Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1917, p. 2

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PAGE TWO \ | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1917 ARE NOT GEG HELP INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL PERMANENT FORCE COL. GEOR( HUNT NTER HAS MANY bo AL NOJES ANI AND ITEMS OF OIFICERS, NCO. Ys AND MEN ix | REQU ei FROM FARMERS. GENERAL INTEREST. CLUDED IN BYNG'S MESSAGE. The Book That is Gripping the Reading World FUR STORAGE ays There bs Very Little Chance of Happenings In the City and Vicinity yi..v Here Who Have Been Carry- Getting Returned Soldiers in This --What the Mefchants Offer to the ing on a Steady Grind of Work Safe, Reliable. District -- 'Boys Have Changed Readers of the Whig. Without Public Credit. 4 rms! heir Mind About Farm Work. # Pianos for rental al Lindsay's, 121 Just how much the men of th 'a I Telephone 489, our fur... cri iiiu: hope of. getting returned Mr he, plano tuning. Of iu. message of congratul "nt to By Donald Hankey. van will call. JOHN MCKAY, Limited. 149-157 Brock St. - \ ' no write t King stree ave orde 1igh pfomotion in their Ma He had received ap nis { vibulat on Tuesday, osen profession . {plications f n nineteen b to work from preumoni Without the s lces of the perm = - ha St ~ on farms, but that up till » present . xwell has 1 ta permit anent force," it is fr y ited by of s be Jared \ { ign a » street, uccess 'of Cana as a military pow-» would have heen almost impossible 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights. Phone 919 lueir nung i Aer wo X 2. eh wal hy $ ud the soldiers who remained 1 n ei'woo easing Or avy writen om A211 Col era hit id were denied the opportunity 7 that their have taken uj Vet : H Wendling for adWificement have trained and ifterent work June lad is working e you neh I eharge Jaf ) rward wll the officers and men eo diffebeit didtricis of the Do ewriters re hs riving ¥ Es." Jr relatives op. Airs» a Sirdulian Byng's message which is ' colonel has Lol appii-| bes R I ur ¢ x J HY the first ¢ i of the work ot a big appreciation « ations from f :rs who are seeking th ii Lore tol IRIormaton, |)... nen, was as follows New or Sichwiie | Ip On' ret y 1 i Ofte y ibe Huis § 0 o bul ? 27 Ine ! All have pi on rmest ap ! | SAPPHIRE AND Rented Repaired. illed with farmers want help, earliest sible monient 18 notity- preciat of those adians Bled al Viapaires he woul 11Ke: all applicants or oper-| lug all relatives and trienis. 0 breciation of those Canadians i DIAMOND OVAL ite" off tivsh Te Aa i work has made the success of ot CLUSTER 2 ian: HANK o Y Faery Do : corps possible." C rona Tv bas : ye transi By A ! © At the cogpmencement of the ar oO SUFFERED GUNSHOT WOUND. ondot pi. branch Mr Uh i i OR Semen) ot vom O * volunteered for service and the te. Thomas J. Wood Has Been Ad-| fr. ST et ) ) i; Hh - of the noncommissioned) | Portable, Folding, 8% Ibs. Rib- mitted to An Hospital, An aged man w found wan as ! y o J 28 om } 81 ne 4) bons and Carbon Papers. i nd ine Wit a t an varie d I Oi nen went oversea 1¢ nen hav | Filing Cabinets Mrs. Ellen "Wood, 144 Ontari 5 0 ; is . ; Ww received commissions, and are in Office Furniture r 148 bee notified hat 1 Daniel McCarey Sw tod ny cases high uj in 1 ervice | . ] New, 3 nfantry, was ' | ; " 1 , while their less fortunate com-| Poputap and Attractive in - wounded and tted to 22 Sia-| V8 W : a SE : rad whose services were consider-| M k > ur 1 : " | Price. : } 4 fF and was returned ' ) OS J TVlues any hea | iviake vour home more attractive for Our showing of this increasing- J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. tionary Hospital suffering Complaints were the | fd more valuable al Lome, have Be nj ly popular Roe of ring gad 41 Clarence Street. from gunshot wounds in the head.