Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Apr 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1917 O00 VSTAMAOSHED MONEY IS VEEDED Increase Your Say ing. $73,000,000 a -- Tue BANK oF [TORONTO LL FOR SALE Johnston St., small brick house Centre St., frame, all modern . Colborne St., double brick, modern Earl St., brick, modern, barn THE J. K. 56 Brock St. HG BRANCHES IN CANADA, $1250 CARROLL AGENCY : You Can Count On It Wher. we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? 1. LESSES, Phone 1004 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any Spring Time is Growing Time We carry a well assorted stock of | Steele Briggs, Ferr and Rennies | Vegetable and Flower Seeds in bulk | and packages We make a ed-Sweet Peas, turtiums in bulk Onr "Limestone City !! Lawn Grass Seed will grow where all other rail 2bc¢ per Ib Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office, Kingston, oat. battery at gny time a OPTICAL SERVICE WE SPECIALIZE In Caring for th OUR OPTOMETR Devotes his whole time to things optical, OUR KE K INAT TONS Are conducted carefully. OUR MOUNTINGS the hest AM- 1 specialty of choice Mix- | Dwarf and Tall Nas \re WH SPECIAL 17 ) enrefully nd justing No that they maximum of In lnxsen give the Comtort. WE DO NOT Offer you ginsges unless they are nhs 3 essary for ye 3 ur prices are ri Our service in fro Our aim in to be exact. R. J. Rodger Jeweller and Optician. 132 Princess St. ssrmm-- BUGGIES AND SPRING WAGGONS Large Stock at the Old Stand. Terms As Usual. J. C. CONOLLY YARKER, ONT. --_-- DT a ------ F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Florist { Floral Designs, W edding onquets | and Cut Flowers our wpecialty. Orders | attea Btly. Phone 239, | | Street, For un ADING IE TAXI SERVICE RING 960. Open and Closed Core, Kingston Taxi Cab ~-- Steam Vulcanizing The Auto Tire Repair & Exchange 220 MONTREAL ST. Needs your patronage. We have n thorough up-to-date ant and use all h grade materiniy and guarantee our rk. ru-pkid replaced on re- at. Prices reagonnble, en pald for used casings in tale condition. . | W. A. McWilliam, | Phone 2084. ARM mi. nm = NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC On and After May 1st All Our Sales wil Be For CASH. will he by -- SPECIAL EASTER Meats and Groceries Swift Premiom Hams and Bacon. Choice Western Beef, Veal and Pork, Fresh Eggs, Lettuc e, Celery and Green Onions. J. M. GORDON Rhone 88. Cor. Montreal & Bay St.|] A ous wa conson. Owing to in the d ft All This | chase lard. price pai a this F coal Cy -- conditions prevailing Unitted St ny recessary t We will ne« tons s Are same » and give supply of coal Price. care « take > to the public ¢ i ' at . & 5 a We will pay the Highest The James Sowards 3700, 4200, 4000, Phones; Office 68; Res, 874 AAA tA A tat i an. N | 30 People -- Augmented Orchestra Monday & Tuesday More Brock { April) Cash Price for a Coal Co. : Mt sein site aaa 1 _ Eggs, dressed chickens and fowl; also Rr TE at No. 1 fat live hens, 5 Ibs or over: AUCTION SALE No. 1.fat ducks and turkeys. 2 Poultry paid for at Market Value, at », Of Furulture, Friday, Anderson hos "Princess and St. Bes i Phone 438 - 1844, No, SO Plane street, lush Parlor Suite Parlor' and Morris Tahles Bookeave ing Buite, Cosy Cor- nel Sideboard, Oak t " Bedno om Suites, Iron Ts. Mattresses, Gas Plate and 5. Blinds, ture, «to. N, The Auctioneer Telephone 252. i Sy 27th, 10 nom, t Is R aed B .t Glass Sealers, | op ERA HOUSE a RA N D CONTINUOUS - Tn 230 PM. &130P. M Daily Per formance VAUDEVILLE--2 | 2-- ACTS POLITE A Five Reel Feature Film Peggy Hyland, in "Babette." News, Comedy *hotoplays. ADVERTISING RATE J and Other CONDENSED rr Fhe Pathe First insertion, 1¢ a word. Each con- secutive insertion therenfier, half- vent # word. Minimum charge for one Insertion, three insertivus, 5 82. Coming--Thursday, May 3rd, Zhe e month, June Caprice, in "Child of the Wild" May 7, 8, 9, Billie Burke, * Ra In the 18th Chapter Hf "Gloria's GIRL Gry Romance" PRICES ALWAYS THE SAME | ------------ . Matinee 10 Evening 10e¢; A C00 AN ABD * \ny Seat C Reserved, Se Extra Wenipe hora \ CHAMBE MAID 3p Uw AITRIEISS, SATURDAY, A Til 28 MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. ply Street Railway Office nee and Night, A The Poi Treat of All Times, Charles Dillingham's Production of Irving Berlin's Big Mammoth Musi- cal Revue top! ook! isten! HELP. WANTED COON, s » OR ROOM GIRL nD. APY and Glass Co WAN BOYS ac Mo SMART Fronte Clty. MAIDS eral FOR i fospita GEN. ma KINGSTON ply to. t GIRLS FOR LABORATORY WORK, A 1 i « lum, care N. U Te cous y- \ Goon Woon. WORKING MACK vd y good wage and Glass (¢ rk DERLY WOMAN AS fou sp. Months in Boston. | ii tire $a TA 3 aT oh | One Year in New York. t This is One Big Musical Show That is Seldom Seen Outside of the Large GEN AL MAID. ONE WHO AN Cities, ences cd. Way Mat., 23¢, 50¢, 81.00. 