Frontenac GLENDOWER. April 24 Mr Gowdy in the Friend morning colt and | 1) A= about out of the Aaron Hoppin' on the 18t Ed oneer CLARENDON Word hi wounding France | of Corporal William Sly, wd Pri vate Herbert MeDonel Sergfl, Lyon H Appleley f France after an to resutne h niedical cour at Queen jversity Mi ' Campbell visiting Kingston friend Mrs. Appleby has return ed home two months absence Oftawa 1 Kingston John "A PR r -g n tie 15 the has returned rom ybaenece of two years Crawlord } rone to Cl Fergus and frew spent the endon friends. Pete week-end with Clar Miss Lizzie McCoy | is visiting her parent here Mrs. | 1). Cook has gone home after an ex- | tended visit with friends Pte, | Ambrose Boles has returned to King- torr Mrs. James Campbell is vis iting Mississippi friends Some of the voung people attended the party at John Carnis' last evening, pd pa CATARAQUI April 24 Prof. Mitchel, King- ston, conducted services in Christ chruch on Sunday owing to the se fous illness of Canon Roberts All his family have been summoned and are anxiously waiting for a favorable change in his condition. Mrs, C Fdwards (formerly Miss Edna Ed wards) accompanied by her sister-in here, : . a law, Mrs. Forrester and chfldrén, phere was no school on Monday ow- work at Buck I=land. arrived in Canada from Eng- and will spend some time at home of Dr Edwards Mrs. Forrester"s husband, Capt. Forrester, was killed in action in France. " Al} who tried their entrance examinations from this school were successful They were, Sherman Smith, Bernad Curran and Purcell Irish. They will spend the summer working on farms Henry Harpell has moved to his farm which he pur- from E. Johnston. Miss Fngland has gone to teach hool at Forrester's Falls, wards and 'EE. Cooke have purchased new motor cars. Cecil Vanalstine, who is going overseas with the "kil- ties," paid a farewell visit to the mn have land the the boys chased Grace POOR BLOOD AND WEAK NERVES (By F. Raymond Ward, M. D.) Lack of strength is about the first symptom of violation of the laws of heaith. There come nervousness, unsteady hands and limbs, | skin eruptions, dizziness, sleeplessuess, heart alpitation, and with the feeling that the lifc i 3 complete "pros- the sufferer is indifferent to all things--end looks upon life with a gloomy, melancholic view. It is given as a statistical faet that seven out of every ten people in the United States | are suffering from nerve exhanstion, and of this number less than half realize it. They know shat they have giocomy thoughts, a depression of mind, an impaired memory dizziness and headache, wakeful nights an spells of extreme exhaustion, "but they attribute it to any other cause but the right one. They feel languid, irritable and restless, the why and wherefore of which they cannot explain. They are® suffering from nerve exhaustion, a condition which is undoubtedly the mesns of causing more misery and czushivg more hopes than any other trouble that flesh is heir to. Nervous exhaustion will not cure itsell The sufferer who thinks that naturo alonc will bring about a restoration of health i simply deluded br a false hope. He will realize that (it the power of roalizing i: left him), when he becomes a hopeless victim to one of the many diseases which follow jn its path. Those suffering from nerve exhsustion or loss of energy as a result of overwork mental worry or violation of nature's laws ard), quick! restored to sound health by [ Dr. ard's special treatments. Dr Vard's office is located at 79 Niagara Square Buffalo, N. Y., which is right apposite thc McKinley Monument. His office hours arc Mondays, Wednesdays and Satardays 9 A. M. to 9 P. ., and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Sundays 9 A. M. P. M. Consultation and examination is always without charwe. LAAN LY YSTEM LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. Tralhs will leave and arrive at City pot, foot of Johnson street. 40180 Jonsy Wve. Cit Arr. Ck No. 18 aan . 