"PAGE SIX News From Eastern Ontario | DEATH THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM | Tidings From All Over Told in! Pithy gnd Pointed Way. DRAGGED TO Francis Massena Power Canal r Was Killed. Workman at workmar Gananoque 4 rain aw track, 0° covered the g Un authori finance oversub 2.000.,000,000 in iry certificates var greatly zable indertak : og 7.000.,000.000 t was v i to an examination s practically being broke Was crushed. The attempted hokl room, were at owed been that one pieces, eve eral times, and in two and badly that Freeman tl iran to Dr. | executors Boy arm was torn of the serious hor the food dict complete Germany dered a round-up of all private in the towns, *s, and hamlets of the whole Vigorous "bei ng taken the United Government to make the seized German ships read for prepare take for neutrals in situation in Alor again or- house cli id CH ry No. 2 Company (Grace Church body tc Grace ( rch yesterday morning ), | tO 2 Company ) T : fes al at fell under tended in a bo v ged crushed Pte. Edwin . Round, lelleville | leaves a wife and spent the week-« wife and family W. E. Meges réturned fr City 1 Walker, Bani resigned YQ ' iy Scout he body positior jump on the the wheels, and was drag- o death Freeman two small children is train by and : States built Iso to PURCHASED A TRUCK, And With It Deliver Cheese have York Will Hoses, t 1lly growing more | . i ao 5s dail g 8g ( | April 20. Winn Hough- § itt state bordering on re-| several yoruion ists there The German undoubtely facing a great political crisis legation in Washington] infornied 'by the American | that 6nly in the case need would the United Sta she exporta-| metals destined ¢whoro n and Charles Bishop spent returni to Kings- military duties last Mon Mrs. T. A. Gray spent friends gin All gardening, as been weather ol the R. Holmes wz t held proceeds, ko has friends, 1g their and impire is and The Dutch beer economic ' spend Vankleek Hill has Governme extreme to prohibition foodstuffs or land the cold resort of sday; ron o8 Churchill, former First of the Admiralty, now himself khaki, wants an American expedi- vary force sent to Frane possible simply for the effe sence of Americans would the ed forces. I'ribute to (Canada's elle and mn Mr tol NEW AVIATION SCHOOL con. George sister of Rey had ren rooms in the Galli House Bawden's William Spicer has purchased truck delivering cheeses his tory. here fer as soon as! t the pre- ave on Located Near Deseronto 500 Busy. pr April : Store of the mperial 1 a Ideally ) . near George Deseronto, Department Board is «¢ tion school at Deseronto, be known as Camp Mohawk camp is being built on the large dian plains about two miles from town, antl is consider one of most suitable locations in the vince, being on the shores of the of Quinte There are already £00 men employed in construction and it is expected that within a we there will be 1,600 Avi School will he in tion Jurie July for the American fighting | overseas armies. and | audation of the spirit of absolute de-| mocracy among all the Allies, were | at Carleton the topics on which Premier Borden | dwelt in a speech at Manchester, ac- cepting freedom of the city Sunday labor is to he far as possible in a large British munitions works tablishments in which work "is of necessity motor boxes from ELEVATOR OUT OF ORDER. ns fac tio o with Injured Place. April 21 Six work- one seriously, as running out Hawthorne Mills lionr twelve em ployees wer roing up to the fourth contract floor of the building in the elevator, oh will to start work. The elevator reached reer the second wifi he gear slip-| =o ped, causing-it to fall to the ground Prov of Quebec in Six of the men in the postponed for a few day elevafor « injury while phel 0 000 cnping. it ha ix, or less, were some-| po tpone 1h what the worse of the One Young (pe weather is more sett lad named Alvin Doe badly hurt, IS More while another employee named James Wright sustained a broken heel The | others suffered minor injuries | | Six 'Men Were ed ton Place, injured, an elevator Carls abolished as majority of | Only in es- the process | continuous of urgency are be made undertak- | Blondin | has been. | Inview of | been&hought | impaign until led and the] ary | were result of order il after lunch "men some I the of Shortly the s of gre exceptions ting tour to be ol. Hon. PP. EK fifty iid Adeut marriage Lanark Sunday, April 15th, was the ninth anniversary of the Mg. and Mrs. George Bond, CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years AAA SIN ASAAINSONT ENP TENE NS Belleville, April 21 Messrs. Robt Empson & Sons paid over $80 for a Ihog. It weighed 5 Ibs, and the! . price pal was naturally considerably | bi Vi 1 the figure for ordinary sized | ceptionally good attendance. The rec- | Colum 1as, ictro as, The high marked) price this| tor appointed Edward Hogeboom as Grafonolas | week is $15.50. The migtioned | his warden, and the people elected hog brought the pr $12050 pes) William J. Ham as theirs. Thomas W All 'makes of talking machines re- paired, adjusted, clean¢d, noises