Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 11, 1810, p. 1

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vol lj kingston upper canada gazette ft tuesday december n 1810 r- 12 a rfhrflh lyjrft sf mi romeo wads worth i a v e r c i ii v o c i f r o t n 7 rm b tm a mts m ir fffjon n l i mi t iu v riic j mi c oi tvu oimmi lit i u i c vn v tiu luvc b t i vl i rswfet drv gooi ml vyh iluy oiler or itk ea realoualu- r i ft i abbot b1sc0m rva yw rmvv1 ami ai rov opinr tor wc at liur store m lsr j vn- iimpr 4ttattrairir oy fall akd wint goods among which are the following st 3 ack pwp e il j bt- lowpricm ijroidcloth tie grccin eliife vtlvem fueil ciofhs hanois co starlet do hajtes funnels cirpetih fhfcittfr blankets pinrvvilid velvets thkkkrrs genua crc bltdnbjrfpy km jamaica spirits s croix do french l jtidy holland cin poit win l p r do nm tln- hvl byfonikin sr p rptjaiir ie ft gingr swanfjownworuelcrd risii i toiliiwc mhailies aln cumnis v 1 amriitd3 saljib fhnnel haney oira oluc r urn tare iji chintz do fringe si coton bmianna kfigutedsiikao hi b o f i d u e 3 larch soap pttr roll c i making cgfs and rappee touff ejjpr lcaiser m rncvj lij cdffkms nn plain bomba- mens ihvs ites marjcoes darants si lamis wolwoftcd i coiton hofs jj wool gloves jjw do j and blue caps patterns calicoes coaue bojts elk blue nurpe red c printed ivf5raccj fkoes sed b s youcls children du a gneral aftirtmu of h a r d w a p e c u t l c s crgccery and iron h illow wak bar lrn anvil vj 9 irfi o biitr oraw ftffl h bik ic wliitcdo cato scviui vbitj cjluid thread tap vrf uutions blk put pi- oli- fink gutt powder blown buit and ilatc shot 3r lead colorm cambiicks snvrli ipadns f mg pant nails 6xs 7 7x4 and xx io window giafa thcriiiomtcii piaicd fpurii militjiy whirocotion striped checks do ciuon shining lining puilias brow holbnd silk cissfvn ucabicllas stin- luilring taifitiest saiccncts silk ic twirt jxiiiitji y v sillc wiccr proof fhion beavci ha ts caltor roiam mens boss felt do d do fine cordtes lcaiher cnj8 for children hac fcrevs lawn h it overs flack blue tcarkts drab bfl twill- d fillc do pehlfj cloths ld es eilhionable beaver ditto cords i boincts ditto trimmings i ditto 1w priced do agenenil aitortment aifdsjjgss t vu hxrhm d si rs opodi i t gc fjfaicc peppmtihit mttjkird bur 7am ol ltumimon ifjti j scl pwwit wintlfov sxtp chinas worm c crcv- cult luf o o godfreys gordhil jefuifs j 77 drops sliver i ivory black jbhick lead churcus cowjh drops anchovies baijam honey hours ftmae pills pink root andzffmfs scutch do court pkiflir jama analeptic do lees cs mm do wbtoljusjaitn bitters imperial tooth pmakr tpjuke nnhtngs cloves snga candy fur sulphur gum camphw barhy sugar teeth jrijfnimsnu j ci owtt lancets cowman da and liverpool a frejbfnpply drugs b medicines whfc it he om for inle on better ccrms ban tltcy ever luvc beeu fold la this country 4nffg vyvj iirc- rie folkwws articles a tbiis alum ioo lb antimony crude too 300 20 i 200 arnatto aloes aauafortls ncc fortis gum camphor artthaii jes caffia cloves 3 tans copperas a 00 uk cem tartar 300c lb flor sujphur fl r cbanionjile fol dtgirilis gun ammoniac gum arabic gum atfvcetida gum benzuni gum eietni gum galbanum g um guaicum 00 50 30 ib 112 gum myrrh gum scammonyj aleppo gum thus 5 5 200 gum traacanth m ce magnefia 150 manna goo nutmegs co 200 opium peruvian bark ioo 112 jalap powderm rhulab ico sago in grain cheap store b whitney has jufl rccciv- td and is now offering for fale a very cxuniive aflbrtment of fall winter goods also hardware weft india goods and groceries all of which he will difpofe of wholtfale and retail at as low a rate as can be purchas ed iu montreal or quebec he mod cor- dally invites thoie who are in the habit of purhaiing by vvholelale to call and exam ine for them lei ves kingston im december 1810 iitf 75 5 lo go 28 25 j 30 io 1- 75 do ifi powder 3 tons giuuber salt3 75 bspermacrtci 60 tartar emeric z5 solubil 30 vjtrioi 56 tapioca 30 vcrrracilla guccgimt 300 vicriol roman gum juniper 6 do alb gam seed lac 3c00 salt pccre gun hell lac 300 pcail barley gum maivic patent medicines glafl magnefia godfrey got dial gowiands lotion hooptrs pilr3 james analeptic pilli do- fever powder jefuits drops liquid true blue do naiktcu dye lczengstou mjinti lozenges ormfkuk medicine refined liquorice steeiss opodddoc suughtorrfi elixir tinct bark huxhems turlingtons balfaa effrncc of muiurd tptnerjo cheap goods s bartlet informs his friends and the public that he has this day received and now opening for fale a large supply of goods 4 3 consisting of dry goods liquors and andarfcns phi 1 iham of honey baifam of gilead