1 w FoGid 23¢, de, Tie, 00. Seats Now Six 75¢, S1.00, 81 Sale, Prices: Evening, BLACKSWYITH, CAPABLE FORGING h specd + cel mathe tools, = ment J TO WORK HORSES April 30 and May 1 Daily Matinee, 2.30; Evening 8.15. Superfeatures Ltd., Present World's Gre t Play in ing Pictures. The MK - | Goon, SMART GIRLS, rf YE ARS or | ag v ' « | Thrills Than a Zeppelin R: Cheers than at a Political Con- vention. | any Brantford, 300 Scenes in this Mighty Thriller, = Planned to Eelipse All Othe "s. Prices--Matinee: 23¢, 353¢, 50c. | Kvenir 25¢, H0¢, a few $1.00, | Sale Friday. | | tS re Ss Bradley Com- More « Ontario > AP RHANGING Se, STOCK Id prices| work | William STILL A LARGE f r on hand at o do all Fraser, 78 ats on an i ae o GRIFFIN'S! Special - Mary Pickford Arteraft = DENTAL mA, LDS, 258 Princess street. Dn... | Phone! { E. KNAPP, Office, 652 J. LEONARD WALSH, DE NTIST, corner FaLincess and Bagot streets Phone 626. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- 159 Wellington street, G. C Dewar, D.D.8S., L.D.8, assistant Phone 345 In her Intest picture = "A Poor Little Rich Girl." by Eleanor Aso Jean lver in "One Day" Ghnn's world famous | ree Weeks" DR. DRS. t From the ping Gntes. ists = PAINTING . HOUSE ~ r \ A 20 canel to I AINTING, zo story 'The Shielding Shadow' Matinee 15¢: Evening cin ood. YOY [mamm, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMAKKS | and all growths and skin blem- | ishes removed permanently, with- out star; 30 years' experience. Dr Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose Throat and. Skin Specialist, 258 | Bago street. PERSONAL Prices: Zhe. > RIDY¥Y, & SUriRDAY | em FILURSDAY, FH TOPLAYS--2 \ we | ean ERaR mi nERRER NEES SSEaNNEEEEER EEN TV E ADVTS, COST : e times 5Uc, S AND NOVELT TY Ww Cooke, 3 ASPARAGES ROOTS, lances. taraqu NG, 41 AND 43 DIV- W.C. in 6 g and rented. Apply 41 Divis- TAMWORTH PIGS, ten dollars each when W. W. Kiel} rg, ont VICTROLA AND TWELV x own choice GENT INE - per wee PAGE SEVEN TO LET In on ne NC B.C ST. © CAMA unningham, OFFICES bers { 78 Clare | HOUSE x | 1 sahie by Ming i€ i Fr A GOLD WRIST WATCH ON -- > ens sreet Wedidie sd 182 BROCK sh, ¢ th Apply HL PART AN FURNISHED HOt SE, ENAMELLED BROOCH, ON € near Ba A y \ 05 Lt n strect ? ' Whig ( ARTICLES ADVER- ™O TNE RAS n TISED FREE anonda by. 1 g anything and ¥e Aner may facts to adver- in his FOUND ROOMS © FOR EO two f ndir A £8 v CRNISHE n The BED ROOWS: a is H house } cook horses, be ad- "column. TURE, CLEAN, own lock and | ston AGE FOR FI dry, afrv roms GOOD KITCHEN RANGE, iso ny. « cabinet. bo r = Aki 1916 REO: Eves no « an TWO BUILDING Ww NG HON, 1 < MILK vane mn You " oLn nade K ¢ BUILDING LOTS INVESTORS W son, 1e 1600 { OF TRON ne ns, Cavs \ 1 deodesleodedeolood deeded deododeodedrodeode ood foe ode foe AUTOMOBILES axon Service for Saxon Automobiles, with large stock of repair parts and competent mechanics. to make repairs when necessary J. H. Da- vis, Saxon Distributor. Bee bir Eber Ebb IPbb bbb bb 2 eb bb 3 > alnut ms of $5 « CORNWALL ORGAN, Pino, YR trument SQUARE CHICKERING SQUARE, 1 ca carved as new on 1 nmonti AROVE Andsa FOR { Lew F jelds, in "The Man 7 Who Stood Still"? Helen Holmes in 'A Lass of the Lumberlands' _ | AND COMEDY REELS Matinee 10¢;: Evening Ide TN tr + A rs sr a sn BONNER"S For clean, light work; FINEST FANCY SEEDED RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. Insist on the RED ; i Wanted learning. Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West highest wages while ~~ AA cm i J Carton. i [ a-------------- -- ---- WwW tts, Auction Sale | VV a STUDEBAKER 1 TOMOBILE Five passenger, in first class condi tion. Vivo English road ear, top buggy, ete. Market squire, Saturday | Ester Lilies, at 11 o'clock. 