PAGE YWELVE mp---- = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1917. Columb $65.00 Just For One Week Columbia Grafonolas Free! (For one month) selections (6 records) a $21.00 You then - months and You only buy 12 for $5.10 cash and we give you Crafonola free for one month. pay $5.00 per month for four the machine 1s yours. Who wouldv be without a Grafonola? COLUMBIA RECORDS Everybody now acknowledges that Col- umbia' Records are the best in the world, and we are sorry to say we have had to dis- appoint some of our customers as the de- mand has been greater than the supply. The Columbia factories have now doubled their plants and we will soon be able to supply all records. Let us have the numbers of any record you would like and we will deliver same upon the arrival of our large shipments that are coming. TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, 88 Princess St., Kingston. Telephone 529 KL * BASEBALL BRIEFS Wagner als a out was am pulled out Pit« [Labat rg when the t¢ has 'beer Montreal od | outfielder of New York Wid Nroy jal with the wag secured in (¢ Cincinaall last (Cubs, and asked for w aivers on Mathewson put in a bid t Pirates, Adams so hard to get baseman, and tht haw, an- tried out oh doing hitting trshurg W he Ward is ott, but not that Huns Wae could tine nice Here infield fi ner Il one a Louis to the of the St released an Asso Nit has 1us beet lab ot ¢ Americ Gilhooly ha the New unfortun pame clder Frank great Ans being outt with H Wis out of the made a York Ameri ate last season for some tie ono atl ount of in juries and Pitchers are under su report for duty Outtielder Coc tello Markle pe ns with and Herbert for failure to Toronto Toronto ¢lub hag Bradley Kocher from .the Leafs 10 on refused to catcher, New The waive who York on went ROXING CIRCLES DELIGHTED Deteat of the Bill in New York State. Promoters anf friends of Dboxileg were both surprised and delighted by the news that the bill to repeal the State boxing law and kill the pugilis- tic ga in New York had failed in the State Assembly The measure had Governor Whitman's approval and the leaders were sure it would pass that they had failed to provide in the annual appropriation bill for the maintenance of the boxing commission which re gulated bouts un- der the present law Over the 80 legislative Claims Lightweight Championship penny Leonard. New York light- weight, claimed the American cham- pionship as a result of his decisive defeat Ritchie Mitchell, the Mil waukee clrimant. leonard has jssued a challenge to Freddie Welsh to meet him for the world's title The eastern fighter took the Mil- waukee idol ming as the rabid partisan most could desire, scoring two clean TRY 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. 4 Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. before administering touches in the seventh. the jaw won for | knockdowns the finishing A stiff right leonard to Chemung Holds his Own. Horses bred in Canada, the United Sates, England, Ireland, France and Belgium were among the runners in the seven races in Maryland yester- day The only "foreigner" to win, though, was the single Canadian re- presentative, Mr "H. McDonald's black colt, Chemung. The three vegr-old son of, Bassetlaw and Bryn- wood scored his second viotory in his last two starts when he won the fifth race on the program from Obolus Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. 4 The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. 897 Princess Street. Telephone -------- A GREAT IDEA OF JEFF'S HEY mutT! oor T. ALL THE Potato 1 eT | For A Dime -- wi | wourDeowT IT BCA CooL | SCHEME FOR. US TOC GET Some POTATO SEEDS \ Pops You | AND RA ce SPUDS WHILE J AAR THE | THEY'RE SO RIEH? - - wE LL a19€ PoTATORS SEED, MONUMENTS | 1031 : ld , NOW wWHAaT ? and Lady Innocence, Voted Polo Player Killed. Capt. H. Herbert Wilson, who was a member of the British polo team } hicn played against the Ameriean team, the Meadowbanks, in 1911, has | heen killed in actiom me ------ oe ae .e "eo [League to as complete a trim- A HAD A HOUSECLEANING Kaiser and 300 Members By NY. Yacht Clul German | "ro I ann SPORTING NOTES. paper Sug pponE mel Yacht d jropped fron the hundred men York Three bers vachts also were the