Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Apr 1917, p. 6

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»> PAG E SIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1917 « mm int As Pee Mi == \ DIED FROM EXPOSURE. | 7 ue. HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY we rier Loses News From Eastern Ontario | 0 | gad CE Th AKEmORE, KINGSTON. reer meee eee a ene ren ree ere mere rm -- NEL - --- G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Copies of all my photos in Whigs illustrated supplement may be securs- | s IL ed from me. 7 . ey rr KILLED WIFE | i A (IN AND TT ER REIS = i" = THIS BEAUTIFUL Victrola tne i [RY OF YOUR OWN ay Props Bi SELECTION ne te Wap: FOR $123.60 Easy Terms' Arranged If Necessary. uf nd Som Susie 1. EC amanoGUe D 24 ' ) EE ---------- « 1 "i ' hs completely cured my hearing, after HE ET CW Lindsay, Limited PASSING OF THE CZAR--H!S FIGURE GONE. es aka hi ne '| > =r J : AA Ae, ee eee "hi pneture just received on ol arid shows Hi ott ta i mas~ive dame behind th peahers hair in lhe Duma, | Adress: ~Orlene" Co., HT. Richards, | > | | | Watling. Street, * Dartford, Kent, Eng. O Qu f Mi where the gored yortrait ol I fal iso ' odisplayed; lease | not Dire NR t 1k bi I= OA 1 bil 1! ® fe : > ne ar Oo 1 . £ Tee) A AAA A AA A A As PAA AA a > Fa ANG RES Is equal in food value to three-fourths of a pound of iy - Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two i I tie Prices Quoted at the Varios = pounds of fish, six pounds of tomatoes. And the milk ! Landing of German Armada. (Tie Prices Quoted #1 he Vartes bos is move easily digested and far more economical than . ~~ ( any of the other foods. Phone 845 -~ Price's * | STOCK MARKETS, BeBe BeBe Be BoP Bs BeBe Be Br Be BO Toronto FAIR AND SQUARE Our tore will Le open Mind 0 stocks, pri 28th, a full line of choice gro- 10 ceries, fruits and vegetables wil be SP eNO Toh " displayed. We will appreciate your th friend \ : &: rly Vii ni SOT Cd t 1613 161 patronage and give you excellent ser- i : ' woSL ak ' NN . 941, 95 vice, HALE DIVISION, : Y LTE oe patos want to the] The det a hot hud ow ant ae) UNITED GROCERY - FLEE EERIE DED EE IR on a ee the Wise . nuadian ev sent th Lessaee Tlvin M . . 2 J . | | ET Eg hg mp ny Ss steel 60 i1.|]| Ready for Business. Buy your children's wash dresses and wash t of forming ay i ee re 10,000 men ° ' 0 =o wi ol 1% ' Nik 1 - . . r 41 3 42 iE - suits now. ar fin eves camp cach Toms can American Loo 3%. #89 P. H. BAKER Is now in the grocery business, . » work-| Ther te 1d en le a orner of Princess and Fron- ov is n Losou well, = : hk 4 i a streets. Everything new Wash Dress from $M mr sw oF His oa 30c up. 0s 3 | } and fresh. Delivery to any part : [ of the city. A trial order sol- Wash Suits from Cee eee ee ee 69c up. icited, Hat Shapes from . . .. . . .. 98¢ Blouses from . . . .. 50c and98¢ up. PHONE 1016 Colored Underskirts . . . . .". 98c up. Nh he dor 32 aud snes FN 4 a Collars .. .. .. .. . .. 15cand 25¢ up. We all fell in a hundred ties, | ' Raincoats from .. .. .. .. . . $3.98 up. vd then fell out apain Pray tual wir Dares a husdred! 1] a | "Ranks with the Strongest' Umbrellas from .. .. .. .. . .. . . 98c. On tiny disterent rolls | ; HUDSON BAY Corsets from ce o. .. .. ....... 75c. A nts dames car souls, "1 | ' > Insurance Company And t ren when all wi aud ; 2 . & "4 FIRE INSURANCE And all the farewell . sv di ts ran o 1 | 3 Head Office, Royal Insurance Bldg. We didn't go to France ul 1 ¢ » g =a ! MONTREAL Wea wontdaek toyed 4 by 4 PERCY]. QUINN. : -- Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto Porcelain Nickle. Li : W. H. GODWIN & SONS 213 PRINCESS 1 217 PRINCESS ST Most people have come to regard ) AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ coins as being necessarily made from metal of some sort. This, however, 1s 1 by no means invariably the case ibe » Nn 1 crested | ~~---- re ---- Porcelain money is Burma and Stam and feather money, | ---------- ee Are Youa Poultry Breeder? feathers from beneath the wings of a species of parrot, is the ordinary cur rency of the Santa Cruz islanders, % ' : Ce Talk of putting money into the bank," said a poultry man rec- ently; here's the way to do it. Rally of all who are interested in the business on £ The Loyalty Islands, which lie Hindenburg. 