YEAR R84. NO. us STRANGE TALE 10D IN CORT Conflict Benen oe Party And the Ontario Temperance Act. SMITHS FALLS MAGISTRATE NEW PRECEDENT FRATERNITY "The Need For Rich, Red Blood INTRODUCES TO LEGAL new Knocked the to But Justice Masten Magistrate's Decision sSmither- cens--i~Charges Fit For a Comedy Drama. ' 25 An, astoni ng tale of a conflict vy Ontario Tea told We. Hall before J just bet weer part ind the Act was t Osgoode the urt a ston vesterday hefore eH blotches Kin all in on the onvi * wrdship quashed a « John Cahill fined $2 against of Smith who was 00 and cost will 1D edied leged violation ont bring rance Act Ihe af the police magistrate troduced a new pr hich rea of Unt ringing # ny a FeO! Ww he ' a VE he tru whom m ighborhood 1 eration Dr. Willi 1 t,, had from any liquor thrust | i ior Justice mafter any the cls nm hind ist the dispo Masten "did not gi lengthy consid had served judgment {0 whether t) Fall hon! the co Haverson John Ca justice il quor Ve been related to 1 r ind re only i gestion as er yf with ed to pa ts of «1» FAMILIES SHARING IN PATRIOTIC FUND $12,661,036 Distributed Up to December 31st of Last Year. wared for pifa of poet tl Th require CASO § instituted town merely with a view ing the municipal revenue tent of $200 A fine of $200 means something to the financing of a small place," hé said, "and the gamble they make." 1 4 The story of the case as rglated hy ber Haverson was as follows: John Cahill, of the Township of Eims near Smith's Falls, ordered thre. wards, of F s of whiskey from Hull, Que. ! ber, 26,153 families, or The express company delivered the viduals were in Ontario parcels to the home of John Cahill mount d stributed up to in Smith's Falls. Cahill 'was at the $12,661,086, of whic! time absent from his home, and Mrs 3 distributed in Ontario Cahill demurred as to the advisabil amoant contributed to » fund to ity of accepting the shipment The! that date $18.2 expressman suggested that her hus atnounts subscribed by the band had ordered the liquor without | ments and people of the several pro her knowledge, and that she should! vinces were follow lberta, pay the 60 cents express charges due £1.064.047; British Columbia, $1, on the shipment and take it into her) 354,185; Manitoba, $114,440; New house. This she agreed to. Late in, Brunswick, $629,591; Nova Seolia the evening when ner husband was $728,052; Prince dward Island at home two strange men called and! $78,112; Quebec $4.499.671; On asked for the liquor which, they said, tatrio, 38.624000 Sas! \ had been ordered by them. . They paid the express charges and carried the stuff away Two days later a very indignant John D. Cahill came John Cahill's home and demand ed his parcels H- was told that they had been taken away, and he immediately adjourned to the town police headquarters and laid a theft charge against Cahill The details given in charge incited the chief of police to lay an information under the On tario Temperance Act against Cahill "Oh, ves, I believe it," said 'the | n ient tax He eved The latter case was the first to be lady, "but I wish in future you'd see | it would be operative he tried, and Cahill was fined $200 and | that they don't drop their tears Into | King's IMlate, which would be rt costs for ille gally dis sposing of liquor | our can.' May 19. o treated he the hould be 41 that he lient event said, and had been by to incre 10 the « "0 er Peronne, aud scene No. 2) famil 25-CENT WAR TAX AT RACE TRACK GATES | haring in the benefits of the Patriotic Fund on De ! last, aceqydingd to etary down in the Com motion by Dr ontenac Of this is were anadian 31st it sponse to a Mr broug 18} ley Case License Fee ay Also Be Rais- ed in Ontario--Special Audit Ordered. was Fhe over as hoped to statement nm from nog sovernment h : r r ow t to yirb lic $920, }. Yukon Territory I he sessic al license Oh The lady dairyvman his milk "Short time Dry Those Te was complaining regarding rs. bry st auditor nd ymmended would \ ' fixed to 0 the q t of grass feed, madam, this of year," said the jocular milk man. "I often stand and watch them crying, because they fee] their milk don't do them credit You don't lieve it? I the theft be- tee thoy propo re immediate need by 1 ais | [1 1 | | nuser be pt Take It Travellers who find it better for their health to abstain from tea and coffee, (and there are many), carry a tin of Instant Postum and " prepare their own beverage at table. : Put a level tedspoonful of Instant Postum wR KINGSTON, ONTARIO, ONE WAY GERMANS HOLD U France is here depicted in scene No. showing@ruit trees destroyed iu the in a cup--more or less to suit individual taste--dissolve with hot wa- ter and add sugar and cream. ose who desire a delicious, satisfying drink that is free fron the harmful effects of tea and coffee should use Postum-- "There's a Reason" Canadian Pestum Cereal Co, Lid. Windsor, Ont. \» Tao n ISDAY. A 1, which shows shade tree HOLD POSITIONS 10 THE DEATH So That Ve of Now German Line May Be Compited. 