bitemaris drops i docks elixir 6w3na iilue plainer britih oil cepbdlic siiuff corn pliiikr court ticking plaiher hard ware rockery and glafs ware groceries saddles daftysei xir ltoys carrninative earls remedy far the hooping cjjgh eltencc coltsfoot do pejiermjnt do prnoyroyal el fale of lemon do do vulvar color s bloc block white chak rd do carmine iiaicc white frankfort black indian red a litluigf yctbw ichrfi h uiju rsltc no rie pik pumice scone rotten do so3fiifh brown vermillion soanifh white ia 3 sauces cherokee sauce india sy muiliroom ketchup indian ink ivory black lamp black ef anchovies quince fauce s uce royal cavice sundries apothecary fcales and pewter fyjinges wei giits camelhair pencils gaily pots in ioics gold leaf loiy syringes lozenges peppermint parent comp mortars pewter ounce mcaiures windfor foap a l s q 300 kegs white leao chocolate ground spermacetu candles 150 do spanilh brown do do oil co green do cak ravfins 50 yellow i 50 black box do aoo boxes window glafs figs olive oil affrted 6x3 7x9 currant almonds 8x10 7x8 wrapping writing pa- a general aitucment of per aflbrted slop furniture vials af mefs sc prime pork forced a variety of fur- plug sc pigtail tobacco geons inilruments pepper alhpicc on hand coftee loaf fugar which in addition to his former deck will make his aflortment very complete the whole of which will be fold at the montreal prlccsj for cafti or any kind of produce as he is now clofins his bufinefs id tljis place no credit will be given and gools will be fold lower than can be pur ebred in the province and as he is deter mined to fell all off earnellly folicits lis friends and cullomers to call and examine his goods c cash and the higheft price paid for produce j uiu wale inetviliim l u- or book account tire- reniujhd to make tinikthale pay mail kingston 0 sober i 1s10 2 tf o- saddling business eiiket teeth eruhes vial corks bottle da wafers fuperfine wax fealing fuperfine dr for wine white leather skins r fubferibers having remov- ji cd to the building occupied by mclhs abbot sc bascom refpetfully inforoi the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity tliat they are now carrying on the saddle harness 13 trunkmaking bu- liiieki in their feveral branches they have now on hand a quan tity of warranted work and their tock gomprifing alrnolt every article ufually kept in a saddlers hop they hatter themfelves that thev flrall be able to anfwer all orders for work in their line and that on as realon- ble terms for ready pay as can be purchafed n the province conftant attention to builnefc nd die qualiy of their work will be their silly cbirn upon the public patronage repairing done on the hotieft nodce c williston co kingston nov 6 islo tl gunpowder hyfon young hyfon hyfon fein hyfon chulan souchong teas together wth a general altostmofdyestuff press papers ten- ter hooks jacks c c c co mmissios business tranfaaed on the ufual terms and calh advanced on any kind of produce and other property left with him montreal sept 1 1810 i tf houfe building and painting iffe fabfc fibers herebv give notice to the inhab- r have like wife rented the new stove belonging to mrs fink li in tnujlowu where they are now opening a general affortment of drt goods groceries hard ware avd crockert d of which will be fold tmarhahty loiu for xnompt pay onlv t caoi pot h pearl aihcs wheat flour p furs gutter and checte re civcd in payment t conitaiit attendance will be pen at cadi place oulcitlum geutlemen tiie fcult atcudrd to on the ihortell no- uu i aih idkiiu put ui in lh ba an i tl iiants of kiogton emeftown adolphuilown and other adjoinng places that they intend to eoroljy the next feafon this vicinity in pmntincx houses outfit and infide patent painting of rooms c anh the bufinefs of house carpen ters and joiners their wmlc will be exe cuted with ncatnefsand difpatch application my be made at the dwelliunhoufe of mr stoighton francis pember rnforms his old cuftorners and the u public in general that he has removed lom his former hand to the hop nearly op- joiite meftrs allot ff bufcums ftore where uie boot cf shoemaking bufinefs vill be continued in their various branches orders m his line promptly attended to atd favors duly acknowledged kingston no v 2 0 l 8 1 o 9 1 f abia b sayre cabin m t- make r returns his fmcere thanks to the ladies and gertlmen of kingston or paft favors and informs them that he kill utilities lo carry en the cabinet making ii its various branches at his ihop oppoite tstti kin john toh ernef- sapt earle where corner my- be town or mrs douglas innkreper in ajolphuu ijppbed willi llockajcx biteootiuis ut s nathan