PAGE SIX | Diseased Skin Mah 0( Dru THE DAILY BRITISH WIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1917 . D. D. D. AEWS FROM THE DISTRICT '""Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office. Royal Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto IOKN M. PATRICK W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Columbias, Victrolas, All makes paired, Mode Grafonolas of talking adjusted, cleaned, eliminated. rate Charges; Expert Workmanship. 149 Sydenham Street CR [-- Choice Confection- ery, Pies, Cakes, Etc. Quality Our Motto. Crothers' King Street Bakery 302 King Street machines re- noises Prompt Service; CIAPPED FROM THR WHIGS MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. (n Brief Form the Events In The Country about Kingston Are Told --Full of Interest to Many. gaan se o Des Ori an egg suring 8 9-16 by 615 inc hos Ben. Willis has purchased White's livery, Lanark. and wil tinue } 16 John Mac lentally eh nkle inl Noble Reuben Powell, wer, Be died on. Sunday s England in 1541 > in 1875 born and went to Bel uple f ike, nme we ighir Eg about * Rathbun he coal that a new nanoque work on 141T) 300 cords stone road building with the the for Lan- job of use in irk corporati f } n { After a brie lineds, ided on the Arth Front of Thur- Monday De- ussex, kng., in ur Coo; er, who re low, ceased was 1845 William rane, has pure! son's farm on mond, and will ly. passed away on born in S Napier, lately of Coch ased William Robert the 9th Con. Drum take possession short- Napanee, | late Mrs will move in two the wedding was solemnized in on April 11th, when Miss 'hase second daughter of Mr Phone 141. TRC LI BE LONGING TO THE ROER.) OF FaiR AND SQUARE S ADMITS You T Be FAIR "AND Our ceries, displa vice, THE ST CIRCLES 3 SQUARE store will be 28th, a full line of choice yed. We will appreciate UNITED GROCERY Ri [¢ \ CO. gney & Hickey's Old Phone 267. Sgand ity Dairy - open Saturday, gro- fruits and vegetables will be your patronage and give you excellent ser- Tr A rm A A AA WILSON GIVES DINNER; TRIBUTE TO BALF British Foreign Minister Cen- tral Figure of Historic Gathering. Washington, April 25 Great Bri- tain's war commissioners in.the Am- erican capital are receiving every mark of honor and codrtesy within | the gift of the government, | Foreign Secfetary Arthur James Balfour, formally presented by Sec- fo tary Lansing to President Wilson in | the morning, was the guest of honor last night at the most notable dinner given at the White House in a gen- eration During the day he was presented to Vice-President Marshall at the capitol, lunched with Ambassador Spring-Rice at the Ftench embassy and received cards or calls from many prominent persons, including former Secretary Bryan. There will be no tariff this session at Ottawa changes PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM. D Visit This Dairy and Decide for g. ourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. 24 Johnson Street Phone 2083 ee att eases eta ear A Word tothe Wise | n The large profits made by successful mining com- mining the panics make dustries, The large dividends paid hy companies make tive of all yecurities, Therefore, periy of the camp. NEWRA) is proving its property ss comprising "in thé heart of Porcupine -- as a pro- spoetive producer of the highest merit. 21 acres NEWRAY is out of the gamble stage -- it is a mine, not & prospect -- with definite Prospects and definite possibilities, NEWRAY will make you money, big profits. WIRE YOUR ORDERS AT OUR EXPENSE. ark Harris & Co. Members Standard Stock Exchange Standard Bank Building Montreal mining stocks the in investing your money, afford to ignore mining shares. Newray, the Next big Mine In Porcupine, D now coming into its own, and is alveady showing up as the 1917 feature most lucrative of all in- successful mining most attrac- you cannot pro= \ Buy gow for Toronto, Ont. New York 1 con- | led nyse Falls, die day chaplain 8 reported d brother Road, the overseas f at the front law of James near Norwood C. A. G. Spence has sent in hi gnation as agent of the B ildren's Aid ¢ » and & He was a Hastings Lake, in * had been on Edward Min ed at Winnipeg rk in the months and chibald N. Pen efully away at the son-in-law, John L April 11th De- Hood farm home f her James, Lanark, on ceased fas born on the In view of the fact that Camp Mo- hawk is certain to bring a large num- ber of strangers to the progressives hope the take steps to have the main fares kept clean and decently Dese ronto, thorough sprink this summer Thom: B. Caldwell is now owner by purchase of the plarit, and buildings of the Facer Wheel Co., Perth, including the mense steam hammer, whic time of its installation, be the largest steam RH ada. land Car im- in Can- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Local Notes and Items of Geperal Interest. Lieut.