12.20 a.m. 12.67 oe 3 am Beas 0 ote rover PTH ae G8E3as aay. Toronto, Paterboro, Detrobt vy, inaw, Montreal AWE, , "Portland, St. John. litax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tie- ts, and all other Information, apply No J. P. HANLEY, ASR iy Cer, Johmaon and On Kingston, Ont. ; AtmNcY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP LINES. Open Day and Night (Calling Falmouth to nnd passengers For particulars of sailings and rates apply to local agents or to The Robert Co., Limited, General Agents, Reford $0 King Street asi, Toronto. | fined to her Telephone 90 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, nial t A Boombower on Monday with a carload of set 3 effect the west D. Dr ng Lake, s moved John French visited 3s daughter, Mrs. "Harry Pringle, Roblin. George Vandewaters, Verona, is at his sis- ters, Mrs. RR. PP. Hawley's, Some of farmers intend shipping their wool to Guelph Mrs. A.W. Thomp- son, Gordon and baby Pringle, haye > visiting friends Harrowsm and Godfrey Council- J. Cox anc .. l.. Price spent a in the outh part of t township. Mr. and Mrs, James Bradley have taken their! little grand-daughter, Aletta Suddard to live with them rs. R. Cox is re-| covering slowly wdy is still very poorly. The Women's Institute is collecting papers, rags, ete, at D J. Cronk' anoth shipment; proceeds for Red Cross work Mr and Mrs. A. Gowdy, Murvale, visited his father, r00d season in the sg far r re beginning Sucker fishing is an evening. pastime. now, to the vi the lor for INVERARY. April 23 Lieut -Col home to-day i s are overjoyed to see his geni- al countenance once more. Mrs tell, who has confined to the General Hospital for some time with blood-poisoning, is somewhat im- proved. She had to undergo the ami putation of one of her fingers. Reeve McFadden is sporting a fine new auto Mrs. Thompson, who has been con- room ever since the un- timely death of her husband in Kings gaining a little strength F.' Ferguson His many! been ton, is ing to the absence of Miss McKnight, who went to Kingston to see her bro {ther prior to his leaving for overseas | that night Mrs. (Dr) A. KE. Free-| | man, who is spending some time with} her friends in Toronto, is expected | | home soon. Farm help is very scarcey {and farmers are planning to do their work with as little assistance as pos- sible. Miss Hazel Joyner, of Syden- | ham, has been the guest of her sister, Migs. Warner Congratulations to] | Miss Margaret Arthur, who was suc- | cessful in obtaining her promotion Dr. Ed- | and lower school certificates, and to ing the holidays with Wallace Duff, who obtained his lower | school. Both of these pupils are home from high school The remains of the late Mrs. Ellen Shepherd was! | placed in the burying ground at Lati- | mer on Monday. Cm] | SEELEY'S BAY | April 23.-- Mrs. M. Chapman, quite | ill the past few. days is a little bet-! ter The trappers have met with | | good success catching muskrats. | Born to Mr. and Mrs. Abram Young lon April 2nd a son Mother and | child are doing well. Capt. J. Ran- | dall is getting his boat the Buena | vista ready this week for the sea-, {son's navigation. A number of | young folks went to Lyndhurst last | Friday evening to put on their play | "Dixie" and some of them went to Delta to attend the 1.0.0.F. dance | there. Mrs. Harry Struthers is very | ill. She is at present at her father's, | | George Cheethan's, at Delta. | CHARLESTON | April 23.--Miss Julia Hudson has | arrived home from Summit, N.Y. Miss Nellie Hudson, Brockville, is] a visitor at her home here. Mrs. H Latimer and children left on Tuesday | for Scott, Sask. J, Kelsey, Long | Point, motored to Charleston on | Sunday last. Some of the young) [folks attended the farmers club |-dance at Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Rij | Foster paid a visit to Brockville res | cently. Mrs. Mulvenwa and dhugh-| { ter, Miss Hattie, returned home last | week "Gof «2 absence of "four moths. Miss Muriel Wilson, an A. | H.S. graduate is spending--a few | months on the farm with Mrs. M. J. Kavanagh When Charleston | | residents rose on Thursday morning | they found that the ice had gone | out of the lake some time during the night. =. W. Kelsey brought home his new car last week. Far mers have commenced seeding. J.