Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Apr 1917, p. 8

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| Get This, Men ! When you come to this store for cloth- ing you get not only absolute certainty that the quality is right and the price is right-- But you are assured the very newést cut ahd style in the suit or top coat you sel- ect. Suits, $15.00 up to $28.00. Top Coats, $12.00 up to $25.00. ' ® ® 9 Livingston's Brock Street If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. # Smart Styles for Spring and Summer Wear New silk 'Jersey and wool Jersey suits, the most popular garment now being shown for spring and summer. We have a large variety in all the wanted shades and styles. Separate Spring Skirts An unusually large and attractive as- sortment of the new satin and taeffta silks, featuring the very latest style effects, mod- erately priced from $6.75 up. AA tt A NNN Lovely New Petticoats Taffeta silk, sateen and heatherbloom taffeta in the new floral styles, the correct thing to wear with the new spring suits. Priced from 98c to $7.00. A AA tA la Na ANN ~~ ALDRON'S pee THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1917 HOSPITAL TO OPEN SOCN OVERSEAS PATIENTS WHO ARE COMING SOON. ron Date About the 18th of May--Nurses' House Is Finished Used. Home in Court Hospital Trains to Be ompleted cupation J id i dif , 18 e bringing in of ital trains will be the The exclusively for 1 f e wounded ers from the such through the city 1 hospital ocean wo of oon as the these tr will run where ambulance will patients to the hospital King drive pins | and at | brose, Leona The Late J. Campbelh On Thursday o clock death bell, a morning about eight] came to John Camp well-known and successful resident of Sunbury The de lived the seventy-four years of his life fh this district He was| 1 devoted Methodist, taking an ac | interest in the church, and tary hoo! superintendent for a pum armer ceased was Sun ber of is wife vears him eleven | ere is now left to} ister, Mrs. James | six daughters, Halbrite, Sask.;| Gananoque: Mrs. | Sask Sask. ton, N Sunbury: predeaceased Colin ( I. A. Ma Leonard Ix, Saskatoon «psy Charles H. Moore, Harris, Mrs. Allen Johnston, Y Miss Ada E. Campbell and three ; Maynard -L... Thomas Mand John LD. Campbell, all of Sunbury > | Stock The Late Mrs. Burrows, Nellie Ma Rikley, wife of Dr | Burrows, Marlbank, passed away in Hotel Dieu on Thursday morning t 10.20 o'clock, after a three The dece | | the wed was o the hospital some time ipparently on the road to later taken back to her followed, however, had to come here on ago. but | recovery vw home \ and she | Muesd 1 | The as was born near i treville Camden township forty | four years ago. but resided at Marl | bank for tue pggt twenty-two years | She was an Anglican in religion Brs'des her husband, three. sor Frederick, in the city: Andrew and | Ironeus Albert College, Belle | ville- survive | The remains were taken on Thurs {dav to Marlbank, and the | | | Cén fungerat | TO HELP ON FARM | intends to Do His Bit by Work- | ing During Seeding Time. county clerk, is permission is f practical bene fit e ater broduetion Cam- | s going to ask Warden | McKnight and the County Council for permission to be absent | from his office for two weeks of seed ling time-- between May 15th | June 1st. During that time he will | go back into ithe country and take | the place of men. who uave gone over | seas. | Being a practical farmer, Mr. | Bradshaw should be of great assist- ance on any farm, and the county au- | | thorities will most certainly give | { their assent to his doing patriotic duty. : adrhaw others of avd | Being Distributed to the | School Children. taousand | for onions, beets and {in the city on Wedlesday | being distributed among the { children And Are i soed Two packages of « arrived and are] school | ATTots "| The Board of Education's> commit | : voted £100, amount in | tee, which was has de- | cided to allot th | tnmber of prizes, to he awa to | i those who win in the garden product poards: | tion campaign. Suitable judges will {be secured to allocate the prize wih-| { | ners. acute Muihausen. Paris, April 26. Swss state that evidence is apparent that { Mulhausen nray be evacuated by the | Germans. Swiss military eriticis be- lieve Hindenburg's need for troops may force the shortening of his line by atandoning the hausen wedge to the Swiss froatis by tak ng up a new line through Col- mar to the Rhine. | Germans May BE { { Thomas Findley hs been ap pointed president and general man- ager of the Massey-Harris Company, in succession to the late Sir Lyman Melvin-Jones, The-164th, 210th, 227th and 231s: Battalions, with drafts _of several branches of the service, arrived sale- ly in England. ' in Toronto receipts from fines for drunkenness for six months amount- ed to $23000. 