Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), November 27, 1810, p. 2

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vzw covrtek sim c icide omtaj laft on the turn ed door in hormam lund god be paiiod that this dri ptealioiwd a ftrong fenfaripn it that capiat in which cafe he o i 7 ijffej and apprehenfions were entertained left the 30 or 40000 im n nt refcitution of the territories acquired during tlic toulon flat vc the late war with sweden mould be ii fj ft rtble one of the nnhap- cd to death at the laftaf- him in a kneeling potoe on his wifhing the cnnvit a rrilr lit receiving no anfwet receiving no aniwer iuu iid wis greatly fucked at wsmpenpy a iort of a 1rtokeicnief and neck- a tiea to tfie gratmg g at he was quite dead and convicted at the affizes in og iitued a forged note of bank value iol atwpr- oce was refpited for the ve judges a number of a the pockets of the de- e following are copies 2nd 1 to his son ore i quit this life- which ae brink of doing and is fliall be no more in this ext god only know i deal- to you but as fa l into my mind another is atthis moment overpays 1 y r -cj- and what i hope truft h t- tf or n to hvc i ie esa to devote troja he fcufei ta which yc fc began ltfe he happy i taken no- mired f- i y acts iefaj mc nsvhj but be ret elcy tran eion of lit 4qv i think yon nt prefer i there re ncv er k- a w ind paiiintt much pnv 3 mitt when at h ifiire rrac have copied for you aim iie rffc vii find njttp improve yon on ro account 1 on ib aiiin misfortune did not happen earlier in my f they will feel the troubles and cvgnct r acutely but will be belter able to bear t than when younger this is a conlobtx the midlt of my troubles mr s the kp cr of this gaol wiil take care to fend whatever belongs to me for which he nay fiocera thanks 1 have given orders my funeral which he will fee done in a cent manner receive this as my partic ckiire that yoti nor any of the familr a tempt to come to horfham if there is fi nty left after everything is paid mr vl fend it with my clothes i beg you ill tend to this tiiy requeft and on no cofi ation go into mourning as i wifli to be or gotten with my troubles i have nth iny dear to leave but what you will diff- of as you think fit f he then mentions ihe money at arundel as in precec ij 1 know not what i fay or writ- long f of ahience is purciidicd at a dc rafcj i t the end vvc have thetrouble a mifcrf i now feci 1 am t c ijpokinw at nuly0h dread bourn it mu not v bt a crime of jiidas pray grant it me o gi the thought or never meeting again tiufe i levej is not to be borne and i truft fe a a cadful alternative death by my own hands 1 the lord have mercy on my foul then follows a very tender and alfedion- te letter to his eldeih dauo liter jane with a iter to nib wifes brother mr bernetj another epilile is addreffed to a clerrjy- r 1 who had kindly attended him during hu confinement and to whom he returns bis rrtoft heartfelt thanks and laftly a fhort but pathetic addrefs to fellow eonvi whom he recommends to wt their fate with more fortitude than he had been able to do the coroners jury having returned a ver- pnfrr 1 the body of the u as on thurfday ir- ge concourfe of com- near a crolhvay on irbie waa 3 maa of geuteel anee- r and nearly fixty years of age ed on ed hange of miniftry was expect- vigilance of sir chsiw f here with troops y would fire a fool at tfefn 1 septemter l swe are happy to inform panic iwk not oie woi our readers that the expedition from cadiz tt a vcr ftrtjx under captain cochburn has completely fucceeded the troops landed at the mouth of rio tinto between the guadiana and guadalquiver and completely furprifed the xc darembeigat moquer took 700 in- v fantry and ico cavalry the duke himfdf and a few dragoons only having effected their efcape k j mill exifting here but o l f thej fluence we frall get all the aifh fti way into places of fafety of tfci already gone and owing egier ertions made by our 1 ral keats the remainder will y to 1 scptemher 19 a letter from bordeaux of the date of monday fennight now be- fore us fhtes that for five days previous feveral large bodies cf troops to the amount of- 40000 in the whole have marched he ys that leveral thoufands of them rannot wiil not be dragged to a eec c germans ruffians and lh god furgive me if there u prdot or 0t pf tr00 hte the mercliants of bourdeaux have given up al hopes of peace with this coun try but they were confident of a fpeedy adjuftoient with america paris journals to the 8th have been receiv ed- one of theie papers hints alluding we fuppofe to the micarriage of toe emprefs that the expectations of all loyal french men had been blighted by an untoward acci dent which had befel the emprefs louifs in defcending the ftcpsof her chariot a plumber being lately employed to re pair the pipe of a pump belonging to mr bond of chudleigh found the carbonic gas from the well whirh had not been opened iince the dreadful fire at that place in i 07 io powerful that he would not venture in two miners who had been at work in the neighborhood coming by at that jnfhnt one of them volunteered to go down a lad der 19 feet m length had previoufly been ed but b fore he had flrlfcended half that depth rlil ff and funk to the bottom about 40 feet his companion followed and fliar- land we furnilh rm officer 60 r each ihip to affilf in 0 cu icm ov september to a mai i msi malta is arvived and alt 31 a ve h ter intelligence relativ oi uratgi tions the letter by the r mtaii intercftinjr details the k on the 28th of july j r 3 to parture the captain had hi j norti interview with sir john i the h maida and informed that lw on the oppofite fltore a- j of whom 14000 weiv i thrown bv the britifli i the enemys camp a i pafled that fome vzr boat df over ivith defertent- r hvals the packet lay there is in the habit offend tions enclofed in the v let on float some