Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1917, p. 8

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re] PAGE EIGHT New Arrivals Just received a number of styles for young men. lt is impossible to buy more of these goods at these prices. We would ap- preciate your inspection. Splendid Suit Values, $18.00, $20.- 00, $22.00, $25.00 very suit is worth all of its price. You owe it to yourself to see the splendid new suits and top+coats we are showing. | Livingston's, BROCK STREET If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. For Your Summer Wash Dress We are showing an immense assortment of all the newest and most popular mater- ials and colors for this season's wear, inclu- ding many New York novelties. Stripes, checks, fancy floral designs and novelty patterns in Toyko suitings, piques, bril- liants, vestings, ducks, India head, crepes and other new fabrics at unusually moder- ate prices, from 15¢ t3"80c a yard. Georgette crepes, crepe de chene, fancy silks, muslins and voiles.. All the newest styles and models now being shown, from 98c to $12.00. EEE | WALDRON - 0) wd od oo THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1917. THEATRICAL NEWS. {| mm comets. At the Grand. | Pte. William Bourke of the 14th For the first half of this week an|C D.F.. speaks in high terms of} attractive prograr - of eéatertain- | Lieut -Col. P.G.C Uampbell and | ment has been s :d for the Grand other 253rd officers formerly of the! | Opera House. Gladys Coburn will ap- old 14th He says he enlisted for | pear in a five-reel Fox film, "The overseas service but was found | | Primitive Call Billy Burke, the fam- ' nhysicallv= unfit The 253rd officers, {ous international stage star, will be he told the Whig, are most capable n the seventeerth chapter of en and if they cannot make a sol- oria I € This instalment ' dier aut of & recruit no other offi-! surpasses ait precedents in its sus- cers can. | pense, thrills and romance. Charlie] ~ { Chaplin, 1 world's comedian su-| The ladies of St. George's Cathedral | preme, will for. these three days In entertained a fine gathering of sol-! | ¢ of all his comedies, "The | djers at the military Y.M.C A | According to expert opinion] : ' | this picture affords the screen comedy | There was an unusually good gath- king really p le-s 1 "| ing of soldiers and friends at the mili- tunities than did any of the prior tary "y M.C.A. hall Sunday evening. | Chaplin release Polite vaudevill2| previous to the song-service Canon will complete an excellent bill | Fitzgerald spoke very fittingly t& the] Sr soldiers who are about to leave for At Griffin's , | the east | The Lasky-Paramount Picture | " "The €olden Fetter," which will be| The 253rd Q.U.H., under Lieut.-Col | seen at Griffin's today, Tuesday and | P. G. C. Campbell, attended a special | | Wednesday, presents a new stellar | Divine serv¥ce in the Salvation Army | | com etian in the persons of Wal-| Citadel on Sunday morning. The ser- | | | | | | | ih. | lace Reid and Anita King, both of | mor was given by Commissioner | whom have a ined fame and pop-| Richards, and a solo was rendered by | ularity 1 previous Lasky | ' ourth episode of that] wonder 1 "The Secret Kingdom" | {ang a particularly funny comedy will | at liis home in Ottawa o | ' be shown along with our usual high | - | | | | | produc~| Mrs. (Adjutant) Smith Major G. I. Campbell, C.R.O, is ill} ) The 253rd Q.U.H. is not leaving for ass Vi ville 1 . oH class Vaudeville the east until to-morrow (Tuesday) ee | At the Strand. i. DN gti . . Hei 8 | Capt. John .F. Costigan, grandson | Conwance 'Faimadge will be seed! of the late Hon. Senator John Costi- | jat the Strand for the first three days gan. has been killed in action His this week in the latest Triangls brother, Gerald, is in training in| A Girl of he Fimberclaims, | Kingston for overseas service | thrilling story of the big woods, | { . 