 i MONTREAL, SIXTY CENTS a pair put on lack or choco- late --at shoe %tores or shoe repairers. A proof of quality on new shoes, too. ~ ones SHOULD USE I knew that I+ oodvjear ingfoot eels -- uaranteed We guarantee Goodyear Wingfoot Air Heels to outwear any other rub- ber heels you have ever worn, or any others you can now buy. Should they not meet this guarantee, return them to us at o Toronto, or to any Goodyear Branch, and get a new pair free. The Good- year Tire and Rub- ber Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Ontario. One Quart of Milk were Is equal in food value to three-fourths of a pound of Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two pounds of fish, six pountis of tomatoes. And the milk , Was > warrld that Gom Hi Gili 1 : lee ss caused by the ner- becoming deranged h worry has got- perhaps you have or have been eX your use of tobaced, but whatever tie cause the nervods #ys jtem must built before restful sleep can be as plegsne vous syitem interested Sylvia 7 We want Blake is hy he did vou e license office and from thers clergyman frome« there to little nest" was closely be up again sured. Those whose rest is 'hroken into by frightful dreams, nightmares, sink- to , | ing and smothering sensaticns, who | the «| wake up'in the morning as tired as It {they went to bed, can have their old peaceful .undi bed, refreshing | sleep back again by sing Milbury's Heart and Nerve Pills Mrs. John Sloan, Haley Station, and had an ont., writes: Over a year ago 1 "But wus very nervou I could not sleep at night, and 1 would faint at the slightest fright I tried several doc- tors they did me practically no , I noticed your advertisement {and immediately tried Dr. Milbirn's | Heart and Nerve Pills, and 1 am he | proud to say they cured me.' ong Milburn's Heart and Nerve "rare bHUc' a box or 3 for $1.25, at «ll tdealers, or mailed direct on receipt lot price by the T. Milburn Co., Lim- Vited, Toronto, Ont. and not take 10 a a and her and me that I questioned dward's residence But she could give information. All that lived in the suburbs wntown about employment no definit knew was that he office do the time that you were not tell you what business he was engaged in, or give ine idea where he lived, or how commun with him?" her head "1 did not care where he lived or where he worked We were so happy when we were together that I seemed to walk air. And when we sep arated we always had a definite ap- | pointment meet again that it not sary for him to tele ne for me to telephone during id together did he you vou could She but cate paid by brute t U t an good. shook ;LASCO'S Pure Scotch Marmalade) and Jam. : B : We where i . A Ve my 1 {a Ther the tins, ! he 1 yg ren ar « ! und evenings My i t nigh . . v el he evening and there, so | walked : 1 i ' 3 | Kuow that [ and stretched myself : old housekeeper nd me. It was not un D. COUPER nothat 1 knew my dog Toots] hgh 2 Hit rf 341-3 Princess St. dd tollhwed me He whined and |, | Co Prompt Delivery. hands and face until I had - but he kept cry nost me euch Li ra monster the red ed that 1 was on it, going \ conceal unknown lands rou hame Then ' Pills on and they fas o to SO continued in the uncle at VigR tenn, she is + BF was HOSEL every phone or | him." | Al lid he Kee ment?" "Yes. He al wherover and In glass and tha us well ---- his | was | But p every engage threw did his Hen Was ogg 0 With, y arms around rheumatism | where I was and 1 de but good as married him I believe him | understand why { happy neither er's Fresh Grated Cocoanut with cn he the milk, 13¢ per tin, on "The PRK no waiting Wwe was wherever Land the ) hi Way vith breast for a moment me stant was gon not seen him." As I listened narrative the hat the goung ibout hér fe to care to meet "It will be to myself ] gripped me | What?" she asked o had Wrought | ing her breath in her cagerness really in. I took her hand and presse with her bur 1 heen pre ed said we shall find him," ome mmsuperabl l mar firmly. "We 11 1ving her The i Svivia's shall find him front door when he tool er home sob escaped her | that night . that he convulsively [loved The he knew RB nothing alt life: o Be Continued) | that he eve. | vhere + had only | was ad a mo acts which eager to true that es be have | | Phone qone hard," I murmured, half NOLssFe pt 10 eX 1 We WeFe as wrong, use myself, he | thew oll plaintive - rel abandon mn quickly, catch- made But turning 1 what the future held for that death might hurey 1 found me and Kept me I had planned to do." and looked up at me, uding In her big brown veet, red lips d ion time 1] | but 1 cannot love by of [3 to my uncle's : seemed very whet oy Llc ah ont u for him e 1 praved Auld the trom dosing wnat and wi the I told ind obous from other's t of com- Is more easily digested and far more economical than any of the other foods. Phone 845 - Price's and her about re ne him my turned Secret away and last tightened her at about never | lived most vague 1 re She pau { the te i r her ny < tremb no consolationy in heart Yeong that she | | he ag RESOLUTIONS PASSED [ replied, "and each mo and more glad that employed, showed that that way." y | tive in conrealing