| | WBILEES wee togten- 1100 ReRIRAIR the li The Dundee hut the family, and at the same time pleasing 24 Try ont HO ONE Wi t . have been aining 1¢ hundreds of | " , Pte. Wood 1~2ft last September with] rio Stroet 4 r v . |} i ! tke ' Ne---- the Mounted Rifles, Tat was awful. amd we did not ge | Thousands of officers and men now in to the eye of the passers- by. Not much display for convincing proof. a: And I ld a FW . ae resident of | the expeditionary forces | { a pint, one fanian whenvar broke. out there were money required. Read Prevost, Brock stree has receiv ed ry tew trained soldiers in Canada 11 his spring and summ®r goods for vho were capable of carrying out the i": a 1is epr SOWARDS in emt 1a | cin of tho. mary. Muthorities| | . | 3 # lis orde OL rument, 04 ie rge armies, and it is state Achievement Ready made clothing he has in stock 10 raise large armies, and it is stated " : x vray | that the majority of the men not | ° | oy a very fine line of Blue and Gray taken forwar A able ty KEEPS COAL | worsted suits for those mot wishing CHE (OTT re an Caton Cream Madras Muslin, exquisite designs, | Jewelers and Opticians get any leave since the war started Thro to le their order. He has also re-| >" re Beat trend orking to | ek arave OUR AND ugh » She Eo ion Inte of Genter] ! nd have been st adily w rking t 4() inches wide, 50c¢ line, special on Issuers' of Marriage Licenses, o add } ceived erfect the great military organiza Oculists Prescriptions for Furnishings. tion of the Dominion Th d | Gl es KF 1 ion of th nin rsda . ilasses Filled. COAL KEEPS Glasses. - A partial list of the permanent uy ' Ys 35¢ - staff in No. 3 Military District, which SOWARDS. d Ex-P ident Roosevelt a 3 Ee 0 rs ncludes those who have been serving td uX-Presiden i Ls since the war, is as follows: ) was 'awkward and stupid as | ; TH Si Brig.-Gen. T. D. R. Hemming. G boy til he'suddenly dis- | no . Ye ; te 7 AG ' . . bhp A PT pe pn | 2 ms HRY) J D.C £0) 6. Banter Dellvie, A484 Fancy Colored Madras Muslin, 40 inches \ { Licut.-Col. G. 'S. Benoit, C.R.C.E.; Sa =m or a 4 . a a | as much as other boys. : fh L% pF & Gitpt, ih Palais, : Br E § £ =} wide, very dainty. Reg. 65¢ line. Spec " s | 4 A id A e y, senior ordnance officer, PARADIS dls tells us that gla { wa ¥ 4 i | who was over with the 21st Battal 1al on Thursday, 39¢. ; a S L lion; Ce Charles Turner, pavmas TAXI STAND } Yours may be such a case. |= 1 ' Lh ho, coor wo Mc Manus Pi ee a Come in and get our spec- | 4 : yi A adjutant; Sergt.-Major J. E. Harte, Always ready for your call -- ialist's advice. | 4A 3 W.0, C.MS.C. Sergt-Major W. | \ Sa¥-or nights Consultation free. 14 : \ Joan 0, DosE, AM, Seng} Scrims, Nets and Muslins at 15¢ a yard and ) i. Boss, 5 ryden, R.| | . GARAGE FOOT . ; g : { . C.R.; Sorst Major hoi Heweill up. Big range of designs. ' Ry, 2 W.0O.; Sergt.-Maj J. Pearson, z, > OF BROCK ST. J.S.Asselstine D.0S FY 4 ak | 0.; Sergt Major T. Worth, W.0. of Phone 822; House 611 | , ts i " 4 the R.C.H.A.; Sergt.-Major J. Fran Registered Optometrist, x ; p cis, W.0., and Q.M. Sergt. Billings, Cars washed. Gasoline and c 342 King Street . \ e 3 " . Oil Far Sale. . a v PT Ordnance Corps; = Sergt.