rolls of the appounced unanimously at a speci the leclared that fitting representa Tmpe with whic wa should . me! . eliminated yrganization resolution Co Governor Whit wil ng 1 vis anti i up before York State Assembly again scrapers oy was pasced meeti of club « ined to 11 it not i a or in th that 1 rmy German Gov the United continue to of the nent es is » University of New York I ipon the roll of honorary tied iy continue ail sponSiiy © | war The faculty members of the New York Yacht . consideration, that Club not nough" ¢ i § not rnougt A member of the organization, ation ' Eh 1 essalio of athlet who made the announcement, said veties hecould not discuss the reasons for the action in dropping the 300 mem- bers and from the rolls at borne after the situation was, warrant the announced tfacute to Oliver Wilcox, sponsor of tt track amendments, may be his bill in the house com- mons this week Mr. Wilcox was ill and has been advised to rest up race able to 30 yachts press of BAN JOHNSON LEADS In Fight Against WaraTax Against Baseball Parks. owners in the American will be forced to close their] parks if the war tax on bazeball, Soldiers are now guardih all of the big American rac Following suspicious fires Springs and Belmont Park, protection was given the big Club plants ir suggested in the administration rev program, is demanded from instead of from the patrons President Johnson of the American League said I have figured that the would amount to about $250,000 the sé That would wipe our profits have to close our Because of the danger facing the game half a dozen minol league whieh. is the Califernia ed a drastic bill ron enue, them of sport The > of Assembly the lower Legislature aimed at the ick of race t twenty-four news by firey tax for than would % BASEBALL SIGNALS, more We season out zates How a Western League Player Got - 1 Get Back of a Milo Start the New Year right by smoking MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every one. Made in Kingston. G. A. McGOWAN, Manufacturer, Kingston. ea Aa a --_----eeeeee ee ee Motor Boat and Automobile Supplies a Specialty. Automobile Lamps, Spark Plugs, Spark Plug Testers, Hydrometers, and Electric Vulcanizing Outfit. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO 79 Princess St. Phone 441 J mt presidents plan to go te Washington to the legislation which would drivé the smaller Into Trouble, had mmrned baseball certain plavers and the lack or other theme hidden from the Hit andgz#afi signs were cussion Tagging of caps feet and other mentioned die with a st and run sign he ever but which. he didn't work - You set says Ping out in the Coast they alwavs were try ng my hit-and-run Sign 'cause thev. knew | was a J at it One dav I suspected they had cop ped my signal. so when a batter gets on first and I am up. | switches 1 tells him, see, that when | am hit I will spit over howldar Well, w sign I letter But when | a shower of the catcher's am doing it a-purpose in a way, and he. stops and wants to fight me fight. but thjs catcher was a big guy, and any the umpire was on me. So | had tg explain to him that acted | didn't mean to spit in his upon by the house applies to license (har jt was just my hit-and-run tax only to those tracks under the 41 jurisdiction of the state racing com oq The effect would, it was exempt (resks devoted to races . oppose say he siznals of 1alk mn and ability signals ers to Keep opposition under dis shuffling Wives to sign the catch they , and busineds to leagues out gf play DARCY WILL ENLIST Australian Champion Tries to Make erms With America. Les Darey, the Australian pugil whom the American authorities have barred from engaging in fight the ground that he was a slack sent word to Chicago from Mem- he enlist under the American colors if permission was him by the military author engage in ral fights next June and July Tell Les Darcy that if he enlist first we'll promise him end fighting afterwards" F. 1. Kenny, in charge of re ing. in (hicagzo replipd, when | formed of the proposil of variop Were when up spoke ing Bo 1st ary hit ngine ered on wm | ad § phix that would League to steal given itie hooked for to Seve will no Capt ruit in going right e cross thom on the ont part the of to mv carry my to