Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1917, p. 7

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BR A $73,000,000 > You Tae I ESTABLISHED ® Thrift NERD D-- ir Saving » HIG BIRRANCHES IN CANADY BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay; mi A FOR S Johnston St.; small brick house ¢ entre St., frame, all modern . .. . Colborne St., double brick, modern Earl St., brick, modern, ba " THE J.K. CARR 56 Brock St. a i, , Manager. GR ALE $1250 3700 4200 4000 rm OLL AGENCY Phones: Office 68; ones: Office 68; Res, 874 874 You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there" 8 no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? Phone 1004 Free inspection of any Spring Time is Growing Time wk oof i Rennes seeds in bulk f choice Mix nd Tall Nas Lawn Grass hers rail Hoag' s Drug Store anch Post Office. TR zit Omit. TAXI SERVICE * RING 960. Open and Closed Cars. Kingston Taxi Cab Steam Vulcanizing The Auto Tire Repair & Exchange 220 MONTREAL ST. We have a d use all nis and & pn-skid replaced on re t. Prices reasonable. pald for used casings In fair condition. W. A. McWilliam, Phone 2084. ~ Am mm SPECIAL EASTER Meats and Groceries Swift Premium Hams and Bacon. C hoje e Western Beef, Veal and Pork, ~ Fresh Eggs, Lettuce, Cele ry and Green Onions. J. M. GORDON Phone 88. Cor. Montreal & Bay St. All This Week We will pay the Highest! and Cut Flowers our filled promptly. Street. I. LESSES, 124-126 Clarence St. battery at any time OPTICAL SERVICE WE SPECIALIZE In (aring for the Eyes. OUR OPTOMETRIST Devotes his whole time (vo things optical. OUR EYE EXAM- INATIONS Are conducted carefully. OUR MOUNTINGS the best nH cath in wed the vidual ease, SPECIALIZE carefully ~o comfort. WE DO NOT Offer you glasses unless they are absolutely nec essary for Jour eres. Our prices are right: Our service Ix prompt: Our sim ix to be exnct. R. J. Rodger Jeweller and Optician. 132 Princess St. prado BUGGIES AND SPRING WAGGONS at the Old Stand. As Usual. Stock I'erms J. C. CONOLLY YARKER, ONT. -- Large F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Florist Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets ity. Orders 113 Broek Phone 230, N NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC On and After , May 1st All Our Sales Will Be For CASH. standard will be bas- price nthe p X to conditions prevailing Tt ntied States we have it necessary to adopt this * will nat accept or ¢ tons in any sy stem. casonable, peice, The James Sowards a ST RAND" - Ee Constance Talmadge in Coal Co. : Cash Price for Eggs, dressed chickens and fowl: also No. 1 fat live heas, 5 Ibs or over; No. 1 fat ducks and turkeys. No. 2 Poultry paid for at Market Value, at Anderson Bros. Princess and Division St.| Phone 438 - 1846. » | ness-Withy \ sitar ----d Word has been received im Hali- fax of the sinking of the new Fur- steamer Annapolis by a nan submarine on April 19th The Amapolis carried 3,000 barrels apples Gross earnings of the C. P. R. for i the thizd week of April shows an in- | crease of $365,000 | the same week a year ago. compared with The French Commission to confer With American and British Govern- meat officials has reached Washing: t THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1917 'G RA N D CONTINUOUS --_ At230 PM. £730P MN Daily Per formanc® VAUDEVILLE POLITE CHARLIE CHAPLINgm om '" » 3 in. "THE CURE. 5 A Five Keel Feature Filme n un CLADYS COBURN In CONDENSED ADVERTISING rATES| "THE PRIMITIVE CALL Billie Burke, in s ' "Gloria's Romance." thee in And Other Photoplays 5 SS = | COMING THURSDAY & FRIDAY HELP WANTED 2--A( TS POLITE VAUDEVILLE--2 Five Reel Feature Photoplay. COOK. (xy Hyland in "BABETTE" 'athe Newsy Ce y and Other Photop a ays PRICES ALWAYS THE SAME HOLS SEWORK. 