those 'ggled closer to me and laid | * feneth ~ [a young lover usually i% shoulder. It was : in a restaurant] Lo C1 If my theory v.oment of ral surrender, and trust h I could see his face he vouth loved her why did he not Then, little by 'ittie, the rest of her white and a looK"#f fear come in marry her? Why did he not proudly | pathet story came out 1 s eyes. He stared at me for a mo- | oxhibit her to his relatives amd in-| He " Sylvia Thorne and seemed about speak. | troduce her as his future bride? and she could not remember either er calicd my attention to some Now, there are several reasons ° , her fa™ier or her mother. Her uncle, [thing else and a little later he arose | , voung mafi may not marry unkist ||| ne | was cood-h hal provided for her, | and we left re took me to our door, voung woman he loves One arte | mnd meant well, ! : I e.pectea him to say some- | is that his fond parents hive selected Uniformly Good but he ne those men who ; 0 e about the great matter | ypother woman to play the part of | se. Oranges . California Fruit Growers Exchange about He eX mar ™ 1 ty nothing make nore no use [With Regard to Milk Inspection and | School Sanitation. The delegation of women, who in terviewed the Board of Health passed the following resolutions: That the City Council be reguest- ed to appoint, solely on his merits, a | competent inspector, whose only | business it shall be to visit. partic | | | ou can get Sunkist Oranges wherever uniformly good fruit is sold. Tissue wrappers stamped "Sunkist" iden tify the genuine. Order now. nie head on rR her 1 i was s lialie to why the reason | ularly when not expected, the dair- milk depots, . supplying the city of Kingston, and to otherwise enforce the by-law passed by the Council on November 20th | ies, et Gary &Practical wis ( bride and have threatened the son! ®lN with disinheritance if he refuses to | Lity carry out their behest. Another, and 1916. . | by no means infrequent reason, is| That the Council be also request that there may already have been a to- grant to the Board of Edu- marriage, and as our laws forbid the cation an appropriation sufficient to possession of more than one wife, the| Put in a sanitary condition the la- ed Corset Comfort 2 Model 524 D & A Corset with its elastic bands, special bo- ning and graceful lines is best suited to plump figures. Like all D & A Corsets its price is moderate, and it wears splea- didly. Ask your corsetiére. DOMINION CORSET CO. Montreal QUEBE! Toronte Makers of the La Diva Corsets and & A "Good Shape" Brassieres Headquarters For GROCERIES, MEATS, and PROVISIONS C. H. PICKERING 490-492 Princess Street. Phone 530. * | Home Dress Maki = ALerrons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper By Pictorial Review * A Pleasing Model Blue gingham and white India lawn is the combination featured in this summer frock. The skirt has a tunic, opening at the sides. ' rr -- Effectively carried out in blue ging- ham and white India lawn, this drees is destined to enjoy wide popu- larity during the coming summer In medium size the design requires €'4 yards 36-inch material. There is no part of the dress that is really difficult for the home dress maker to try. The underbody is made first because it is the foundation of the overwaist. Study the .construc tion guide carefully before beginning work. Close underarm and shoulder fleams, then turn the hem in front. forations and adjust 'stay under gathers. Next, close sleeve seam as notched, then gather lower eages between "T" perforations. Lap cuff to small "o" Pictorial Review Costume No. 72329. Above Patterns Can NEWMAN & SHAW, Princess For Summer Wear. Gather lower edge between "T' per- perforations and finish for closing. Sew cuff to sleeve, then sew sleeve in armhole of underbody as notched, small perforation at shaulder ain, any fulness To make the overblouse, first gath- "the front at upper edge and front I back at lower edges betwéen "T° perforations and 2 inches above lower e¢dge. Close right shoulder seam 'as hiotched and finish the left for clos- ing Arrange overblouse on under- body with center-backs and neck ed- gz3 also lower edges even Bring right shoulder seam to line of small underbody Jront "or casing "0" perforations in and close overblouse on left shoulder. Bring lower side edges of front and back, to single small "0" perforations near under-arm seam of underbody. Draw gathers from center-front to left side edge to the required size. Ad ust a stay undérneath and finish for closing CONSTRUCTION WIE T2229 Sew collgr to neck edge, then take up the skirt. Slash to the left of cen- ter-front along double small "00" per- forations and finish edges for a plac ket. Close back seam of skirt. Form plaits placing "T" on corresponding small "o" perforations and tack.;Ad- just skirt to position stitching upper edge over upper row of gathers in walst with center-fronts and center backs even; bring large "0" perfora- tion at side of skirt to underarm seam. Then gather front and back of tunic at upper edges: between "T™ perforations. Adjust tunic to posi tion on skirt. Very little trimming is required for such a model, but embroidery is always