Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), January 22, 1811, p. 2

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eclical ar could bta dvly vie er difortfev fean to gain kpsai five was cgi4irt6is for her ejrganre aul ik ik exalte however and fell the refoinces of its fatal hour h ground in an alarming rnannci upwards vt tmytr ago and when tfc frft jnbilee of his majcftywaaeckbraicd fee wa lying on ihe bed officknefs wiih but littfe hopes 0 recovery towards the middle of lad fum after however be regained itreigfh enough to fit up ir her apartments and to take a abort walk into the garden about a month go her royal highnefs was attacked with st anthonys fir c e which brought on a relapfe which has afforded her an opportunity of displaying the noble chriftian faith and for titude during weeks of prolonged agony uncheered by any ray of hope duiingthe lafl few days her ftrength had been rapidly waiting away and flie clofed fetr zft as we have already itated as in a kindly fleep the remains of her royal highnefs will be interred about the end of next week and in the mean time the tbeattefc and other places of public amufemcntwiu be cloftd a gen eral deep mourning wiij commence to-rror- row fennight and be continued iix weeks after which the ufual changes of hali- mourn ing c will take place kings illness november the bulletin yefurday we lament to ftace was much lefs favorable than the bulletin of ihe preceding day but med ical men we undedhnd fay that in this malady it is not unufnal to have a rclllefs night follow a calm and tranquil one af ter feveral flteplefs nights nature becomes exhaufted 5 but a few hours ileep feem to be fulhcient to give her hrengtij to endure the fatigue of feveral fuceeffne nights of reftleffncfs in the couite of ycfterday lee ches were applied which it was hoped would abate the irritation a groom arrived from windfor lail night whole account was that his majefty remained much the hnc as whet the bulletin was fent off this morning a great number of peribns made enquiries yef- terday a the palace and were evidently much affected at flttdiflff the bulletin to be 0 different from that of the preceding day 2d edition the bulletin of today is we rejoice to fay more favorable vnun cilex- dav it is as follows av windfor cajllc november 7 his majefty had more lleep iait night and continues full a9 well as in any part of yeiterday signed by the phyfcians after the return of the chancellor of the xchequer from windfor on monday a coun cil was held at whitehall the refult we find by the following extracts from the ga zette of iait night was an order for the pre paration of a form of prayer to the almigh ty for the reftoratfon of his majeftys health which in the infinite mercy of heaven we truft will be gracioufly and indulgently heard u at the council chamber whitehall the 5th of november 18 10 prefent the lords of his majellys mod honorable privy coun cil tacked and routed the infidels with greet daughter the tnkifh fleet in the black sea ha been driven back by the itrong cur rents which generally prevail in that lealon to the month of thechannel ofconltantinople mqft extraordinary procedure wo give the following without comment the very resectable merchant who favor ed the editor of the commercial adver- tifer with a imafiated copy of this notifi cation will accept our fmcere thanks for his friendly attention translation hamburgh nov 4 18 jo pubijcandum ft having been notified to the fen ate of this place by the french military admmrl- tration that in confequeree cf an imperial decree dated 19th oober 18 to all pro hibited eglifh manufactures bftglife mer chandize proving to be englim matfuanrcj fhall be feied and burnt in the hanieatc towns and that in order to carry into ettedt this decree a beginning mall be made to morrow the honorable the fenate foiicit every cit izen and inhabitant of this placein the moll fatherly manner to fubmit to this unavoida ble meafure in order to kffen the calamity of the learching of houfes to deliver them without dbfttnacy and in the mean time to rely that the honorable the fenate not lets upon this prefent aiilising fituatiori- will leave nothing unemployed in order to pro mote the good of the citizens fo far as it may be within the limits of their power and as every commotion and obftinacy would inevitably prove fatal in their confe- quences to country and town the honorable fenate admonim every individual quietly to fubmit to the faid meafure with the warning that every contumacy will infallibly be pun- ifhed according to the feverity of the laws in addition to the above very extraordina ry notice we are authorifed to ftae that the gentleman who brought it to thid city left hamburgh on the morning of the 5th of november at which time the officers were gathering the goods for the public