10¢ Fyening 10c; GIRL ron GENERAL SATURDAY, Api 28" = ons. a OPERA HOUSE First insertion, 1¢ a word. secutive gusertion thereafter, cent Minhmam charge f >) SAND. NOVELTY Ww voke, 39 ™Wwo YEAR rm D wean . ts Goa. PLAIN \ \ APPLY 174 y Pe, GOLD 20 FEET LONG, bE « RE D, § | SKIFF, APPLY Ho. Ww TO Ss Ww IED. vi once, Tre RET ~ t. APPLY Matinee SEL L * Ek "i Any Seat Se M: inee and Night. AD CONDUC Musi reat of All Times, Dillingham's Production of Berlin's Big Moaumoth Musi cal Reyvue ihe Charles SMART Irving Frunt . rH ALSO RIT- 4 GEN- GOOD KITCHEN RANGE, che laine bani os MAIDS Stop! = MAID ron GENE Ru ror RINGSTON ro LABORATO wo . Ee TT ms RHABUIITURY WUKNK. | Cow LAUNCH HULL, 2 ft i & Nine ~ ~~ fan HOt SE wo ORK. t of Dr. Ls ; dion ro vee ee -------------- - 2 mae MIS Nrow THLATE 1916 REO: ENGINE AND (AR - -- . ---------------------------- t r g cieans i SMART BOY TO LEARN FP RINTING. HEEL ppb W, Tost, 99 A te nan, News K in r ' 6. {irs Bri 1 Wi > iad AW NINGS, COOK GEVERAL, TO GO TO (Ol voy yeas CER 1 A DAY PORTER A\\D NI Listen! =50 TWO BUILDING LOTS, ON PRON tenac street, with feel fror ¢ People Augmend fod Orchestra Sin: Months in Bodton. Year in New York Big Musical Show Le Cne This is One is Seldom Seen Outside Cities, SOc, That | | Goon Woon. workin Large . F rontenad MACHINE Loon] Wages Athle t Models \L tpap xt ne R OF BICY( x ES, 1¥- ling f " land Ni ng a ass S1.00, S1.30 To, Oe, THe, S100, Seat Sale Thursday. 25¢, { J _ YOUR oOLD AL TOW "w JL RLY Sony AS Hou Se- GRIFFIN'S | SI Fem en ws Monday, Tuesday, Wed- -- Sey Waly ome ' Sopp dipdd modes nesday, * fo. J L Smart, reliable to work WALLACE REID in Feeetttettttsotititttsses | or before and after | Hore E "The Golden Fetter." rey BRICK STORE AND STORE HOU SE, TTR bi ui iy * "The Secret Kingdom" 800, AR WE SR ge cellar VAUDEVILLE wa Si--Mat. 10¢; Evening, COMING! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MARY PICKFORD In "vs Le "The Poor Little Rich, ie Girl." Ww ere BUILDING boy STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. and all kinds of new and sec- viture. We are also everything in the Thompson, 337 Phone 1600 school, \ GENERAL MAID, ONE WHO AN 3 uk } required. Wages Price 15¢ vA REAL BARGAIN FOR QUICK sal { tn LOT stone d ling 1 ME AND d dressers SECOND FOR NEW s boards FAvitn TO WORK a Doasps S ng « da Tuesday and Wednesday VAL DEVILLE S--FEIATLRE PHOTOUPLAYS2 Monday, "A Girl of the Timber- claims." Ford and Purple 10e. Cunard im Mask" Evenings, BONNER"S (FINEST Francis Grace "The Matinee, CHEAP, OR EXCHANGE, ONE 1916 135c. FEE PES b PELE LESSER AUTOMORILES RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. Saxon Service for Saxon Automobiles, with large stock of repair parts and competent hanics to, make repairs when necessary. J. H. Da- vis, Saxon Distributor, . LARGE STO(C ~ wand at Insist on the RED ' SRA aR dn tian Carton. }Tol ! "raser A prices work liam all Ww ooo ode de doodle doe pop +> + + + +> + * + + + + il : ii DENTAL B.A, LDS, Princess street. A ------ GET Your AWNINGS MADE in KINGSTON Patronize home industry: ne better made in Canady than Capt. Joseph Dix, MAKER, NELSON ST, If you want one, drop him a ecard. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes romoved permanently, with- out scar: 30 years' expe Fence Dr Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Kar, Nose, Throa: and Skin Srotatist, 258 Bagot = KNAPP, = ice, 25% 652 ee. DDS, | A. | Phone | DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and -Bagot streets Phe hone 626. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellington street, 3 Dewar, DDS, LDS, assistant Phone 345. LEGAL B. CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor. Law. office, ence street. Kingston il Wanted For clean, light work; highest wages while learning. Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at SAIL makes. PAINTING L180 SE {9 JANEWAY, Plum stree BARRISTER 79 Clar A. \ PAINTING, 20 A Delicious Dessert Se and 10¢ Packages For Sale at all Grocers FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. Distributars. ES ---- RE ---- The Commons Special Railway | Committee elected J. E. Armstrong, | Lambton, as chairman. It was de- | vided to include cable as well as! télegraph and telephone companies ! among those whdse rates are to be | subjected to the Railway Commis-| sion. Lieut. C. J. Law, of the i Own Scottish Borderers, second son of Andrew Bonar Law, Chancellor of the Exchequer, is reported to have been wounded in Palestine and to be | missing. It is expected that the' Duke of the Abruzzi, eousin of King Victor Emmanuel, will bead an Italian mis- sion to the United States. Specializing Store Fronts a | Remodelling Bulldings of all | TRS = EXPERIENCE , 372 Usiversity Ave, 7 | GOLD WRIST WATCH QN . We vga AN ENAMELLED BROOCH, car Bar oN ¥5 1. ve GOULD LOCKETT ON PRINCESS 1 \ rie | 3 [ WiLL FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE anything and ner may facts » adver. 1 in this horses y be ad- ' column. DOCTOR'S HAND BAG, FINDER kK tore n te Whig of 1 WRT FO $13, ROL OF BILLS, AMOUNTING n Dr. Hanlev's Seine Finder kind) ca w Office \ GoLp si Rady RT Jom i Ny Rint Ok Tr NT S, Ww I BAR BROOCH ON (CLERGY, = 13 ON MONDAY EVENING ON WILLIAM nL bt n AND BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INV se One cent Finance, are made Free trie} ful Finance, Chicago and learn and lost subscription ARS 608 S. Dearborn St. LADIES' TAILORING MADAM DUNNETTE AND MRS, KE. Smith 208 Sve hay t., high-c FOR SALE OR TO LET. RESIDENCE, street, in good ms; al bargalir Divisio BRI( K NO. 438 conditior improv "ossessic SECOND-HAND for cash or ir PIANOS, pay of new pian nd \ Hirota *W. Lind say, Limited, 121 } SOMEONE TO L a To ood WANTED Box Kingsg FURNISHED BED ROOM, mrm and dn house | |e rvisien LY cous reel" | GIVE LE French v4 'oll te rT FR . iT g onhoes IN CL ARE NCE s B. HOU Sh 152 BROCK ES : aonts i PART or FERNISHED Hot SK Wo Nn rR Dn moous FOR § f vi Rist STOR AGE CL a ock and 299 res. 959 BRI K nat SEL WEST SWI as ON CARVER OF BED. HOON, board sitting Apply GRO ARATE. AL warn May FURNISHED, 303 Kiva. Edy 1 facing TO RENT ron oot rary n 3) Farr. ee Jong It UN. from tari 1e pa » Nickle Farr ell Streel, Kingst I ON & n BOARD AND ROOMS. ROOMS, loca FIRST CLASS BOARD AN I FINANCIAL INV EST. FRONTEN A( mer S rated R Loay AND Ivverp nt issued on . municipal and bonds recelved and t RR. CO. Cartwright, larence St, Kingston, tment GCLORE rilable ion to ve for ity of LONDON AND i Company. Av 5 In addi cvholders hi 1 it Habi PATENTS BARCOCK & SONS, trade desigr Estab erly Patent Office i Patent Laws tection" free Branches: Patents, s 1877 marks real Ottawa, FURNMIULLE FINISHING FURNITURE FINISH. 2. John . DRISCOLL, er. Call or drop a oard. ARCHITECT MER. orner ARCHITECTS, Bulld'ng, ington stree « us, and Wer char Brock mnt Moulders, Core-Makers, Lathe, Planer and Boring Mill Operators, Pattern-Makers, _ Handy Men and Laborers. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMONVE CO., LTD. Kingston Ontario J ts seat at tt tae ata Announcement Starting May 1st all coal sales will be for cash. We propose to share with our customers the bene- Will buy and pay fair prices, but must be clean and sanitary goods, J. Turk, Phone 705 fits to ba desived from a cash system. Jas. Swift & Co., | Household Furniture If HIGHEST PRICES Limited re \ Pald For SCRAP PAPERS Of All Kinds. Drop a Card Te A. SPEIZMAN 222 Division Street.

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