cwt Guerren, Clem J. Hines, Harold Sills eliminated. and Gordon Young were appointed sidesmen. Delegates to Synod, J. N. Moderate Charges; Prompt Service; Expert Workmanship. Fitchett and George T. Ham. 149 Sydenham Street FIRE! GOPPED progress day. a crash seaped other more a po fall was | roa | Easter | Sandhurst, service at St hurst, was al offer Service and Vestry April 21 The Paul's church, well attended) and the ing, which was in aid of work. and missions, was in years, it being over Meeting. r OVER $80 FOR A HOG, Always bears the Signature of speci Red the $21 On April 12th the annual vestry| meeting was held, there being an ex-| | Robert Empson & Sons Paid Mammoth Price, Pp Cross largest | below hogs above ice of Toronto Men. Whitby, April 23 Albert Sparks, five years; John O'Donnel, four vears, and Arthur Miller, three years, In the penitentiary, were the sen- tences imposed hy Judge MeGillivray on three Toronto young men, con- vigted of stealing mora than $200 worth of fountain pens, cigars, to- bacero, candy, ete, from the storsof T. G. Whitfield here on the night of March 24th, Terms For Annual Vestry Meting. Adolphustown, April 21 The an-| nual vestry meeting of St Alban's church was held on Monday last. The auditors' report showed a substan- tial balance on hand. Messrs. Albert] Chalmers and Roy Johnston were ap-| pointed wardens for the ensuing vear Messrs. M. Mallory, G. Daverne, H Johnston and A. Allen were appointed sidesmen. Mr. 'W. H. Chalmers was re-elected delegate to the synod peice of i increased I. 2 . t from eight cents a loaf to nine. The To Rééonstruct the School. announcement that the priee of coal W. D.gBlack, M.P.P'., Newburgh, has | has advanced from $8.25 to $9.25 was | secured a special grant from the Do- | also made yesterday minion Government to the historic] : } high school, of $1,000. This in addi- tion to the grant from the county and | from the village of Newburgh, brings | the full reconstruction of as planned, within stght. Another $1,-| 000 will do it, and it is coming. There is a porch and wing for chemical room needed to complete the plan. Bread and Coal Soar. Brockville, April 21. --The bread in BrockviMe was the wheels just for one We are now at work again Cobourg Officer Killed. Cobourg, April 2i.-- Lieut. Geoffrey Sheffield, one of three brothers who were in the war, and sons of Mrs. K Sheffield, of this town, has been Kkill- ed in action. Lieut. Sheffield went overseas from Montreal, where he was engaged in a bank. ready to fill your needs. mi WHIG JOB DEPT. GOLDEN RULE SERVICE Ph ne 292 City Dairy PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. 24 Johnson Street hone 2083 wedding took place at St Cathedral, Toronto, when daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robert Watchorn, Clayton, Ont, was married to C. Wright, Brantford. The wedding of Mrs. M. J. Goodall, | un wii to James Rowsome, New A quiet Alban's Jennie; Dubliw, will take place during the J early part.of June. to-house | food reserves | | a tremendously | Haig's | British | his | denberg ithe towns of Guemape {had Ivast quantity of booty nas been carp the school, | BRITISH RENEW GREAT DRIVE bya Tremendously Forceful Attack on | Both Sides of es of Scare. + THRUST ALONG THE SCARPE A NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE | ALHIED OFFENSIVE Field Marshal Haig Strikes at Douai | --This is Part of the General, En- veloping Scheme Around" Lens. (Special to the Whig.) London, April 23.--Qver a wide front on both sides of the | river | Scarpe, Field Marshal Haig early to- "day resumed the British drive with forceful attack. "We attacked at dawn this morn- ng on both banks of the Scarpe and made satisfactory progress', he re- ported. South of the Bapaume-Cam- tis | brai road we captured the remainder nsorship enforced | of the village of Trescault and at n ght gained the greater part of the Savrincourt Wood. The Scarpe drive was over a wide front." London hailed Field Marshal report as the resumption of thé British general offensive. While 'there has been no abate- ment' in the pressure around Lens and on the Cambrai-St. Quentin road during the past week neverthe- it was felt here that the France- stragetical plans contem- plated alternate smashes in force between the Haig and Nivelle ar- mies. The thrust along the Scrape was regarded as a new development n the Allied offensive. less Striking at Do:ai. Field Marshal Haig is now reach- ing out with a powerful force to- wards Douai. Today's statement did not definitely locate- exactly where blow-on both banks of the arpe was delivered but it was prob- ible near Fampoux, eight miles south-west of Douai A drive in this direction is mow only a menace at Douai, but it is part of the gen- eral developing scheme around Lens A further indication that Haig's fcrees on all British fronts are starting in motion in a concer ad offensive was seen in the official report of gains on the Bapaume- Cambrai road, .Havrincourt Wood is now practically surrounded by the British forces. Trescault itself is a bare