tl 1 eningand cajoling pater la up en thefhores of k niy expect the t m 1 voy them over to frequent wih the frer- every inftance the er put to flight p- lifli and iciha attack upon th- tetiei tht 1 c it will love your popr mother fitters a w f v l er and he lord will blels you mai tnem he s3f sj v l nv as comfortable as you can never mi i f p j f 10 l m oniid ificulries keep yourielf juft and ftone 1k v 5 pcco on ha ana you will furely be happy g i f hi ftempfdcicarteswis ndk the ropc tis3jzjf zl f n ti itc gcodnefs blefs and prote ou and ail my dear family what iittic money i have icft mr s the keeper of his place with whatever belongs to me wii make up in usicel and direct them for your mother to the care of your ancle whenever voj j c r s whico oy tt want advice apply to him for he is a hncere truder who demanded his money ivc v fi end ad wul advife you for the heft may ey faid the aftonihied moliere ye tl 2 almighty profper him and il his family your mnnw there ia forne money of mine in the hands 1 mr lane of arundel ifl could get it jr your poor mother it would be of great 1 tj d opfcrvationa mmwmj jws want mga w39 fc vfm i to between i 6 j mm r ft before hisvk iet hto s e whs drawn up nearly lifelefs aftr tl rr s- the legs hng h f 3nd tbus accoutred p hctnedecpdh w f9ff j this curious potion heard a knock at the dnor wi 1 eneo the abbt- a na r a i perion m- wo w th m l m cont to i of ad a to yo all tis near iiky js v in p mall write to him ahout it all h lpe f l h fmai1 w ynnr fakes he wd return it i m write the be fit jfe m r noc uiculars to your uncle who i know will vfe your mother for the belt forget not my lift advice to yon and never attept to vindicate my conduct in any hapeas the further the inquiry goes the mo will be your trouble may the ahnigry blefs and protect you is the fervent payer of your wicked and referable father ff r w treble treble to- his wife my ewrdear we- for the laft time 1 fliall ever call you b that endearing name forgive tbsad wa accept my p fo he happefi anprofperity of you and my be a father to he widow and fatherlefs and guide you all 1 the paths of righteou j d ah i mmyerrora he a wlningtoyou all no to glett your religious duties from that vu has iprung all mv mif ca ran from one fin toanot r till i have broiicrh- a a- weyfeif and all y r t cjf curry sway w1 me all the mfanv i h ached dur family l j i wpe god wm p fate what i i e rf your money replied the other o i underftand you are a thief thief c no thef i muil have your moncy u hn- ded very well feel in this pocket x iic money was however noc qo he found w here then faid th abbie 0 take this key o to the clofct aid op- the third drawer ii the bottom of the boofe cafe the thief opened the fe ond- ah lerive rhat alone thofe are my papery dont diftuib them youll find he moncy in the next the thief found it no fhut the drawer but the ether waited not for that ceremony but bebok hxcifelf k flight mr thki pray hut iheioo diahh he ias left it open what a rafcj of a thief j 1 routl get up in the cold an feat it dace take him thas faying the abbe jumped out of be fhut thedoor and refumed las labors foreign inteljigence nci bur he life of each was extintv zxirafl of s letter from a brittfh naval qficer da cadz eay izth augufl the ge is carried on very flowly the venciar either from the want of heavy pterfgrs tx ammunition very quiet except uijjg hen they blaze away from mata gorda batteries to prevent our boats from patting puntales point whither we fend thcm under cover of night to the watering place they unfortunately hit one of out boat a few nights frnce and killed two tea men pontales and matagordtare continu ally amufing each other the french are every day ftrengthming the latter place by the completion of different batteries and i rocks and hau many were kn men v this afr a letter fa ftatjs rhat wit no lefs than i r bad entered r as very fine i swfs p enlirted into th luty citiie hi m v were in a ragged on sunday u caraccas ha ttrv wdlcflty tneacputv andgeq miranda ii view with the noble m frem reinforcement beivnt to portugal highlanders are orde for embarkation u tne ihps at dered to be viiahtt foreign fervice bayonne- a yefterday the la ft u k hae pa fe i7 iate fe been to an alarming ount and tl d ire tilc commcrcis eld i sj ill a r ma 1 he emperor ale bder beria w moch aniety confluence tf t prhu of the times and bride wh b napnrte making in thn to would cr wu autoci dna i wllh b taparte if j fc cuitcries and f dare fay when they are all fiiiihed we ihall nothave much reft from that point vve lie out of fliell range of matagorda but not of st catharine the enemy have no mor tars at the latter place as yet otherwife vve fhould not lie fo quiet our bombs and mortar boatshave made feveral attacks on it j but have not been able to do it much dam age we mud either drilry that fort or be obliged to feift farther out the french force here including a rein forcement of 4oco that have lately joined amounts to about 9000 men a number not more than a quarter fufficicnt to reduce ca di if the spaniards here and true to their caufe we have 8oco britifh 1500 por- tuguefe and 17000 spanife regular troops on the lut of leon besides their militia volunteers and a great many thoufand hol erson in the whole a number more thr fitfficicnt to eat the force oppofed to thcm but i do not think they are prime general ciilum his popofed feveral times to atra k the french in their entrenchments but he junta are fo timid they are afraid to try the iffue rn droutt which coiif palted thro this ciff extract of a letter fji f to ftw vou 3 chriftophe is and few days ago iy decmated a who- nghty were either i as done in coiem nr tnne before with ti be i jment did not blav momlhepmir tht o st r c ar alive x h i 1 fw0lr jeem aaftssfc to em tl j- tf runntng i h- i m

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