PAGE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1917 The British Whig 81TH. YEAR. Published Dally THE BRITISH co. President J. G. Elliott Director Leman A. Guild Telephones: Business Office Editorial Rooms Job Office gellvered 'in J If paid in adv : by mal tor 1 One One One One One , by mail cash . One , If not paid in advance One ye to United Stat ¥ Bix and three months pro rata MONTREAL R. Bruce Owen TORONTO F. C. Hoy : UNITED STAT F.I_.Northrup F.R.Northru Attached Ia printing offic dpi NTATIVE ¥ it 510 Ass'n Bldg, Chicago one of the best 'tn Canada The circulation of THE RRITISH WHIG Is authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations. FE -------- TTIME FOR A CHANGE. The Veteran A King ! ! th a, me vhich who had xcilpment ognitior ociation ( Wp men ton mber wis ef yo sed rely of Fenian rece ved ernment sed 1 loca re n grants « posse or le tion ording to its value, Thougli tf the heroes Foner r day, byron! af they displayed and were highly These, original veterans of this the afl réeipients had not, "like the alorous with the v disablement enemy, spirit commended for it we ented the repeat, repres ter they were joined by from the by gaged in conflict with the Huns, suffered shell invalided those who had en who front, from gasses and were sent home Very naturally y wanted to fraternizo, and they w in fellowship -a in numbers during the What they should make fr Avgasrization who h passing have, in the more influ leader 1s served the trenche f the per terans of cke nvisdirection of : ential, is a with them in and rain of shells the has passed throu and bears upon on scars of the shrapnel Julien, Ypres can How the ve tubert, Langemar and accept the and one especially who is simply dis credited in the community, explanation Is Incon celvable. There is no for it. erans offers no The commandant of the vet proof that he has fought anywhere at any time, that he to the rank he ass , and the | has a right to the titles, which he penalty for donning a uniform with- out authority and he escapes it. Why the ribbons decorations he wear and There medical, clerical military, appropriates. is a he is permitted to wear that betoken active.and distinguished | service without the protest of the vet themselves surprises every- and if another that is astonishing it is erans one; than « that some prominent people condone all these things, and find themselves fonally in situations that embarrassing. - The veterans ofs Kingston deserve the leadership, the Whig says this the more freely, because it interest in their suc- are now involved occas® are best and has an abiding cess. Of its staff there the service of the King, at the front sleeping beneath the soil of France, twenty-one members, of them or Some have received the wounds that carry with them honorable 4is- tirettor--In-their-behalf,--and-in-be-} half of every real veteran who h seen real fighting, the Whig is pre-| It will} neces- | ! pared to do valiant service. champion their cause when sary. It will see that justice is done! them It by will to day. any questions which prosperity. ©" They have done their bit heroically in the world's greatest war, and must get all that is com- ing to them in pensions and pay. But it can only do this well when 'it take up and advocate is approached through the medium | | things upside down by and bye. They of. those who enjoy the public's con- fideace and respect, ames -- Why does the government power. now are being made under orders-in- council, and by the ministers. The commission is being shabbily treated, Pi Job suffered | city. La- | veterans | and | months. | order to | who | umes, | there is one thing more for obvious reasons, | most | in| the governments of the | concerns their | | with the government of the day on | account of its inefficiency. not | abolish the Civil Service Commission? | It has been practically shorn, of its! Most of the appointments! Macedonian cry." TAXING WAR PROFITS. Wi hy 5 bud Thoma peed £140,000 government war.profi vear, and Can to dodge the sponsibility 1 d a new and most reason post upon them On all profits whicl the® gover: collect one-half; and on al exceed fifteen per cent ment will 1 twenty three-quarters. Just be profits "that eXCee ent. it will take per| will mean cannot con but 0 1hlic war began the what this | jectured the sum will be a very) ! : large one that there is no doubt. | The | the | walked out ¢ debt when It this vear, $1,- of