my shoulder vice went into he thinks | which 1 was the game, | Now | can Kentucky's Race Track Tax. "pit Oyel The Kentucky senate has passed a house bill fixing a license tax €500 for race meetings at Ken tucky tracks within twenty miles of cities of 200.000, and $200 a day all others except those of "state and county fairs An amendment be tobacco 1 1 eve, and of for for Ow vet to eve sig )f course. that killed my signal mission dead. and we had Po fralixe up 4 New stated trotting one 3 "What somebody "That's what | said Ping. "for I the American she's wag the asked new one, Ping?" Could Fight in France. Baxter, chairman of Committee of the dian and Red Cross Patriotic Funds, Windsor, makes an absolute denial of the statement attributed to Grant Hugh Browne that the latter's offer How Blew Un. to have Les Darcy box under the aus- attempts to outbid each | pices of the organization was being¥\gther tor ball-players have resulted considered "The proposition Was | ig he blowing-up of the Inter-State gever considered by the committee." jeague, at which Frank Shaugh- saws Mr. Baxter "Browne was toldy nesy and numerous other 'Canadian that if Darcy wanted to fight hy jeaguers held forth last summer could go to France, where was (Only a few of the club owners show- needed." od a willingness to come back for more this year, and it was de ided call" everything quits The "Horse-and-Buggy" league, as it called, because of the close proximity of the towns represented, was a fine institution for the players, but not for those who financed the clubs Frank Shaughnessy was able to win the Canadian league every year lie started because he spent the most! aint mean this year telling to use it you. in jut the Cana KJ >ublici Publicity league a good one League Crazy Scientific Side of Baseball Before a Game-- Baseball 1s a mat ter of management selection of play- ers, knowledge of the game, exper ience, training and ffistructions | During the Playing of the Game | Baseball is a matter of the appli- ( cavion of the knowledge gained by | experience, systems team-play, con-lmponey But even the spendthrift mon technique, following in- "Shag coaldn't spend enough structions, and taking, losing or fall-| ype with the other managers in the ing {o take matural advantages. Inter-state circuit is sense to His Bout. among the fen- Two of the am suspended he- cause they figured in a suspicious | Fencer Threw There's a scandal New York have been Old Lacrosse Player Middlemiss. who Montreal, was a Judge Was The late Judge died suddenly in celebra ed lacrossé player some cers at / THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA 7 S. ROUGHTON, Agent. 60 Brock St., Kingston. Phone 610 I -- Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Sulkies 1917 Advance Styles Large line just received. Make Your (hoice Now. Leading Undertaker $16.00 to $40.00. R. J. REID, ding Lnas } Telephone 577 | | | ateurs | forty years ago, and was a member of the team that went over to the Old Country and played before the match In fact it alleged that one of the duelists actually "threw" the bout An jnvestigation in 18 is Dainty Footwear for the Woman Who Cares A A AAA A AA AAA AAA AA AA NNN . Cs The woman who takes an interest in dainty and fashionable footwear should see our spring styles in Black Kid, Brown Kid, and Calfskin Grey Suede and kid leathers in solid colors and two-tone effects, all made on the newest lasts and patterns by high-grade shoe makers. $6.00 to $10.00. ---- J. H.Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. - BS ANI SRL m laty Queen Viotoria a nt progress. > oe oe . oe ®t on end tre, [ TNE @T A SCHEME 3 | | THATLL MARE US RICH J {-X0u rriow onions ARE \l WAY UP OUT OF SienT | Too. WELLmMy IDEA HS TO PLANT ONIONS anD POTATOES OM \ THOUSANDS OF ACRES ) Ok Tne "GREAT || Apa - 11 1 \ BRcan DESERT iy, gar ° r © . © LISTEN, SmpLe ! S-- SOME TIMES YOU HAUS Eves | LESS sense | THAN usuaC | \ \ [a THATS t SHEME (Oras | Pow vou Know THAT A | GROWING POTATO NEC BS LOTS CE | \ WATER. How COULD You «eT (7 ' DATER, TO IRRIGATE YOUR a \ CNN an BeTaToES Of . ' . A DESERT ad , WHE RE = "wy L PLANT 'EM INROWS COSE TOGETHER. aD TEN THE ONDE Wie AAKE THE POTATOES WATE RR. AND -- ee and By BUD FISHEP an - NSE ©