3pmen, Azales Nth, PEALLEN. The he Auctioneer, A SACRED C( CONCERT Proved His Hypocrisy. Wille Weld by the choir bf { An ofEer lost his leg in battle. B k [After he aad suffered amputation with the greatest courage he saw his roc Street Methodist | | servamt érving, or pretending. to ery, Church Corner Montreal and Brock Streets, in Oneteorner of the room. Friday Evening, Apr. 27. "None of your hypocritical tears Assisted hy Mrs, Camerow Wilson, vie! | You idle dog!" said the master. "You know you are very glad, for Inlnt, of Peterboro, and Mrs. Heceroft, soprano, A 'Pare musics! treat in } jnow you will have only one boot to clean instead of two." promised. Ie. All cordially welcome. At a conference of provincial and don't ferget the date. Ar lems Pesple's 179 Wellingtan St. 'Daffodils, ley Roses, Tickets Florist j military governors in Pekin, at ta | which the Premier presided, it was Conscienée tells a man when he s doing wrong. but it is too consider-! she uld enter - the war against Ge:- voted mmanimdusty that China ate to inform the neighbors. { many. Carpenter and Builder | W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts and Fit. tings. Remodelling Buildings of aM ESTIMATES 3 EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave, Se aad 10¢ J For Sate ut all Grovers FENWICK, ESD & 00, Jas. Swift & Co. riboiura, Koy Frost's Cit Quee Phone n street "LARGE I ---------- with BRON n RAR "on | F RNXISHED Un HOUSE, tversity Avenu I vavLnry, \. BATE- pr oe | VEST Friern Ww read Success f a vestors oS Gro. one cent reat Finance, are « ¥ in Free triv i wir ALL ra iccess- ] HOUSE St, FURNISHED wodbry na Ka Ma to 4 ST, WEST, rk ten water heat- pen fire- Ero nds, KRING FOR SALE OR TO LET. SOLID BRICK B t TO RENT CHEAP taken ve after 3 between CIPEANO IN GOOD CONDITION: | rental Abie par | FOR occu ration SECOND-HAND _ for cash « planog an say, Limit DWELLING HOUSE ON LOWER UN- W. Lind- no st ceenpation necess street 1 ext FIGHT ed, "w Nickle To treed me WANTED RENT AN on Ces KE « i Kingst .n ost 1 . MUST BE tt noel BOARD FIRST CLASS AND ROO ROOM, Ft fnIsHe p war BED Se is nl non An FINANCIAL Co. few be INVEST. 1863; Smith, LOAN AND let incorporated plane) IH. R stdent, W ic Issued an oity munieipal and 8 pur- FRONTENAC kle, & and farm j ties 1 { es. MOrtgag: ment bond for received ard In- RR. C. Cartwright, arence St, Kingston. camping ackle, «ete rence St ' sup Frank King- oA Noe Fishi 26 P hone 891. wrLonk Avajlable fon to POOL, LONDON AND ance Company $61,187,215 In add the policyholders have for the unlimited Habiiity of property, insured at lowest rat Before renewing ving new busine ret m Strange & range, Phone 7325 325 ston AND STORE HOU SE, IN IN village store 1 cellar: all first $1,000 to wind up G. A. Bateman, | K te AE BRICK STORE smart coun storey and class condition, an estate, quick 687 Clarence street, possible fro old PATENTS = A REN BARGAIN FOR QUICK SABRE. 1 torey stone dwelling. in & SONS, Patents trade Estab, 1877 "orm- Lxnmiper, Jaster ook "Patent Pro- tection" James St, Mont-, calls Nranches: Oogoova, Washinton. SECOND -- couches sew- FURNITUKE FINISHING pictures er ---------------- comstm-- FINISH. Ww A John BABCOCK marks. desig erly hig Office LO Laws free 89 St NEW Somes ards tables , crockery ranges Also buy ne 1-hand furniture Princess street AND dressers Mnge mac st and ing stoves and + FURNITURE Call or drop a card. Zz. streat "". LEGAL A. BN. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTE and solicitor Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston, Ler ARCHITECTS Build'ng, stree « ARCHIE MER. orner SON, Bank and Wellington [rower & chants Brock ed Moulders, Core-Makers, Lathe, Planer and Boring Mill Operators, Pattern-Makers, Handy Men and Laborers. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. Kingston 53 Ontario J a ata ag ett et et tata eat ata eae ee aa ~ Announcement Starting May 1st all coal sales will be for cash. We propose to share with our customers the hene- (fits to be derived from a cash system. Limited | J ff HIGHEST PRICES Pald For SCRAP PAPERS Of All Kinds. A: SPEIZMAN 223 Diviston Street. Ee Ec Household Furniture ... Will buy and pay fair prices, but must be clean dnd sanitary Drop a Card Te 5 J. Turk, Phone 705

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