Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 18, 1810, p. 3

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1 i i m t k n m ij iv l i mil il rl i rli i v n tll ini- ll vi i irtl il a vo- lf4 ii v 4 n i lirtlv vi n ill i4 il vvi i made f mid 5 i v alum uk iii1k the ir uj uijuubt- th ilriiitli navy r ar hi tadcal in cimunrftlori l i fetps wj yf vh iv- itc rjf ihjliic f frii p to 4 yrj frigate ia hv vktr five lvvirbsail iiv lliips j- u titj hi -i- 3o cutlers ari 79 lmalter l f s sdrs which there are biuld- ilt at- chi thin 3- ft laj of the iim- and in oiiiniiry cm together with a number of ev- tiv otlt r u au voieh vvih make the total of tld biiili nav utz hivw of duferent de- fcriptions an epitome of the englifh eonlltuto w enjoy the gfeateft practical political freedom in full pofieffiou of the criminal lawo england hrckding the habeas corpus ami the benefit oftrisi by jury f a cifcs pcrfonallibeity can he n- where better prutetmednor properly better fecured in n i itr ftun i jicjrr rp kings t d n oeslwy dcbkpfji i s 13 o zmmlnicat y tx ed heftafter in the meantime i have no hefitation to aftert that it is a tiflueof mifr reprcfentation and taifchood the author is at bell but ill informed on the fubject o which he profefits to treat bcv it was bis purpole not to give covre information but to work mitchif and in purhrdncc of this charitable delign he has obtruded upon the public calumnies as foi as ever fprunp irom the nlalice of a uifappointed fadlion ilk latementa can deceive nobody who knows xt the country- so confcjous are he and liis paper pmici at niagara bv mr- toleph rr c i u i u t- f j r ailociarcs ot tbls that thonoh they are uihcojiv having bv acodnt found its 1 r 1 ir t i known to correponateffoiaiiy and irenucnt- way to luiton i fee that the pub j seal ion a te of a parphet entid fc jlttr frcirn a loyalist iii upper canada to lift fiiend in wigmiio b- put ihe etutor into a prodi- gwiw paioii wlih us jaraderiilic hi-a- city he itatjs a a pronf of its demerit vlui ia ifroag ijjnnial fri its favor namc- that the agrieuitural soiay of niacra- messr- editors tht upper can- ida guurdihii of the 24th november ialt a m uij eome tc a veiohniu to purcliafe one lundred iopiei lor the pim of uscaht- j i in that dillricl wrik it mcts with iuci jiiliiuimed approbarion the gvinuli- i oay cdi it the iat fptech of deloo- ulm or niy other hard nine he plea wc wlio will take the tronbk to read k iufiad that it ulerv- no ineh appellation that th pitical principles of the atuhor ieiound and cankitnttona an 1 thnft it con- tarns coret and vahn ale ijtormition rrf- pectmg the fetlom- in and ira le 0 the prov- f the conltitalioii and ahniniilration of us government an 1 the vijns dcaart- ufcxvil and miltan v connected therewith jliere is no rcil to fe pule with mr that the title is a iviliti n one ill mi ju nnmmy b flid a dhvr o a tvient abro id on th- tuoj cl 01 lci a e- diiion ieaalahu ulilicion as the ict- fr i o j en ah by j a ivlilu fackfor efq whiiiri our coniutu- tnu i rcjjreieuted awy aamea i as vo- ifting the pubhe ku tie wcrnniiu ai ubicfary arid conupt tne courts ot jnitice as riartiil and venal tnd lk- people at huge s dilafyctstj and ripe for revjlt while tfce writer of taefc letters has occnfi nay rive vent to that iad rpation whiu fnch viked mtrepreivntattoa wis calculated to excite in the breall of every can uct man and every good fubjes he ha at th fame lime rrnfutci all mr jackfons itateineats by vtv of the taoft public notoriety and un- cnefttonabic authority j and ha- ablained iio n all pefoaaoties except fo far as they were necetay to explain aid cuieiaace the character and views ot a fcli m w 10 have labored with the mol indefatigable induilry to throw the province iuto coufulion and who without having th flgivtelt aenair tance with any part of the country on tins fide of the him d dridt have hid the impudence to acert thar in th4r ebullitions of fedition they xrsvt expreienit the fentt meats of the i habitants at targe it 15 objecvd by mr wiucocks thit the letters are anonymous but it is with the truth and tendency of a work tint the pub lic are concerned and not with the name of the author and its merit will generally be eftimated with greater impartiality whrn the writer is unknown the wit which the guardian affes to difplay