connv gtation newfork p extra ft of a letter from jffavanna to a game 77i an in charlejhn dated nov 2 1 the late and prefent unhappy diftu- bances in mexico you will have been ac quainted with and although you fhouid hear of the viceroys having drawn out all hs troops given battle and routed the infnr- gents wih great fh tighter yon may r ly upon it that they arc not quelled but only checked and retreated seven regiments have gore over to them and r fpoufed their caufe their force is computed to be near 80000 men but badly armed the late of things there is truly alarming i hope and trdft that altho the eruption is bur ting all around us divine providence will belter and preferve us here from evils of fuch mag nitude duces in thefe two q aasce o nd with this lat which pro- alters ot the globe er- fcs fo different in iheoc tle ymkal rays cf the fun are impregnated with a van- ay of different fubtiance in whim water predominates and in the othei the folar beat is iaereafed by the diynefs of the air llat it is the influence of this opmon upon our moral fentiitients and ideas that routes my greatelt indignation the moment that we begin to fuppofe that mankind are composed of diftinft fpecies that moment our moll noble and fublime conception of the human race h extinguifhed we no longer difcov- erin every individual whatever be his color or his language a child of adam a broth er a peifon of the fame feelings and of the fame natural powers with ourfelves though differently modified by peculiar circumftances and habits that grand and affecting idea which represents mankind as one family one hlobd branching from onr primitive ften is loft in the narrow and degrading thought that like brutes we are of different fpecies lhat unity of plan which now appears to lave acwted ue deity in creating man is otally loit that unity o beautiful fo excellent and fo endearing we had fup- sofed that only one kind of human feafon was soffible on earth and that god had given fe only to one fpecies of national bems- jiit we are now told that we have been m aketfi that the different fpecies pofftls dit- erent degrees of reafon and tliat the one pafleisng the ftronger under landing fliould govern the reft awav then with the beau- ful delufion that man the favorite of nature ras originally the fame poffeffed of the ime corporeal and mental pcwcrs capaoleof rq uiring the fame ideas guided by the aaie motives diflurbed by the fame pafiions able to the fame errors educated in the lame aiverfal language and traditions and glean- ig initructions thro fucceflive generations i mould be unwilling to believe that there c diitinct fpecies were the arguments in- c becaufe it leffens ihe dignity jjf man ic ciwtracls onr moral influence difflves that unity of rffeclions and of r trlach a common origin renders fac- ej and it feems to militate again ft the juf- m of god for if fome of the fpecies have njjjfrc fenffbk organs and a more lively imagi- poion if their pafsons are ilronger it pro- ac tion ar their judgment is weak and if on rnccunt of this fmaiier portion of rcalon they erft be fnbfervient to thofe who have a grcat- lcj5 but wl pofftfs more obtuie organs 1 r 1 i it ulb c loluhicu cgmarion wiu he made rnifeiable by their rulers who can never rfafnafoe their pain f- how much more beautiful is the account of the creation of man delivered by mofes here we have no different fpecies from adam and eve all the human race proceed nt llrtfe of yor corrfnrdrrtu who irvoe r tkawrej to mtt iu m to informed en l fubkei a ih mjtivej end ttw icing fomctmc in died zuiib the yhlfnare i feel no fnali ap- v prelirnftn when frejlming to differ with the old qtyfhkrs ghf my cwfdence mil not pennu me to fufrio a jtabe dffinfoti of opinions fo j cor red without iitteiffpifcg to rrfuu them jff ful i hjefor the intfolgeme of the candid if on ihecnireiry my arguments pove at all eon- wtirifigi fidcndy promif myfelf the thanks and good will of that portion of the commknjlj who have nothing elfe to give money sire u generally cjleemed the great good whoever ihen increafes the ufual mo dicum of that good ly theftmple rfjiflance of a vianufasuretljhirt tcil or worn out pocket hand- kerchief is entitled to the gratitude of all who fhall experience its benefits this i eonfider my putfor though in eluci dation it is by no mans my intention to attempt to refute all the ridicrdous objections that have been urged cgainfi his highly ben rfcial idea in fad many of them are fufjicienrly null in ihtm- f elves as not to adnit of any for tnjlance one correfpondent fagaclbufty prophecies the total i of s of all our fpeeie and in almqjl the fame fen- ten ce vehemently infifls that we have little or none to lofe others feel apprehenfivc of being inundated with counterfeits of what they are equally appreljenpve zditl he worth