Car was $3 end of Thi ations th ladda . ° 236.000.0000 will be, at 100 000.000 that least people SUEECSES for| | severa gener at the! taxes be levied heaviest at the can cand | debt Carr) and vollefted of the huge the | and | per | quickly se ount of fall, Id five AC floated in the will vie | | amount | Tover will be . F'here is an speci investment be perhap cured immense deposit the subscribed of money on al and awaiting and new loan will as rapidly I ar over-suhscribed as the other loans have heen A war, mar fears ago, was re prosperity The lords garded essential to But outbreak as world's war Bf the aml suffering for multitudes not a | | | present | | "war means | poverty countless| IN RUSSIA. the MYSTERY of THE The the pres ertain position Russians ent The provisional government | good-will of the people. Il the Stpport of the army 'rho that had during the | administration of the Romanoffs| | restrained. The | | | | | time is somewhat | at | un- | i has the i has element | may be greatly the Allies" revolutionists * governments of may have | heartened the by ap- the gov- future | proving of their act But weak _and ies Why? Nt has no par-| NS by the le and mind behin it will time. ernment is is certain elected their parliament not liament, expressing | This come in | I 1t will possess all the force for which} publie But it | cannot he created during a war and | opinion 'has stood. social conditions are as Whén place the that. they rule, and the probability 1at the new government will repre- sent all that is progressive and safe | What it mystery and for the | being said while the | at the election does will be appreciate demo- present, sure | take people to feratice show is in national life is doing neanwhile is a that nothing is to | reason | reveal its pltns in the diplomatic | | world | any other, | EDITORIAL NOTES Watch President Wilson Yee conscription. With-he-see--itt Whateveg, the not courage is [out for | through? lacks it is | The president | Kaiser's family sugge Better that than a thronement such as to t that he | abdicate de-| his | the came friend the Czar of all Russias The school children are now gard spirit show | Hn steemed { | rare good to ening, and with a They something their sérvice later on » The fafmers are | to the call for larger crops, but they want and beans for Without these there cannot be great- | ; er production. may have for | not irresponsive potataes seed "The 1abor unions of Hamilton want | | the parliamentary deposits abolished. } | They prevent the working men from! ! becoming and that | serious matter. 7 candidates, is al the Militia "Department against those them, Why does not enforce the wearing of uniforms who are not entitled to What is it afraid of? its regulations by | den A western deputation has waited {upon the local government to urge] that the new provincial highway "'fel- low the industrial centres of Wood stock, Ingersoll, Brantford, London, { Toronto and Niaraga Falls.' Mr, Jarrott, the author, does not | think the soldiers who did not see! | service at the front and have not. | been hurt can claim and be honestly | given as high a pension as the men { Who imperil their lives for the King. | He is right. There are some who fear | that the returning soldiers--the many thousands of them--will turn | will have occasion to do something Call From Farmers. (Brantford Expositor) The farmers have sent out the o will be the first to respond? What is more im- portant than that the land should produce enon a keep the people] -- starving? jrure | train the | | ed to a pack | mieux | vears | Rock | quantity led to play o | the | instead | where there | modern | PUBLIC OPINION 1 gain. > GREATEST SOMER- SAULT OF TIMES Duped wit the convert that for flour are chief sub- It was that the loyalty Will See it Through. Alexis ( H0 vear Dr Are ompelled to through wheat on, for wheat the rums beatew reciprocity cut the useless t of sgrimons What Greed Have Some It was Ra lag aved and f the manul Wa t wowld pra ally ninion in two, a render great transcontinental lines which (Canada has constructed at such enor- expense The hard Canadian would be ground by American and would its identity would be the States and the eached 1 T the d Greed on the part'o rs vd Ottawa failure to weakened Di inadianism inf (pe 1 industry. has mous Good to the Alidns. wheat m C 'anad a ted uy AT odd slieds, alleged to ups 1060 a month, st #lant yes regretted that a men