3 {is the begt that { Reynolds, | #0 the Grand on Monday and Tues fav | matinee | train i portunity Nighting and tinting effects, combined "with a story fhat is novel, full of hu ! mer and pathos and subtly instruct | teenth episode of | manv complex situations, and is un- IDS HAVE ARRIVED | Stil | this wonderful i the i Who Stood Stilt' repaTis | Murdo, Chicago, spoke on the subject Altkireh-Mul- thay' he' good or bad," was used to J |" THEATRICAL NEWS. To-night at Grand. Friday bill an emorflona as a mother's shown jably the key- Of course there been exceptions Jut in the atrical worlgs.as in other spheres, matter, something that is the thing that attracts attention and: gets the laurels along th the stray sheckles In the way diversion makes cor entertainments € monplace, we think 1sical comedy offering, look! Listen! composed by Berlin with book by Harry B has been pres in seasons™ This is the same duction that ran for an entire year Globe Theatre, New York City Boston. Stop! Look! Listen headed by Al. B. White, Bobby: Har- rington, Billie 'Gaston, Mary Ame Thompson, Peggy and Alten and Allen, is un the boards at the April 28th, mat- that flerent nted pro at the derlined hold Grand on Saturday, ince and night. = England "Phe i pe Absolutely the motion picture in the world is "The the masterly production which comes April 30th and May Ist with a daily without one star. but siX; with not only one sensational scene, them Produced on the imaginable 1 but scores of most lavish scale wreck fer the purpose of sf curing one scene alone cost $ this tremendous production which | ran at the Drury, Lane Theatre in l.ondon for three years The stage py also had a two yrar run in Aus | tralia and was ted into other than the F with hug cess in Europ motion picture, offering as h greater possibilities effects than the stage possibly do, is a really wonderful offering It is an attraction of the g merit and enter-| transls st possible vhilities ard it has been well} the greatest motion picture in the world. At Griftin's, true the moving splendid exponent in the Mary Pickford film, "A Poor Rich Girl," which will be ffin's to-day, Friday vand Satur dav The role of "Gwen" a typical "Little Mary' role, giving every op for the Pickford pout, leg, curs and cute mannerisms; 1 are not all that enter her portraval of th: The has a art of picture new Little seen at hese Tantry School at Barris Wh p'|be in as its departure hefore he left 25.0001" lish, and was i) tion of units tH zo time during the war, s t practically eve anch of tt service cries out f men. T infantry and ar cou the mest nay Y Ted cal Corps, Forestry Dental Corps, Railw: Construction Corps will also put fo ward their best efforts & P.T. cc swor CTOSs instruction 1 on Tue ad from duty with the 1 \ , Cpt. 12. J. Kyle, who was adjuta field with vee 136th Broo Battalion retarned to ville fell, has (Canada The mav ever ne ursday morning ording to the captah France with the oth was being arrang The battalion is t of the finest that h Military or and'one front hy ttalions ste), Cl serve B dion and Pte Nin orn B talion, a « h i on We nesday afternoon from the land were transferred to Cohourg PCL 1, whol the city, left Ross, yeen convaleseing it Thursday for his home in ; Mildred Drope, irsing in Peterboro, ted for overseas service with ( and reached Kingston to-day. encaged \ A joint meting of the officers ie 14th and 47th R held in the Armouries , and plans were ecuring recruits in thie adjace home defence. The te v covered is north as iments Wednes| | uTRY CROLES Wings 1 Ly ds 1] AY n nt K under Lieut.