wheeler tioccath bureaux bhdn tables bed- and p1cr the pubic arc berth cauthved ogairfi furcbafwg kingston oct 1 6 tslq lil a note of hand executed by the uko thsr agricultural letter from josbpb cooper efq of nenv- jerfy to a gentleman in philadelphia coopervpoint 17th april 1799 respected fr1end kind providence having placed me in a ftation of life which obliged me to pro cure a living by induftry and that princi pally in the agricultural line it has caufed me to be a drier obferver cf the works of nature with refpect to fuch parts of the vegetable creation as have come under my particular notice and have been greatly em- barrated at the opinion very generally en tertained by farmers and gardencis that changing feeds roots and plants to diftant places or different foils or climates is bene- iicial to agriculture not agreeing with my obfervations or praiee this induced me to make many experiments on that head ail of which in more than forty years practice have operated to prove to my fatisfaction that the above opinion is not well fmnded and if fo muft be extremely prejudicial to agriculture as it turns the attention of the hufuandman from what appears to me one great objc viz that of ieleing feeds and roots for planting or fowing from fuch vegetables as come to the greateft perfection to the foil which he cultivates what induced me to make experiment on that head was obferving that all kinds of vegetables were continually varying m their growth quality production and time of maturity this led me to believe that the great author of nature has io conftruc- ted that wonderful machine if 1 may be al lowed the epreition as to incline every land of foil and climate to naturalize all kinds of vegetables that it will piojuce at any rate the better to fuic them if the a- riculturillswill do their part in felecvmg the molt proper feed in fupport of which i will take the liberty of fubjoining a few facts and experiments out of an inconceiv able number which have all combi to p ire the above t my itisfaction n or about the year 1 746 my father procured thekeds ot the long vvanyiilli which have been kept on the farm ever fmcc without changing and are now far prefera ble to what they were at fird our early peas were procured from london the fpring before braddocks defeat and have been planted fucceflivcly every feafon fince on the place they have not been changed and are uow preferable to what ihey were when fir 11 obtained the feed of our afparagus was procured from newyork in the year 1752 fince which time 1 have not planted a feed but what grew on my beds and by fe- leing the feed from the largeil ilalks i have improved it greatly a complaint is very general that pota toes of ever kind degenerate at which i am not furprifed when the mod proper means to produce that effect is conltantly praetifed to wit tiling or felling the beft and plaiting the refufe by which means almoft the whole of thefe planted are the produce of plants the moil degenerated the consideration of which induced me to try an oppofite method having otten ob- ferved that fome plants or vines produced potatoes larger better haped and in great er abundance than others without any ap parent reafon except the operations of na ture it induced me to fave a quantity from fuch only for planting the raining feafon and i was highly gratified in finding their piodu5iion exceed that of others of the fame kind planted at the fame time and with every equal advantage beyond my expecta tion in iric fhape and quantity this in duced me to continue the practice and i am satisfied that 1 have been fully compen- iated for all the additional trouble a circnmllance happened refpedting po tatoes which may be worth relating a woman whom i met in market requeilcd me to bring half a bufliel of fweet potatoes for feed the next market day which lpromifed 7 town nov 20 1s10 to do but going through the market on that day previous to her fons coining for the po tatoes 1 obferved the woman feung ivch as 1 had brought for her when the boy cime 1 alkv inn the reaion they wanted potatoes for feed while they were fr n their own h anfwer waj thas his father to educr j walter i juh left for o bw dorjmcnt of lot a it w i f fvj l lb a small admukcrnor u him unltfs tltf l ctttffn ft m tbt date berrf john i krsgtobnreirriler2i p small room tight and well lighted lil ul of the u 1 the caclt oiiie oct l apply td if they did not get feed froio rtej once ii thneor four years their po wpul i be good for novhingqvi iv i ne had v k ufed the lame triea iu lelcit toes for pirating as 1 did arh 1- h w

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