-Major ( THE BUSY OPTICAI h RCO The a 1 Graham, W.0., and many others, in E. PARADIS, Prop. | Q 1S, P STORE: cluding officers, N.C.0.'s and men of . all units All of these soldiers have repeat . ' our eI isked for erv CONCERTS TUESDAY EVENING, | His asked for the privilege retained | cue : SOMEWHERE { - A pworth League Event in Princess hy Canada to eprry the burden off ! ' 80 Brock Street / Golden Lion Grocery Street Church. ee -- ---------- \ largely-attended conc ert was St. George's Mothers' Meeting. eld in Princess street Methodist To-morrow, 'Thursday, at 7.30, a In this city, we have a"home Fancy Clover Citureh on Tuesday evening by the |migionary of the Zenana Bible and THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE to suit you. Epworth League Society, and $50 Medical Mission will give a lantern = See Our , was F% lined Je G 8 a bauer talk on "The Need of the Women of | i - pyosiaed and gave an address oe. India', to the members of the Moth- REAL ESTATE { fjur a i gl Bib ihe an Miss ers' meeting in St. George's Hall, The! resh [or en | given by 8s iarman, Miss | | tet Ta ts pi "BARGAINS In one pound sections, 25 cents each. | Iva Mack, Miss Kathleen Flynn and fk wy he Hus ated ing loa = S : I ; | Fresh California Prunes, nice and I. 8. Jones; a duet by Messrs. Jones | PICS. | to Othe ail ed poe BUILDERS' SUPPLIES eee Listed in our window. "No ex- |||" juicy ... ... 10c, 1234¢, 15¢c. Ib. | and Valentine; readings by Miss rT arta ze SE eT congre CLOSING OF MAILS . "use y < o.| Sherry Parrott and also dialogues. | AM it $ i 8 ¢ s 0 ! cuse for you not owning your | Evaporated Peaches, 2 1bs 207 25¢. err, RE ARE 23 logue "gation, or others interested in mis pe S own home, | Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15¢ Ib. ---- Sh Ap 3 : British mall closes irregularly. O 1 D Concert in St. George's Hall. | sions are cordially invited. In view Information posted at P.O. Lobby rder oor and Swwont Cider ... ... ... 40c gal. On toorges of the sacrifices which"the men and from time to time. St. George's Hall was well f.1led on ¢ fi o } -- Tuesday evening, when the Cathed-| Women of India are making for the { ypisea States. daily Window Scree ns In Pack d Bulk i : hi ; smpire i 2 Brose ot 3" for n rackage an ulK, ral junjor branch of the W. A. gave | Empire in the present war, this lec .30 a.m Yana 11.30 p.m. made to fit McCANN C ed 0. its annual missionary concert. The igre should be of great interest to Grana Tn ru. EE CAs vy p.m. : from all the best seed folluwing programme was gifen: a and las Toronto and i - 82 Brock St. chorus by some of the members; | ~-------= x west. Rcin Western O S houses. ee) | Golden Lion Grocery pianv and violin duet, Howard find Grand Trunk and al "aoe p.m. ur creens are Choose: Early. Peter' Fair; recitation, Miss Mildred ! "My, 2.30 pm.'and 11.30 p.m. strong, durable, and 1%] Byron; piano solo, Miss Vera Stang t... 10.15 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. 1 1 1 A: cet ote, We aonmsion: dia |. VALEDICTORY [| S55 20m HY now and be ready Sa octal Vad eh This is an Urgent Call to Those Who Need logue, Misses Ethel Watts and Verd ardson. In the second part of the! SPOKE AT CATARAQUIL. and single colors. R d Li » RT Stanger; v.olin solo, Ielham Rich- | From "The Hat - AA for fly time. programme Rev. A. C. F. Whalley | Store." Buy now at to- -day's prices. The whole- slhiowed the audience lantern slides sale prices of to-morrow. of the Canadian diocese of Honan, China. The little girls were much | please that the sum of $28 was tak- | High Grade Wilton Rugs--30 different pat- terns and color combinations. = Fine Seamless Velvet Rugs, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00. Congoleum Rugs are famous for their dur- ability and appearance, priced from $3.25 to $12.00, New Drapery Poplins are here in shades of blue, brown, green, rose, pink, for side cur- tains as well as portieres they are very ef- fective. Ch st aie vit z : - ------ a. | ara. Wright and Francis King Ad- ' dressed Farmers Tuesday. Night. A Ald. G. C. Wright and Francis S ANGLIN & CO. . King went to Cataraqui on :sday Woodworking Factory, night and addressed a meeting of Lumber Yards. DRUG STORE | rl Q . ~ the firmers of that district on be- Bay and Wellington Streets . sr go Wedding? 