-Col. Be from and was at headquarters on 156th, ac YW Divigion ed 0 District No th at at d on Vancouver in has been a "A of vy ed nt ar Napanee and paizn will be nd 1 Bd Jon the 14th Reziment for hor Apply at the rezimen round floc ft Open all di Phone 185 defence ffice on the \ ouries poor little ine _. ani irl. She makes good use of the op-| BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. OPEN KINGSTON BRANCH offered in the ¢lesing Gwen is lying between life and death, and lives the part in 1 way that draws every gympathy and changes laughter to tears. The avish tings fine photography. pertunities scenes, where one of Mary Pickford's perhaps the most sat every detail con sidered, in wh has ever ap peared In addition to the above ex traordinary roduction, the manage another feature picture, Day,' which comes s a sequel to "Three n by Elinor: Glyn, the The leading femi nire role of "Opal? is portrayed by Jesnne Iver. the crlebrated classic dancer and operatic star, who Tece nt lv returned from abroad The fif Shielding on the same bill clears ive make it best perhap Yaetery pietn she show titled "One to- the screen Weeks wri noted novelist Shadow" This bill will be days 'of this usually interesting shown the last three we~k At the Stramd. Stand on any corner in New York City or any other large citv of the United States and you would never that anything stood still, es the men Therefore when r about "The Man Who Stood vou are inclined to 1 age ¢ pro 8 that something picked up in | shop "The Man was Louis Mann's success, and has pictures with that he must be old curios tv triumphant stage bean praduced i wonderful . Lew Fields is clean drama, highly entertaining, instructive and chock-full of whole- some amusement, and will be shown at the Strand for the last three days of this week Comedy reels ana polite vaudev lle will also hold tae A Fine Address. The fine audience present at the new Orange Hall (ground floor) listened with jnterest while R. Me- of "The Judgment Seat of Christ," II Corinthians, v, 10: "For we rust all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his body, whether show the importance of the subject, and Christians were urged to lead such lives as would stand the search- ing inspection of a Holy God. To-night Mr. McMurdo will speak on "The Millennium," and Friday on "The Last Judgment." ------------ ------ R. B. Bennett M.P., bitterly at- tacked Hon. George P. Graham dur- ing the debate in the House on the Intercolonial Railway. Substantial increases of wages for men employed on vessels were made by the Lake Carriers' Association. » ¥ speak to-night at the New Orange Hall (ground floor) TATRA RRA it Will Be Under Manageme of Howard 8. Fol- , ger. Messrs - members « with wire Montreal pa Bongard, f Toronto connection nd New Yk Kin management Howard S in deal in al securitie bonds, stocks and 1 ire yrnections are now installed, and. it is expected t everyth ng will be complete ar for business by the first pa ext week vis, no doubt, news to the will be very plea many citizens 1 nt 1at 1d rt front, | Kingston wha are interested in deal ing in securities and, will fulfil want that bas been greatly feit f and high-class servige in co nect on therewith The name and record of Bonga: Ryerson & Co. are sufficient guara tee that all clients and patrons w , courteous and depen promp THE COMING OF CHRIST Murdo, eight Chicago, w o'clock tobert Me The subject Friday night will A They (== a or | n- d, n- in In Glory and the Millennial Reign. be "The Last Judgment and The Etern- al State.' | LAIDLAW'S= oay or Friday elling ee Bee Be Be BBB BR oameeee Fine English Sheetings No ' Charge For Hemming. Our large stock of high class sheeting representing different widths and makes, will be at your disposal tomorrow when every or- der will be hemmed Free of Charge. TOWELLING For tomorrow we will have on sale 1000 vards of a particularly goed Irish make of union linen tow- elling, 16 inches wide and worth wholesale today 16c¢ yard. Special tomorrow 12}c. i + : BB ABB BBB RRB LACE CURTAINS 250 pairs newly imported lace curtains in a range of dainty pat- terns all at last year's prices, and this means a considerable saving to you. Come and see these to- morrow. Prices 50¢, 75¢, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, and on up. CURTAIN SCRIMS A very attractive lot of new curtain scrims; also plain scrims in white, cream, Arabic and New Curtain Netts, New Madras Curtain Materi- als. New Cretonnes New Cretonnes New Cretonnes for Curtains. for Coverings. for Cushions. rere B® Be BBB BB eer BeBe Breer Br BeBe Ber Be BeBe BB GBB Brn) \FREE Butterick's May Fashion Book. Showing hundreds of the lat- est dress novelties and blouse and skirt patterns. ¢ et Be BeBe Be BB BB BBB WRB BE RRB ata Pte John Laidlaw & Son TT TTT 'Shoe Economy i i NE ETA he rb We are positive we can save you money on your next purchase of Boys' Shoes. The cheapest are not always the best are always the cheapest. the best ' The Lockett Shoe Store - EER EEA LAER SOAR

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