7 4 the Pacific to the east of Australia, ipecial to the Whig.) At eight o'clock, in the office of the Department of Agriculture, arket Square, Kingston ears of the so-called "flying-fox,' Everyone who is interested in the subject invited to be present. Expressed in a Berlin Telegram to 'Thanks Aisne™ reality a large fruit-eating bat, woven into cords of various lengths, and these constitute the ordinary cur- ency of the Nessa or ised the entire Ger Iron mortiey as put into circula- an neonl d devote all their tion in Germagy on October 1st last Stra country's defence un- In Mexico cardboard money is in use, h it'was hoped would owing to the disappearance of metal ome s currency due to the unsettled state of . ee the country. Cardboard pennies and War Tidings. nhalfpennies to the value of $250,000 were also issued at Toulouse, in France, in Septemder, 1916, Reichstag committee to-day to F eld Marshal Hindenburg is hes from Berlin said the NH He AMEE ETRE The British forces in Macedonia have advanced 500 yards along a mile front between Doiran Lake and Doldzeli, near Salonika CANADJAN COLORS ON WOLFE'S TOMB AT WESTMINS- The Pie Market, More Briih vessels were success- TER ABBEY. New Yurk ful in evading attack last week, the ) The i flux of pieplant from the figures being twenty-seven, as against Wolfe's Tomb in Westminster Abbey, 'London, covered | south has caused a strong de 1d in | nineteen, the previous high figure with the eolars of the various Canadian balla I us fighting in pasble quarters id 1 rb auring any wk. i x \ ) A ) hora ff > deep dish preferred sell a yespatches ym Switzerland an- France. I'hey were deposit d there for safe ke CPINg 2% hile slight a 'ove ar Bm non. The A hia Swies fron- ie battalions went on to the battle line. . result has heen the expected, al] tier is being Ee en - - though there is still some reactionary | charged ires¥ similar to the Hol- & trading in that commodity. . Apples land-Belgian-German frontiers, ¥ sold off on account of the public fancy for the woofer, but is ex-| pected to recover when money tight: Wanted Spain to Join Allies. bh ® . aml ens later in the week. Lemon mer- Paris, April 26. --Count Roman- er eCcrul S or ingue was dull. Always an off sea- | gnes, in wn interview with the Ma- son pie, 't is expected soon to fail! g i * . drid correspondent of the Petit Par- back to the level of custard and P ¢ ¢ IT 11 isien, declares unequivocally that his . \ cocoanut, attractive only to a cer-|;aecignation . last week as Spanish thin conservarive Siass uf Anvestels. Premier was due to his convietion ve @ . Ae i Re. And Coloriess, | that Spain should join the alies. The and|it' is reported that the governors! Promila. 4 CTR: expect to take it from the ket far Ter ¥ Te a Syoled us saying: and let it go back to the cake curb, | nC AT at an our or where it naturally belongs. No trad- Sas. 3 niious nan I an on : : ing in mince, which is expected to | YO'¢ 304 ake up nig = : Sergt. Cross, of the C.M.R., Hamilton, is at pass Hts ext dividend, © pected 10| puropean conflict, lin handing my : | resignation to the King I voted for . . >, France: I weighed every word of the Recruiting Office, Princess Street, en- E. I. Grant Wounded. | my latter to, the King and I main- Esmond Lawrence Grant, son ot | {ain them more than ever. I am . rn Mrs. Grant, Partsmoath, is afficially more than ever certain of being listing men for the C.M.R. See him today. reported as adinitted to No, 13 Gene | Tight." ral Hospital, Boulonge, with a vent | No ar Information given with regard to the purchase and care of pul- lets, the way to house and feed them, and get the largest possible profit. 1 The chance of the season. Take advantage of it. THE PROCLAMATION OF THE PUBLICITY [DEPARTMENT "THE GREATER PRODUCTION MOVEMENT I EEA / 3 ' shot. wound in the face. He went The St. Mary's School band was at overseas last fall with the Canadisn the station to na a farewell to the 'Mounted Rifles. 253d QQ U.H TT TI SE Hil

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