4 DROCOURT T0 QUEM, | ENEMY RESISTANCE | THAN ANY YET SEEN, { English and Scotch Meet and Deie The Daily Bris) Whig | PRIL 26, 1917 P ALLIED 5 " IAL a A pictorial idea of the wanton destruction that has marked the retreat of the Germans in s cut down by the Germans in Nesles district during their retreat. - -~ = a | SWEEP OF TYPHUS | IN RUMANIAN CAPITAL ie Has Claimed Many Victims Among the Doc- tors and Nurses. | l.ov 1 \ | vlon ) | iznorance ent HARDEL | the Best Troops Brought Up in the| Open. War Corre April and more lesper © enemy s more part, I since the battles of tie Somm heen in progress of the east of the Arra attack German since hour yesterday | For been two days our morning army they have of dreadful wcrifice; for ourselves days of grin struggle, * with many attacks counter-attacks which in the e1 have won and | ground Tt 0lved to defer northern line, though important clearly re ipproach to the the Hinden d this mg of sect berg lives That line, which seem to believe a German myth, is a very real line running down in this tion through Drocourt and Ques int. but its defeners finished, and while s, following the labor by French sian prisoners, "ar i its trenc 1 German ore lere: the held to the been . critic honi¢ are Cy ar i emplace: General YT has positions dn front to be death, and that order has obeyed by many German bat the dead that lie ground to heaven St bodies prove talions, upon aboveh as the Big Fight in Open. German "High Command ing up their best reserves of men against in heavy numbers They are fighting hard, and in these counter-attacks suffered heavy casu alties, but as these two days' fighting shows our English and Scotch troops The bring is open in spite of the massed German guns which support them, and on the balance the fortune of war in this second phase of the battle of Arras fin our favor, for we have many prisoners and olr losses are much lighter than théirs. But we have no easy walRing victory this time, and {tour men are confronted by the main {German armies, no longer fighting rearguard actions, but standing to {| battle and striking hard back when we. strike, and only yielding, as they have had to yield up to the time I write, after desperate and bloody | conflict. # | What is. termed a capital fellow may be handicapped for want of capital. To-morrow serves as excuse for not doing things that are needful to-| day. | Unless backed up by energy, do' not amount to much brains it cost him thousands of can meet them and beat them in the! DISCREDITALLE NEGLIGENCE, | | 0 J i sir Namar Greenwood's Strong Criti cism of the Be tish Government, London, \ 26 Followin rpie ta £0 near in t! 'nts aga 18 § Eng altlielle ( IT Sons to we sent o hack 1ine in hea in hea GIVE UP ALL. * a -------- Government to *olicy. spatch to Company Urges such is its Peace April 2 A de aph Berlin Paper Declare London, the Excha: from Amste "The Berlin Vorwaerts publ rticle urging the German Gov 8k Lo declare befor the whole | world L peace must reached | without @ sacr fice tory by any b any war 1 Says an be or t of nediately bind he { An agreement it continues, will not { be reached I mediately, but the ne ns would be bound to bring ah an agreement The Vor- | waerts concl by saying it be- | L'eves the Entente Governments will | soon show an increasing desire for peace." 2 many mu to this prc with the ene me. later udes { | | i { Po PAGES 9-12 mat -- * Sh OND SEC TIN YOUR GROCER FOR . HARM TEA IN PACKAGES. , Green and Mixed. Packed i in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. Black, | fon Carri |B es Su 1917 Advance Large line just ree Make Your ( bio! $16.00 to $40. Lh mo. Leading Un dertalier GO. -r - 5 Te ephone, 577 MADE IN CANADA aliforn mila | CHEWING @1i "WITH THE FRUITY FLAVOR Nearly all the men nowadays who don't want fo keep fresh fruits in their offices get the flavor they long for so much during the business day by chewing a bit of Adams California Fruit Gum now and then. "CA CG 'GURICO NADIAN CHEV JUIMITED v