could laces lose drawn severed Wh drawing into from he 1rd Of local be returned terday it 1s are like number nogsense, and we Conservative fri The measure is measure, but the for reciprocity good after the war and no nt will be bold t west obtains full to go back to restriction 3 was our the point scribed as a war st arguments nds see slackers Were Caught. I 1 Ma from C nited States are now wa United § It they into the went forced ng to tes may jumped fire, it anada who : he to evade when aTvie tation, return pecause tue adopt that system from the frying-pan them right * Americans in Canadian Forces Kingston, April (To Last week I read a statement valuable paper, made by whose name I do not now party gave figures to show that 30,000 Americans were not serving in the ranks of the King I don't know whetliér this statement Dolan has been appointed like many others, was made to de the steamer Parspont 'tract from the worth of the Ameri- & West's Minstrel's play- can people and as a refusal to admit d audience at the opera dhe truth about the same people. night ! I want to say that tae United States are the best friends Canada as All the best articles made in the world, come from: them: Print- ing presses, elevators, automobiles, "motors rical goods, and forth, long to mention We have seen many statements in Canadian news rs and magazines that they are Americans rving in the No later than Saturday April 2 the Montreal Standard, on its front page, carried a fine : icle by Frank H. Simonds, author of "The Great war!" The following comment was made him. in the third week of February, by the British Prime Min- ister, Lloyd. George, in the big cabinet room of the latter's official residence in .. Dawning street: "Why, there are alre 30,000 ering at ohmer Park, Montreal, Americans at the front ar- whi narked the beginning of the mies now." first French-C nadian battalion fpr I think that such overseas, the Mr. Lemicux was garding this subject, as appeared in chadrman committee which | your columns last week, are an of- raised $10,000 Col. Oliver Asse- Tense to Americans, = like myself, lin's regiment. Mr. Lemieux has a strving in the admirable legions of nephew at the front... One of his the King of England. nephews laid down life at Ypres SERGT. £.'X. DESRIVIERES. His own son has qualified as a lieu- = tenant and offered himself Col Blondin. Mr. Lemieux has a brother who went through the South African war. Innumerable meetings have listened to Mr. Lemieux's eloquent ap- peals on -behalf the war in which | we are engaged Yet Mr. Sevigny considers it good politics to make per- \ sonal attac on Laurier and Le IT this be pohtics, let us have less politics and more patriotism NY KINGSTON EIT 26 YEARS ACO tor in your someone, recall. » This of Cataraqui ward are or bicycle club The girl ganizing a Michael purser on Primrose house last ILL-ADVISED ATTACK ON MR. LEMIEUX elect boots n 100 Mor 1,000 M sonal atta and Mr urday ier was that may exist in Canada you seen a violent per overseas forves Wilfrid Laurier Montreal on Sat lared that Laur- any differences [WO races "Have in re vigny made k on Sir Smileux He sponsible at dec for the asked, between to-day He Mr. Lemieux helping crui > work? No; he makes fiery pol pecches"™ What are the fact Sir Wilfria Laurier afar Lemie addressed that great gath to dy in our h statements, re- the for of his The statement referred to above was made by a Canadian parliamen- tariamy who had access to the official figures afiyl he stated that there are, about ,000 Americans serving in the Canadian Expeditionary force, about one-half of this number being overseas NOw Hundreds of former Canadians have came back from the United States to enlist here . There are no doubt fully 30,000 Americans serving in all the British armies (in- cluding Canada's forces). These "would include doctors and nurses ty of ks Be one contagious to in help yout make prosperity community "Random Reels "Of Shoes and Shipe and Sealin g Wax. of Cabbages and Kings." 