at the expense of the fupoofed author is in the bigheit degree puerile an 1 contemptible and th epithet which he would definite him by has evi dently been fueiled by fome wag who wi filed to nuke htmielf merry at the edit or ahfurdity lal it is fomcthing worfe than ahfurdity in mr willcock now to ftand forth the champion of mr jaclcfon and the advocate of his pamphlet- which in the month of march lad as one of the representatives of the people he joined with every other mem ber of the hoofe of affembly fa publicly branding as afaf fcandafyus sijljitiots libel if yon have room tor the loyaliits iirit or introductory letter it cannot fail to be acceptable to your fubferibcrs falkland c s v iv difficulty yi b tlwi udo yw rrgmient has oft the denuding boats viy rew uien and one o the heft except pinrr letter for von who were heefcfore o well ac- qiiaintcd with and fo partial to upper cana- 1 k is nahnal enough to aik what changes y with fome of their former coadjutors here they have not thought it advifeable to trauimit a finale copy of this notable per formance even to their befom iiiend the author of the guardian the very few which have reached us have come through quite a different channel their object is to make an imprelucn on your fide of the atlmtic where the fnojed can be but im perfectly mderftood and where the au thors factious machinations being unknown it will not be readily fufpecleithat a man de cently connected would have the effrontery to fet b is name to a publication in which can- dot aad veracity are outraged in evey yjjc it islmpoifible however that his majcllvs miniiters can be impofd upon by the pub- lition in quettion to fay nothing of th cifacia details regularly laid before them th iciihtive pioeeedins 01 the province which areanrualiy iraidmitted for ir infpeion are fufficient to prevent any emprefllon from it i that quarter oar itatute book con tains evident marks of a cordial cop ra tion between the governor and the w i rp lentm uves and he has as little iallueace in the choice or upon t lie conduct of thfe reprcfentatives as the moil thorough paced democat could vih bl as it may be of fome advantage to the c ny that tle good people of the u lifted kiiicrdom ac large mould be difabufed sith regard to it i lha 1 in a feries of letters which 1 h addrefs to you from tim- to time difeiifs the fever fubjedts adverted to by mr jackfon and mould you tbinlc them cdeiiiated to anfwer this purpofe you may give them to the public in the mean while permit me to giveol a correel fummary of the- fituaiion of his colony ex tracked from an addrefs delivered by a fiend i mine on a late public oecafiou could you have witneffed the exprciuons 0 loyalty and gratitude which buril from his numerous hearers while their hearts glowed affent to the truth of this animated ikeschj you would have required no other confutation of mr jackfons view m you gentlemen will i am confident feel on the oceafiofi as honed men and loyal fubjects ought to feel indignant at the enemies of your country and refolutely determinedrto p- port her caufe independent of the cm- fi mon though pitverfisl tics that bind evry man to his country independent of the generous pride that mud glow in the brsalt of eveiy man to be numbered among a tion fo renowned as britain he has pe culiar claims to the gratitude and attach ment of the inhabitants of this province we poffefs from her bounty a foil or no common fertility which furnifiies in abun dance every neceffary of life we live in the moll unbounded fecurity of our perfns and property without being at any charge for our judicial edabiihment we enjoy every benefit of the beft regulated goveni- mentwithont being called on to defray any part or its expenfe every advantage which men can derive from civil lociety hath been lavifhed upon us while we have been exempt from all its burdens thefe are benehts conferred on us alone and cold and wortldefs mull be the heart on which they fail to make an impreihon extrad of a letter from a briiijh officer to a near relation in this province dated cadiz 22d july 1s10 this place has been for the lall three months beficged by the french and the can non are on both fides now roaring in my ears material injury has been as yet fullained on either fide j nor do we appre hend there witt until the fate of