nothing- 7 hus it is meffrsi editors when men will not admit the coruf cat ions of their neighbors intel lects to enhghen their own more raglefs facul ties thofe who apprehend that of the prop 0- fed infitution the m u 1 1 u rn in pa r v o wilt be fol lowed by a general piecemeal in carvo fly the bye mtffrs editors ijhould perhaps explain why i fo frequently inteilard my labors with cl a jical quotations it arfes from motives of policy they h7ve certainly a wjl irepefng ej feci upn thofe who do not affect to vuterjlmd them and thofe who do are gcaetally wilis to allow that they are extremely appaftte faring othcrwife to le called on to explain them ought ha to fcrgei what jhonld indeed be a primary eonfider ati on with every patriotic mind the en- uraiii advantages whuh would ly adfarr- coura n lyflartirg afrejh be afterwards off red to mer it and abilities of every defcripthn wlbt mefrs editors raifed republican fret to her aflonjhmgp and as it hus proved fenny founded gicainefs but the very dtrawft allude to all advent ttiws advantages were at an end and t very office hi the ft ate was m cw- ftquence filled by thofe only whfe fu ferior edil ty ecu id obtain it why therefore jhnald we dtp- pair f wt will hitter tyfthet tfr ttin rl rut oj wew tv are at lefi tjeir equals aadwlj fhall prcdih what may bcthz iuuscoafcegp or at what height our oruccicj graeutcur may animated by t his f educing hope j will ven ture though ifwccrety affureyou it is with all ihe humility in my compfltion to fubjoin a few hints to thofe of cdr fellow citizens who may be dctions for the iii ft t the grand it is this day ordered by their lordfhips that his grace the lord arehhifhop of can terbury do prepare a form of prayer to al mighty god for the restoration of his ma- ycf health the immediate caufe of his britannic ma- jehvs indilofitiou 2 id to arife from the following art img incident the pnnceft amelia whhing m leave her royal father fome memorial of her duty and affecri- miscellany e for the kingston gazette ffuage and different manners j bu characteriftics arc ft ill the fame the more engaging acts of humanity are known to the molt uncivilized they know the duties of f and file language of the pafiions abundant are the proof thac wimi the lame attentive cultivation thofe nations which have been declared inferior are able to ac quire fupenor light and inform at it u to riie men who wihw to degrade them indi- tks great prevalence of fceptical opin- jiduals have actually attained the mod pro- reckoner no 4 sed tu vera pufa curt us cud fentit et ambo scipiadjt f suld fabrkius mancfjut camilli jvlenal ioi caufed a ring to be male m which was in- ferted under a cluyftal a lock of her hair and on the infidc her name with the iufctip- tipn remehber me on his majeflya ma king his ufuai daily villt he approached the prineefs bed and held out hh hand to her as was his cuftom her toyal highnefs em braced this opportunity to put the ting on her fathers finger without faying a word his majefty was perceived to be extremely agitated by this affecting occurrence advices had reached gottenbnrgh from st peterurgh sating that the french minilter had applied tor permiition to march 15000 troops through the rufiian territo ries into sweden constantrnople sept 8 the fol lowing ex traft of a report received from the grand vizier has been pubjifhed in this cap ital at the beginning of the month rie- jael augufi the ruffian army which befiegea rudfchoek formed in two columns com menced at 7 in the morning a general affault on the outworks and bullions of the fortrefs the enemy found means to penetrate into ed filled with his flam and the number of heads cut off amo mts to 4000 a general feveral majors many other facers and 250 rank and file have been taken prifoners ualik ph ivhocommanded one oftbewingsdc- taehtd to relieve the fortrcfa fell in near bcle in the vicinity of rudfchuk with an tnttsvfi corps compofed of 7000 men at- j uitaua lo penetrate in two work- but was immediately repulfi with immenfc lofs the ditches were a ions may be very juluy attiibiited to a nar- rownefs or mind incapable cf fublime coicep- tions or of extenfive uievvs and reaiavto con fided any thing beyond- its own limired circle erroneous and abfurd among thefe opin ions that which denies a common origin to mankind and becaufe fome phyfical dif ferences have been difcovered between diftant nations declares that they are diftinct fpe- cies appears not only ridiculous but perni cious the adherents of this opinion have been told to their con fu lion that as you ap proach the line from the extremities of the temperate zones you find each nation pof- f fling a darker hade till at length on the african coaft near and under the equator the inhabitants are entirely black afgttfift this it may perhaps be mated that the carri- bees