appropriate. > Sizes, 14 to 20 years. Price, 30 cents. | Be Obtained From Street. \ ---- ---- | my | her young man may be compelled to go his | clinging to the wife he might wish woman way in sorrow, he has, however much to jourr~y with the other I was inclined to think that latter Tondition was the cause Edward Blake's renunication ol | Sylvia Thorne, but I did not confine | suspicion to Sylvia A girl inf sttuation needs all the encour-| she can get. To have told | that the mar. whom she | | this | her agement then loved, the man to whom she thought se was "almost" married, was the husband of another woman would have been but giving her a reason for another attempt The | hackneyed old about ther being hope as there life | applies in energency | Certainly should | rot have long | breath was left in her body Therefore it was a hopeful which I turned to her and cheering words suggested that might be a great deal worse than | they were She heard my statemert | with amazement, staring at me with great, sweet, innocent eves as though | her very life depended upon what | next should | "Yes, that is think," | I assured her. "Things might be a great deal worse at suicide saWHng el long nearly every in Sylvia's case she given up hope as as IS as face | with things | say really what I In fact, 1 think | many a girl goes through just what | WHERE IS THE | OTHER | with a child who is rundown, has pale cheeks or thin blood, who will hesitate togive that child the very thing itneeds to start it growing and keep it going? Foroverforty years the concentrated liquid-food "in Scott's Emulsion has been changing thinness to plumpness --changing poor blood to rich blood. | There is nothing better for growing | children--whether they are weak or well--than Scott's Emulsion, but see that you get the genuine Scott's. Y eats Bowne 1 'rents, Out. 1-8 of | 1 500,000 | made | wheat vatories of the public schools, more particularly Victoria and Central schools, and that the changes with regard to floors, et recommended in the report the Medical Iealth Officer of October last, be carried into effect during the coming sum mer vacation of PILED UP PROFITS Made $3,500,000 By Trading On Wheat Pit. Chicago, April 23 The Allied Governments, dealing through Chi cago brokers, are credited with hav ing made a profit of more than $3,- | in the last two months™in "turns" on the grain market by changing from one option to the other This profit, it is said, was by selling a line of July and buying the September at price approximately cents below the July option Only a short time ago agents of the Allies sold more than 2,000,000 bushels of May wheat in an endeavor to block the rice in price, and ac cording to brokers, they made a large gain on the transaction Allies option thirty NEW SPANISH PREMIER = > Priefo, Senate President, | . Forms Cabinet. Madrid, via London, April 21 Marquis Mahuel Garcia Prieto, Presi- dent of the Senate, today formed a new cabinet to take the place of the ministry of Count De Romanones, which had tendered- its resignation { Marquis Prieto at various times held | the portfolois of Minister of Foreign | Affairs, Minister of Justice and Min ister of Public Works. He is a mem- | | ber of the permanent Hague tribunal Like the retiring Cabinet, the new one will be Liberal. Count De Ro i manones asserted that "divisiohs in| public opinion with' regard to the Cab-| | inet's foreign policy had compelled | him to resign | Marquis | | | 1 The 'Whig's Daily Menu | -~ Menu for Tuesday BREAKFAST 2 Oranges Cold Cereal from Yeaterday Egz Omelet Whole Whent Mufline Marmalade " Coffee or Cocon LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Cream of Asparsguas Soup Crisp Rolls French Pancakes Tea or Coron DINNER Fricannee Veal with Dumplings Creamed New Cabbage Watercress Salad Pineapple Tiploca Coffee Cap Custards. ¥ Materials--Two cups rice stock, eggs, rounded or four level table-| spoons sugar, § teaspoon salt, 1% teaspoon grated nitmeg. Utensils---Mixing bowl, teaspoof,| tablespoon, measuring cup. custard cups, pastry brush, grater, bakedish, silver knife; | Directions --Mix the eggs, sugar, salt and rice stock together until well mixed. Brush four large or five small custard cups with a little but- ter, pour in the custard. Grate a little nutmeg on top of each cup. Set the cups in bakedish; pour the hot wa-| ter around the cups in bakedish and bake 15 or 20 minutes. Test -it by putting a silver knife in center. Ir the knife comes out dry it is done. 2 9 z Why Pay More? There is the same weight of cleanser in Babbitt's 5c. tin as in other 10¢. packages. Why pay 10c. ? Made by oldest scapmakers on the continent. Absolutely reliable, it cleans scours scrubs polishes purifies Save trademarks for mums. 'Wm. li. Dunn Limited Agents Montreal valuable pre Sunlight Soap penetrate everywhere with its magical powers for making everything clean and sweet. There is no cleanser so universally used--so well 'liked--so com- pletely trusted as unlight Soap with its $5,000 guarantee of purity. . Made by Lever Brothers, Limited, in Canada. All grocers sell Sunlight Soap.

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