eight miles distant from Cam- brai, the pivotal point in the "Hin- Line." More Towns. Whig) -- x nofficia declared tha and Gavrell hands British Take Two (Special to the London, April headquarters reports fallen into British along the front and thousand prisoners. is located on the mai road from Arras to Cambrai abou ive miles distant from Arras. I lies directly to the south of Monch) Gavrelle is on the main f ghwa rom Arras to Douai, about equa distance between the two cities. Th newly-captured town is only eigh miles fromr Douaf. tured all mor than one Guemape Coming to Griffin's. Manager Whitty of the Griffin's Theatre, announces his engagement of Mary Pickford's newest photo- play released by Arteraft Pictures, 'A Poor Little Rich inl," adapted from the well-known book and play | of the same name by Eleanor Gates. As an ideal vehicle fdr 'Little Mary,' it ds readily felt thdt this story af- fords Miss Pickford one of the best motion picture subjects ever secured for her. The novel by Eleanor Gates of which a special photoplay edition has just been issued, became widaiy popular a sdid the play which scored a big hit at the Hudson Theatre, Now York City, several years ago and duplicated this success on the road. "Fine and Warmer." - It was dark and cooler outside on Saturday evening, but it was "Fair and Warmer" in the Grand Opera House to a capacity crowd, who sat through two hours of ¢the best comedy see: here ir. some time. The play is based on the age-old drink problem, but its working was{ from an entirely different standpoint to that usually thought of. The story on which the comedy is based is that of a wife of a "rounder" suddenly de- siring revenge upon her wayward husband, but "celebrating" with the husband whose wife was also of the wayward class. It was a laugh from start to finish. The company .is an excellent one. Offérs Isle For Hospital. May Irwin has offered her Thousand Island home, Irwin Isle, to the Gov- errmert for use as a convalescent hospital during the war. Though not a large island, it is capable of accommodating twenty convalescents, and she not only offers the use of the island, but will give the soldiers every attention in the way of food and care, so that they will be of no expense to the Government what- eyer. She poirts out that there is no cooler place in America] than the Thousand Islands, , and 'the fresh breezes would be of great benefit to the sufferers William Taylor, one of the first conductors on the G.T:R., and the old: Great Western Railway, who sedved forty-nine years on the road, died at London, aged eighty-five. The Canadian Government forgot or neglected for five days after mak- ing fits announcement of free wheat to notify the United States auther= ities. Mexico is to remain neutral and will not tolerate any unfriendly acts against Great Britain. Bread #s now raised in price to Sc JUST LET ANY SUBMARINE ITS PERISCOPE This picture was taken on a troopship in the Mediterranean. A Frefich gunner scans the sea with his binoculars and all hands are wearing lifebelts. The w "15" is ready fo action. 4 al Tilsonbure. Quite a heavy British mail ar I rived in the city on Sunday. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1917. ADDITIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS and Arts Queen's. Science Announced a rships an Queen' ning announ pn Monday. m science Scholarships. FIRST YEAR Chancellor's -- C E | po eston, Ont Dupuis-- [f fous, Ont. de la Franier, Strat H Dttawa, et Mowat-- { rent, Sask Science | Kingston, Ont Arts Scholarship, } in junin Dupuis hittinzton I mathematics Ww History- Whitto® M.A. Political science--J. A. Finlayson French---Janet F unders. COMMITTE D FOR TRIAL. C. Nelson Before Magistrate on a Forgery Charge. In police court Monday mording Magistrate Farrell committed Lloyc C. Nelson, of the Service Corps, fo: trial on a charge of forgery. Cornelius A. Jones was up riding his bicycle on the sidewalk "Sure gn of spring when | you her remarked the magistrat to Jones, as he taxed $1 costs. Jones said walk to avoid some stones. * Lloyd for S0¢ him anc that took the his wheel he riding side ove Consecrated Bells. Bells were anciently consecrated before they were raised to their places. This applied not only to chureh bells, but to others. Each was dedicated to some divine person- age, saint, or martyr. One of the finest bits of word painting in Shakespeare occurs in the mention of a bell when King John addressing Hubert says: If the midnight bell Did with his iron tongue and dragon mouth, Sound one unto night. One of the strongest pictures painted by Charles Dickens is that of the miser.