| Kelsey has rented H. Shack's farm. A. W. Johnston is building a new | pig pen and hen house on his farm, here, | WASHBURN'S CORNERS April 20 --Sugar making is over| and farmers have commenced to work an the land. E. Webster is | of pneumonia. Mr, and Mrs, Murray Day of Gananoque visited friends at Athens recently, Bruce Moore is on | the sick list. A number from here A. W. Ludson at Athens. Mr. A. E. Donovan, M.P.P.,, Toronto, was a; recent visitor in this district. Lucas, Tackaberry has purchased a fine team of clydesdales ahd whl work | his farm this summer. Clarence Laforty has accepted a position in! Brockville. Miss Florence Wilson, | student at Queen's, has returned! Rome for the long vacation. Lloyd | wilson of Kingston was an Easter | visitor at Athens. Samuel Barnes| is greatly improved in health. Wel-| lington [Earl shipped a car of stock | to Mongfeal on Saturday last. Miss | Nellie Joung arrived home {rom | Maitlanf on Saturday last. Alexan-! der MPQuinn of Toledo visited | friends here on Wednesday, E. BE. Barber pnd daughter, of Nyack, N.Y., visited friends in Athens recently. MORTON. Apri} 24.--Miss Iva Edgers, Leeds J. Dormer a few days at | Senecal | Lea, t Sport Island, called on Mr. and Mrs. Bar-| Joseph port, have returned to their home on | O'Dea, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. | gue Simp d to al spending pa Mrs : i$ on the sick She is. pro- gressing tavorably under the.skilifal treatment of Dr. Young, : Jay. Otis Jones, Chantry, speut Mo day with his mother, Mrs. R. Tdn- ning. Mrs. E. Wills, Seeley's spent a few days in tae village, call z on, friends Mrs. A. Davis, Addi ng a few days with her Mrs. A. Willis. Mr. and Mrs, Beryvton, spent Sunday at A. Willis Miss Lucy McMach- ned home after spgnding Jones' Falis. list. Seele Jay mother Mrs GRENADIER ISLAND. ril 19 Born, on April 11th, to Mrs. Ernest Poole, a daugh- and Mrs. Paul Senegal el a smumber of young folks Tharsday evening Little Gladys fuell is ill with measles Janies Davis, Rockport, was buying calves here on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Harry who have spent the last few weeks with the former's parents, have moved to Seymour Island, where they will spend the summer April 24.--5-Andy Robertson, Ivy was on the island buying fur Iast Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert family, Rockport, spent Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sene- and Mrs. Willard Birtch, Mr. and ter Mr tertained Slate and inday at cal's Mr Senecal Monday Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Root and family, who have spent the past winter at Rock- Leon and Myrtle Senecal Mr, and Mrs. Jack Root + and Ernest lumber from building of Mr. Tar Island carpenter the island spent Sunday at Ashby's Ernie Poole are scowing Brockville for the Hardy's boathouse on Joseph Senecal is doing Lennox and Addington . NEWBURGH April 23.--Miss M. Mitchell at- tended the O.E.A. convention in To- ronto. Perry Wood of Buffalo spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Henry Wood. Miss Brisco is spend- friends in Kingston. The lecture given by Judge Madden in aid of the Red Cross Society was a decided success. The sum of $37 dollars was real- ized Miss Alma Sexsmith has re- turned to her school after spending the holidays with her parents here. Miss Maggie Courtney of Mount Pleasant' is visiting her brother, J. W. Courtney. Some of the tele- phones are yet out of commission on account of the storm. ODESSA April 23. James Smith "passed away last Wedesday after a short illness, mving reached his eightieth vear. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon and the remains were placed in Morven vault to await interment later. Mrs. George Ettinger, Kingston, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Watts last week. Mrs, Charles Dewey, Centreville, after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. 'James McConnell, returned to her home tast Thursday. Mrs. George Ferguson, who has been vis- iting Miss Mary Millsap for the past week, returned to her home in Trenton last Wednesday. Henry Smith is enjoying his new Maxwell car, and Irbun Burley has purchased a new Chevriolet. ENTERPRISE EAST April 20.--The recent rains have left the moads in a bad condition. It will not be long until the farmers are seeding, The school wds closed all jst week, the teacher, Miss Mur- ray, spending the Easter holidays at her home in Sydemham. A better attendance at the school is expected now that the Easter holidays are over. Previous to,Easter the atten- dance was very small owing princi- pally to illness. The run of sap is much better than we expected. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mawson spent Wed- nesday in Belleville. Miss Anna G. Finn was in Kingston on Saturday to see her brother, Bernard, who un- derwent an operation in the Hotel Dieu. The dance at Centreville on Friday evening was largely attended, Miss Nellie M. Finn is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Evans, Moscow. Patrick Sagriff it / Saturday in Kingston. Leo Kidd spent Sunday in Erinsville. Miss Nellie Perrault at Arthur Kidd's on Wednesday. Miss Gertrude Dunn is visiting Mrs. J.P. Finn fora few days. John Flint, Mich, is visiting friends here, : 3 Lanark LOWER LAVANT April 24.--Sugar making season is at an end after a long and plenti- ful one. Mr. and Mrs, E. Paul spent the week-end at McDonald's Corners. Mr. and Mrs. James Reid and "little Gertrude at James Bar- traw's. John Reid spent a few days in Renfrew this week. R. Barr has the carpenters erecting a new shed for his machinery. Quite a number of pike are being caught in the lake here. Mr. and Mrs, James Closs from New Ontario visited 'the for- mer's sister, Mrs. : James Reid, re- cently. The teacher, Miss B. Stew- art, has resumed her duties after her holidays, Dr J.Collis Browne's W/ THE UNIVERSAL CARN . SAL CAR ~Y THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA ... uw DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases-- . FEVER. CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy knowa for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. *s ihe oaly palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE OWlorodyne is a liquid taken in drops. graduated according to the » It impariably relieves pain of whatever kind ; creates a calm refreshing atlays srritation of the nervous system.when all other vemedies fail. § 50 bad effects : and can bc taken when no other medicine can be tojerated INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by all Chemists. sr 115,000 FORD CARS Have been manufactured in Canada by the Ford Motor Co., of Canada, the largest mo- tor factory in the, British Empire. Ford Sales are based on The immense success of this Remedy has givea rise to maay imitations Prices in England: ig, 219, 4l6. Sole Mapufacturers: J. T. DAVENPORT, Lid, LONDON, SE Ford Service and Ford Satisfaction This is the simple reason why there are so many Ford Cars in Canada today and why the Ford Car is known everywhere as The Universal Car Fe Angrove Bros. Ford Dealers, Kingston, Ont. N.B.--Every bottle of Genuine Chlorodyns bears on the stamp Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros, Co., Limited, Toronto ESTABLISHED IT EN w< SPECIAL ALE SPECIAL STOUT SPECIAL LAGER Under 2}°, Proof Spirits ey a Ye Carefully brewed and bottled. Fine flavor and nutri- tious. Pure and sparkling. For sale by all standard Hotels and Grocers or delivered direct from the Brewery. Fer price list and further information write to JOHN LABATT | LIMITED LONDON. ONT. City Dairy Nt a a en PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM. ) Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. 24 Johnson Street Phone 2083 or Jas, McParland, 76 Brock St. | Kingston. { | 'N A ee ee AA AeA AAA AA AAA AAA AAA ---- 'DOMINION Chain Trea are the most efficient anti-skids in their price-class, and take second place only to DOMINION "Nobby" Treads. The gripping suction of their cup-shaped links gives remarkable traction and power to resist side slips even on the most treacherous surfaces. Like ALL "DOMINION?" Tires, Chain Treads have the mileage into them, as well as guaranteed. DOMINION PLAIN TREAD Tires--the basis of all DOMINION Tire value-- - are. serviceable and economical for ordinary driving where the going is good. "DOMINION" TREADS, costing but little more than the plain, are depend- able anti-skids and have more rubber where the wear comes. \ DOMINION "NOBBY" TREADS are "the aristocrats of the road". Their extra heavy construction, and the big, burly knobs of the tread, make them: 90% puncture proof. They are the tires for hardest service, on heaviest cars. For every kind of road and service there is a particular DOMINION Tire that is the beat \ to buy. This has been conclusively proved the country over and the great majority of Canadian j Motorists agree that IA, WHEN t right AML wo, IES Behind every one of them stands the Largest Manufacturer of Rubber Goods in the British Empire - Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co., Limited HEAD OFFICE ~ MONTREAL 28 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA