CONVOCATION AT QUEEN'S CE PRINCIPAL UNIVERSITY'S PART 1 heer a space peace Doge Unable Be Present--Honorary and Other De- Chancellor to changes would have grees--The Laureation Ceremony. The ceremonie Queen's University ion or Wednesday a narked close of the t i = n I Tt A r ft ! Ve shadow of the ot pecial feature an eloquent teliy Principal Gerdon, in which ferred tophe noble part Queer taken in the great struggle whict being waged beh of liberty justice and rigi ' Owing to the 5 being used event was held ir and the building wv flowing. The vice pal Gordon, presided the degrees In. his said that the of New Yor ent through ill-health. It I yuld for means of make in connection with convocat to national things a wider out able to n to other also to the of iddre of our na eloped fu nger and dife alt more ational and looked to the ture with Contir that Grant teou fact Hall hope ng how Principal suddenly n It came like cellor, inci 1 when it did tire conferred to what seryice could be Queen's University It that the university was t of the n, bat lived lived for ( for war purposes the war a ey was lone, !spoke of bre ught o han and rendered was real not only fyr the by ipal Gordon ized Dr. Douglas, to be nada Was « 1 r ) duesn's was the able f tut Service autumn I'he call was for remark Prin rancellor par nat 1bie howe that be what come to the college the munition pr pal what Queen's had war, and it any institution on peaker referred to the mag ifts the chancellor had made ta the | versity, to all brand carried on, and made rerence to his gift of $63, was given to wipe off a running over three years wy must be a great thing for a ian to be able to do that," said the al, who also referred to the $45,000 from the late Dr. ( Huffman, of Ottawa Principal Gordon referred fact -that this last session wa convooat The * the ine gave in of alo st that might well be proud of, well known all the Whig read He erts given from college to assist on muni the made the appeal for various batteries and and giving at Queen's for He made I first 1 [1 ng work being the pecial re which 18 to ers told of ex; rink the staff uoble tions response men the battalions over of building military purposes rence to fhe princi gift of formed, the the the 0 wecial ref "Learned From a Sample. Nin eteen Years Ago That He Could Depend on Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills to Cure Many of the Common Ills of Life. and by the hox I was cured 'of back and shoulders confidence in Dr the Pills finished one pata in the "We have great Chase's Medicines I have a of ten children and have never had a j doctor in the house for any of them We live eighteen miles from store find that these nearly ail the ordinary ills lating the liver, Kidneys and bowels That we are all well and sound 1 at- tribute to their use, and | have recom- mended them to hundreds and given away many a box, because | believe there is no madpeing 80 good." By awakening thé action of | kidne vs and bowels br Chase's Kid ney-Liver Pills cleanse the poisons and remove the cause of bil-| fousness, headaches, backache, lum- bago, kidney disease and rhewma- | tism" Ofe pil & dode, 25 cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. I used had the ving Mr Maynooth eighteen miles from Carr found it necessary house some treatment to regulate action of liver, kidneys and bowels. To the habit of keeping these im portant organs active by the use of 7 Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, whén | ont | { required,. he attributes the zood | i nce of the | April 26 a drug store to keep in the the and by regu surely, is evide these pill protect Here lue of cine to family who use tls many of constipation of pid condition of neyvs Mr. James Carr, writes: "About 19 cefved an envelope containing two of | Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. 1 was doctoring at the time with two | doctors, and as they did me no good ' heaith of his large family as a family a the members of the it from the commen which from the bowels tor the liyer kid 80 arise and and Maynooth, Ont, years ago | re- ee tat. © © RET Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the supporting muscles thatthe contour of the figure is spoiled. put the bust back where it be- BEY / Tongs, prevent the full bust from ~OLIE viness, eliminate the danger of ging muscles and confine the BRASS SIE 5 esh of the shoulder giving a They are the daintiest and most serviceable garments imagi- nable ~come in all materials and styles: ( ross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Bandeau, ete. Boned with * Walohn," the having the appearance of flab graceful line to the entire upper body, rustiess boning--permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock- el we Wilt gladly set im, prepa, samples to show--yous BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. estrain if neglected, may cause serious damage © mechanism of the vision, and by deranging the nervous se headaches and other troubles, For Perfect Satisfaction Consult Optician and J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. iiician an Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 699° to the deli system, a ett aaa, 20th Century Spring Overcoats GOOD VALUES. Grawford & Walsh SPECIAL AGENTS TAILORS, Princess and Bagot Streets. twa] prai of | Gordon | question arose | and no doubt | in time 1] family | a drug Pills cure | liver, | system of | _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, i Engine ers train and Queen Dean was He poke of the off Stationar Verseas Con faculty nming up ak t he did not I versitie he as but t esponse f well pleased Queen's As a result lass rooms hag couse "renionie voluntee devotional exercises conducted by Rev. Dr. William after which Vice-Prinecipal' Dr. John Watson presented Principal Snell, of the Normal School at Saska toon, for the degree of LL.D | briveipal Snell 1 graduate of Queen graduated in 1590 gree of MA, and o'~0 we ned Since held west the k province Dean Cole Arthur Jone Normal. Schoc for | Docter of Pedagogy { the vice-caancellor | Alteough not present, the nates of W. A. Stickle, inspector of schools j if ckatchewan, and G. Elmore Rea man, of Woodstock College, wers presented for the degree of Bachelor lof Pedagogy Lean Coleman fact that it wa of Doctor seen conferred by the 1 nat the work undertaker covered four or five extenstve Princij led upon uitable Following the were Morgaf is 1s duati important post taken an active Wi edu m J of the the degree at the hands oi Ottawa vl drew ttention to Lue Ome year nee HEOEY ny, Mr of 1'ed liver by Vears ol | Jones study nell Mi Joi addresse snd als hd ror replies this part degrees of the pro in arious conferred, and rnd RTalitile | facalties | prize {ven them Wi the tri? Fred closed Vv -- convocul Natiof al An MINES OF THE FUTURE. | «. C. Bateman Has Article in Mining | Journals The Canadian Minifig | March has a very intere | trom the pen of G. © graduate in science versity, and a G | of this city, on Mined of the, Future." | The writer says that ment of the precious metal mines in Northern Ontario lias Journal for sting article Jateman, a Queen's Uni son of A of | this country still offers probably 'the | greatest chances any mining sec- tion in Canada for the discovery and development of new mines It is pointed out that as a large number of former prospectors are | army or working on munitions, as greater attention is being given to-produétion than to development, there were very few men out pros- pecting last summer. In the past few years most of the prospecting has been for gold; but the report of a new silver discovery will always create excitement. "Geology playing a mgre and more important part in prospecting and-exploition work," says Mr. Bate- man, "and the men in the field in Northern Ontario are greatly indebt- ed to the provincial geologists for the complete reports and maps issued by them." . of . INTERESTING PAMPHLET of the dier. The Problem Disabled Sol- been issued by Thomas L. Jarroll of Toronto. It contains a reprint from the University Magazine of an ar- ticle: in which" the author d'scusses "The Problem of the Disabled Sol- { dier." There is, incidently, a refer- | ence to the manner in which the pen- ! sion system of the United States has been enlarged until at this date, over i fifty years since the American War, there is a yearly expenditure of 1 $159,000,000. The pension fund i has been exploited by those who have made the treatment of soldiers and sailors a political "question The | issue in Canada looms up as a most important one. It has become cru- cial enough in some military dis- tricts now, and yet it is only enter- ing th@ initiatory stages. Later, {when not only the thousands, but returned many of them incapacitated for any work, the governments and their commissions will be over- whelmed 'with responsibilities. For meeting these very inadequate prep- aration has so far been made i -- amie -- Pte. John Manahan, an old Lan- | ark boy who enlisted with a Railway | Construction , Battalion at Moose | Jaw, Sask., is now overseas doing his bit, Hénry Closs has sold his farm on | the 4th con. Lanark, to Noble Waite, Lanark. | * WHEN RUN DOWN | | Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Reliable Tonic Medicine, Builds Up. | The reason why you feel so tired all the time at this season is that {your blood is impure and impoyger- | is . It lacks vitality. It is not { the rich, red blood that gives life to |the whole body, perfects digestion {#nd enables all the organs to perform {their functions as they should. { Get Hood's Sarsaparilla from any druggist. It will make you feel bet- | ter, look better, eat and sleep bet- ter. It is the old reliable tried and | true all-the-year-round blood purifier and engicher, tonic and appetizer. It revitalizes the blood, and is especial- ly useful in building up the debili- tated and run-down. Hopd's Sarsaparilla is helping thousands at this time of year. Let it help you. Get a bottle today and begin taking it at once. Be sure to get Hood's. Nothing else acts like it. "1 they made] oo Bateman, | the develon-| rac taken place! { within a ecmparatively few vears and | now in thel and. A pamphlet of special interest has | I} Come Into the Carden, Maude fm rden needs de out into the mily foil long Sule ination n an even the cat » a doy » Into your "Well, what IWS ind be vou cot ir the Ss a to and fool you he's ace, new you will put that broken _by a going t ear? it's plant until yo voice reveries mguiring, * ome gardenin } kK, and, of who 1s smiling 0ss the over that vour out at the back door, else u're do hbor, vou dis I's are you, " looljing Some! own mind a often you do discuss te que neirzhiho what they and k e curta ns Lues yO ut more : to = h of your 8 who proceed you would do in you luce, haven't ened ince only took the »W gal years ni the Siig | | 5 | and settle Nit yo lown youl house nn wife you get digging f spade down il ri fei your 'hors | ave a she firs: res down and | ion | and then y in blister I in back, 1 thine soaked in wis that ough, real tt Kk nk so bad back: Fii all your worl roriing you hear a der n, and get chickens pay the garden are digging to discover the seed Of course, you get and see the neig. to "'pleas® pen u) He looky kinder griev he will. All is we!l for or two, ard then there those peaky chickens again, dear life. Once more ind see the neighbor. "Do to p to have | for dear life, you planted and go ovel telling him chickens." ed, but says a morning are ging for £0 over time he grows sarcastic. think I've got nothing else do than keep the ohickens your garden?' he asks. Then you have a 'ew wards, and vou decide that this old friend isn*® worth speaking to.You probably break one of the chicken's legs, and then there's all sorts of trouble If, after all this and a lot more troulLie, you still | have the determination to perse- vere, probably you'll win out. and grow something. We must mention the weed ng and the hoeing and the watering. These are bad enough, but they're worse when you want to go and sit down and wipe. your manly brow with a chunk of ice on a hot summer's night. It is a very good plan to get your wife to with the gaiden. Then, if anything foes wrong, you can blame her It requires patience and it to run garden, 1 can tell you, -but t all to display these cha: Ss this year It compitted that Guelph all the small vegetables that needed for loeal consumption the vacant ground was all cul- tivated The consequent saving would be great, both to the individ uals and the country at larze, if all the municipalities did their pat When one considers the state of things that might arise this year if there was another scarcity and a poor harvest, the des rability ev ery one doing his best, despite all discouragements, is made clearly manifest. * dig- you Th's yer oil help has bee gro n coulc of LT.-COL. MORRIS KILLED. He Was Third Son of Late Hon. Alex : Morris. Lieut.-Col. Robt. Cochrane Morris, Royal Garrison Artillery, accidentlly killed, was the third son of the late Hon. Alexander Morris, of Toronto. He was forty-eight years of age. Tha deceased officer was a graduate of | the Royal Military "College, having entered the Imperial army from it. Human Hair Protects the Head, * | And if you have thin hair--4f you| are bald not miss seeing Prof! barenwengé Exni of Human Hair | Goods for Wadies and gentlemen at Hote! Randolph, Kingston, Tuesday, | May 1st. The display will include! ladies' switches, coronet and fancy | braids, transformations, pompadours, | waves, chignons, bangs, and for bald men toupee and wig structures that will benefit the health and appear- | ance. There is no charge for a , de-| monstration. Parrott-Fraser Wedding. The marriage of Miss Eni P. Fra- | ser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark | Fraser, of Odessa, to Lieut. J. R.| Parrott, B.Se.,'only son of J. C. Par-| rott, Odedsa, was quietly solemnized in Kingston on Wednesday, February Tth, 1917, Ry Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor of Sydenham Street. Methodist church. The wedding was not-pre- viously announced as the bride was attending "Queen's University, from | which she graduated on Wednesday, April 25th. Lieut. Parrott is now in England with the 256th Siwy Construction Battalion. ) | f i | shoes, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1917 uEEEEENEEEEE: ENRRERGENIRSEER :t Men's Good MEN'S HATS uring our long experience selling men hats we do not remember a time when the models appealed to us more stro than those that now wing our show You will find just the blo and color you want in our im- me wssortment and our prompt is greatly ap preciatéd by bu 1 S are cases. se service the Unevcelled values. $2 to" $4.50 Campbell Bros, The House of Successful Styles in Men's Hats, ol suitability Dab Crk Me BEE THAT TRALE BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFF ny LL Ghai INK PACKET All Next Week| DEMONSTRATION . OF McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE PURE FOOD PRODUCTS Mrs Wright, tor will he with us "You" Are ' HENDERSON'S GROCERY 59-61 Brock. The House of Qunlity. "SPRING 'OUTPITTING Everything to wear for sprin in quality and price that cas beaten anywhere. Special values in our new suits, in browns, greys and blues, at $18, $20 and 823. Spring Overcoats, $12.50 and $135. Raincoats, $7.50, $10 to $15. Hats--all the new styles at lowest prices. Big line of new boots and pert demonstra all week Invited, ISAAC ZACKS 271 Princess St. A reita. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS 37 ng Pill for Women. $5 a box or three ior og Wioid at all Drug Stores. or mailed to say gepman receipt of price. THz ScosELL JIRUe St. Catharines, Ontario PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Vitality; for Nerve ard Rrain; matter'; a Tonle--will Lulld you up. $3 a box, op | dane for $5. at drug stores, or hy mail on receipt | Sule {te ScoskLL Lave Co, St. Catharines "Sold at Mahood's Dmg Store." GLASCO'S Pure Scotch Marmalade and Jam. In glass and tina. Kestores Vim snd increares '4 < Baker's Fresh Grated Cocoanut with the milk, 15¢ per tin, D. COUPER Phone 76. 241-3 Princess St. © Prompt Delivery, i i +3 Our stock consists of Ascot, Invictus, Liberty and the 'Shoes, at $7.00, $8.00 and $9.00. These are Canada's best. Other good values at $6.00, $6.50. Neolin Soles or leather soles. Abernethy's Shoe Store PAGE FIVE | ] Slater Home-Made * Candy Fresh Made Every Day. Sakeli's Next Grand Opera House Telephone 640 pa SRR 0 If you do not add a new piece of furniture to your household after housecleaning. We can supply you with the most useful articles. From a bottle offurniture restorer to a chesterfield. 'Let us help you. Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleums in pretty designs. James Reid The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 For Motor Ambulance. ------. re TT ------ tm BUY FRESH SEEDS Rennie's, Simmers' and Steele Briggs' At Sargent's Drug Store Corner i ess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 Don't Forget to Put Your Furs Away Be- fore Moths Come. a = Sp ---- at MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock of marble and granite. FALLON BROS., A rr A ei i ro, LUBIN'S Scalp Remedy CURES DANDRUFF AND STOPS FALLING HAIR 50c Bottle Prouse's. Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church < | Special attention given to cemetery le "tering. 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. A a mn THOMAS COPLEY . Telephone 987 18 done In the earpen- all kinds also hard- 11 orders will Shop G0 nythi » ' at tion Jueen plreet A Ac tt st) | (FE Apples! Apples! A very choice stock TALMAN SWEETS NORTHERN SPIES BEN DAVIS BALDWINS ' STARKS Friendship's ! 210 Division St. Phone 345 S=------e-- EE Our coal is as clean as coal can possibly be--firee from dust, slate or other foreign matter If you haven't laid In sour 'winter supply yet, come in and see us--to- day The woman who scrubbed the coal bin fore the coal was put in car- ried Cleanliness a little too far. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133 Foot of West Se. | |