our army in we hourly expect 10 men and one of the l ft except thr it bro yojh regiment that are here our force conllrls of a brigade of guaids 30th 14th 87th sbtrv 2 batal- iom and cstli regiment with live compan- ea of artillery the 30th and 8 7th regim ents occupy cadiz the others are out at the iflmd of leon with about f 7000 spaniards a poor fet the latter are to form the leaf reliance on the french arc from their batteries unable to reach cadiz but can throw flklls from fort st catalina to reach the outmo hips in the bay we have a fort called puntalas directly oppo- fite to matagorda round which the french have erected batteries and that is where the firing is conftantly kept up and which i har at this moment i was down there theother day on duty wir nw iubalterr ad 100 men to repair fome damages the piench had done with thth fnells s during which time both kept up a heavy hre and fome men of war boats were pafilng by one of which they truck amd funk the crew were laved except cue man who was drovn- ti four of the erew fwam to the fort and were taken up ihe fir it man on being ta ken up had a bladder of gin m his hand and who exclaimed d n the french bggrr they funk us and i have lott a new jacket but 1 faved the gin and when ned thompfon who i fee lvimming this way arrives we will drink d n to the french rafcals a vino a caution to shopkee pers extract from av aff pajjed in the cth year of v his prefent mafflfs feign entitled k an act for ihe fummary mnmstimi of perfms fei- ling fpiriluous liquor by retail without li- claufe 3 and he it further enabled ly the author aforefaid that from and after ihe fifth day of april now next enfuin it hall not be lawful to or for any shopkeep er licenled to fell wine brandy rum and othei fpiritu van liquors bv retail to fell or vend the fame in any lets quantity or by any fmalhr mealure than one quart and if anv shopketoer or shonkceoevs hall from and after the laid fifth day of april it u or vend any wine brandy rum or other fpii- ituous liquors in lefs quantity or by fmal- ier meafure than onequarr he lie or they thall for fuch offence forfeit anci pay the ium f twenty pounds a philadelphia paper iter s ihn n k have been ilfued by bn gen hampton who is on a vi fit to charlefton s c for a detachment of the troops in gafrlfon in the harbor of that city to proceed imme diately for the fouthweitern frontiers of georgia if the above be correct we pre- fume this difpofition of the forces is in con- fequence of tlie commotion of the people of florida troy budget tiger hunting a lingular inltance of intrepidity frok place at agnata near goa on tuefday march 21 1809 early in the morning report was received at the cantonments that a large cheetut tiger had been fcen on rocks near the ha about nine oclock a number ot officers rnd men affembled at the ipot where it was faid to have been feen when after fome fcarch the anhnal was dl covered to be in the reccis of an fmrnenfe rock dogs were fent in in the hopes of harting him but without ebck they hav ing returned with feveral wounds lieutenant evan davies of the 7th re giment attempted to enter the den but was obliged to return finding the paflage ex- remety narrow and dark he however at tempted it a fecond time wiji pickaxe in his hand with which he removed fome ob- ttvueiions that were in his way h proceeded a few yards he heard a noife wilich he etnceiveil to be that of the animal in quelbon he then returned and com municated the fame to lieutenant thew of the artillery who alio went in fome diflance and was oi a iimilar opinion what courfe to purfue was doubtful fome propod blowing up the rock others fmokfng him out at length a porfi re ais tied to the end of a bamboo and introduced into a fmall crevice which led towards the den lieu tenant davie went on his hands and knees down the narrow paffage which led to it which he accomplished with imminent dan ger to himfelf and by the light he was en abled to difcover the animal having return ed he faid that he could kill him wirh a pittol which being procured he entered a- gain and tired but without fuccefs owing to the awkward utuation he was then placed in with his left hand only at liberty he then obtained a muiket and bayonet and wounded him in the loins bit was obliged to ittreat as quick as the narrow paflage would