5 "Join the 14th Regiment for home do in this world's work. She goronce" is the call to the young men men, fights men, and never| .¢ ingestion. Apply at the 14th Regi- | loses her sweetness Francis Ford| , ne office in the Armouries i and Grace Cunard in the third epis-| ! ode of "The Purple Mask." and| 1 would be a glorfous record for| feomedy reels and" polite vaudeville. | ¢yyada if she could finish this war - and secure enough men on the volun-| feer system. Join the 14th Regiment, (".D.F.; and make compulsory training | | S : | of any Kind unnecessary. | 4 | 7 CBITUARY | Corpl. McCarthy, of the 14th Regi- | 73 Bl | ment Guard, was in charge of a de- If tachment from that unit at the church parade last night. Corpl. Mc- ('arthy fought in France early in the - war, was badly wounded and sent] The Late H. J. Huffern. back to this country Hugh J -Huffern, aged thirty-nine | years, died in. the General Hospitalon| There is considerable talk about the | Sunday after a brief illness. The de-| pay authorized for the C.D.F. bat-| ceased was -chief shell inspector at| ta)ions. As a matter of fact a single | the locomotive works. . He was born. pan draws 10c per day. only 70c a | ir. Belfast, Ireland, but came to this | w.ck, less than in the CEF, and a country some years ago, and has been | 4,60 man $2 a month less, or about | a machinist since then. While in the 7. , gay. city he was living at the Anglo-Au. | _ erican Hotel. He was a member o | The bugle band of the 14th Regi- | Cooke's Church, and Rev. E. R. Mc- | pment, soon to be formed, will likely, Lean will conduct the funeral service. ' ha compdsed of lads under eighteen Te | who are anxious to "do their bit" with | The Late Mrs. M. James. | the consent of their parents. On Sunday after a week's illness | he death occurred at 203 University | i Nn ea of Mary Harrigan, widow of Brig.-Ger.. T. D. i Hemsiing, the late Martin James. The late G.0.C., reviewed the garrison parade Mrs. James was ona of the oldest of troops which attended St. Gevrge's residents of the city having lived took a reviewing stand at the corner; 3 jenty years | of Clarence and King streets and re here for over seventy years, ! ceived the salute there. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. At the military service in St. George's Cathedral on Sunday $50 Local Notes and [tems of General | 5 raised for the Red Cross So- Interest. . ciety. | Police Constable Edward Graham --_-- | | retires' from the police force 'his D. Brown, G. Perry, R. Mason have week. | enlisted in the 253rd. tobert Irving, Colborne street, | -- has bee ntaken on the staff at the Pte. Doyle, 72nd Battalion, and 3 post office temporuriily. ! resident of Perth, and Corpl. Fletch- | The collection in St. Georg:3 er 9th F.C.C.E. . Gananoque, are "Cathedral on Sunday evening will 20 coming to the city to be decorated | to the Red Cross Society. with the medals they won overseas. | Col. George Hunter can plac? -- ! quite a number of boys on farms, as | W. J. Rigby, Ottawa; has been 2ap- he has a batch of applications. |. pointed honorary lieutenant and | A middle-aged man was taken into quartermaster of the Dental Corps, custody Saturday night, and will be of this district: VEY "removed to Rockwood Hospital. --- Mayor Hughes and W. A. Patter-| The Dental Corps draft, which son will address a meeting on iIn- jeaves for the east on Thursday creased production at Sunbury on pight, will consist of Capt. Sutton, Wednesday. night. | Lieuts. Garvin, Algoe and Herriman There is still a great quantity of with four sergeants and four maa. ice in the lake in tha vicinity of] ! Sacket Halvor and other points be-| The 14th C.D.F. officers are send- tween Sacket Harbor and the en- ing out to eighty-three men of The trance to the St. Lawrence. | city per=zonal requests that they eu- The President of the Board of list or give reasons for not doing s0.