-Col. G. H. Gillespie left on Wednesday for Prescott. Major F. B. Eaten, A.D. T.. left on Tuesday for Ottawa. For the second time this there was no session of the Court on Wednesday morning. At a meeting of Arts '17 on Tues- day afternoon, it was decided to pre- sent a scholarship to Queen's. he form of it and the amount was left to the permanent executive to de- cide. The name of little Miss Irene Sec- ker, daughter of Bandsman Secker, was unintentionally omitted from the report of the Langemarck banquet She recited "The Flag of Freedom," splendidly. Rev. J. W. Hodgins, resctor of St Paul's Church, Stratford, has re- signed owing to ill-health from the active ministry. > Mr. Hodgins will apply for superannuation He is a brother of C. C. Hodgins, bursar at Rockwood Hospital The funeral of Richard O'Connor, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs T. J. O'Connor, 87 Pine street, was held on Wednesday afternoon to St Mary's Cathedral. The little fellow will be « ly missed by his parents, four brothers and' four sisters sides by many friends. of S. and week Police ESCAPES THE RAIDER. American Ship Gave the Slip to the Seeadlor. New York, April can steamship was chased for five miles by the German sea raider, Seeadler, off the coast of Brazil on April 12th, according to the captain of the vessel, which reached this | port to-day. The Seeadler, previous- ly reported hy the victims of her raids on their arrival at Ro Jan- s formerly the American bark BRYmaha, into whigh the s 'had fitted ga%oline motors. The captain of the steamship, which is engaged in the South Am- erican trade, said the raider. was sighted at 6 a.m. bearing down on him at a point 39 miles north of the equator and between 200 and 300 miles 'of the coast. The pursurer, he said, put on all speed, but he was able to throw her off after a desper- ate chase. Although within range the raider did net attempt\tno fire on him. She had Norwegian flags painted on her sides, he said, and mounted two guns apparently of 8-inch calibre. An Ameri Canadian Casualties. Killed in Action--W, F.' Jones, Bowmanville; Lieut. I. H. Glasgow, Prescott; A. Black, Peterboro. Died of Wounds--S. C. Coonforth, Leeds; J. E. Cregan, Renfrew. Wounded--R. W. Durant, J. C. Marr, Belleville; O. Boomhower, Hal- iburton; W. F. Sheppard, Kingston; E. Mortimer, Peterboro; J. F. Loc- head, Centreville; A. E. Baker, W. T. Mackenzie, Prescott; W. H. Fayle, C. A. _ Henderson, Cobourg: J. Thor , Lanark; Lieut. W. G. Worth, R. Hendry, P. Berirand, Pet- erboro; F. J. O'Brien, Lowaeyville; C. Morrison, Warsaw; C. H. Tatton, Salem; T. P. Narlock, Renfrew; G. A. Lesson, Cavan; R. W. Compney, Havelock; E. Finan, Pembroke; W. G. Black, Glenora; J. N. Anderson; Tweed; W. G. Billington; V. Bullied. Peterboro; F. A. Fevreau, Flinton; IL. Osborn, C. R. Watson, Madoc; H. F. Rusaw, Coe Hill; A, A. McDougall, Ompah: R. E. O'Connor, Marmora; G. Allen, Sharbot ke; W. Hogan, Dead Creek; J. Gunyon,. Belleville; T. W. Cousins, Napanee; -E. Hicks, Tamworth; Capt. R. J. Gardiner, Smith's Falls. IM and Wounded--Lient. W. K. Kirt, Cannington. iF. Newton, Peterbyro STOCK MARKETS, Prices Paid at the changes. York Stocks. Open. 2 Airbrake .. .. 129 hson The New 30 p.m Itimore I'. R sylvanja Reading St. Paul Union Pacifi ronto Stoce ks. Steel of Canada { to sink vessels, Steamers Maple Leaf Smelters Dominion Cement £1 3 War Loan v War Loan War loan General Electrie 108 Bid HAD HIS HAND MANGLED. John O'Donnell, Princess Street, Badly Injured at Locomotive Works, John O'Donnell, who l.ves with his wife over the Ideal Theatre, is ngw in the Hotel Dieu suffering from se injuries to his hands received at work at t locomotive On Wednesday morning, 0 o'clock, he was finishing Just. before which is called caught in its hand and left mangled 85 8 was called and moved to the his injuries were vere while WOCIHS ithout 4.3 his night's work up leaving his, a "rimmer," he was meshes The right thumb were badly Coerbett's ambulance the injured man Hotel Dieu, where dressed. TOWNSHIP MEETINGS And Speakers ih -Connection With "Greater Production." Thursday, . April 26th, 8 p.m, Sydenham --Reeve Truscott, Ald. H Newman and D. A law. Friday, April 27th, 8 frev--Wartlen McKnight, Black, M.P.P.; Rev. J. D. Rev. J. J. Black. Saturday, April 28th, 8 p.m, rowsmith--Reeve W. S. Read, Meek and Dr. Edwards, M.P. Saturday, April 28th, 8 p.m. Wolfe Island--Reeve Dr. Spankie, R J. Rodgers and Dr. A, W. Richard- son, , God William Boyd and Har Robt BASEBALL RECORDS. International League. Toronto .. . 7 Richmond .. . Newark ... . 6 Montreal .. Buffalo .. .. 7 Providence .. National League. New York... 3 'Boston Chicago 8 Cincinnati S Louis (10) 2 Pittsburg American Leafue. New York... 2 Boston oN Chicago.... 1 Cleveland .... 0 Washington. 8 Philadelphia St. Louis .., 7 Detroit .... .. p---------- Pte. Watson Improving. George Watson, 75 Hickson avenue, has received word that his son, Pte. C. W. Watson, C.M.R., is improving and is now in the Gran- ville Special Hospital, Ramsgate, Kent, England. Pte. Watson was wounded in the faee, legs and foot on New Year's Day and has been in a seripus condition since then. One eve is gone, and his weight has gone down from 190 to 100 ]bs. High hopes are held for his recovery now however. -- il Kicked in the Stomach. Sergt. Zala, 5th Canadian Garri- son Artillery, Vancouver, B.C was kicked in the stomach on Wednes day afternoon by a Royal School of Artillery horse. He is now at the Ongwanada "Military Hospital amd resting gomfortably. r ) a The Spanish Government's note to Germany's submarine campaign con- tains a paragraph stating that if Ger- many continues in its determination in order to defend its life, Spain must take a like step to defend her life. Mrs. McQueen was removed. to the Hotel Dieu on Tuesday in James Reid'S®ambulance. Britain is to be placed on bread rations immediately. A CHILD DOESN'T LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED If Peevish, Feverish and Sick, Give "California Syrup of Figs." Mother! Your child isn't natural- ly cross and peevish. See if tongue is coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. ] When listless, pale, feverish; full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach ache, diarrhoea remem- ber, a gentle liver and bowel cieans- ing should always be the first treat- ment given. Nothing equals 'California 'Syrup cf Figs" for children's ils; give a teaspoonful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fer- menting food which is clogged in the Lowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harm- less, delicious "fruit laxative." and it never fails 10 effect a g) +! "inside" cleansing. .- Directions for babies, children of a.) ages 12d grown-ups ate plainly on the bottle. Keep it handy in your home. A lite # given todav suves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 5d-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs" then Jos 204 tas That I i¢ Dade vy She sp lifornia Fog Syrap Company," Various Ex- f day . CO-OR DINATION OF Come to the Rescue sStrong . Will. Thee RAILROADS. They With a ick-crowd ing arious mar - Daniel National railroad ston on April 11th Every railroad of importance in the United St: had its representa- tive, immedia vr by proxy \ , the conference passed r Mr. Willard's resolution for the appoint ment of a committee of five Presidents with complete con- trol during the war of the operations of »all the railroads in the country. This committee of five will be in ses- sion at Washington while the.war In these trained hands the whole American railway system of. 250,000 miles or more will be oper- as a single system, a unit; di-| d and operatgd intelligently, hetically, and 'efficiently, to the advantage of the United States. The value, military and economic, this co-ordination of railway ansportation will be of the great- The generous American spirit, whieh prompts it, a spirit that has moved great industry after which in- dustry to enlist in the mobilization of American resources, is priceless Here the managers of some $17,000 ,- 000,000 of railway property grant control of it to five men sq that the Government may have the best ser- | vice in war. Surely the display of\a comman pa-! triotism of a common devotion to the ry, by the great indtisries and! terests, must create popu derstan dings and sympathy that out last the war The railroads, example, so ready to serve the coun try in war, may be allowed to serve it in peace and get a living wage for it. It is one of the benefits of war the bringing together all classes and opinic ns, it teaches tolerajion and broadens knowledge lasts. ated CARNEGIE INSTITUTE To Engage in War Work for, Govern- ment of United States, The Carnegie Institute of Wash ington, with its wonderful research resources has been turned over to the United States for militarygpurposes This is interesting locally because Prof. Norman Bowen, an honor grd- duate of Queen's University, and son of C. Bowen, baker, holds a very im- portant place on the institute staff | The Institue's product is principally that which competes with" pre-war German manufacturing; such as len- ses for periscopes, teléscopes, micro- | scopes, field glasses, etc. For the last two years Prof. Bowen ! has been engaged in research work on the Pacific for the Institute, Mrs. Ferrier, 119 Alfred Street, was removed to the G neral Hospital in James Reid's ambulance on Tues- TIRED S( HOOL CHILDREN. FoR who have been desks for weeks] studying at Boys and girls hending over their and months, and often home late into the night, get into a 'weak, nervous, run-down condition. and wise mothers will take the ad vice of our local druggist, Mahood"s Drug Store, and give such children Vinol, because it is a non-secret pre- paration which contains the oldest | and best tonics known, and is guar anteed to strengthen and restore health to weak, overworked, run down people, and to cure chronie coughs, colds and bronchitis, or vou can get your money back CURES SKIN AFFECTIONS One package proves it. Sold and | guaranteed by above Vinol druggist. | A [save Your Scrap Paper! The Kingston all of youl Pape¢ Box Com pany tll buy and cash for in paper ye to the shor per box material throughout the Dominion, we has with the manufacturers to buy all scrap pavers and in car load lots spot Remember, we pay the highest pricé and spot cash. Baled or unbaled and our driver Phone will call 883 and let us know Honest weight what and a square you have deal KINGSTON PAPER BOX CO., J. G. Brown, Sole Proprietor. I . AA so A Ee 3 3 a oS ST Are Youa Poultry Breeder? One Quart of Milk Is equal in food value to three-fourths of a pound of Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two pounds of fish, six pounds of tomatoes. And the milk Is more easily digested amd far more economical than any of the other foods. Phone 345 Price's Victoria Cafe Grand Re-Opening Sat. 11 am. THIS CAFE HAS JUST EN AFHAOROUGHLY OVERHAULED AND FINELY EQUIPPED, ING NOW ONE OF THE BEST FURNISHED RESTAURANTS IN THE DOMINION. An Excellent Table Service is Guaranteed. H. KX. LEE, Prop. * 354 King Street. my 2 = YE OLDE -- CSS FIRME ££ " The Musician feintzman & Co. Art Hiann his demands more than met. He finds a tone unequalled---a touch that meets every require- ment --- an appearance that pleases the artistic sense. He finds a piano which is an inspiration in itself----a piano from which he can obtain effects not possible from any other instrument. C. W. LINDSAY, Limited, 121 Princess Street, Thursday Market profit. I 000A RRA "Talk of putting money into the bank," ently; here's the way to do it. - Rally of all who are interested in the business on said a poultry man rec- Evening, April 25th At eight o'clock; in the office of the Department of Agriculture, Square, Kingston Everyone who is interested in the subject invited to be present. Information given with rbgard to the purchase and care of pul- lets, the way to house and feed them, and get the largest possible 'The chance of he sgason. Take advantage of it. THE PROCLAMATION OF THE PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT OF THE GREATER PRODUCTION MOVEMENT CHET TH