1 | half of the campaign for increased Kingston, Ont. ' ~~ 185 Princess St. production. About twenty people P . 7 were present at the meeting. Bouse: Ofice 68, Far tory 1415 Phone 343. The farmers stated that the great need «f the hour was for good seed, nd steps are to he taken to secure The marriag ace at Syden-| ham, on April 18th, Miss Nancy anda, daughtér of Janes Walker, and Wilfrid Clarence, son of Richard | Ellerbeck. The bride was attended | the seed that is required. y by Miss Eva Wdlker, the groomsman | Men of good oldgQueen's, suid I 1 1s rey Te rr AI i being J. G. Walker. The ceremony] As bu leave for other scepes C OINIIdEants « Soming: g ror S took place at the parsonage, Rev. Mr. [fl] Don't forget the good old city The following convalescent Sol- CANADA'S FAVORIT oY DRUG STOR & Read officiating. = The bride was! by the lake; diers will be leaving Quebec on Fri- a hs x : As dressed in a suit of navy serge, with | "Tis the fairest in the land, day for Kingston: Corpl T Lavery white silk blouse, and were dn im-{} And the "old Ontarfo stand" {I Pete:lare; L. Poirer, Glen Robert. ported hat of sand shade. Mr. and | Siveetest memories in many son; W. Leclair, Brockville: Corpl. Mrs. Ellerbeck left by auto for! hearts awake. Ww. "Armitage Belleville: A. Earle, Kingston. They will reside at Pleas- To your Alma Mater dear Cornwall; C. Weaver, Coboconk: J. ant Valley. TET Youn be loyal, we've no Lindsay, Oxford Mills; C. Hyder- ------------. | ear, man, Deseronto; W. Hughes, Kin- Special Glove Sale. i And to her many laurels may mount; J. Teaubeau, Peterboro; W. Made in Canada, "Kayser" Gloves, | you bring; McLaughlin, We Stacey, Kingston; J. MANICURE PREPARATIONS real chamoisette, worth $1.00, spe-| We wish you all Success, Labelle, J. Mulligan, A. McCoeye, 2 Ser a " cial at 69¢ pair. Trust that many lives you'll Ottawa; E. Stocker, C. Blair, Hull, Liquid Nail 'Enamel 35 bless, C vee Lumber, Con nd Wood -- n Te ---- RHR EE TERROR THREE ~--Corrigan's. Que. Cuticle Comfort In the service of your coun- i ---- Cuticle Remover Magazine Spécial. try and your King. ! Lieut. L. G. Anglin Killed. Y Nail Bleach . Everybody's or Delineator for sor) -- { Lieut. Lyman G. Anglin was kjil- Nall Whitener a and any other 15¢ magazine, the ove. We have been hatters to j ed, leading his men jin the Vimy Nall Polish - (cake) * aC for 25e. The College Book Store. Queen's students for forty Ridge battle.. Lieut. Anglin was the Nail "Polishing Paste : Open nights. | years. . | third som of Dr. J. V. Anglin, of St. : tidin e - T Sexes { Joan, N.B., and nephew of Dr. W. G, " a neen! ee. { % n + Quit Ne royeent Serviee. cane ff & | Anglin, of Kingston. It was his first Complete Cutex Setts 35¢ and $1.25. engagement as a commissioned offi- Vincent, All information call Card's| cer after serving In the trenches Lory, Wolfe Island. Ge Mills & C | with a Montreal battalion as a ser- i ' mes oan ] { geant for nine months, He had just Mr. and Mrs. C. Kimmerly, ream | € been given a commission on the a 00 % rug tore { i 4 'ed to Deseronto after a short stay in Hat Specia Spee ts. | field. ' Roslin with Mr. Hearns. They recent- | Opposite Hotel ndolph. i -- ly sold their property to J. G. John- -§f§i Two girls. arrested {or vagraney, ston, but intend to locate in Deseron- g 5 | will eomie before Mag strate Farrell to again soon, i on Thursday morning,

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