| | Trade has received these subscrip- " : . | | tions for ithe Belgian Relief fund: Major J. M. Wilson, A.D.D.S,, is Belgian Relief committee, Sunbury, expected to return from Ottawa on "$40; Mrs. W. Trousdale, Herring-| Tuesday after having been acting ton, $5. Director of Dental Services for the Father Casey will conduct ti; ominion for several days. special services at the forty haun - ' - devotion ceremony in the Hotel Die The artillery draft is of fifty chapel on Wednesday, Thursday an | from the 74th, 75th, and D.A.L., Friday. saventy from the 73rd, Fiff) Lieut. R. H. M. Jollffe, age [from the 247th, Peterboro, and twenty-three years, son of the lat { men from the 252nd Lindsay Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, formerly | takion are being added to the Kingston, was killed in action ir! QU.H., which will bring that umt April 9th, up to about 550. f { After being in the water for near- »-- | ly five months the body of Frank Col. ,G. Hunter Oglivie, A. AG, N. Bushnell, an®Gswego, N.Y., sailor, let on Monday for Brockville to in- ~Laidl J Navy Blue & Black We have at the present time one of the largest stocks of navy and black serges ever held in this store, and as these are extra good values it is to your interest to see these before buying elsewhere. Prices range from 50c to_$3.75 pard, and all re- liable British qualities and dyes. # Navy &Black er 36°inches wide 36 inches wide 44 inches wide 52 inches wide 5%inches wide 54 inches wide 54 inches wide 54 inches wide 54 inches wide 54 inches wide 54 inches wide 56 inches wide Broadcloths 54 inch Suiting Broadcloths in Navy, Ivy Green, Plum, Rose, Taupe, Brown, Black, Burgandy. y At... ... .. ...... $225 yard At... 2.50 yard At... A 2.75 yard oo adhéad ER WwW AS John Laidlaw & Son »" # >. drowned in the harbor at Cape Vin-' spect drifts. cent on November 25th when he fell Friday. on Monday for Ottawa to report for] Both Heath and Nelson are fow a duty as medical officer. He will pro- the county jail and vill elect befor: | ceed as far as Halifax with the draft Judge Lavell whether they will t land them join the A.M.C. draft for tried by judge or jury. Heath | | overseas. Lieut Cannon was at the charged with perjury in a liqus | front with No. 1 Field Ambulance case, and Nelson with forging mili | under Col. A. E. Ross. tary cheques: - -- NE Sergt. W. J. Stinson, formerly 21st M"MURDO'S ADDRESS Battalion, has been appointed chef for the military hospitals here. | "The Signs of the End of This -- Present Age." { The A. M. C. Depot here is receiv- This will be the subject of the ad- ing ten men from the 253rd and five dress by Robert McMurdo, Chicago, [from the Ottawa signalling depot. in the New Orange Hall, (ground| y w-- oor) tonight at 8 o'clock. Tacsday .. night ho will apask on "The. Riss, aA B, Bysae let. Bat Reign and Ruin of Antichrive."; agen: "ou 0 headquarters on Sat These are subjec:s of great interest A and jor was y 1 Just Gow and Sir. Muido will hande po "2d QM.G. here following them in a masterly manner an M C.C. B tHe overs heartily invited > seas with the 39th, and later trams- = ferred to the Kingston unit. Canadian Casualties. * Capt. G. Russell Reid, son of R.J. Killed in action--Major R. E. Wal-| Reid, Princess street, has been ap- lace, Cannington. ° = | pointed medical officer of the 253rd¥ » Died of wounds--R. C. Spurles,| 3nd will go overseas with that unit renton. Wounded--D. W. Pratt, Kempt-| The Montreal Transportation Com- ville; 8. D. Whaley, Westport; Lieut.|Pany will likely have some of its | A. B. Rowe, Cornwall; Lient. A. 'vessels leaving the latter part of this = Scott, Campbeliford. + week, Spree : : I White Buck Shoes for Children -, ~ We are showing a line of all-white buck shoes with Neolin soles for children. Also a smart line of patent leather shoes with white buck tops. : eT Pre : P.S.--A reliable cleaner for colored kid. . The Lockett 'Shoe Store y g | a --,, from su Moat, va Scirersa "on | tit brace Gammon, ac. vir NN --_

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