allow the tiger having forced the mnflcet back towards the mouth of the den he laitly procured a rifie with which he a- gain forced hu way into the place and tak ing a deliberate aim at his head fired and put au end to his exiltenee another difficulty it ill prcfented itfclf how to get him out required fame coruidera- tion ropes were procured but eery at tempt to reach hin proved fiiiitlefs tiii lieutenant duvies vith a pickaice in hh h l the got fuf- fioiently near to intten a tlrong rop round his neck by which means he was dragged out to the no fmall fatifadon of a nume- votn crowd of anxious fprftators he meaf- urcd 17 feet and a hall from fienofeto the tail he fubferibe meflvs livingston fultefi have com menced a third steamboat for the north river which is to itart in may or june next we underthnd that the engine for this boat is to be conftructed with the late engiiflr imptovements which give nea- twice the power with one quarter the weight of machinery and one half the confumption of f with thefe advantages it is calculated ihe will run from fix to fik and a half miles an hour public sldvertifr begs leave to inform the public that he ha jufh received and has for fae at the store lately occupied by mr a boiton the following article v rz u poitugal is decided b tepiialc wunmt fuch a hear of n mnendou jvf jgj vhtoun astl l- ittr idffca to loan iety when 1 came here laft fumme i iw the following extraordinary fucceffion of ca lamities took place loft month on board the u- nited states frhate cwfituiion captain hull in the fjiori pace of four days while captain hull was on bore at san dy hook where the frigate wan lying at anchor fix names on paper were handed to the commanding officer for permiftion to go on fuore he marked four names as permit ted faying that all could not go- it fo happened that he marked thofe of morgan and rogeis two midlhipmen between whom a duel took place at that time as men tioned in the papers and their two feconds the refult of the duel it is known was the death of rogers and morgan wounded the dead body was the fame evening carried on board the frigate and the next day with the ufual ceremonies buried on fhore while the proceflion of boats for this purpole were moving towards the more a man fell from the mailhead of the frigate and was killed in a quarter of an hour afterwards another fell from the lame place and was fo hurt that he died the next day while they were low- ering this wounded man into the cocc pit another fell backward into the cock pit and badly fraftured his leg the next day the frigate failed for the delaware and the day after while the was going up the bay at the rate of ten knots an hour a midihip- man fell overboard and was drowned whde the boats were lowering avay to go to his relief the tern boat wiih a pendant and three men in it wis caolihd and they were all immediately plunged into tjw water fom broadcloths kcrfcymcres coat ings filk and cotton velvet dimity cor duroy swanfdown and patent cord veiling white arid ptinted cottons liandanna ro- mal and cotton handkerchiefs camels hair shawls common ditto leno jaconet feededcind book mmlins cotton cambrics gingham chambray irifn linen shirting cottons brown holland lace spirits whifky tenerise and port wines sugar tea tobacco snuff soap ratlins chocolate black and purple morocco skins seal ruftet ditto shoes sufpenders olive oil sioughtons bitters camphor turlingtons balfam eftcnce of mallard lemon bergamo peppermint harlicm britilh oil opodeldoc arnatto windier soap nails hardware of various deferiptions also the following books mrs clarks memoirs janes letter ameri- can lady charles twelfth elizabeth calebs enfield b speaker school bibles teitaments webttersspeliingbooks oil- worths ditto befides feveial articles too te- dious to mention the whole of which are of an excellent quality and will be fold at ths molt reduced prices for cah h c thomson kingston dec 1 8 l8lo 13 tf masonic the brethren of lodge no 6 an cient yorx masons propofe to attend divine service on st johns day at eleven oclock and afterwards dine together at the kingston hotel any brother ir tending to favor them with his company will pleafe to fignify the fatirio mr walk on or before the 25th imr dec 11 b lank halfpat bills to

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