#nd usurer, Ralph Nick- leby, cursifig the iron-tongued mid- night bell, after which, in a fit of mingled frenzy, hatred, and despair he hangs himself. Commenting on Shakespeare's lines, the Book of Days says: 'Here, brazen implies not merely that par- ticular mixture of copper and cala- mine, called brass, but in a broader sense any metal which is compound- ed with copper." The people of Cornwall, England, have a belief that a peal of bells cast at a foundry on"the continent for a church at Bottreaux, now Boscastle, that went down in a vessel, within sight of the church tower, may yet be heard, that When the storm of Bottreaux's waves Is waking in his weedy caves, Those bells that sullen surges hide Peal their deep tones beneath the tide; r**Come to thy God in time," Thus saith the ocean's chime; "Storm, whirlwind, billows past, Come to Thy God at last." the drowsy race of Czar's Soldiers in France, The correspongent of The London Chronicle with the French armies, recently visited the fighting front held by the Russian soldiers. Most of these men come from the Siberian regiments and for the main part are of the peasant class, warm simple natures, but good fighters. The Rus- sian front resembles closely the neighboring lines held by the French roops and is held just as tightly, as he Huns know to their sorrow, Apt. "Why they call Bill?" "He was born on the first of the month." do the baby Pte. Michael Stanford Wounded. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stanford, 210 Montreal street, have been ad- vised that their son, Pte. Michael Stanford, received gunshot wounds in the legs amd js in No. 13 General Hospital, Boulonge, He went over- seas with the 80th Battalion, and was transferred to the 44th. Tug 'Bartlett Sold. The Montreal Transportation Com pany has sold the tug Bartlett, the largest boat of the kind on fresh wa- ters, to the French Government for $250,000. It cost to build it ten years ago $150,000. Meeting for Pittsburg Farmers. A meeting will be held at Joyce- ville Hall on Monday evening at & o'clock. Addresses on "Greater Pro- duction of Food Stuffs" by Robert Meek and Ald, Neil Polson, jr. Editor is Nominated. Calgary, Alta., April 23. --W. M. Davidson, editor and proprietor of the Calgary Albertan, has been nom- inated as Liberal candidate for the provincial riding of North Calgary. (Cape Vincent Service. Quick Service to. and from Cape Vincent. All information call Card's Livery, Wolfe Island. ~ There is no immediate prospect of any opposition to Sir Sam Hughes at theConservative convention to be held 'next Saturday to select the Conservative candidate for Victori: County in the mext Dominion elec- tion. The party throughout the rid ing seem disposed to regard Sir San as their natural ¢hoice. Pte. James McPherson, who do- sorted from the 241st Battalion, and also deserted a Sandwich girl he married, was sentenced at' Windsor to a year in the reformatory. Frank Somers, veteran Orangeman, Toronto, died on Thursday : at his home on Avenue road. Mr. Somers, eighty-four years of age, suffered a stroke a few months ago. Duncan D. Hay, prominent Strat- ford citizen, and formerly Deputy Registrar Of North Perth, died alter a long illness at the age of forty Save Your Scrap Paper! The Kingston cash for all of your scrap paper per box material throughout the with the manufacturers to buy in car load lots. Paper Box Company will buy Owing to the shortage Dominion, we have arranged all scrap papers and ship direct and pay spot of Remember, we pay the highest price and spot cash. Baled of unbhaled and Gur driver let us know what weight and a square Phone S83 and will call. * Honest you have deal KINGSTON PAPER BOX CO, J. G. Brown, Sole Proprietor. aine, THIS CAFE HAS AND FINELY EQUI FU H. Victoria Cafe Grand Re-Opening Sat. 11 am. PED, BEING NOW ONE OF THE NISHED RESTAURANTS IN THE DOMINION. An Excellent Table Service is Guaranteed. x. LEE, Prop. \ The Musician #eintzman & Co. Art fiann his demands more than met. He finds a tone unequalled----a touch that meets every require ment -- an appearance that pleases the artistic sense. He finds a piano which is an inspiration in itself-*a pian from which he can obtain effects not possible from any other instrument. C. W. LINDSAY, Limited, 121 Princess Street, UST BEEN THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED BEST lg 354 King Street. Dominion and Provincial Government Bonds To Yield 5.409; and 5.50% an investment well as yielding These Bonds afford suitable to the most an exceptionally attractive income Full particulars upon réquest. Wood Gundy & Company, Railway Building, New York an opportunity to secure exacting requirement as return Canadian Pacific Montreal _. Toronto Lg IS GOOD ADVICE CHEAP ? Will the time-worn fallacy that "All ad- vice is cheap' stand investigation? Isn't good advice a very expensive lux- ury--when it isn't followed? Just six weeks ago we advised Newray AS An Investment In the meantime the shares have advan- ced in valye from $1.15 to $1.46, and the trend is still undeniably upward. If you failed to act on our advice, 'you lost money--in other words, our advice wasn't cheap at all---so far as you were concerned. We believe NEWRAYY is a better buy to- day than it has ever been in the past. Com- ing developments--of which we have know- ledge--warrant much higher prices. WE ADVISE THE PURCHASE OF NEWRAY NOW. Mark Harris & Co. Members Standard Stock Exchange Standard Bank Bailding . Montreal Boston Foropto, Ont. New York ---