were not of the fame color tho linnr in the fame parallel of latitude but the cli mate of ijlands differs from that of large con tinents the fea and land breezes and the dreadful hurricanes and rains frequent in the weft indies mult have a very confiderable efieel on the animal frame nor will it af- fift thofe who argue for different fpecies to fay that the american nations under the line are of a very different color from thofe in africa for the foil and furface of thofe two quarters of the globe are very diflimilar america is not only interfeed with immenfe chains of mountains in its warmed climates but fo abundantly watered that the air be comes dangerous to man from its extreme moifturc africa fpreads out into faidy plains of immenfe extent with hardly ft fa gle drop of water on their whole furface it is not heat alone but the different luh- found knowledge of the aits and fciences the m oft correct and fublime notions of reli gion of the facial duties of individual rights and political inftilutioiio- we who ae clirifliars have a new ground tcx calling all mtu our brethn n they are recognized as fuch bv onr hkfltd savior him- kit the religion which ire taugb calls upm all its followers to exert their abilities and iu- ren qj god bound together ty themoft en dearing ties and eftablifhes forever their nat ural equality it k ieceifanrly employed by the piactice of all the virtues in join- ug ihem more clnldy together till they become one family in reality the irildnefs the humanity thz harmony the mutual af fection which it inculcates produce the molt beneficial effects and rnufl ever counteract the narrow opinion that we have been com bating aschriftians then we mu recog nize the coppercolored indian and the fable negro as well as the fnirlkmncd eurooean ior our brethren they have a fouls to be faved j they are all capable of iuheritino- tl pro miles lib ki recommendation ij that a gewrner be appoint d to f slide ovr the crieem of the proved banks wito fulpoioer to xttcreafe the prof rs jhtndd thy not a- mint to titet7 per cent id 9 bat a feleel committee le chnftn and bvuened with the like ful power to decuc upon ex tfc tendered in lieu of fubfcripthn payments they jkat a i jo be au- thorifid tofanc n raatiry lift of fulrjcrrbers begin ntpg at tbj bottom tvitb ttofe then pay nothing yl flat no rejpurifibu juferiber atcr bavinf famjuj all other d mndi vpon the eavk hull be cwiioidto pay more than a reaf enable deircnd for marcgtmcnt or clerks fdfarics tb thaiatfvm as the tcboe nattbtr cf fuhfcribert an afcataned directors fiatl le ctofenf m atn rgst tbem and no pet fon fhall be eligible tabu not ratable of writing bu vvi nme lgtly cr in fuch a manner at to prevent mifaaes amor ft st be clerks in the d count atb tbat a petition heprcpteddurirg the erfulng cjf f parliament pryttg that no foreign tracer jkad be etlcwcd to txptrt o greater bulk in fpeeie than be im pris in goods 6tb that no tite draft ot filigntmrfbalbc difounui at this dank whkb docs rtt fifp ar likey to be pid iittlefs th profit allowed he fuch a to in fame degree recor cite the airs to the top f the principal jtb tkm a ccntribufhn be railed for be fttpport of the mnor xkbidtrs until tfo prop fed wterejt is rt sth via to prenext counterfeits t a conch lkentjt of ivli la engraven w cab of ibepltes 1 rematn tov tjfe e5v absalom randy for the aisgstox gaistte fi bigarl here is monfeur tvnfin cot ajain not unlike the rofchle vmis v32 erty or to rcf tad for us to deprive them of iniir ufc to them thofe proofs of kmdiwft 8c brotherly love which bind tbciety together a to defert the banners of chrilt ana to forfeit owfcope of fat ore felicity or the km ixrott gafstfi rbztorb abvr mm you correfpondent the gbofi of m wlard after a whcs ablence hjs again nude his a pp aoparen y whh a full deceminaun to hont os o 0 h giuund wc liave choien or ihe iceue f cor tv tuie operations having fo- lately bidden ns adieu his fjildcn ietus was conferring on bi poor mortals an honor as unvvel corneas it wis unexpected and whiteter raikkaj tinn it may artird him oe nrre lo engage in fhc t f of a tvorfd to which he his be n lj long a fh imghoftihip is entreated to lemejnhei rhftt obtrude ohea fejj into any lociety 01 unakej roi- terfcr in ihe difcuiilon of a oroiea with rhe locck p itnl5 k uuojiriliiijulc in il j m a m in a in tiat a cuntcic whh f d tnjble anadvcrfary more tiunacnjent awutlefh jb- t w 4 pkjea with rhe r failure nf which one cm pmiihly have no tont h a folcllm in pjtenelil unoarumuble in c a 7ifi v n 1 v v t r r rjihmr if r t rhe lt ofa human l r ti k f j tmrted w ith the importttnte h wt of ihu tremuing at tb inrful r i- hvhhg qitrflian faefy mtttled v vw i kjrc qi cm ih imtaulti i- of us i have mentivf fn u l t0n ytw nt rr ath j 1 in cow n

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