3 would these over ter mouth der to THE MAYFLOWER dismay the stoufest heart in days. the colonists who came on the Mayflower did not fal After sitting around on Ply Rock for a few days, in or- remove the seasickness their legs. they went briskly work and built a meeting where they could assemble on Sun day and listen to 12,000 feet of ser mon Earnest efforts were made to convert the red man and induce him to wear something besides a scalp lock, but not much progress was made in this direction, owing to the tendency of the red man to visitor full of arrow heads before the subject was properly introduced. The Mayflower was a small boat, estimated at about 54 per cent. wa- ter-tight, and when caught in the trough of the sea refused to sit up right. It took several weeks for | the Puritans to reach Plymouth, and at times they were out of sight land. We would like to many people to-day think of their conscience trip, like that, if they were able to locate it in the first place. Two hundred and ninety-seven ship Mayflower cargo of Puritan mothers on Plymouth and algo discharged a large of iron-bound rock-hallast conscience which wad not allow- ide the yard at home s been a mystery why r landed at Plvmouth, picking out some place was a good hotel with conveniences, like Palm Beach or San Diego. It must have been a cheerless sight which greeted the eyes of the Pilgrim Father as he left the Mayflower and saw nothing spread out before him but a large, three-cornered_rock totally lacking in vegetation of any except the simpe,] untutored red man and his feet It was an uninviting spot. Good table board was scarce, the steam laundry had net shown up and the first open saloon had yet to protrude its shy head into the land- scape. Despite ago the good its precious and anded fathers ed It has alw Mayflow of enough these which Rippling Rhymes AMERICANS. SINCE talk of war is flying wide, and flags. hang from the outer wall, 1 note, with pleasure and with] pride, the hyphenated crowd is small. The men drawbacks, the blue prints claim, and more, are seldom traitors/ to their salt, this has become their motherland; if war comes they'll gladly vault upon their charg-| ers, lance in hand. "We. are Americans," they ery. | "and will be while this life endures; the.flaz of | ask how | enough, | represen- | | Letters to the Editor | | The Edi- | de- | A from | to i house, | fill his | | | to undertake ar { | | | i | | | { who ramc across the sea, to make their home upan | this shore. and found the country of the free is alll and | that waves its stripe on high is ours, as much as it is! yours. come to his shores; if warfare comes just watch us| slam the stuffing from the foreign bores." Americans, | wherever born, in Berlin or in Broken Bow! ' hyphen is a thing of scorn. when there is. threat ot | war and woe. Americans, when shades of gloom are on our Uncle Sam- my's brow! Americans, there is no room for any other people now! Our loyalty's to Uncle Sam, who gave us wel- | . The! | KING HATS $2 50 " me | Bibbys Limited -- KING HATS $2.50 Nobby OVERCOATS ! See Our Pinch Back Style, Special Value, $15.00. Navy blue or grey cheviots. _-- New Slip On Overcoats, Fancy Tweeds and Cheviots. New Chesterfield Overcoats. and black vicunas and cheviots. Value, Special Value $15.00. Plain grey Special $15.00. Bibbys re = EE : OO Overland "Automobile | ® FOR SALE LE» FOR SALE 183 Acres, $6200 Four miles from city. Good buildings; well watered. W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock Street Phone 434 This price is only for a few days. Four-cylinder touring car; brand new Dominion Tires; 2 Nobby Tread; 2 Plain Tread; clei lights. Car in good running condition. $400.00 Moores Electric Shop 206 Wellington Street. a at tat a at tt tata el McLAREN'S Invincible Products | Will be Semenaics in {during the week April 23rd - Jelly Powder. Quick Puddings Icing Powder Extracts JAS. REDDEN & CO. Phones 20 and 990. pn i NA, DALY GARAGE | our Share Pretty Shoes Essential to Stylish Ap-| pearance. No other part of wo-| man's dress is more con- K| isuous than her shoes. er shoes, iit part of the style expres- | sion of her fomume, {mar the entire eff Our spring show ir are the new- lest designs from the style centres. [ See our display. 22 | The Sawyer A great bargain. therefore, play a very | They make or! OS 5 The Great Pwmglish Femed 0 | Tours aod invigorates the w ol cine, Cures Debility, Mental and Brain Wi Toss of Energy, nr on 4 Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, a One will please, siz will cure. | druggists or mailed in plain | ED New pomphlet meiled EDICINE CO..TORON 0, the CRAWFORD Begs to Notify His Customers that commencing May 1st. COAL SALES Will ~ Be'For CASH At price current for the month when the order is given. The Coal situation in the United States compels this ac. tion, Foot of Queen St. Phone 9. Shoe Store